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PS3 or 360?

Dark Wolf

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over a year xboxlive is less then a pound a week :S its so much better then ps3s for the expense


id choose 360 but im very biased as ive never owned a sony console/handheld


67p per week if you get it cheap for £35 like me

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I'm far from a FPS fan (and with those games I prefer to use a keyboard + mouse), and I bought a 360. It has a number of great games already available at good prices (Dead Rising, Crackdown, Viva Pinata, PGR3, ...) and lots of interesting ones coming out soon, some of them exclusive to the console (Overlord, The Darkness, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon, ...).


Personally I think it's a mistake to purchase a PS3 now. IMO it currently lacks worthwhile games, and most of what's coming out is also available on the 360. If you decide to purchase a PS3 you should wait a bit more until more games are available, and by that time the price will probably have dropped.


If you decide to get a 360 look around, there's some packs at great prices currently available. I bough my console from ChoicesUK, and for £299.99 I got a premium 360 (which includes the wireless controller, 20 gig harddrive, headset, component cable (which by the way it apparently isn't included with the PS3) and the remote to play dvds) + an additional wireless controller (official) + Gears of War + Crackdown + Project Gotham Racing 3 + a compilation of Live Arcade games.

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If you decide to get a 360 look around, there's some packs at great prices currently available. I bough my console from ChoicesUK, and for £299.99 I got a premium 360 (which includes the wireless controller, 20 gig harddrive, headset, component cable (which by the way it apparently isn't included with the PS3) and the remote to play dvds) + an additional wireless controller (official) + Gears of War + Crackdown + Project Gotham Racing 3 + a compilation of Live Arcade games.


Thats the best deal around right now. I would definitely snap one up now if I had the cash...

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The same could be said about PS3 deals though. The prices are consistently dropping. You can buy one today for £360. Or £370 for the PS3, Click, HDMI cable.


Oh, and on the issue of price, judging from recent examples, over a 5 year period (which is generally considered to be a consoles lifespan) your 360 is more likely to fail than it isn't meaning another purchase of the console for most people, so in the 'long run' that would be an extra extra big expense.

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Oh, and on the issue of price, judging from recent examples, over a 5 year period (which is generally considered to be a consoles lifespan) your 360 is more likely to fail than it isn't meaning another purchase of the console for most people, so in the 'long run' that would be an extra extra big expense.


I knew this post would come back to bite me in the ass! I just got the 3 red lights..


My point precisely. Now, if a PS3 had been bought maybe this extra 200 and something pounds would have been saved.

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I may be a lone ranger here but .. I'd say PS3.

Blu ray is winning the high definition battle basically.

Another worth noting is that:


Blu Ray potiental: 200GB ( could be more?)



It may not be appartent now in terms of games but give it a while and the difference will be huge.


Remember the PS3's hardware is very tricky to develop for, give them a bit of time.


Plus HDD and wifi, the price is completely justified and will come down. ;)


One more point on films stored on both discs:


Take 300 for instance, the HD DVD version will bundle with the DVD one.

There wouldn't be enough space on the disc to have a true high definition film on it.


The Blu Ray one on the other hand is true high definiton.

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One more point on films stored on both discs:


Take 300 for instance, the HD DVD version will bundle with the DVD one.

There wouldn't be enough space on the disc to have a true high definition film on it.


The Blu Ray one on the other hand is true high definiton.

Sorry, what???

These "Combo" releases are dual-sided, with a regular dvd side and a HD DVD side. Obviously the HD DVD side is "true" HD. Please don't spread misinformation, HD DVD is as "HD" as Blue Ray.

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I did infact miss read information, which i apologize for.

The combo ups the price is rather stupid.

Maybe only by a minimal extent but still.


'The Blu-Ray release could have used H.264 as a codec, but Warner decided to be cheap and use the same VC-1 encoding they used for their HD DVD release.'

Warner are biased towards HD DVD unfortunately.


Also 'Bill Hunt says buy the Blu-ray version if you want the movie on a format with a future.'


Besides people will have to fork out for HD DVD drive add on to play them anyway, or wait for the Elite. Which some people are just damn impatient. ;)

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The combo ups the price is rather stupid.

Maybe only by a minimal extent but still.

Yeah, if someone wants a DVD they should just pick up a DVD, I really don't see the use of a DVD side for some HD-DVD discs.


Anyway, personally when I buy a console it's for it's games, not as the player of some disc format. In a year or less you'll have cheap players for both formats that do a much better job than any of the platforms. See the PS2, for example. A lot of people bought the original model because besides being a console it allowed them to play dvds. As people probably noticed soon afterwards as the format developed the PS2 started to have numerous problems with DVD playback, especially with dual-layer discs.

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Exactly, hardware is nothing without software.

I just believe that come a few years the PS3 will overshadow the 360 in quality and quantity.

Microsoft were to quick,which was good for sales

but ultimately their hardware suffered as a result.

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In the future everything is going to be hard drive based. Look at music industry.


they moved unto Cd's quite aawhile before DVD's were avialable and now a large percentage of household music isn't actually physical.


And with things like Sky anytime where downloading whole movies is available, the future seems more likely to me to be vast improvements in disk space.

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In the future everything is going to be hard drive based. Look at music industry.


If you are referring to how much stuff you can fit on a 360's hard drive, then it's not a problem, at least not for me: I have my 360 hooked up to my PC (mainly for Live purposes), which allows me to access all the videos, pictures, and, most importantly, music, on my computer's hard drive. This leaves me with more than enough room on my 360's hard drive for downloads and game saves.


In regards to the HD DVD vs Blu-Ray argument, I don't really care personally, as I have no use for either at the moment. If I'd bought a PS3, I would be annoyed as I'd have paid so much more than the console is worth to be able to watch a format I don't want to watch. At least with the 360 I have the option.

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Microsoft haven't put a HD-DVD drive in the Elite because it isn't part of they're game plan.


Look at everything they are doing, its all about digital media and digital distribution. In a few years time this (or the next) Xbox will be at the centre of that.


I may be a lone ranger here but .. I'd say PS3.

Blu ray is winning the high definition battle basically.


There ain't much in it and its only going to get closer. On my last read film companies were holding back big name Blu-Ray titles to make sure they work with the final Blu-Ray spec (due towards the end of the year).

HD-DVD was ready sooner so Sony rushed Blu-Ray out to early, this will end up kicking early adopters in the face


Another worth noting is that:


Blu Ray potiental: 200GB ( could be more?)



It may not be appartent now in terms of games but give it a while and the difference will be huge.


Edited. HD-DVD and DVD are basically the same thing, its the compression techniques that are different. The 200GB figure is based on doing the same thing with a BD


Its only my personal opinion but i'd prefer to max out DVD technology before moving on to something new (Blu-Ray)


Theres also flash memory to consider, its increasing in capacity exponentially and will overtake optical media within 5-10 years (we could be a few years from 1TB flash drives)


One more point on films stored on both discs:


Take 300 for instance, the HD DVD version will bundle with the DVD one.

There wouldn't be enough space on the disc to have a true high definition film on it.


The Blu Ray one on the other hand is true high definiton.


Theres no quality difference between HD-DVD and Blu Ray, they run the same footage at the same resolution and bit-rate. There will only be a noticable difference when 1920p panels are released, which would involve a new TV set, new BD player and new Blu Ray disks (none currently come with 1920p on them)

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