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I have been playing since about 1 and im really enjoying it so far. The main thing I like is the exploring element in this game. Its great that the story unfolds by various recorded messages.


I have opted to save the Little Sisters on my first run though. So far I have saved 5 and usually killed the Big Daddies by giving them an electric shock and then blowing them away with a shotgun :)


Only thing I dont like is the fact that the game is very dark and its a real pain playing it in the afternoon, especially with the gorgeous weather we are having here in the north-east.

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I've not quite got the angles on this one yet. It's certainly the best demo I ever played, but since the PLEASE STAND BY scene it's all been a bit Second Sight. Typical, Post-Grav Gun shooter.


HALF LIFE 2, the BEST GAME EVER THUS FAR, now that, that had me by the balls from beginning to end.


I mean, is the shooting that satisfying in this? I don't think it is. Realistic character design would have been better I think.

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Guest Stefkov

I've got one little sister left to get before I carry on. I've searched around but can't find her. All I'm seeing is Rosies no Big Daddys.


Wierd, after searching around for a while I checked out a guide, just up to the bit I'm on. And apparently

The Gatherer's Garden in the Fishery (Lower Wharf, before you go to Peaches) is meant to give you the Hypnotize Big Daddy plasmid as a gift. Did anyone else get this?


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I saw this room in a video online, and in it the player used a "trap" plasmid. Am I supposed to have it by now? I'm pretty sure I've been to every room in the previous area and I didn't find it.


For clarification, it's the one where you can drop down the back and hack the turret. It was in a dev walkthrough video, showing 3 different ways to play the room.


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Well, I'm part way through Arcadia atm. Neptune's Bounty was cool, but I preferred the Medical Pavilion district. I've got to say, the dramatic ending to that section was amazingly done. Arcadia is stunning though!


As for the Little Sister encounters, I've harvested almost all of them. I've saved one. And isn't there meant to be 3 Big Daddy/Little Sisters in each district? The game only tells me there were 2 when I paused it...

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As for the Little Sister encounters, I've harvested almost all of them. I've saved one. And isn't there meant to be 3 Big Daddy/Little Sisters in each district? The game only tells me there were 2 when I paused it...


Its usually 2-3 per level.


I was on til around 2 in the morning playing this, I didnt want to stop playing but I had nearly been up 24 hours and figured I needed some rest :)

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Just finished the game with an achievy score of 910. Although I enjoyed the game I have to say I still dont think it deserves the prasie it got. Sure there is alot to customise but I just dont think its that special.


I have to say I thought it would be longer than this aswell. It took me around 13 hours to play through on my first go, they said it would take around 20 in alot of the reviews. Also, the end of the game although moving ( got the good ending by saving the little sisters ) last for like 15-20 seconds tops.


Methinks I will give it a break before I attempt to beat it on hard mode.

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Just finished the game with an achievy score of 910. Although I enjoyed the game I have to say I still dont think it deserves the prasie it got. Sure there is alot to customise but I just dont think its that special.


I have to say I thought it would be longer than this aswell. It took me around 13 hours to play through on my first go, they said it would take around 20 in alot of the reviews. Also, the end of the game although moving ( got the good ending by saving the little sisters ) last for like 15-20 seconds tops.


Methinks I will give it a break before I attempt to beat it on hard mode.


They said if you rushed through it and didnt really explore or absorb the world it'd take about 12 hours to finish, but if you really get into the world, and try to do everything, it's about 20.


It's one of those games where you get put of it what you put into it.

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They said if you rushed through it and didnt really explore or absorb the world it'd take about 12 hours to finish, but if you really get into the world, and try to do everything, it's about 20.


It's one of those games where you get put of it what you put into it.


Well considering I found and listened to every audio file ( I admit I got a guide off the net for the audio files ), got nearly every tonic, rescued all the kids, took and maxed out all the photos and upgraded all the weapons I think I pretty much explored everything it had to offer. I never really rushed through it at all, just played at a steady pace. Its like most games these days, the developers say it will last X amount of time and its always around half of what they say.

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jesus christ, you have completed it already? No offence man, but do you ever not play the xbox lol?


How the fuck you get that amount of achievements too, did you complete it on easy or somethin? As I find alot of the Big Daddys hard as fuck to kill. Gonna have to do a second play through as I have killed and saved the little sisters


I went through it on Normal. This game got hit hard off me as I have been without my 360 for a week so all my pent up gaming urges got unleashed yesterday :)

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Well considering I found and listened to every audio file ( I admit I got a guide off the net for the audio files ), got nearly every tonic, rescued all the kids, took and maxed out all the photos and upgraded all the weapons I think I pretty much explored everything it had to offer. I never really rushed through it at all, just played at a steady pace. Its like most games these days, the developers say it will last X amount of time and its always around half of what they say.


You gave your own reason why the game was cut short for you.


And guys, watch the spoilers.


I've stopped short of reading a couple of posts just incase they contain them, so if they don't sorry.

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You gave your own reason why the game was cut short for you.


What, so the whole length of the game is based around finding audio files? I doubt it wouldnt have made much different though as in all fairness there are only about 10 or so that a hid really well, the rest are pretty much blatant as they shine/shimmer and are in most the rooms you visit.

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I hated the Cradle because I had to force myself through it, I ran the whole way . :p I hope Fort Frolic isn't as bad.

Largely it isn't as you're not forced into creeping around, but in some ways it really, really is. I suppose you could run-and-gun it, but you'd be doing the game and yourself a disservice, I think.


As for game length, I think around 15 hours is about right. I don't know how long it took me, and to be honest it isn't really something I even thought about.

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