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Football Season 2007/2008


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If that was at Reading but a Reading player was the victim the United player wouldn't be sent off...


Your beyond boring now.


It's a bad decision, and probably the wrong decision to send that player off, but that it down to the human nature of the Referee. A referee will send off the wrong player one week and then fail to send somebody else off the next, it happens. I take it you're all for video evidence?

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It's a bad decision, and probably the wrong decision to send that player off, but that it down to the human nature of the Referee. A referee will send off the wrong player one week and then fail to send somebody else off the next, it happens. I take it you're all for video evidence?


No, Not at all, it's just it was a rash challenge Deffo Yellow Card but Video Evidence has nothing to do with giving somone a straight red unless you seen something that wasn't there...


My Point is this wouldn't of happend to a Man Utd player at Reading...Or a Man Utd player there at that time...


It was one of those challenges that looked worse in Slow Motion....


Imagine they should win the appeal....

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My Point is this wouldn't of happend to a Man Utd player at Reading...Or a Man Utd player there at that time...



This is probably just the biased Liverpool fan in you talking. But in any case, how do you know? Easy, you don't. It's one of these hypothetical things. "if" "but". You can speculate all you want, but the fact is that players like Wayne Rooney do not have a squeaky clean disciplenary record. Neither does Paul Scholes. Therefore I strongely disagree with what you're saying.

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This is probably just the biased Liverpool fan in you talking. But in any case, how do you know? Easy, you don't. It's one of these hypothetical things. "if" "but". You can speculate all you want, but the fact is that players like Wayne Rooney do not have a squeaky clean disciplenary record. Neither does Paul Scholes. Therefore I strongely disagree with what you're saying.


It's nothing biased it happens to all the top four clubs which Is a shame really...


Old Trafford + Fergie + Controversial Red Card Against United = Uproar...


Mike Riley Shit Out loads of times, Rob Styles did as well...


But be honest if a Man Utd Player was Red Carded for that their would of been more fuss kicked up than Sand in a Desert Storm...


Same for Liverpool


Same for Chelsea


Same for Arsenal





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To be honest, it's up to the teams and their fans to kick up a fuss if they think a decision has gone against them. RE: Sheffield United and their League status.


It's true, not many decisions go against United at all Old Trafford. But, to be honest, bar Rooney and Scholes, we are not exactly the most thuggish team out there who get away with murder week in week out. I'd like to think we were one of the cleaner teams out there. If a decision is made against us, and its what is believed to be the right one, then you can't really argue with that. I can't safely say when I can last recall a time when I think the other team should have got a penalty at Old Trafford, or when a player should have got sent off but didn't.


But, then again, that is down to the referee's own judgement, and his own guts to make the decision. If he can't do that, it's his own fault, not ours.

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To be honest, it's up to the teams and their fans to kick up a fuss if they think a decision has gone against them. RE: Sheffield United and their League status.


It's true, not many decisions go against United at all Old Trafford. But, to be honest, bar Rooney and Scholes, we are not exactly the most thuggish team out there who get away with murder week in week out. I'd like to think we were one of the cleaner teams out there. If a decision is made against us, and its what is believed to be the right one, then you can't really argue with that. I can't safely say when I can last recall a time when I think the other team should have got a penalty at Old Trafford, or when a player should have got sent off but didn't.


But, then again, that is down to the referee's own judgement, and his own guts to make the decision. If he can't do that, it's his own fault, not ours.


True decisions are at the ref's discretion but once a decision goes against United but Fergie with his obvious credentials does affect decisions majorly, which is a good thing in one respect but does Make United get off with alot of things, and nothing sets the Old Trafford faithful alight but a decision against them, no matter how blatant it is.


Man Utd's Players have a history of being very violent towards referee's, which has often seen decisions being overthrown, right or wrong the violence shown sometimes over the years by United hasn't been one to admire..


And some ref's don't have the spine...


I mean Mike Riley, How many times have we seen instances regarding him and Man Utd, Penalties in their favor, spot on penalties for opposite teams not given and dodgy sending offs....


Viera v Man Utd Sending Off Not right....03/04 Season


Hyppia v Man Utd Sending Off....Deffo Pen No Sending Off 02/03


Rooney Pen v Arsenal....Dive and Penalty 04/05...


Don't get me wrong I think the violent nature of Man Utd kind of came and went under Keane and they aren't a violent team such as stats show...Just below us in the fair play league...


But Man Utd do get away with some really questionable decisions....More so

than any other team....




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Well I think the most questionable decision made by a refereee on the opening weekend was the free kick awarded to Liverpool's Steven Gerrard.


He basically bullied his way to getting a free. Okay he scored a fabulous goal, but it shouldn't have been.

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Well I think the most questionable decision made by a refereee on the opening weekend was the free kick awarded to Liverpool's Steven Gerrard.


He basically bullied his way to getting a free. Okay he scored a fabulous goal, but it shouldn't have been.


Sure you can make a case for Liverpool having decisions in their favor, yesterday was questionable...


But I have seen them given and not given, The Reading decision was alot more clear cut it was a Freekick and deffo a yellow but the red card was far to harsh punishment...The point of the discussion is wether Old Trafford influence decisions not wether Gerrard's was a freekick, thats a whole different matter all together :)

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I agree with Conzer though, Gerrard shouldn't have gotten that free kick =]

Good games on MOTD 2 last night. I saw how much commitment there was from the reading team in man marking.. they were brilliant at it! centre backs way out in midfield mkaing sure rooney and ronaldo taken care of.


Also LOLLL at the Lehmann (sp?) you know arsenal goalkeeper, letting a goal in in the first minute. What a dickhead. =]

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Sure you can make a case for Liverpool having decisions in their favor, yesterday was questionable...


But I have seen them given and not given, The Reading decision was alot more clear cut it was a Freekick and deffo a yellow but the red card was far to harsh punishment...The point of the discussion is wether Old Trafford influence decisions not wether Gerrard's was a freekick, thats a whole different matter all together :)


Whomever said I was joining tha conversation ;)


The first sacking of a manager has taken place already this season :eek:


Carlisle have sacked their manager after the first game of the season where they managed a point away from home!


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I noticed the press going on about how it was bad for England and ignoring what it meant for man u, made me feel slightly better about the ***** harping on about "England's Micheal Owen" and what his injuries meant for England as if we were just borrowing him and broke him.


I'm not much of an Ingerlund fan either for what it's worth.

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Nowt to do with Wembly or the london press for me. It's more the fact that most of the players on the pitch I've spent that last year screaming shit at or watching them score against us. So it's a bit hypocritical of me to start singing their praises, like the folk who called Shearer a wanker and then were his best mate when he pulled on a white jersey. Also people who consider themselves first and foremost "England fans" and follow the national team more than their club tend to be dickends. And a lot of the Ingerlund mob are from right twattish teams like Stoke. Plus, although I'll happily go and watch international matches, the pubs always full of either the afformentioned knuckle draggers singing about 'pakis', turks and the IRA, or chinless gimps and clueless wifeys with their face painted who've not given a fuck about football for the past 2 years but are now soopafans, misguidedly thinking England are going to win something rather than just die on their arse against Estonia or someone again because England players are, with a few obvious exeptions, over-priced, overpaid, over-hyped and too lazy to move abroad to earn their stripes like foreign players have to.


That and those fucking flags on cars.


Edit: Sam Allardyce on why foreign players are better value for money, in the Times last week:

It has become a worldwide search. In my playing days, clubs could look around at home and come up with a top centre-forward, like [Paul] Mariner, [Joe] Royle or [Malcolm] Macdonald. What have we got on offer in Britain now? [Peter] Crouch, [Kevin] Davies and [shola] Ameobi. Enough said.”


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Bleh, the fact you hate England because of the London press and because of Wembley being in London, is one of the most retarded concepts I have ever come across.


How is it alot of people hate the England team for that exact same reason...Who are you to criticise my perfectly legit reasons for having a dislike of the national side


Carragher was all set to be in the England Squad v France in '04 some Paper churns up the idea that Ledley King should start and look what happens?


And I don't hate England for being in London or hate it for Wembley being don't be so ignorant...


I hate the England team because it's full of players that shouldn't even be there, it support is moronic and irritating at best and it went and Booed Peter Crouch for some un-known bizarre reason. Some of the fans as well are clueless as well appear once during the tournaments claiming to know everything about football and just jumping the bandwagon. Plus them England Flags with the names which are not at all original and are just crap...


I hate the England team because it feels as if it's their right to win the World Cup but as long as we have a spineless manager with a team consistant ofplayers who had a good run it's just utterly pointless..


Darrius Vassel

Michael Ricketts

Andy Johnson

David Nugent!?


Naming a few there


I am not a very patriotic person and in my view in recent years the whole thing surrounding England has been a joke.


I haven't always had this opinion it's just been ever since 2004 where my love for the team has faded into oblivion, the media, the manager, the squads, the un-certainty and un-stable nature of the squad...

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Yeah they are all reasons, but I still do not see how they could make you not want to follow your country.


If there are fans you dont like, it is simple dont go near them. Every thing has shitty people who follow it, but for every shitter is 4 good fans.


Fans from other clubs are always going to dislike certain players playing for england. The beauty of that is, when a Liverpool player does score the winning goal in a major competition - it brings together every fan (United, Everton etc.) in the country together to cheer and their past is forgotten.


I agree with England players being over priced and I agree that we expect too much and are always moaning as a nation. But what do you expect? The game in general is over saturated with money. Every major force in Europe and even the likes of Brazil and the Argies, have teams of players earning massive amounts of money. If we were doing well on a regular basis, I guarentee you would not say "England players are over paid" and that thought would exit your brain.


Sure, being english and followin the Footy team has its negatives (The FA are shit), but its something I will never get bored of as it unites the nation.


Saying you hate the fans is sort of a shit reason...


Because alot of the England Fans generally are clueless...I have every belief who ever booed Peter Crouch the other season has no knowledge of Football whats so ever...


Bah No matter what logical thing is put infront of me I will not follow the England team, I'd much rather see us win The Charity Shield than England win anything....


And how does it Unite a Nation? My Dad got attacked after the Denmark game in 2002 By Fellow England Supporters...How does that work out?

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Because alot of the England Fans generally are clueless...I have every belief who ever booed Peter Crouch the other season has no knowledge of Football whats so ever...


Bah No matter what logical thing is put infront of me I will not follow the England team, I'd much rather see us win The Charity Shield than England win anything....


And how does it Unite a Nation? My Dad got attacked after the Denmark game in 2002 By Fellow England Supporters...How does that work out?


Well, for your ignorance and anti-English attitude I hope your useless team who have spent the last decade re-living their former glories has another trophy-less season :)

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That is one negative, yet it could be countered with 500 positives. So yeah you just sound like a bitter bastard.


Football fans are thickle, you should know that. But hating the national side because of fans booing a player is kinda gay, as I know for a fact you would of joined in the mob booing Lampard the other month.


You honestly would rather see Liverpool lift the Charity Shield then see England win another World Cup?


You give me 500 Positives that appeal to me then I'll give it a go...Infact Just 5 because nothing will make me do it


And as for me joining in the booing of Lampard, I Wouldn't of joined in because I wouldn't of been there I would glad boo him in his Chelsea Shirt....


And Yes


I would much rather see Liverpool win ANYTHING over England winning World Cup


Well, for your ignorance and anti-English attitude I hope your useless team who have spent the last decade re-living their former glories has another trophy-less season :)


I can pick so many things wrong with that It's not even funny...


Another Trophie less season, Jesus Last Season was our first one in over 3 Seasons?


We are the most sucessful team this decade you silly little sod....

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I wouldn't say I hate England, just don't really care too much. I sit and watch the world cup matches cos it's footy and it's a good excuse for some day time drinking and I'd prefer England to win. but I'd rather Newcastle won the carling cup, or even just qualified for Europe than for England to win the world cup if I had to make a choice, they're just not on the same level for me.

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