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Sonic Games In The Future


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I've been saying this for ages, they should make a fully 3d Sonic game with a 2d view like new super mario bros. Have a really fast, colourfull game. Imagine Sonic rush with the wii's graphics.


Very true!


I have always imagined what a 2D cell shaded Sonic would look like, kinda of give it a Viewtiful Joe look. If they are going to keep it 3D, which no doubt they will, I wouldnt mind at all if they kept it the same as Secret Rings as that played very well. I really should get back to playing that someday.


They should get back to basics aswell. Im really not keen on the whole ranking idea that started with Sonic Adventure. I would much prefer them to put in the old skool type of bonus stages where you have to get the Chaos Emerald at the end.


Finally, I agree with MonkeyKing.....BRING BACK ROBOTNIK! Lets face it, it will never happen, but I really hate the name Eggman.

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I'd love to see what you class as a good game then! Sonic Rush was excellent.

It just lacked the charm of the original games, maybe it was hyped up to much for my by reviews the same with secret rings everyone was like OMGZ RETURNZ TO FORM!!111 but all it was was a good game. Not a return to form.

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Very true!


I have always imagined what a 2D cell shaded Sonic would look like, kinda of give it a Viewtiful Joe look. If they are going to keep it 3D, which no doubt they will, I wouldnt mind at all if they kept it the same as Secret Rings as that played very well. I really should get back to playing that someday.


They should get back to basics aswell. Im really not keen on the whole ranking idea that started with Sonic Adventure. I would much prefer them to put in the old skool type of bonus stages where you have to get the Chaos Emerald at the end.


Finally, I agree with MonkeyKing.....BRING BACK ROBOTNIK! Lets face it, it will never happen, but I really hate the name Eggman.




Im not alone then! Anytime "Eggman" comes on screen I refer to him as "Robotnik" always have always will. Sounds more menacing and less childish too


Sorry, wont go on a rant about it, but good to see some like minded people out there!!



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It just lacked the charm of the original games, maybe it was hyped up to much for my by reviews the same with secret rings everyone was like OMGZ RETURNZ TO FORM!!111 but all it was was a good game. Not a return to form.


I think it was quite a nice take on the franchise, offering something old, but new at the same time. Great game, as well.


Also, Robotnik > EGGMAN.

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SEGA: Dump everything. Burn all the designs and plans for every Sonic game up to and including this point. Fire everybody. Get some fresh talent in office. No, better still, burn your office too and then hire new talent. Then fire yourself.


Start anew. Start afresh. Start from the very beginning all over again. Start from that single, original, brilliant genus that's kept Sonic alive all these years, all those long harsh months of shoddy, buggy, boring, pseudo 3D "kidz" shit.


Sit down together. Write it together. Write it a thousand times in a thousand different languages. Write it on paper, write it on the walls, write on the table, write it on your bodies, write on every available surface, both visible and invisible you can find.


Write it, consider it and make it:


"Mario at 1000mph."

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IMO, The majority of Sonic and Shadows stages from Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 worked really well!


I'd like a game with loads of levels in that style, with the only characters being Sonic, Tails and Knuckes.


All the levels would play out in exactly the same way; running through the stage as one of those characters, with a choas emerald being the end of level goal.

There would be loads of split paths throught the level and depending on the character, there abilities also alter the paths they can take...

Sonic - grind, light dash, Tails - fly, Knuckles - glide, punch, climb, etc...


There would also be end of level boss fights at the end of the stage, aswell as bonus stages.


I really think a 3D sonic game can work if it's done properly and all the additional gameplay rubbish is cut out... treasure hunts, mechs, fishing etc...


Keep it fast...

Stages such as Emerald Coast, Windy Valley, Speed Highway, City Escape, Metal Harbor, Green Forest and Radical Highway were fantastic!

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I'd love to see what you class as a good game then! Sonic Rush was excellent.


Dude play the original games you will then know exactly what was wrong.


True. Its the best sonic game of the past 10 years for sure.


Still doesn't mean it's great:heh:


Have yet to play Secret rings myself but i can just tell i won't like it.

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i hated sonic and the secret rings but then i bought sonic mega collection and loved it (i just need to write down the level select codes).


i think whoever said sonic only works in 2d was right. (i kinda feel the same about the mario series too i haven't really liked any of the 3d games)

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I have, and there's nothing wrong with Rush. :heh:


Oh man do i have to go through this again.........:heh:



OK This is not directed at you but I Don't trust Nintendo Fans on sega games. Most of them missed out on the originals and therefore sonic rush was their first experience of a good sonic game after playing crap like sonic adventure and heroes.... Yes i think the game is good but to say it's the BEST is totally totally untrue.


Something like sonic 2 had far Far better music( I mean FAR better) ,More levels, A really good 2 player mode..Most of this is my opinion.


I was More into Sega than nintendo in the past so i could just be blinded by my love for the originals and nostalgia but there is something missing..


sonic rush is to sonic 2 as NEW super mario bros is to Super mario world.

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The reason Sonic fails in 3D in because he's still trying to do what he did in 2D in 3D. He needs to do things differently. Mario is very different in 3D to what he was in 2D. Personally I think Sonic lacks the polish of Mario games, and also, I never actually thought Sonic was that special in 2D! It was fast but lacked the exploration and fun that Mario had.

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Oh man do i have to go through this again.........:heh:



OK This is not directed at you but I Don't trust Nintendo Fans on sega games. Most of them missed out on the originals and therefore sonic rush was their first experience of a good sonic game after playing crap like sonic adventure and heroes.... Yes i think the game is good but to say it's the BEST is totally totally untrue.


Something like sonic 2 had far Far better music( I mean FAR better) ,More levels, A really good 2 player mode..Most of this is my opinion.


I was More into Sega than nintendo in the past so i could just be blinded by my love for the originals and nostalgia but there is something missing..


sonic rush is to sonic 2 as NEW super mario bros is to Super mario world.



It may interest you to know that I grew up on Sega, more so than on Nintendo systems. ;)


Nobody said it was the best Sonic game. I thought it was an excellent game, and like I said earlier, it was a new take on an old franchise, but it kept it fairly traditional, whilst adding a few nice touches here and there.

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Sonic is style over substance , mario is the other way round and that's why mario will always be better. Another thing is that sonic games tend to be Made for western audiences With the god awful rock music etc. I can see the japanese hating it.


It may interest you to know that I grew up on Sega, more so than on Nintendo systems. ;)


Nobody said it was the best Sonic game. I thought it was an excellent game, and like I said earlier, it was a new take on an old franchise, but it kept it fairly traditional, whilst adding a few nice touches here and there.


Really don't see where the new take is bar the speed bar..


Ya i know you didn't say it was the best but that was for the people that did. So we agree it isn't the best?


I'll settle for that:)

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