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Soul Calibur IV


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Oh but on a side note, Yoda is flipping annoying I'm personally not a big fan of his (at the moment), but some will be. He is over-powered and short, so most highs totally miss him. The 360 version was there so I couldn't try out Vader, but on another note, the 360 pad grew on me with this game, it's not that bad at all.


Sounds like that Dinosaur guy from one of the Tekkens, 3 I think it was? I used to play him whenever my friend used Hwroang (sp) because all he did was that high kick :p

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Not really read the thread (so this may have already been said) but apparently the exclusive-to-each-console Star Wars characters will be available on both 360 and PS3 purely as DLC...this means proper, epic Star Wars battles should be available. Nice.





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Not really read the thread (so this may have already been said) but apparently the exclusive-to-each-console Star Wars characters will be available on both 360 and PS3 purely as DLC...this means proper, epic Star Wars battles should be available. Nice.






Interesting. Hope it's true! Would take away one of the decisions i have to make regarding exclusive characters on which console to buy for. I prob wont be getting this straight away anyway.


They will prob make us pay if it is a DLC anyway...

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Guest Jordan

Oh please, this is Namco Bandai they rip the shit out of people for DLC.


Ie: Ace Combat 6's non-stop Idolmaster planes costing 400 points each.

In Beautiful Katamari, you had to pay another 1500 points for the extra levels to make it a 'complete' game.

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Not really read the thread (so this may have already been said) but apparently the exclusive-to-each-console Star Wars characters will be available on both 360 and PS3 purely as DLC...this means proper, epic Star Wars battles should be available. Nice.






Well it was kinda mentioned when the star wars characters were unveiled that they would one day perhaps offer them as DLC.


Oh please, this is Namco Bandai they rip the shit out of people for DLC.


Ie: Ace Combat 6's non-stop Idolmaster planes costing 400 points each.

In Beautiful Katamari, you had to pay another 1500 points for the extra levels to make it a 'complete' game.


Yeah and wasn't the stuff in Beautiful Katamari actually already on the game? Or am I thinking of something else.



Anyway this game does look awesome and its a shame I can't really afford it this month, but my time will come I am sure.

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Yes, it was. You simply bought unlock keys.


Yeah I thought so...just plain rip off...you should paying for new content not stuff on the disc that would previously have been unlocked either via advanced gameplay or cheat codes prior to the advent of DLC.

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Not really read the thread (so this may have already been said) but apparently the exclusive-to-each-console Star Wars characters will be available on both 360 and PS3 purely as DLC...this means proper, epic Star Wars battles should be available. Nice.






Interesting, very interesting. Just have to wait until this is confirmed officially before hype is raised about it.

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It sounds like SC2 and 3... hows that a bad thing?


Its a beat 'em up, stuff isn't gunna change.


It sounds more like 3 which horrendously awful. The characters were so unbalanced it was a joke.


2 was overall was the best but 1 had the tightest fighting which is the most important thing.


The only new additions from within the Calibur universe are Hilde and big boss Algol. It's the kind of character update normally reserved for Champion Edition-style updates to existing games, but not Namco. Two's your lot. Anything else would be spoiling you.


From outside the Soul Calibur mainstream come the Star Wars boys - Yoda and Vader's Secret Apprentice from The Force Unleashed. Using the Force the Apprentice will launch you fifty feet in the air and chase you skywards, dealing out lethal combos. He can blast you with Force lightning, ground pound to lift you for an air assault, and move and attack with such speed that he becomes a blur. In spite of his grossly overpowered Force moves, it's the Apprentice who most feels as if he belongs in the Calibur universe; Yoda is the freak.



The little green fella is symptomatic of the latest Soul Calibur's biggest problem - he's an unstoppable, unrelenting, unbalanced terror who can plough through just about any other character in the game. Yoda is too short to grab, too fast to evade, and too dangerous to keep at range. While the first Soul Calibur (reviewed on page 100) brought a degree of harmony between its 19 characters, SCIV mercilessly overpowers some, gimps others, and is generally as shambolic as Super Smash Bros.


That's the last thing I wanted to read about SCIV.


The Soul Caliburs have gotten worse and worse, I'm not surprised to see this is only better than 3....but then shoving rusty nails through my eyes is more fun than playing that breach of human rights.


SC on Metacritic:


SC1: 98 ( http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/dreamcast/soulcalibur/ )


SC2: 92 ( http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/ps2/soulcalibur2?q=sOUL%20CALIBUR%202 )


SC3: 86 ( http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/ps2/soulcalibur3 )


Currently SCIV is on 91..... we'll see how that goes.

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It sounds more like 3 which horrendously awful. The characters were so unbalanced it was a joke.


2 was overall was the best but 1 had the tightest fighting which is the most important thing.




That's the last thing I wanted to read about SCIV.


The Soul Caliburs have gotten worse and worse, I'm not surprised to see this is only better than 3....but then shoving rusty nails through my eyes is more fun than playing that breach of human rights.


SC on Metacritic:


SC1: 98 ( http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/dreamcast/soulcalibur/ )


SC2: 92 ( http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/ps2/soulcalibur2?q=sOUL%20CALIBUR%202 )


SC3: 86 ( http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/ps2/soulcalibur3 )


Currently SCIV is on 91..... we'll see how that goes.


hmmm I'm perhaps glad I had to cancel my preorder because of lack of money! See how things balance out after people have played it for a while.

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hmmm I'm perhaps glad I had to cancel my preorder because of lack of money! See how things balance out after people have played it for a while.


I'm not sure if I'll pick it up on Friday with the house moving at all but I'm not that bothered.


Can't wait tomorrow to play this. I don't believe people are dismissing it. It's going to be great and that's topness. Eurogamer seem to like it and gave it 8.


I've heard way too many things like


While the first Soul Calibur (reviewed on page 100) brought a degree of harmony between its 19 characters, SCIV mercilessly overpowers some, gimps others, and is generally as shambolic as Super Smash Bros.


Eurogamer are just idiots. I used to really like them but why the hell do they review games when they don't have the retail version.


The 360 code I played gets Yoda as the bonus playable fighter, accessible from the select screen immediately and the key to unlocking the mysterious Apprentice character.


I really wonder how much time they actually spent on it. This isn't the first time they've done it and it's happening more and more recently.


And as for Yoda, he just sounds stupid.


[Yoda's] diminutive stature makes him impossible to throw (expect to see him crop up regularly online then). The real issue at hand is that Darth Vader feels like the only balanced character out of the three.


The non-existent balancing and crap AI in SC3 ruined it.


I'll receive judgment but I suspect hype is covering up a few cracks.

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You are forgetting that we are connected to the internet, any overpowering stuff can be fixed with download patches, just like Virtua Fighter 5.


Yeah but just because it can be fixed doesn't mean Namco will do it.



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So it arrived today, early cos it came via Parcel Force because of the awesome free faceplate, thanks Play ^^ just switched it on though and saw the semi-decent intro which isn't a patch on II's , it goes through all that then the logo comes up and some guy half enthusiatically says...


Soul Calibur... IV...


Just left me feeling a little underwhelmed is all :/ what happened to the glorious intro of II and the epic "Transcending history and the world... a tale of souls and swords... eteranlly retold..." *epic fanfare* da da daaaaa da da daaaaaaaaa! *epic intro ensues* (best one IMO) and then the logo comes up...


Soooouuuuuuuuullllll Calllliburrrrr twooo!


Anyway I digress, gonna play it now and enjoy it for the fanservice fighter that it so blatantly is. :heh:

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