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Princess Diana


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Diana did not become this saint/angel figure until after she died. Personally I didn't particularly like her. I thought she was attention seeking and manipulative and was very capable of playing the victim to get what she wanted (she her hamming it up on the "Doe eyed special" on Panorama.) Also, I thought it was a bit hypocritical that Prince Charles was getting stick for shagging horseface when Diana was leaping fanny-first onto anyone in a pair of jodhpurs.


Bingo, we have a winner.

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Like hip hop or not, Kanye was awesome. Only act to really show some energy and get the crowd moving, I cant believe he ran the length of the stage whilst still not losing his breath.




class stuff


I got about a minute in and got bored, common effect of listening to his music.


Wow, the crowd got moving because they arsebang Kanye West... Glad to see the memory is being held true by a enthusiastic black dude wearing old school 3D spex.

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He killed it, yes I agree :D


A blind person could see he had every person in that arena moving up and down


Poor guy went after rod steward.


Look I hate rap but i will admit it was a good performance but the songs were toally inappropraite for the occasion. It's not the guys fault that he has no songs with REAL meaning.


Gold digger.......I mean what the hell.


On the 21 of july My teacher said ther wasnt going to be more attacks


Wow what a beautiful teacher.

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Diana's "death"...

I was awake watching some irrelevant shitty early hours programming when a news flash appeared (ITN) stating that the accident had happened and she was ok, had been seen communicating with the ambulance crew at the scene etc, etc....This then changed to the she was dead at the scene over the course of a few hours. Even though I couldnt give a proverbial flying about the royals other than Philip (for comedy value alone), I have to question why that first report was given.




I was at my old house, saw the live news on telly, went into town, saw ppl watching the events on tv displays in shop windows whilst I was muttering something along the lines of "what goes around comes around" being that NY's St. Patricks day parade funds used to take great pleasure in funding the IRA....I'll leave that one well alone though.


The concert...Not interested, unless Prince Philip had a stand up act in it.

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Makes songs with no real meaning?


Listen to All Fools Down, We dont Care, Family Buisness, Jesus Walks, Never Let Me Down, Bring Me Down, Roses and Hey Mama from his 2 solo albums, then please close your mouth.




Everybody who knew Diana were aware of her character, so performing Gold Digger should be irrelevant, if thats not what she was. Fact is, it was one of his big well known mainstream hits, so it was needed to get the crowd on side.


I guess it's rap they have to be talking about SOMETHING i guess ha.


I don't know about his music only the stuff I hear every so often.

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OK, I was ten years older than a lot of you were at the time (Actually I still am, come to think of it) and I think there's a bit of re-writing of history going on here (Which isn't surprising seeing as people are absorbing a slick presentation about how great she was and how everyone loved her).


Diana did not become this saint/angel figure until after she died. Personally I didn't particularly like her. I thought she was attention seeking and manipulative and was very capable of playing the victim to get what she wanted (she her hamming it up on the "Doe eyed special" on Panorama.) Also, I thought it was a bit hypocritical that Prince Charles was getting stick for shagging horseface when Diana was leaping fanny-first onto anyone in a pair of jodhpurs.


Now I wasn't a lone voice in this, there was no universal adulation of her from anywhere. Never the less, when I heard she'd died I thought it was sad - for William and Harry more than anything else. What developed over the coming days and weeks was something else though. The public grief bandwagon was at full speed any everyone wanted a piece. Newspapers who'd been jibing her with cartoons a few days ago were having a competition to see who could keep their logo black for longest and who can have the pull-out-and-keep poster section with the most pages. People who previously hadn't given Diana a second thought were going on like they'd lost their whole family. One bloke actually said "I didn't cry when my wife died but I'm crying now". You think the whole Maddy thing is a bit distasteful (had the misfortune of coming across this the other day), trust me, it's got nothing on Diana.


Suddenly a woman who'd married some guy much older than her, with whom she had nothing in common with to get into royalty, then surprisingly found out she wasn't too keen about the marriage, someone who did a bit of charity work and most people could take or leave, was an angel sent down from heaven to heal the lepers and feed the poor.


This is the best post I have read in a very long time!

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