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Football Season 2007/2008


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I don't get how they can give Everton and Liverpool Different scores when they are in a few hundred yards of eachother......


Everton as a stadium is atrocious, they obviously haven't seen the poor seats, toilets, refreshments and the turnstiles, they have about 2 open for Away Fans...


If you take a massive away following you miss the 1st half like I did last season...

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Everton as a stadium is atrocious, they obviously haven't seen the poor seats, toilets, refreshments and the turnstiles, they have about 2 open for Away Fans....


I swear the other week when I sad the emirates had all those facilities [hence making for a great stadium], you gave me some non-sense about corporate bullshit blah blah.. Contradict much?


As for the football, got back from the match around 30 mins ago. We looked poor, hleb, eboue and lehmann had really bad games in my opinion. Toure and Rosicky (who appears to be still lacking fitness) were our best players. And when Bendtner came on he looked dangerous. Lots to build on, but we got 3 points, points are what win titles not performances.

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As for the football, got back from the match around 30 mins ago. We looked poor, hleb, eboue and lehmann had really bad games in my opinion. Toure and Rosicky (who appears to be still lacking fitness) were our best players. And when Bendtner came on he looked dangerous. Lots to build on, but we got 3 points, points are what win titles not performances.


Why do you think Hleb had a bad game? I thought he had an amazing game and was comfortably motm. Bit harsh on Eboue as well time and again he got into good positions to cross the ball but nobody but Van Persie was in the box. Lost count of the ammount of corners Arsenal had but only bothered to send 4 people into the box.

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Firstly, Hleb can't pass to our team, he lost the ball more than anyone else. He has no strength and usually ended up on the floor, either by means of diving which he is suspect to or by being too gentle. He didn't seem to know when to shoot and missed some opportunities.


Trust me, when you're 1-0 down and playing crap, and someone repeats mistakes again and again, its what sticks in your mind. Not one or two good things. Hleb is the most frustrating player to watch.

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I swear the other week when I sad the emirates had all those facilities [hence making for a great stadium], you gave me some non-sense about corporate bullshit blah blah.. Contradict much?



It's not contradicting at all I said the Facilities the Emirates offer is nice, but Everton for Away Fans is atrocious.



I just dot see how for away fans Everton offers more when geographically it is only a few hundred yards away and it will is a shit hole...


You do expect a place you can actually take a piss not a alley way with a wall...The Place has abit of soul but it is a whole whoever complied that report was surely lazy in terms of saying Everton offers more to the away fan than Liverpool :S.... (Excuse the rhyme).


And i didn't mention anything about the Turnstiles at The Emirates...






Oh well....Feck It.....


The Heinze situation should be sorted on the 20th...Heres Hoping, We need him...Riise is not good enough IMO....

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Guest Stefkov

That was fucking shit. Only team to draw 0-0 in the opening weekend.

I'm so angry they played crap. What was with his substitutions. how many players he bought and he played 1 of them.

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That was fucking shit. Only team to draw 0-0 in the opening weekend.

I'm so angry they played crap. What was with his substitutions. how many players he bought and he played 1 of them.


Thats what made me curious. Where was Hargreaves, anderson etc? The problem is now hes bought those players, hes gonna have to bench players like Giggs or even scholes to fit them in. Cant see him doing that.

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Dont comment on United, when you dont know what you are talking about please Stef.


Anderson and Hargreaves are both not fully match fit yet, Tevez has only been training for 4 days.


True mate, we had the chances but lacked that quality finishing of Saha...

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Some awful keeping in the Chelsea match but I'm glad we played well...unlike last season. Awesome match, it reminded me why I enjoy watching football so much! Malouda and Pizarro scoring was great. SWP carrying on his pre-season awesomeness was great to watch!! Good luck to Birmingham for the rest of they season.


MOTD should be a good today!

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I don't think we played bad in the slightest. We went out to win the game, which is what I fully expected of them. The only thing that stopped them winning the game was Reading's goalkeeper and their 9 man defence.


Seriously, a pretty fucking awful game of football to watch. This is not a training ground exercise, this is a PREMIERSHIP football match. If you're going to come to our stadium without the intention of winning the game, then please fuck off back to wherever you came from. I really, really cannot stand this mentality of teams who do not play to win.

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I don't think we played bad in the slightest. We went out to win the game, which is what I fully expected of them. The only thing that stopped them winning the game was Reading's goalkeeper and their 9 man defence.


Seriously, a pretty fucking awful game of football to watch. This is not a training ground exercise, this is a PREMIERSHIP football match. If you're going to come to our stadium without the intention of winning the game, then please fuck off back to wherever you came from. I really, really cannot stand this mentality of teams who do not play to win.


Yeah they should bend over and let you win 5-0

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No, they should compete, like how teams like Aston Villa, Birmingham, Fulham and even Sunderland have competed in the last few days.


Sunderland aside they all lost though? Reading are a point better for not "competing". (And Villa and Sunderland where at home anyway) How many teams of Readings size have gone to Old Trafford and come away with anything other then a complete thrashing. (Fulham last year for example). The fact is the smaller teams playing away from home are not going to be able to compete with the bigger teams 9 times out of 10 by playing nice attacking football. Its up to the bigger teams to break them down. United failed to do that today. Do you think any Reading fan currently cares that they didn't "compete".

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Well Reading should do what they did tbh Fierce. As it was effective, they came away with a point at Old Trafford. Sure how they played was fuckin annoying, but we were at fault for not having that cutting edge in front of goal.


The thing is, no matter whether you have a 2 goal or 20 goal a season striker upfront, you can only score if you get the service. As soon as I saw the Reading formation, I groaned, because I instantly knew how this was going to turn out.


To be honest, we're going to be in for a very long and boring season if teams continue to play like this. The whole beauty of the English league, in the past, was its unpredictability. That was what made the FA Cup so magical, and that was what made the League so fascinating to watch. Teams gave it a proper going for, week in and week out, and occassionally smaller teams would come out with 3 points, and rightfully so.


I would rather lose to a team that went out there and wanted the victory more than us, rather than drawing to a team of half arsed players who are content to just set up base camp outside their own penalty box. Where's the passion in that?

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Sunderland aside they all lost though? Reading are a point better for not "competing". (And Villa and Sunderland where at home anyway) How many teams of Readings size have gone to Old Trafford and come away with anything other then a complete thrashing. (Fulham last year for example). The fact is the smaller teams playing away from home are not going to be able to compete with the bigger teams 9 times out of 10 by playing nice attacking football. Its up to the bigger teams to break them down. United failed to do that today. Do you think any Reading fan currently cares that they didn't "compete".


Fulham last year didn't really go their with the intention of winning either, not to my recollection anyway. The fact is, Reading are not a newly promoted side, they have definite quality in their team, and they should be gunning for a top 10 or so finish this season. I'm a little bit disappointed to say the least in a team such as Reading to see them play in such a way, especially as I thought they had aspirations.


Fair play to Reading, last season we had teams who appeared to park a coach in front of their goal. I agree its frustrating but when you need points, you've got to do what you can to get those points.


It's the first game of the season, so it's not like they desperately needed the points. Like I said, I do think there is some quality in their team, and we know for damn sure they can give teams a right good game, so I'm just pretty damn disappointed to see them play like this. Is this how we're going to see every team outside the top 6 play against us?

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