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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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Where are these amazing reviews?


Of course it will get good reviews, because Mario Kart standards don't really slip. But they don't take originality into account.


from Eurogmer, who gave the 'easy-to-give' 8/10.

'Well - mostly. Mario Kart Wii is very similar to its immediate predecessor, Mario Kart DS, considered by most to be the strongest Mario Kart since N64 days at least. But it has made a couple of controversial additions to the fifteen-year-old formula: stunts and motorbikes. '

amazing additions.

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Yeah that's why other than the Edge review it's been nothing but amazing reviews!!


And theres LOADS more to Mario Kart Wii than there is to Wipeout HD, it's just a completely unfair comparison!


LOADS is overstatement of the year...

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And theres LOADS more to Mario Kart Wii than there is to Wipeout HD, it's just a completely unfair comparison!


WipEout is a great example of a skill driven racer that gives you goose bumps just racing. WipEout Pure is a masterful incarnation and highly deserves an HD version, with features that will actually change the experience. That sounds like a good prospect to me. But to people who already own the PSP game, they might not be that bothered.


I own every MK game there is, I'm not that bothered. Get it?


MK:Wii is knee-jerk reaction, quick release, watered down edition (with mandatory, superficial updates) marketed at the thousands of people that have never played MK before. I'm not one of those.

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'So the two vehicles are unbalanced, then? Nintendo would say no. To compensate for their crafty one-wheel antics, the bikes' drifting capacity is curbed at blue flames. No matter how long you powerslide a bike for, you ain't going to milk a speedy red flame from its engine. Is it enough? Maybe not. The difference in speed between a blue flame and red flame boost isn't really great enough to warrant labelling the kart's extra drift reward as compensation.'


'"This is not your father's Mario Kart." So proclaimed Reggie Fils-Aime when he unveiled Mario Kart Wii at last year's E3. And yes, with bikes, tricks and a heavily modified drift you'd be forgiven for believing him. Just half an hour of play, however, reveals that same old game running underneath.'


'An extra four karts - Mario Kart traditionally uses eight - ramp up the chaos within the lower ranks, but the ease with which you can glide away means you'll only ever spy the congestion on the map. And an extra four karts means an extra four loads of items chucked about - so thanks, Nintendo, for a remote speaker alarm and onscreen warning for approaching items. Seeing exactly where an item is travelling improves avoidance odds, though DS fans will miss the comprehensive map the bottom screen offered'


This is the sort of stuff I was talking about.


(from computerandvideogames.com)

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For shame Tellyn... for shame :nono:


It wasn't my fault! His mum was stood next to him taking it seriously. It was like Rocky. She was stalking about the store before it started, acting jumpy, then started going over all the fine details when the MKWii girls came out. She even snapped "Will they *referring to me and my friend* be interfering with his lap time?!?!" :( I wish I'd beaten him just to show up his mother, who continued to give us dirty looks until she left.

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'You haven't played it'

Well tbh I don't think I need to, the previews say it all for me. Everything that shouldnt happen to MK just did.


just to ram home:


'How ironic that, just as we cross the finishing line, Nintendo should fire off one of their patented blue shells and stop us in our tracks. While playing the game we failed to find the option to turn off AI karts, leading to the unpleasantly crowded races outlined above. Turns out the option is in there, squirreled away amongst the many menu screens (and, boy, does this game love menus).


So, with a press of a button all the problems are cleared up? Yes and no. It's great to race without interfering AI, but at the same time, this is a game clearly designed for 12 players. Track design and arena size reflects this, and without those extra 10-8 heads (depending on your local multiplayer) they can seem a tad lonely - you don't need all that space for four karts.


And balloon battle? It still stinks. Meddling AI is but one of many criticisms of the mode, the balloon battle we know and love has been properly gutted - the last man standing survival element replaced with a score points against the clock event. Lose three balloons? You jump right back in with another three. AI or no AI, this ain't right. Apologies for the AI confusion, but the score stands.'





Anyway, TellyN, was the Wii wheel good?

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Sounds like something out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Classic.


It actually was. It was like Violet whats-her-name and her mother.


Anyway, TellyN, was the Wii wheel good?


Yeah. I think it'll take some getting used to, like the arcade version, as you need to adjust yourself to the sensitivity.


I'll post hands-on impressions on the main site tomorrow or Monday.

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Who says the online wont suck balls this time too? And what "expanded features"?


Mostly talking about online, better lobby system, more players racing online, more items, courses. From reading things so far, i'm pretty it'll top the MK DS online system.


Fun? Lets talk about fun shall we... how about the fact that I can still have PLENTY of fun with all of the other MK games that I own.

I'm not denying it, I still play the older versions of Mario Karts and still have fun playing them. I'd prefer to play with 12 folk instead of four any day though. That would be more fun to me. Also you sound to serious here so far. I'm just saying that from the sequals Nintendo do, MK is still getting more added to it like other games, though some games that do create sequals for, doesn't have a whole lot added :heh:


Also the other game franchises you mentioned. Mario: The gravity, pointer, motion controls, new characters, fantastic fresh design, new major character, brilliant new power-ups and an ass load of new gameplay mechanics did make a huge difference.



Mechanics is pretty much the gravity, that had the biggest influence in the game. The game could of been made without the pointer and motion controls though, the new characters didn't make a big change and power-ups are usually added in new Mario games. I'm not slating the game or anything for one second here, I love Galaxy.



Zelda: OoT added in a hell of a lot of features and gameplay due to the intro of 3D and the creation of the 3rd person targetting system. MM used some of these mechanics again but each of the masks added a lot of new stuff to the game, not to mention the fantastic of event based gameplay, allowing them to CRAM Termina with content and personality. Lets not forget that although graphically similar, it had entirely it's own feel and mood. WW was a very good move, graphically completely different; Link had quite a new personality, new fighting mechanics, boat was interesting, some really good dungeons but the personality of the universe just shone. Starting to get a bit repetative with the weapons already though. Then comes TP. Massively overhyped and had very little new in the way of features and personally I felt it was quite empty compared to most Zelda games. Almost all the same weapons with a few worthy mentions but the mechanics were EXACTLY the same as all of the other games. NO new puzzles and MEDIOCRE dungeons, the crux of what Zelda is about! And the wolf? Definition of 1 trick pony.


I'm not even bringing OOT into this, it was an obvious jump from ALTTP and still is a fantastic game. I'm only talking about the 3D games since the N64 era. In Zelda, you still go to temples collecting things depending on what the story is. Each Zelda game is always (and hope it will) feel different. MM stood out from OOT because of the urgency and tension and people knew they would be doomed and WW, offcourse was different to due it's art style and cel shading so it made the game brighter. But in all the Zelda games, you still travel, go to temples and save the day, though the feeling is different.


I could criticise the Metroid franchise similarly but even with similar weapons they still manage to pull fresh puzzles and gorgeous environments out of the bag EVERY time.


Yea although that's true and I didn't really mention Metroid. What was added to make it Prime 1 different from Prime 2? And what we had the pointer for Prime 3 which was done well, but the aside from that it was pretty similiar to the other Primes apart from the environments, which is a given for any sequal anyway. And to note here, i'm not saying it's bad that sequals sometimes stay the same, I like it that way. Aslong as I get immersed in the game and enjoy the experience, i'm a happy gamer.


So what are you saying Shadow? That MK is stale but not as stale as all of Nintendo's other, completely stale series?


I'm not saying any franchise (apart from Mario Party) is stale for one second. I think you misunderstood my post. The point im trying to make, MK Wii still has additional features added to it and some are being expanded which will give me a different experience from other MK games, just like other franchises, apart from Mario Party...

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But Shad, those games are expected to hav small changes, yet they're enough. MK has been doing the same old thing each time with a couple of gimmicks. What makes Courruption acceptable is that its part of a trilogy and has the PED suit mechanic.

MK can't do this because there is no story and there have been a lot of entries.

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Its a new Mario Kart game and this fact alone makes it a must have for me.


you see I would have said that in previous generations, even this to some extent when it started...the only reason I got a Wii was because I couldn't bear the thought of not playing the next Zelda (ok so it did launch on cube to) and the next Mario...but now its just not enough...

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Being fair to Edge I think Double Dash deserved the poor score..


yeah true they derided the series in that DD review sayings its become more a party game and less of a karting game, which is fair point...the wii version has done little to proof it is any different...

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But Shad, those games are expected to hav small changes, yet they're enough. MK has been doing the same old thing each time with a couple of gimmicks. What makes Courruption acceptable is that its part of a trilogy and has the PED suit mechanic.

MK can't do this because there is no story and there have been a lot of entries.

It doesn't need a story to be good though. Not everytihng is gimmicky, though the bikes are a bit bad though...


you see I would have said that in previous generations, even this to some extent when it started...the only reason I got a Wii was because I couldn't bear the thought of not playing the next Zelda (ok so it did launch on cube to) and the next Mario...but now its just not enough...



Sell your Wii then? There's plenty of good games between all the cheap cash ins :heh:

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A lot of people on here sure got out of bed the wrong side this morning. Why can't some people accept some of us are looking forward to this & could quite possibly enjoy it like we've enjoyed other mariokarts & other franchises for that matter. Roll on Friday!!!

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yeah i remember reading the Double Dash review and how they thought it was a game that is closer to mario party mini games.


They gave Mario Kart DS 8/10 with a real nice review. Will be interesting too read what they found wrong with Mario Kart on Wii. Maybe Wii driving Wheel controls or problems with the A.I and its blatent cheating..


I already got it pre-ordered and looking forward to it just for online more than anything. I am not expecting single player to blow me away.

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It doesn't need a story to be good though. Not everytihng is gimmicky, though the bikes are a bit bad though...





Sell your Wii then? There's plenty of good games between all the cheap cash ins :heh:


yeah...I could but I'm a sucker and there are still some less milked franchises that I still want to play...franchises where that had had progression from title to title...Pikmin for example...Animal Crossing (although if Wii version doesn't add a lot the same could start to be said for that)

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