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If I recall, I don't think Dead Space was a major flop, but it certainly didn't set any charts on fire. With it being a multi-format game as well, it's possible EA didn't exactly cover development costs. It's understandable they want to address that.

Dead Space has been EA's best success of the holiday season (Along with Left 4 Dead). It's nearing the 1.5 million milestone (Without PC sales) and still holds it's full retail price, one of the few games to do that at the majority of retailers this Christmas.


I'm sure they covered developement costs well before it reached the 500k mark and total costs somewhere around 600k - 700k. The game being a success is as much reason to bring it to the Wii as it is if the game flops.

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With some great tech, licensed from either Factor 5 or High Voltage, Dead Space Wii could be a winner. I think we need that little bit of tech for it.


But how, exactly, have we established its Dead Space?


We haven't, I just made a little comment based on jammy's most likely sarcastic post. Like I said, EA may want to make it into a franchise so a Wii version could be possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This weeks summary....


Dragon Quest V


- 3 save files

- Can only show specific areas

- Square Enix being very protective


Retro Game Challenge/XSEED/Fragile


- Review going up today

- Turned out really well

- XSEED publishing the game

- XSEED apparently told Matt that people should buy the game because it’ll help them in their cause to bring Fragile to the US

- Fragile a Namco game in Japan - Matt thinks it’s a game Namco might want to publish one day

- Biggest downside in Retro Game Challenge is the localization - Fake game magazines you can read, in the back there are fake letters - one of the letters written in by Homer Sexual

- Craig wants a bit more creativity in their localization next time

- Fragile is in heavy Japanese but you can get through it

- Control in Fragile is pretty good, beautiful, storyline seems dramatic - Matt can’t wait to get it in the US





- Developed by WayForward

- WiiWare title

- Craig digs the concept

- Puzzle game where you’re in rooms that are darkened

- Get through the room, don’t go into the darkness

- The way the concept is implemented frustrates Craig - Matt heard him growling

- Certain little things that bother him (ex: Idea of turning on lights is good, but meter prevents you from turning on too many lights)

- Should be able to see the solution without trying and resetting

- Craig still recommends playing it, just be prepared for wonkyness in the design - Craig says it’s worth it for the price

- 800 points

- Matt hates the control scheme

- Context sensitive

- Game went final to WiiWare pretty quickly


House of the Dead: Overkill


- Game ships tomorrow

- Turned out well

- Bozon would like to ask about the frame rate

- Some of the moves swaps models on the fly

- Model swap freezes the frame for a second

- Other than that it’s pretty cool

- A lot of swearing

- Some of the delivery over-the-top

- Matt likes how you don’t think you’d see something in the game, but then you do

- Bosses could be a bit tougher, could have used more balancing - but still already an awesome game

- Bozon assumes there will be a sequel

- Has a turn-off ridicule mode and calibrate IR

- Don’t unlock dual-weild mode until you beat story mode and the director’s cut mode

- Can buy guns, unlock them, multiplier system is neat


Deadly Creatures


- Matt gave it an 8.0

- Craig didn’t think the game shouldn’t have received the editor’s choice award - only scored 8.0

- Matt likes the theme, most of the execution except for the polish

- Kind of glitchy

- Play as tarantula/scorpion, run through environments

- Mix of combat + exploration

- One of those games that will make you feel squeamish

- Was over a bit too quickly

- Had some annoyances like loading pauses

- For the most part Matt had a good time with it

- Good choice if you’re looking for something darker on Wii

- Switch off between scorpion and tarantula in between levels

- Bozon loves the sound

- Matt wishes there was more exploration elements

- Hopes it sells well for a sequel

- EDGE apparently gave the game a 5/10 - Matt doesn’t understand that - Maybe 7s, but never below a 7


EA news


- Moving half to development to Wii

- Dead Space heading to Wii

- Daemon, Bozon, Matt big Dead Space fans

- Game is really good + atmospheric

- Want someone really competent to bring the game to Wii

- Matt has high hopes for the game - doesn’t think it’ll be exactly what everyone thinks it’ll be but it’ll still be pretty awesome

- Next week and a half to 2 weeks - more news will probably come

- Kind of knew it was coming

- Matt thinks it’ll be fun - doesn’t think people have to worry about it being a port


Sonic and the Black Knight


- Coming out next month

- An interesting game

- It’s fun - has a nice presentation

- Gimmick is that Sonic has travelled back to realm of King Arthur, has a sword

- Feels like Sonic Unleashed daytime levels in some ways because you control character with nunchuck + Wiimote

- Matt likes the sense of speed, graphics, interface

- Have leaderboards and not so hot multiplayer mode

- Matt not finding crazy level designs from Unleashed (day levels)

- Only played a few hours so hopefully it’ll ramp up

- Right now it hasn’t blown Matt away because control mechanics for sword not so hot - all waggle

- Racing towards enemies, waggle - Can shake controller like a monkey

- Matt never really feels a good sense of satisfaction fighting enemies unless he has the lock on

- A lot of the times you stop to attack, then momentum is gone

- Villagers in levels require you to stop, kills guys, have to talk to villagers

- Certain missions require you to strafe over to villagers clumsily, talk to them

- Daemon suggests doing what Capcom did with Mega Man 9

- Matt wanted to note that they’ve only played a few hours - game might get better




- Really good

- Daemon has spent a lot of time with it

- Remake of Playstation game

- 2.5D platformer

- Stuck on a 2D plane but levels spiral around - interact with foreground/background

- No pointer control in the game - can use classic controller, just Wiimote, Wii remote + nunchuck

- Coming out later this year

- Craig loves Klonoa - it’s not just a platformer, but you have to figure things out




- Bozon thinks it looks like a N64 game

- Screenshots put up next to Turok, Turok looked better

- Technically impressive - 4 players online, it’s a WiiWare game

- Reminds Matt of War

- Craig says Japanese still haven’t gotten the FPS genre down, he’s a little nervous

- If it controls really well and runs in 60 FPS, Matt won’t care


Real 3D game


- Data Design publishing the game

- Put out a press release stating they’re putting out the first console game in 3D

- Need to wear 3D glasses to get the effect

- Finally have a game that doesn’t make you want to vomit

- Apparently a port of a PC from another developer

- Not actually being developed by Data Design

- Bozon tried emailing Data Design, didn’t get a reply

- Called Battle Rage: The Robot Wars


Reader questions


- Frontier working on Lost Winds 2 (already announced it) - Matt thinks it’ll come out this year

- Fire Emblem for DS is a lot of the same Fire Emblem stuff - remake of the original - game will get a good score - if this sells well they’ll look into remaking other entries in the series - director wants to make a new Fire Emblem game that is super casual

- Craig/Bozon would like to see World of Goo on the DS - 2D Boy doesn’t have any plans to do so - Matt wants Smash Bros. on DS

- Craig doesn’t think DS software gets the credit it deserves - most owners don’t buy many games

- Nintendo hired a company to figure out how to sell more games to Wii owners - Nintendo saying that Wii owners not buying many games, just playing Wii Sports

- Don’t really know, but Matt figures the Metroid Side Story on the Japanese website refers to something about more information on space pirates (website related) - Matt surprised there hasn’t been a Hunters sequel - NST hasn’t been up to much lately - Matt heard they took a beating on some of their projects

- Should wait until NPC! Metroid Prime to start the series if you haven’t already - will be in widescreen

- Possible future releases for NPC!/wishlist - Luigi’s Mansion, Mario Sunshine, Killer 7

- Matt thought the RE5 demo was good, but feels like RE4 - he’s a little disappointed - he’ll buy it anyway

- There’ll definitely be more RE on Wii - could be Umbrella Chronicles sequel, etc. - Matt wants something original

- MadWorld month starts off today - positive impressions - really great game - very violent

- Nintendo won’t patch games such as Brawl and Mario Kart

- Dragon Quest V, Sonic coverage, MadWorld direct feed coming soon

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Here's this weeks banter.


DSi price + date (US)


- $169.99

- April 5

- Was close to Matt’s prediction

- Craig thought it would be $149, Matt said it would be $179

- Was going to be $179 but Nintendo decided to change it

- Bozon thinks it might have been helpful that the price got out there and then people freaked out

- Recap: Has 2 built-in cameras, built-in memory, SD card slot to save photos + AAC files

- Craig thinks it’s a cool system

- $40 more than the DS Lite - Daemon thinks that’s reasonable

- You are losing out on the GBA port + DS games that use the slot

- Red Octane won’t miss the boat on DSi - Craig believes they’re working on peripheral for Guitar Hero franchise on DSi

- Probably won’t make it so you can play the ones that already came out on the DSi

- Should upgrade if you have the first DS

- Bozon loves the d-pad on the DSi

- There are cool little things on the DSi like the ability to swap cartridges, if you hold down the select button and hold up or down you can adjust the brightness within a game

- Can update firmware

- Will have to deal with the mini-fridge problem like the Wii

- For the most part Craig thinks the DSi is a good step up but it’s not mindblowing

- Matt says it’s worth it

- No differences between Japanese + NA DSi systems

- No white color for launch

- Matt wishes there was white

- Craig surprised that Nintendo is offering two colors

- Bozon loves the black DSi but there are scuff marks

- Interface is much slicker

- Haven’t announced any DSiWare games for NA - will probably be more announcements from Iwata at GDC

- Last week Craig was shown the Japanese version of Wario Ware + one of the Art Style games



Rhythm Heaven


- Coming out on April 5

- Version Craig was shown had some of the music changed

- Music is the same but lyrics now in English

- Tap/stroke screen to beat of the song

- A lot of fun, visuals stylish

- Has a lot of personality

- Already sold a million in Japan


Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon


- Remake of the original Fire Emblem game that wasn’t released in NA

- Same game with updated visuals + modern features + extra prologue chapters

- Turn-based strategy game

- Nintendo trying to ease new players into it

- Still a very deep and challenging game

- Has online play with voice chat

- Can only take 5 units into online battle

- Daemon thought the game was great

- Bozon wishes it had sprite art


Mario & Luigi 3


- Visuals the same as previous 2 titles

- Hard to figure out what’s going on because it’s in Japanese

- Craig really digs the concept

- Bowser sucks up all of the characters, Mario and Luigi inside Bowser

- Wander around and wake Bowser up, then can control Bowser on the top screen

- There is a tutorial but it’s easy to follow

- You can figure it out if you buy the Japanese version but you won’t get the humor

- Craig guesses a May release for NA - Thinks the game is localized already

- Bozon would pay $100 for Soma Bringer in English

- Game is original


Suikoden DS


- Bozon really likes it

- Wishes he could turn VO off

- Has more voice work than any other DS game Bozon has played on DS

- Has a ton of random battles

- Daemon not a fan of random battles but he’s looking forward to the game

- It’s a lot of fun, Bozon still needs to play more of it

- Some sidequests really short

- Promising game that readers don’t seem to care about


Dead Space Extraction


- A little different from many were expecting

- It’s on-rails

- Will play like House of the Dead: Overkill (House of the Dead Space)

- Developed by Eurocom and EA

- Matt a big fan of Eurocom - have worked on NightFire, Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy

- Footage looked pretty good

- Someone watched it in the office and thought it was a Dead Space 2 trailer

- Matt thinks they’ve made a competent engine, character models look good overall

- Starts the storyline from first game

- A lot of people complaining about it being on-rails - might be trying to avoid comparison to 360

- Matt thinks it’ll be the best shooter on Wii when it arrives

- Daemon generally doesn’t like on-rail shooters - House of the Dead was an exception

- Want to make sound and story a big deal

- Coming out this year - Fall or Autumn game

- Matt would rather have an on-rail shooter Dead Space than no Dead Space on Wii

- Game’s producer said the game will have flying enemies

- Has been in development for a long time - more than a year already

- The game hurts just Wii-only owners


Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop


- Not all that excited, but when Daemon played it he found gameplay from 360 version still there

- Doesn’t look that great

- Not as many zombies as 360 version

- While you’re running, zombies just pop up out of nowhere

- Zombies stand around sometimes

- Now have multiple save slots

- Can’t take photos of zombies - weird gaming mechanic to remove

- Not as satisfying to tear zombies apart - blood not rendered as believably

- Would be better if it was an on-rails shooter (joke)

- More moderately priced as $40

- Some weapons have waggle control


- PR guy wants to show them a sweet new game (not necessarily Capcom-related)


Life Force


- One of Daemon’s favorite shooters

- Spiritual sequel to Gradius

- Level design was awesome

- Awesome boss fights


Evasive Space


- High Voltage cranking out WiiWare games

- Better than the racing game

- Yukes publishing it

- Not a bad game

- Not a shooter

- About not running into things

- All infrared-based controls - ship flies to reticule - control feels lose

- Execution isn’t so good

- Never really know where you’re supposed to go

- Some people will like it

- There are online leaderboards, offline multiplayer mode

- Animales de la Muerte will be a retail game

- High Voltage probably has a little team working on WiiWare games




- Totally average game

- Succeeds at being a guilty pleasure

- Bozon wishes motion wasn’t used for attacks

- Translation lazily done

- Don’t explain features

- Game fine for what it is

- Wii game getting average scores, 360 game getting terrible scores (they are different games)


Phantom Brave


- Officially being ported to the Wii

- Came out on PS2

- Adding new features, updating the graphics

- Coming out in June

- Can move units around freely within a circle


Knights in the Knightmare


- Atlus announced they’re bringing it over

- Bozon can’t wait

- Atlus going crazy about bringing games to the US


- Valkyrie Profile preview coming soon




- Have been playing it at a fair pace

- Definitely longer than 3 hours - About 5 hours in so far

- Matt loving it

- Everyone in the office who sees it does a double take

- Artistic and way gory

- Game gets pretty tough

- There are some major boss fights in the game that are challenging

- Matt recently beat a boss with a sliver of life left

- Great beat-em-up

- Game of the year contender

- Matt more excited about playing MadWorld than Resident Evil 5

- Publishers are absolutely watching this game

- If the game bombs, gamers are in trouble

- Matt will hate you if you can afford to buy the game and you rent it instead

- A sequel is possible if it sells well - sequels not always possible, even if it does sell well


Reader questions


- Should spend money to upgrade to DSi if you have original DS

- Will be doing full reviews for New Play Control games

- Retro Studios won’t enhance multiplayer for NPC! Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

- Day and night cycles longer in Rune Factory Frontier than Harvest Moon 64 + have more energy

- Editors at IGN can tell what a 60 FPS game is by looking at it - just takes experience

- Kirby Wii still showing up on release lists

- Nintendo will never remove friend codes but third parties will

- Bully like GTA without all of the language + sexual content

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's this weeks Voice Chat summary.


Sonic and the Black Knight


- People have been complaining about the review, saying IGN is biased, etc.

- Not so hot - 3.9

- Matt says he gives bad Sonic games bad scores

- Just not a good game

- Can look at it as not a good Sonic game or not a good game in general (both are true)

- Doesn’t have any of the trademarks from the Sonic games

- Matt can’t remember a single loop in the game

- Always at a dead stop fighting enemies, stopped a lot

- Sword-play is just one move - mapped to waggle

- Basic game is running forward for a second, stopping for 30 seconds, fighting off enemies

- Secret Rings did have its issues but it was still a fun game

- By design they’re trying to slow you down

- Actually have to stop, walk up to a townspeople clumbsily to interact with villagers

- Don’t really collect rings so much either

- When you stop you realize how bad the controls are


We Ski and Snowboard


- Very mediocre game

- Pretty much the same game as last year, looked like the same game

- Added the ability to snowboard but have the same controls as skiing

- Does support the balance board

- Balance board controls work

- Nothing else to do in the game

- Everything is unlocked from the very beginning

- Nothing to entice you to move forward

- No goal or objective you’re working towards

- Visually not too bad

- Framerate chugs in multiplayer



A Boy and His Blob


- Very pretty

- Knew about it for a little more than a month

- Still a little early

- All 2D

- Videos up today

- One of the best looking 2D games Craig has seen

- Being done by WayForward

- It is a bit rough in some areas, still looking really good

- Only concern is how far they will take the gameplay mechanics




- Will have Classic Control

- Turn Wiimote sideways

- 1 and 2 buttons become punch buttons

- Good for purists

- Next Level Games are good, Bozon has faith in them

- Has to be like the NES and SNES games

- Daemon was expecting the game to use the Balance Board somehow

- Can obtain special Star Punches




- Looks a lot like Excite Truck

- Some screenshots are up

- Game comes out really soon

- Game seems to have some hovering stuff

- Should bring out Excite Bike 64 in anticipating for Excitebots

- Bots have a lot of personality

- Monster Games developing the game

- Bozon hoping for AAC/MP3 support


EA Grand Slam Tennis


- Got to play it without Wii MotionPlus

- Hands on in a day or two

- Feels like Wii Sports Tennis

- Apparently can control character with nunchuck

- Mix of realism and exaggerated characters

- Doesn’t use Miis

- Will have an online mode, will be pretty deep

- Was a lot of fun even without MotionPlus

- Really have to think during rallies

- Timing-based

- Can go to a practice mode

- A button is lob, B button is drop-shot

- Game requires you to think about how much power you’re using

- Wished they could have played it with Wii MotionPlus

- Frame rate might be locked at 30

- Still make tweaks to game

- It’s pre-alpha

- Big selection of characters, courts

- Online mode will be “badass†from what Matt hears

- Matt thinks people will like this game


EA Sports Active


- Really geared toward women

- Uses the Balance Board, but it’s secondary

- Cooler than Matt thought it would be

- Matt thinks it’ll be a big hit


Wii MotionPlus


- Matt heard that Nintendo is apparently struggling internally with Wii MotionPlus

- Trying to figure out a few hiccups, were going to delay it past June

- EA won’t have to hold onto their game for MotionPlus




- Matt impressed with what he saw

- Red Fly developing the game

- Thought it was pretty nice - was pleasantly surprised

- Matt likes the style

- Controls were good - really tight, responsive

- Engine also seems really good - particle effects, lighting effects, good framerate

- Frame rate never dropped in co-op

- Can paint the walls


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time


- Wii game is a port of the DS game

- They look identical

- Games have same price

- Bozon thinks it’s fun

- It’ll be a weird game to review

- DS game is phenomenal, better than Rings of Fate

- Wii game is basically a DS game

- Quest, level up, get new clothes

- Comes out later this month

- 4 player locally, 4 player online


Region-locking on the DSi (downloads)


- Can still play retail cartridges from any territory

- So many different age rating systems

- DSi has own built in family settings

- Will probably wait until next year until Nintendo will think about exclusive DSi games




- Talked about disappointing January sales last week

- NPD numbers showed it sold less than 1500 in launch month

- Mastiff responded to the discussion last week

- NPD doesn’t report from some retailers, Mastiff says the numbers aren’t not entirely accurate

- Actual number is 3-4 times as much

- Still sounds really low

- Mastiff says they’ve put a lot of marketing behind it - over $200,000 in promotion

- Full-page ads in magazines, online ads, promotions, etc.

- Weekly sales moving, may turn out to be a long slow-seller

- Mastiff agreed branding may have hurt the game


Reader questions


- DSi will play any retail cartridges (any region)

- Bozon and Matt amazed there hasn’t been a WarioWare game for Wii that uses the Balance Board - Would be awesome if they did

- DSi is partially compatible with WPA2 - 6 slots for Wi-Fi - First 3 for DS compatibility, second 3 are for WPA (using store, browser, DSi specific software)

- New piece of The Conduit on Friday about the story - more on the controls, multiplayer coverage coming soon

- Unclear why no 480p in MadWorld - might be related to the game’s visuals - still looks incredible

- Can play MadWorld on normal or hard (which is ridiculously hard) - Enemy AI ramps up on normal as you go through (not incredibly hard on normal)

- Story is special in MadWorld - deeper than Matt thought it’d be - Good half hour of cut-scenes

- Not entirely smart to release MadWorld close to RE5 - Daemon, Matt more excited about MadWorld than Resident Evil 5

- Daemon thinks Pole’s Big Adventure is a very funny game - traditional old-school 8-bit platformer - crazy stuff happens in the game - your head can explode

- Played Boom Blox Bash Party - Can’t really write about it (or talk about it) - Game is awesome

- No plans to bring World of Goo to the DS

- Ocarina of Time could be ported to the DS but who knows if Nintendo will do it

- DSi can take video in certain games - no built in function on the DSi - no reason why it couldn’t be done

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This weeks chatter.


Tiger Woods


- Has Wii MotionPlus

- All very happy about the game

- Exclusive on it tomorrow

- Everyone who has been hoping for great 1:1 - it’s arrived

- There’s another mode they can’t talk about

- Videos, screens tomorrow

- Grand Slam Tennis coverage this week as well




- People were complaining about the text in the review

- Gave it an 8.0

- Matt really liked the game

- The great game of the year so far on Wii

- Lived up to most of the hype

- Gorgoues game, fun to play

- Scared no one will buy the game

- Say every week how companies are watching this game, House of the Dead, will watch The Conduit

- National Institute on Media and the Family issued a press release saying they are disappointed with Nintendo





- First trailer went up yesterday

- A lot of readers are knocking the game

- Looks like Excite Trucks with robots

- IGN Nintendo team thinks it looks good

- Looks like it still keeps the core mechanics of Excite Trucks

- Coming up right around the corner (next month)


GTA: Chinatown Wars


- Craig got it today

- Has only played about an hour so far

- Will be playing it over the course of the week

- Review on Monday

- Bozon says it’s surprisingly smooth, looks great - first time he saw it in action

- Cars flip in the air with physics

- Don’t have to car-jack every car

- Has motorcycles, slow trucks, fast cars

- There is a helicopter but unclear if you can pilot it, same deal with the jet

- Angle works well


New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis


- Used to be great, not now

- Took motion controls that aren’t as good as Wii Sports Tennis and combined it with Mario Power Tennis

- Probably was a rushed job

- Controls are not consistent

- Matt bummed that Nintendo chose this game but Metroid is still in Japan

- Matt wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of the best sellers this year because of Mario, tennis, with Wii remote

- Dismantled the original control scheme - can’t play with Classic Controller


New Play Control! Pikmin


- Done pretty well

- Pointer feels really good

- Good sign of things to come for the franchise

- Matt Will recommend it in the review

- Widescreen

- Pointer feels really tight

- Already a great game that is made better

- If you’ve already played it, it’s a must-own - if you have it, it’s worth checking out again


Resident Evil event


- Event being held during the launch of Resident Evil 5

- Teased that an announcement will make Nintendo fans happy about

- Matt says “Ehâ€

- They know what it is already

- Daemon thinks people will be interested but don’t give your hopes up too high

- It’s not terrible, people won’t be like “WTFâ€

- Bozon says the hype-level is already too high

- From what they’ve heard, you can be excited for it, but don’t overhype yourselves

- Clue: Bozon will be happy


Gradius ReBirth


- Another new retro game

- Doesn’t really do anything different

- If you die you lose everything

- It’s a fun blast from the past

- Daemon gave it a 7

- People who like retro stuff should check it out

- $10 - a little too much


Mighty Flip Champs


- DSiWare game

- It’s a cool puzzle game

- Top screen - main character traverse puzzle

- Bottom screen - invert of the puzzle

- Hit a button and the screen flips - navigate through the world

- Brain goes through a seizure process in some of the levels - it’s a good thing

- Trying to get it out for launch


Avalon Code


- Daemon really liked it

- Unique action RPG

- Comes from XSEED

- Revolves around book of prophecy

- Anything you encounter in the world can be recorded, then you can mess with its properties

- Action RPG fans should check it out


Reader questions


- Cave Story should be coming out next month or May

- Lack of N64 games could be related to lack of space on Wii

- Camelot always talks about Golden Sun but they don’t have anything to show for it - but we don’t know what they’re working on now

- EA Grand Slam Tennis - Can create your own character but no Miis

- At least a variation of co-op jenga game in the new Boom Blox

- Thursday: EA Tennis with Wii MotionPlus, Tiger Woods, EA Active, a few other games at EA event

- NST still around but Matt hears that they’ve been having issues

- Codemasters may still own the rights to the original Micro Machines game - games that have a liscene attached probably won’t come out on the VC or have a premium

- Should get NPC! Pikmin even though NPC! Pikmin 2 could be on the way - NPC! Pikmin 2 not even announced for NA yet

- Bozon didn’t receive his PES review copy yet


Real Heroes: Figherfighters


- Has a terrible name

- Actually not a bad title

- It’s a FPS but put out fires

- Has squad-based stuff

- It’s a pretty good game


Henry Hatsworth


- Going to be really good

- Nintendo Team wants you to buy it

- Humor really great in the game

- Plays very well


- Didn’t post The Conduit stuff because they never got it - plan to post it later this week

- Cool video of Deadly Creatures will be up eventually

- Guy who attacked Matt over MadWorld review apologized (after Matt emailed him back) and asked for a reply back (after threatening to kill Matt’s family)

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  • 1 month later...

Here's this weeks summary.


Silent Hill: Shattered Memories


- Matt did call Bozon about the game and Bozon was pissed

- Not a port, not a Wiimake

- It’s a reimagining

- Designed for Wii

- Start the game similar to the original

- Told to fill out a form for Psych Profile - lasts for rest of the game

- If you said you drink alcohol, might see a bar that’s open instead of a diner

- Character interactions, backgrounds change

- Looks very good

- Better than the flashlight in Fragile, Winter

- “Looks really damn goodâ€

- Frame-rate holds up

- Stylized

- Matt doesn’t mind the character designs

- No weapons - Matt likes the idea

- Environments really good, dynamic, snow effects are great

- When it changes to Nightmare World, it happens dynamically

- Matt was really impressed, psyched for it

- Not bloody but will be an M rated title


Fatal Frame


- Not coming to America anytime soon

- Matt still trying to get another word from Nintendo but it has been difficult

- Reggie had said that Nintendo is not the publisher of Fatal Frame IV in North America

- “Translated†Tecmo statement: Nintendo, what the hell are you doing? We’re going to call you out and let the fans know it’s your fault, not ours

- Bozon thinks the game would need some changes before it would come out

- Would be a welcomed addition to the library even though it wouldn’t receive the best review score and would be a bit clunky/unchanged

- Real loss for the audience since it appeals to the hardcore player

- Fatal Frame wasn’t a huge seller in Japan



Dead Space: Extraction


- Craig was able to watch it

- He was pretty impressed

- As a Wii game it’s visually impressive

- Rail-shooter instead of a full-fledged third-person exploring kind of game

- Visually amazing, environments are really cool, tense situations really cool

- Put a lot of effort into storyline

- Feel like you’re an embedded soldier

- Camera bounces, feel natural

- Second player can shoot with you (not an actual secondary character)

- Craig really impressed

- Game itself looks pretty amazing on Wii

- Sound will be a key point in the game


Excitebots: Trick Racing


- More coverage today

- Confirmed there won’t be SD card support for MP3s

- No WiiSpeak support

- Indicative of what Nintendo usually does with peripherals

- Nintendo lets people do whatever they want

- Still a really awesome game

- Whole game a lot of fun - better than Excite Truck

- Controls tighter, crazier objectives

- It’s a pure video game


The Conduit


- SEGA holding event in San Francisco showing multiplayer from The Conduit tomorrow

- Impressions, screens, videos should be going up


Wii Sports Resort


- Coming out in June in Japan

- July for other territories

- No official price, haven’t said if they will release MotionPlus component earlier

- Can argue that EA supporting MotionPlus more than Nintendo at launch

- Craig thinks there will be a bundle in North America, Matt doesn’t


Rabbids Go Home


- Not a Rayman game

- All about the Rabbids

- No mini-games in the title

- Platformer adventure

- Developed by Beyond Good & Evil team

- New engine

- Matt heard a rumor that development were working on this first, then moving on to BG&E2

- More information on the game in the next month or so


PS3 outsold Wii in Japan


- PS3 in March had sales of around 146,000, Wii at 99,000

- 360 at 43,000

- IGN speculation is that Yakuza 3, Resident Evil 5 contributed to those numbers

- Iwata said Wii demand not vigorous in Japan at the moment - at unhealthy situation

- Not going to do a price cut

- Matt not especially worried


Night Game


- 2D ball rolling through environments

- Has a nice look to it

- A lot of fun to play

- Some challenging puzzles that make you think

- Has physics

- Can manipulate gravity in some situations

- Game doesn’t have a problem being too dark to see


DSi launch


- Bozon didn’t go

- Event was pretty packed

- Chatted with Cammie Dunaway

- Said she won’t talk about her snowboarding experiences

- Also said that “We hope we have something†for E3

- Iwata pumping up E3, everyone else downplaying it

- PR people should be prepped for an answer that is more interesting

- Craig wonders how hard it is for them to say “I think you’re going to be excitedâ€

- Don’t have to say anything specific, just throw us a bone


Mixed Messages


- Craig saw it about a month ago

- Restrictive in the sense that it’s only multiplayer, one system

- It’s a riot to see how the original sentence goes to a new sentence

- More people you have, the crazier it gets

- Goes up to 21 people

- Seemed like people were interested in seeing what the result was

- Obviously only want to spend the 500 points if you have multiple players, not if you’re a single-player gamer


Mighty Flip Champs


- Coming within the “launch window†of DSi

- Bozon got to play final level, he’s really happy with it


Reader questions


- Nintendo still working on Fatal Frame IV response

- Matt/Bozon/Craig guessing Pikmin 3 for E3

- No baseball games coming out this year that supports Wii MotionPlus

- Matt wants to put up the audio chat he had with Denise Kaigler from GDC

- Matt thinks Silent Hill will be the scariest out of Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles, Dead Space, Silent Hill

- DSi officially doesn’t have VC games but it would be a missed opportunity - hoping it’s a big announcement for E3


No WiiSpeak in ExciteBots is a disgrace, there is no excuse why the system shouldnt be used in all the online games on the Wii since it came out.

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Sounds rubbish that we don't get BGE2 that's what.

Nobody asked for "this" instead.


BG&E 2 is being developed for Xbox360 and PS3, and plays on the strenghts of those. Wii is just a different beast altogether. I'd rather have a specifically created Wii-title than a watered-down version of a game. There is a reason why RE5 and the new Prince of Persia aren't coming to Wii, just as Madworld and No More Heroes aren't coming to other consoles.

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