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The Sarah Connor Chronicles

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After the events of Terminator 2, Sarah and John Connor now find themselves fugitives from the law. The Sarah Connor Chronicles reveals what happens when Sarah stops running and goes on the offensive against an ever-evolving technological enemy bent on destroying her life, and perhaps the world. Her son, 15 year old John, knows that he may be the future savior of mankind, but is not yet ready to take on the mantle of leadership that he's told is his destiny. John finds himself inextricably drawn to Cameron, an enigmatic and otherworldly student at his high school, who soon proves to be much more than his confidante, as she assumes the role of Sarah and John's fearless protector. On their trail are not only threats from the future, but an intelligent and tough FBI agent, James Ellison, who soon becomes a powerful ally.


Plus, a link to some other articles about this, including Firefly's Summer Glau, who will be appearing in this.





Whaddya think?

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Thats strange i was just reading the exact same article...


*whistles Twilight Zone choon*


There does appear to be effort going into this, some good actors/actresses, but..I dunno.

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including Firefly's Summer Glau, who will be appearing in this.


I'll be watching this, then.

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*weeps into a table cloth*

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including Firefly's Summer Glau, who will be appearing in this.


Is that the really hot one from Firefly?

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*weeps into a table cloth*


you are aware, aren't you, that the idea of Linda Hamilton playing sarah, and Arnie being involved in tv, is utterly, profoundly ridiculous?

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only a good thing.


saying that though, in T3 Sarah died of Leukaemia and John is in his 20s. it's not entirely ruled out or retconed, just not alluded to much.

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I've seen the first 5 episodes...there isn't anything majorly conflicting...is there?

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My problem with this show is, what is it going to show me that hasn't already been done better by the films?

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Summer Glau in tight jeans?


Amen to that.


I'm quite liking this show, if you get over the fact that the Terminator storyline is riddled with time paradoxes then there's some good entertainment to be had.


Shame there's only nine episodes in the first season.

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Summer Glau in tight jeans?


She doesn't really do it for me though. She looks like a frog to me for some reason.

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Missed the first 30min, saw the second half, was quite cool from what i saw though John seems too much like a whiny mamas boy "please mom i don't want to save the world you do it for me" :heh:


Anyone know if Virgin 1 replay the eps during the week?

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She doesn't really do it for me though. She looks like a frog to me for some reason.


Totally, I'm not sure if it's either her bug eyes or her mahoosive forehead, either way I don't see the attraction.

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I think it's her lips. They don't seem to actually be a part of her face, they just sort of sit on top, seemingly disconnected from her cheeks.

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Missed the first 30min, saw the second half, was quite cool from what i saw though John seems too much like a whiny mamas boy "please mom i don't want to save the world you do it for me" :heh:


Anyone know if Virgin 1 replay the eps during the week?


It's on tomorrow night as well. And Saturday. I assume it's the same episode

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