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Wii Fit


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Can you not see that the balance board is an amazing bit of kit with insane amounts of potential?

It has potential but I'm not sold on potential I'm afraid. =/ It has to at least prove it's a worthwhile investment.


Can you not see that if people wanted to do some exercise but didn't have much spare time or couldn't afford the gym or felt to embarrassed to go this would be a great alternative?

Fair enough. Personally I wouldn't pay for it though. I'd be much more of a fan of free exercise. :)


Can you not understand that some people like new experiences and there hasn't been a game like this ever?

I'm sure people like new experiences and all but again I can't really understand why they'd opt for this over something that was a little more of an experience. :heh:


For me I want the board. I want some motivation to exercise and I am so effing bored of playing the same games - I love and crave new gaming experiences, however brief or gimmicky some people think they are.

Well good on you then. Personally I wouldn't be all that motivated to exercise just because I spent money on it. I'd still be a bit lazy. I'm glad to see you're open-minded and willing to try new things. I tend to be a bit conservative as I don't like to feel as if I've wasted money.


I mean my housemates who play the 360 all the time have played games in this order - Gears of War, Ghost Recon, Bioshock, Halo 3, CoD 4, Rainbow 6 etc They're good games, but god is the experience getting samey and boring!!

I can see where you're coming from alright. I find the repetition becomes less notable if I take a couple of weeks break from games though.

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I mean I have a 360 and PS3 too, they have some great games, but I've become a little jaded with gaming and I'm much more into fun, imagintive experiences. I'm loving Wii controls and loving all these new concepts on the Wii and DS.


I suppose a few years ago things would have been different but I'm lucky enough to be able to buy pretty much whatever I want so the money factor isn't a big deal, if it looks good then I'll usually get it and don't feel ripped off if it's short as long as I've had fun.

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im looking forward to wii fit and other software tht will come out and use the balance board. my total gaming ways have change. i bet a few year ago id a thought sumat like this wud a just bin a gimmick but now i enjoy playing games wi people instead a playing a long winded rpg wi mi mate sat aside a mi wtching. the wii has changed gaming forever i think

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My mum does extras/small time acting and shes just told me shes got the advert for wii fit :yay: :yay: she reckons it helped when the nintendo rep asked who had actually played on the wii and she was the only one who could say she had and she loved collecting stars in mario galaxy and was working through resident evil at the moment killing lots of leaches :) apparantly impressed them haha ( shes 58 )

Shes gonna be either a lady that Plays Yoga on it or in a group of people on a sofa messing around playing it .

I know its only a small thing but i was really pleased for her :smile:

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My mum does extras/small time acting and shes just told me shes got the advert for wii fit :yay: :yay: she reckons it helped when the nintendo rep asked who had actually played on the wii and she was the only one who could say she had and she loved collecting stars in mario galaxy and was working through resident evil at the moment killing lots of leaches :) apparantly impressed them haha ( shes 58 )

Shes gonna be either a lady that Plays Yoga on it or in a group of people on a sofa messing around playing it .

I know its only a small thing but i was really pleased for her :smile:


awwww, congratulate your mum for me! Thats really cool! : peace:

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Wii Fit GET



So I finally got around to playing Wii fit, and I must say that it has me in a perplexed state. I played with it for one hour, and while I broke a small sweat I blame it on the sunny weather and not Wii fit.


Wii fit is a great tool for becoming more body conscious for those of you who need to watch your weight. Me on the other hand is the the type that is closer to being under weight than over.

And although I really enjoyed my first hour of fitness, I doubt that wii fit will keep me interested over a longer period of time. Normal games keep me interested with a goal I need to reach. If I where to set my self a goal in wii fit it would be to gain 6KG, and that I can't do with training alone.


The training games in wii fit where all simple and entertaining. I felt my heart rate go up and some of the exercises did feel tiering. But so far it's far from the training you would get from going to the gym (if you ever did go).


Wii fit could help me so that I'm more active and get a better posture. But with no real goal to reach I think it will be hard to stick to the program. Non the less, I'll do my best. I'll try to gain some muscles and tone my body. I'll use Wii fit and some weights and see if wii fit keeps me more motivated than normal. I'll try to update later and tell you if I still use Wii fit.

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thought i'd post this for those that havent seen. It's from a guy who has been using wii fit for 7 weeks. It's gonna be the most accurate review. Can't play this game for a week and expect anything in weightloss terms.



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thought i'd post this for those that havent seen. It's from a guy who has been using wii fit for 7 weeks. It's gonna be the most accurate review. Can't play this game for a week and expect anything in weightloss terms.




Pfft, lost half a stone in half that time. Although, makes me wonder how much more I could have lost with wii fit in there too.

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Pfft, lost half a stone in half that time. Although, makes me wonder how much more I could have lost with wii fit in there too.


I lost 2 stone..in god knows when. Quite proud of that! Well done you though!


: peace:

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Pfft, lost half a stone in half that time. Although, makes me wonder how much more I could have lost with wii fit in there too.


i think the pics say more. He wasn't overly heavy andreckons he's gained muscle mass which of course weighs more than fat.

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i think the pics say more. He wasn't overly heavy andreckons he's gained muscle mass which of course weighs more than fat.


Yeah I gained [more] muscle mass before I lost the weight, which throws my BMI way off with it saying im obese (trust me, im nowhere near that) and thanks for the complement Owen!: peace:

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thought i'd post this for those that havent seen. It's from a guy who has been using wii fit for 7 weeks. It's gonna be the most accurate review. Can't play this game for a week and expect anything in weightloss terms.


It's a very inspiring read. I haven't got much weight to lose, but I could use some more muscles and better general fitness. That article removed the doubts I had after reading the NGamer review.

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