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If it ever materialises i'll eat my own face.


It's obviously a hoax. Moody video made from B-list actors (too poor to pay for colour :p) and appealing to the Nintendo fans need for more mature stuff. Simple really, they are wanna be big developers who are only time wasters.

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Doesn't everyone love how Nintendo have told everyone to go fuck themselves until E3? Watched the Gametrailers interview with Reggie and he was just an asshole. "Nope. Nope. Nope. Wait until E3... we'll be at E3..."


Why is that him being an asshole (arsehole?)? Isn't that just their strategy, why does that make them tell everyone go fuck themselevs. Maybe they want the attention on Wii Fit, Smash and mario kart!!!

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I wouldnt say Sadness was ever a deliberate hoax. I personally think its one of those games which has fallen by the wayside and noones actually going to ever confirm it. However, my new ambition is to learn C+, develop a game call sadness, and happily enjoy Jordan eating his own face. With Red onion relish. Delicious, Sir!

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As a side note does anyone know much about game development? Especially Wii Ware, how much does a game cost to make and about indie developers licensed by NIntendo (o r is it project based).


I have a film company and I'm thinking of investing into a game for Wii are ready to step up a game branch of the organisation. It's something I'm serious about, we could even do lots of filming, motion-cap, CG for the project - and obviously chief game tester :)


If anyone knows anything I'd love to know more,,,,

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As a side note does anyone know much about game development? Especially Wii Ware, how much does a game cost to make and about indie developers licensed by NIntendo (o r is it project based).


I have a film company and I'm thinking of investing into a game for Wii are ready to step up a game branch of the organisation. It's something I'm serious about, we could even do lots of filming, motion-cap, CG for the project - and obviously chief game tester :)


If anyone knows anything I'd love to know more,,,,


I don't really understand what you are suggesting because you have typed horribly there Dazzy but in short, nobody has a sodding clue about WiiWare yet because Nintendo are being bastards about it. Microsoft have just hiked the price of getting a game onto XBLA as well so tbh, there's no realy benefit in making anything for any DLC service atm, as far as I know.

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nobody has a sodding clue about WiiWare yet because Nintendo are being bastards about it. Microsoft have just hiked the price of getting a game onto XBLA as well so tbh, there's no realy benefit in making anything for any DLC service atm, as far as I know.
Developers know... and aparently there's benefit:


-> http://www.developmag.com/interviews/143/WiiWare-Week-Versus-Round


As a side note does anyone know much about game development? Especially Wii Ware, how much does a game cost to make and about indie developers licensed by NIntendo (o r is it project based).
hmmm... I don't know the licencing costs, but the developers are deciding their prices freely (a lot of them lower than XBLA ones) and aparently Nintendo promised them that their margin would always be lower than the competitions.


The price to get you started is at least one Wii Development Kit, and that goes for $1700 dollars... still 6 times or so, cheaper than a PSP Dev Kit (they're $10250 each after a recent price-drop to half).

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Sorry I really should read over what I've typed afterward :)


Basically I'm looking to invest some money in a game being developed for Wii Ware as a starting point to continue the development through a game department of my film company (we're called Blueprint: Film, so Blueprint: Game; or something like that.).


I don't have LOADS of money though I could invest 10-20k; though I'm really good at funding and have a great relationship with Screen Yorkshire who fund game development. Just wondered if anyone knew anything here or even where to go, or to ask......

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Well developers I know think it's a pile of crap. And they're pissed. From the horses mouth not the internet.
Sure, just like most developers don't even go all out, do a port and say games don't sell on the Wii. My point being... most of them are really partial actually, and for one reason or the other, don't seem to like the Wii too much, hence why we're seeing a lot of the industry trying to fight back the Wii and shoveling it to the sides.


Wii gave developers a lot of advantages to motivate them to develop and take effort on Wii games, though, and Wiiware, although perhaps a little limitative regarding storage space offers good value for them too.


And cheap DevKits seem more like a curse now... but they shouldn't... it's a sign of Nintendo caring about third party support.

Sorry I really should read over what I've typed afterward :)


Basically I'm looking to invest some money in a game being developed for Wii Ware as a starting point to continue the development through a game department of my film company (we're called Blueprint: Film, so Blueprint: Game; or something like that.).


I don't have LOADS of money though I could invest 10-20k; though I'm really good at funding and have a great relationship with Screen Yorkshire who fund game development. Just wondered if anyone knew anything here or even where to go, or to ask......

Read my post :) Sadly I don't think Nintendo sells them to everyone, you have to "prove your worth" for them before you're able to purchase it, or something.


This said... Guys like Luc Bernard (from Eternity's Child) are actually doing their games PC-based (with some videos even showing a mouse cursor) while keeping them simple enough to make the transition.


I wish you luck, btw.

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What developers do you know? I know most WiiWare developers, they seem to think otherwise.


Sorry, maybe I should be more specific. It's good for WiiWare if Nintendo will let you do it. From what I have been told you need to go to them with a finished game if you want to have a chance. So small devs with very little resources to risk and no previous business dealings with Nintendo get cut out. I seem to remember him telling me about something about Nintendo still be very tight lipped about the process as well, making it impossible for him to make any kind of costings at all but that I might be wrong about.


Sorry the "it isn't worth it" comment was more aimed at Microsoft.


Person I know is one of the creators of 3rd Dimension Creations, he's one of my tutors. They do collaboration stuff with people like Blitz but they are only 2 years old and are building from the gorund up so they haven't really got the wears to pull out a really big project yet.

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Sorry, maybe I should be more specific. It's good for WiiWare if Nintendo will let you do it. From what I have been told you need to go to them with a finished game if you want to have a chance. So small devs with very little resources to risk and no previous business dealings with Nintendo get cut out. I seem to remember him telling me about something about Nintendo still be very tight lipped about the process as well, making it impossible for him to make any kind of costings at all but that I might be wrong about.
Yeah, the "prove your worth" test. I wonder how so much crap developers passed the test for wii commercial games though.


You should be able to only give them a tech demo or something though.

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You should be able to only give them a tech demo or something though.


Should, yeah...


I really don't like Nintendo form a business point of view though now. Ever since I found out about publlishing games for the DS I can't fathom why anyone does any business with them at all half of the time.

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Should, yeah...


I really don't like Nintendo form a business point of view though now. Ever since I found out about publlishing games for the DS I can't fathom why anyone does any business with them at all half of the time.


What did you find out?

At least WiiWare wise, word is, Nintendo is much better and friendlier than MS.

They were fucking bastards in the old days though.

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Sorry, maybe I should be more specific. It's good for WiiWare if Nintendo will let you do it. From what I have been told you need to go to them with a finished game if you want to have a chance. So small devs with very little resources to risk and no previous business dealings with Nintendo get cut out. I seem to remember him telling me about something about Nintendo still be very tight lipped about the process as well, making it impossible for him to make any kind of costings at all but that I might be wrong about.




That's not exactly right, because WiiWare game devs get bigger royalties than XBLA devs for example. Not to mention I don't know any console that just lets two guys in their garage release a game, without showing the publisher if the game is any good. It's normal business practice and response from the 1st wave WiiWare devs indicate that Nintendo have been very supportive about it.


although perhaps a little limitative regarding storage space offers good value for them too.



Eternity Child moved from XBLA to Wii Ware, because of 360s size limits :P

Which is totally moronic. 360 has a disc and mandatory size limitations, Wii doesn't and there are no mandatory limitations.

Just can't see the logic behind that.


Dazzy, I don't know if starting with WiiWare is easy, XNA and Steam might be your best bets atm

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Eternity Child moved from XBLA to Wii Ware, because of 360s size limits :P

Which is totally moronic. 360 has a disc and mandatory size limitations, Wii doesn't and there are no mandatory limitations.

Just can't see the logic behind that.

hmmm... I believe there has to be something else, because Wii has a limit you know, 40 MB... Square-Enix said it; and even if they didn't, they have a lot less storage, so even for 150 MB cap like XBLA has... it could prove to be difficult for a lot of users to "get space in the fridge" for it. (still of course SD content would take up less space, but 40 MB is kinda thin still)


But yeah, it started off as a X360 XBLA game.


EDIT: here it is:


why the switch from XBLA to WiiWare for your upcoming game Eternity’s Child?


Bernard: A-ha! Well, this is going to be quite interesting. Well, I remember at first Eternity’s Child was one of the first games created with the XNA platform. However, Microsoft gave Eternity’s Child the red light. They didn’t want the game on Xbox Live Arcade so I had to switch it to Wii. Since I was friends with Paul, the owner of Alten8 and they were doing Wii games… so I just contacted him and told Paul that I wanted Eternity’s Child to come out on Wii, and now here it is today.

Source: http://www.destructoid.com/pre-gdc-destructoid-interview-eternity-s-child-s-luc-bernard-and-sean-beeson-70594.phtml


There you go, it wasn't due to space constraints, but it was due to something that... if it was Nintendo in Microsoft's place... would cause a uproar of "nintendo hates gamers!", "nintendo is evil", etc etc...


EDIT2: this should concern Dazzybee:


Luc Bernard mentioned that to develop on the 360 Arcade service costs around $300,000 compared to the approximate $100,000 for a WiiWare title. He also mentioned that the process for 360 Arcade can be very risky, with Microsoft basically able to red light a nearly finished game for no reason.

Meanwhile, on WiiWare, Nintendo simply asks to see the general game outline then encourage it to be made.

Also, the royalty rate for the Arcade service has recently been cut by Microsoft and Nintendo offer much better rates.

Source: http://radio-ninty.co.uk/cgi-bin/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1205799483/0#0


Jamba from this developer feedback it doesn't seem like he had to do a whole game to get the approval (and makes sense since he started this title he'll publish elsewhere, so he'd probably had a beta up and running for tests if needed but not a full game gone to waste); I mean this comes from a licensed one, and from what I inquire the people who gave you that idea weren't licensed or involved for that matter.


If anything, perhaps Nintendo didn't exteriorize it well enough, or they're simply not that interested or are partial against Nintendo (not a crime, or meant as a insult)


Nintendo can be bureaucratic, but it has no advantage in screwing their third party support, quite the contrary, they seem to try to fight it back against the odd's (while not moneyhatting them)

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About EC I might have read wrong.
You didn't, I heard that too... But then they further explained. And space couldn't be the real issue.
The 40 mb limit is a suggestion it's stretcheable.
I don't see how they could scretch further from 40 MB tbh, 65 MB at most.


Also FFCC:MLaaK interview:


Sometimes when you have restrictions you get more ideas. In one sense that kind of helps us make new games. On the other hand if we have a game that we can't fit in 40MB we'll just release it as a normal package game. I think we just have another choice, it's not really a restriction.
Source: http://wii.ign.com/articles/854/854726p2.html


I make out of that... that space restriction is in; it's just that... you have another "choice" too. but even if there wasn't my point stands, due to no HDD/external storage option... reaching XBLA cap (150 MB) is not really a option.


Should we move all of this to a wiiware thread though? it's interesting and all, but... perhaps very offtopic.

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Yay its up!


Nintendo Voice Chat Podcast: Episode 2

Topics include Okami's improvements, new Kart details and more.

by Matt Casamassina

US, March 24, 2008 - Looking for some Wii-related voice chat? Well, you're not going to find it, sucker -- that is, unless you download the Nintendo Voice Chat podcast. Hey, it's better than nothing, are we right?


This week, Matt, Mark and Daemon (Craig's out for the day) chat about Rock Band for Wii, Mario Kart, Okami, and much, much more, before rudely answering lots of reader questions. Check it all out below.



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