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Football Season 2007/2008


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What joke? The lad did it as far as I'm concerned. The guy that "confessed" (who looked nothing at all like Shields) said he threw a brick at a crowd of people and it hit one of them (How he reckoned it was this one guy I have no idea) when witness accounts and the injuries sustained showed it was a paving slab dropped on the guys head when he was on the ground, not a thrown brick. The guy then decided he didn't do it after all and withdrew his confession. If Michael Shields is, in fact, wrongly convicted (Which, like I say, I doubt) then then the vast, vast majority of the blame lies with so called "fans" acting like apes and nearly murdering people with paving slabs and then letting someone else take the rap. It is not the fault of police / foreigners / tabloids / UEFA / leylines. He's got a lucky break by having his sentence reduced and being allowed back in the UK and he should be grateful, never mind crying because someone dares to joke about what he did.


I fail to see how Hobz laughing at a convicted attempted murderer is worse than lauding someone for carrying out an assault at a train station.

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Michael Sheilds is innocent....


Before Bluestar jumps on his "Blame it on the boogie" bandwagon hear me out..


I have met the Shields family when they did the Mosaic in the Kop v Sunderland in 2005 "Free Michael" it said. I was helping out create it like alot of the Liverpool Websites do when a Moasaic is planned on the kop.


Anyway let's get this straight their has been a clear incompetance in the Bulgarian Police, their has been a Witness stating Michael was in bed at the time of the attack. Michael was woken up by Bulgarian Authorities and told to put on a White T-Shirt the same style as the one of the attacker of the waiter. In the witness parade he was the only one assigned to wear different clothes than he was in that very night. No One spoke any English to him, he literally was given the guilty tag before he even entered the Police Station.


It wouldn't look so bad if he was a "hoodie" but he wasn't he was a mild mannered lad from all accounts


It's been a long time since I went over the case but from what I remember their has been countless people coming forward saying that it wasn't Michael Sheilds and saying that it was "Graham Sankey" a man who countless people have said that on the plane home from Bulgaria was bragging about "doing a waiter in". From last count over the past 18 months their has been 5+ people coming forward claming that the person that attacked the waiter named Martin wasn't indeed Michael but Graham.


Regarding the trial since when waa that fair?, what happend in Bulgria would never happen here, camera in court, almost a Death Sentance for Michael. If anyone can find the Michael Sheilds documentary on ITV which was on last year, watch it and then see what you think.


From vists from members of the church, foreign lawyers everyone has come out and saying he is innocent, I have been in the Michael Sheild's household with my father when he was collecting a CD for George to play against Sunderland simple titled "Freedom" I challenge anyone to go their and question the lads guilt because that had me sold.


Michael is lucky in one sense that he is back on English soil, wether you believe he is 100% innocent or Guilty is all a matter of opinion, but their is enough evidence to cast major doubt on wether he did it or not which cannot be denied. I wasn't suprised to see Hobbz mention Michael Sheilds, I could see where this is leading...


But since when did 2 wrongs make a right?

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Sorry, I'm more likely to believe the people who witnessed the attack, and the guy who was assaulted, than him and his mate saying he was in bed. The guy attacked said it was somone with fair hair, Graham Sankey has dark hair and when he was trying to get Shields off the hook his confession didn't match up with the evidence at all. The lad did it as far as I'm concerned and, like I say, if by some chance he didn't it's the fault of other Liverpool fans he's where he is.


I have been in the Michael Sheild's household with my father when he was collecting a CD for George to play against Sunderland simple titled "Freedom" I challenge anyone to go their and question the lads guilt because that had me sold.


Oh puh-leez. That is not a sensible way to assess someone's guilt. Neither is "But he's not a hoodie, he's from a middle class family, cracking lad, luvs his mum, etc etc"


what happend in Bulgria would never happen here,


He would have been convicted in this country as well, that "confession" would never have stood up in the british court either. It's just a case of "Blame the foreigners" again. If they convicted Sankey it would just become a "Free Graham" campaign - maybe justified this time, bearing in mind that conviction would have been a hell of a lot more unsafe.


The lad did it, he's been convicted, he's got a cushy deal being brought back home - him and his folks should suck it up and just stick it out for the next ten years.

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The Witness wasn't his mate it was one of the Hotel Workers :S


The Witnesses that said it was them have many different scenarios in their statments, from picking up the brick and dropping it...From it being a slab and throwing it.


As for the guy who was attacked he was given £75,000 for his statement, if he even changes it he stands to lose money, I don't blame him he is the real victim but £75,000 is more than what he earns in 2 years work.


Michael was put up in the witness parade literally wearing a top Saying "it was me in" in Bulgarian. The description given included Michael the only person that even closely resembled the attacker was Michael with all the others being random Bulgarians...

Let us not forget we all know how Foreigners percieve us English you only have to read Spanish Papers that having Friendly English fans being called "Los Hooligones" Look at the bigger pitcture here thier is major doubt over him being guilty one way or another, who ever did this deserve to be in jail, not Michael he is innocent


I'm suprised you aren't as sympathetic towards Michael because you have citizens of your own city under similar circumstances who are in the same situation..




Personally I believe you think he's guilty by association because you keep on including Liverpool Fan over and over again in your arguments


Fields acts like a complete tosser round here on the regular with his hard man bravado towards news surrounding other football teams, so I thought I'd be a tosser back...


You had the upper ground, why be a tosser back?

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I wasn't suprised to see Hobbz mention Michael Sheilds, I could see where this is leading...


Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Bluestar bring up this Shields non-sense first?


As for whether he's guilty or not, I don't care. It's just another case of Liverpool fans abroad, the ones that seem to be quite innocent in this topic.

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Sorry mate, all cases are not the same. Not even all cases involving arrested football fans. The club they follow makes no odds. You'll notice though that there haven't been banners and flags and arms bands and celebrity endorsements and concerts and hosues festooned with yellow ribbons all over the TV for the "Tyneside two." When you turn it into a footballing issue it makes it look like you're only doing it because he's one of yours and no evidence at all will bring you around - more a case of "Innocent by Association" than "Guilty by Association".


The injuries on the guy by the way, more than the witness accounts, show what the damage was done by.


I'm not sympathetic towards Michael, not because he's a Liverpool fan, but because I believe he did it. Drop the victim complex.

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Sorry mate, all cases are not the same. You'll notice there haven't been banners and flags and arms bands and celebrity endorsements and concerts and hosues festooned with yellow ribbons all over the TV for the "Tyneside two." When you turn it into a footballing issue it makes it look like you're only doing it because he's one of yours and no evidence at all will bring you around - more a case of "Innocent by association" than "Guilty by Association".


The injuries on the guy by the way, more than the witness accounts, show what the damage was done by.


I'm not syspathetic towards Michael, not because he's a Liverpool fan, but because I believe he did it. Drop the victim complex.


What Victim complex, and correct me if I'm wrong but I didn't raise this is as a footballing issue at all I never even brought him up in here.


It's down to Man Utd v Liverpool again Fields skits Fergie, Michael Sheilds gets brought up as a bad counter argument


Swings and Roundabouts


Someone had to be


So that makes it alright then?


Your just doing what happens at a football match


You Sing About Hillsborough


We sing about Munich


And Vice Versa


If you really had any sense you really wouldn't of said that

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Fields acts like a complete tosser round here on the regular with his hard man bravado towards news surrounding other football teams, so I thought I'd be a tosser back...

There is a massive difference between having a laugh at Whisky Nose getting into a bit of a scuffle at Euston Station, and having a laugh at a poor lad that's been banged up in jail for a crime he didn't commit. I doubt anyone would be offended by my comments, whereas yours however, are extremely distasteful and potentially upsetting.


I'm glad you think I have a 'hard man bravado' though :D

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Dont compare an internet forum to real life and dont make assumptions about me! This is the internet, if I wanna reply to some tosser whos only goal is to fuck off all united fans I will. I am somebody who has seen the exchange between Liverpool and United first hand in the Cup game and I didnt say a word. But lets not even go there, cos I know you will come back with the usual innocent badge for the whole of "holy" Anfield....


You do realise you are trying to enter an argument no Liverpool or Man Utd fan cannot win in their right mind...


Besides it wasn't presumptions about you personally when I mean you it's plural I mean you as in Man Utd fans...


There is a massive difference between having a laugh at Whisky Nose getting into a bit of a scuffle at Euston Station, and having a laugh at a poor lad that's been banged up in jail for a crime he didn't commit. I doubt anyone would be offended by my comments, whereas yours however, are extremely distasteful and potentially upsetting.


I'm glad you think I have a 'hard man bravado' though :D


It's different with Liverpool though, we piss in the seas and shit on the carpets


Besides if it means anything


My thoughts are with Fergies Knackers at this time



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