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Rumor Control - IGN's Nintendo Voice Chat


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IGN is always filled with inconsistency, contradictions and speculation that they make seem like the truth. Their incredibly wrong interpretation of Factor 5's CEO words are just proof that whatever they listen too, they give it some sort of twist that fits inside their minds.

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Sorry I meant twisted metal-style game from retro - haven't you heard the rumours; Nintendo saw what retro where doing and went "I don't think so" change the car for a rabbit and have the weapon it's ears which each have their own personality!


They're referring to Thunder Rally, which was canned before Metroid Prime was out. Retro Studios could be working on Thunder Rally, Raven Blade or something new.

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IGN is always filled with inconsistency, contradictions and speculation that they make seem like the truth. Their incredibly wrong interpretation of Factor 5's CEO words are just proof that whatever they listen too, they give it some sort of twist that fits inside their minds.


I take your point but don't go too hard on IGN. It's just their interpretation of what Eggbrecht said and I think they're genuine enough. Of course it fits their minds, it is after all their take on things. Theres nothing wrong with that just don't take everything they speculate as gospel truth.

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they give it some sort of twist that fits inside their minds.
Yeah, although they often do have class information, they do twist it and it's really annoying. Especially Matt is arrogant enough to think he knows the way it works, to the point where he's just misinforming.
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IGN is always filled with inconsistency, contradictions and speculation that they make seem like the truth. Their incredibly wrong interpretation of Factor 5's CEO words are just proof that whatever they listen too, they give it some sort of twist that fits inside their minds.


They didn't take anything wrongly, not sure if you listened to the podcast or just read some transcript but the guy outright said they were making the game "as casual as possible" and heavily implied that they're not using the nunchuk and IGN never said either of those were outright confirmation of these things, just that they likely meant they were true.


Not sure what else you mean could be out of context.


Also IGN isn't so much inconsistent in podcasts as much as people stupidly hype random comments by them or think of what they're talking about as bigger than it is. They could be talking vaguely about a title they know about and it could actually be some minor studio project that just has some potential but everyone sees any "secret game" they mention as some huge megaton that they're implying is coming, which isn't the case at all.


I listen to their podcasts every single week and I can't believe the kind of crap people give them when it's just a few normal guys having a good time and discussing any latest Nintendo news they know of at all. Whether you want to believe it though they do have industry contacts, someone like Matt Cassamassina doesn't go through 10 years in the industry attending all these huge gaming events constantly and making deals on exclusives without actually getting to know lots of real development teams.

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In this week's Wii-k in Review...


The Wii-k in review has a thread old chap. *merged"


On the point of IGNs integrity, I'm with McGeachie on this one. For one thing Eggebrecht blatantly says that they are making the game as casual as possible and will make it remote only if they can. Cos according to him, once you start attaching the nunchuk and stuff, things start getting complicated and non-casual.


Also, I'm sure I've said it before (so has James McGeachie, and a few others) but Matt doesn't make everything up. If he and Bozon were to blurt out everything they know then it would be the end of their careers. They say what they can, when they can... and anyway, the podcast is a Wii-k in review- its not meant to be megaton wii-kly. :heh:

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Yes darksnowman thats the one!! Cars with guns :)


PS Since when were you a mod :)


Yeah, apparently Shigsy was shown something that Retro were working on and he told them to give up on it because it wouldn't make a good game. This is a snippet from Gonintendo, just so you can be sure that you haven't imagined the whole thing:


What’s harder to believe…guns on cars, or karts that shoot turtle shells?


We all know the fabled story of Retro cancelling their car combat game based on Miyamoto’s comments. Wired brings up that very comment in an interview with Twisted Metal creator, David Jaffe…


W: Apparently when Miyamoto first went to Retro Studios, they were making a car combat game, he said, “Why would you make that? Why would you put a gun on a car?” And they stopped development on the game. So maybe you should answer that question. Why would you put a gun on a car?


Jaffe: You know, honestly, I’ve been too busy recently trying to figure out why the f%$# go-karts shoot banana peels.


Okay, so we know the karts don’t shoot the peels…but close enough. You know I love Miyamoto’s work… but I say point goes to Jaffe on this one!


As for being a mod, about a week!

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They didn't take anything wrongly, not sure if you listened to the podcast or just read some transcript but the guy outright said they were making the game "as casual as possible" and heavily implied that they're not using the nunchuk and IGN never said either of those were outright confirmation of these things, just that they likely meant they were true.



Unless I'm missing some interview he never said anything of the sorts. Show me the transcript, because there might be something I'm missing, but I've read the interview a lot of times and it doesn't sau that anywhere. What they say in the podcast is their interpretation not what he said.

Either you guys are making the same assumptions IGN is, or I'm totally missing something.

"But one of our main focuses is the innovation around the controls. Everybody is always talking about the motion control, but I think people are overplaying that a bit. I really, really love the pointing aspect of the remote. Although we're going to use everything for what we have in development, I think the pointing stuff is probably the biggest innovation which we're working on right now."

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Yeah, apparently Shigsy was shown something that Retro were working on and he told them to give up on it because it wouldn't make a good game. This is a snippet from Gonintendo, just so you can be sure that you haven't imagined the whole thing:




As for being a mod, about a week!


I don't think that was Corruption they were working on during that time, it was Prime 1. It was close to the time that nintendo brought them, and it was probably more to do with shifting resources onto Prime. Which I'm very glad they did in the end :)

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Q -- Are you going to use the nun-chuck controller?

A -- I can't comment yet, you try to design every game for the Wii to avoid the nun-chuck, but for some games the nun-chuck is a very viable option. When trying to go casual, the first barrier to over come is the ability to not have to use the nun-chuck.


Q -- Casual or Hardcore?

A -- As Casual as possible. Not the attempt to suddenly capture the attention and heart of the hardcore market. Unsure how many games they will make for Wii. There are publishers talking about doing things for the hardcore market on the platform, our engine would be perfect for that, but he says they will wait to see how some of those hardcore games sell.


Thats from the summary on NeoGaf.

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People should actually listen to the podcasts before ripping apart the content in them solely on transcripts that simplify points in completely different ways to how they're worded by the people saying them.


Also there's much more detail in the nunchuk answer in the actual interview too and he very heavily implies that it's not going to be used.


It's also heavily implied they'd try to do a hardcore game if they saw more evidence of hardcore titles selling better on the system.

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I didn't rip anything apart, its just that its kind of weird having a written interview with a guy and a day later have a podcast saying he said things they totally ignored on the interview.

You dont think its speculative and inconstent constantly saying "dark games coming" then nothing appears and actually saying that Nintendo has a say on 3rd party games "forcing them" to do casual games when Nintendo themselves are publishing a horror game?

EDIT: Heard parts of the interview on the podcast. It's kinda ridiculous that they TOTALLY forget to mention that "casual" part in the written interview.

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And this week's Okami comments, they talk like if they've seen it, but seriously... they fall short of saying anything we don't have confirmation like whether it has 16:9 or progressive scan (I'd say it's likely but it hasn't been announced) when I bet if they'd seen it, they could identify it instantly; in short, they know so much they say nothing new despite implying that they know. (wow, awesome)


If they had anything they'd actually show it, or "promise/announce" it (hence why developers don't give internet sites media before it's time to publish, because it's such a easy thing to do) So them having screencaps is also unlikely.


Also, from Capcom forums we know they didn't, because Capcom has only sent the beta builds this week's Monday and should get there by the end of the Week (for 10 media outlets who are actually able to run beta builds, where IGN is included). In short... I bet they know as much as the people who read those do.

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EDIT: Heard parts of the interview on the podcast. It's kinda ridiculous that they TOTALLY forget to mention that "casual" part in the written interview.


Well, surely no more ridiculous than the way you forgot it when you were posting here. :wink:


We're all human, and maybe (maybe!) Matt didn't post it in that article (lol, I didn't even read the article til now due to having both listened to the podcast and skimming the summary) cos he didn't wanna spotlight the fact that another casual orientated game is in the works. Who knows.

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People should actually listen to the podcasts before ripping apart the content in them solely on transcripts that simplify points in completely different ways to how they're worded by the people saying them.


Also there's much more detail in the nunchuk answer in the actual interview too and he very heavily implies that it's not going to be used.


It's also heavily implied they'd try to do a hardcore game if they saw more evidence of hardcore titles selling better on the system.

It's the way they say things that is childish and stupid you know. If they say "avoiding nunchuck" we can accept that the game is avoiding to use it; then again... games like Zack and Wiki did and are not what I call casual (even if they're friendly), oh, and Opoona, who only uses a nunchuck (joystick+2 buttons) totally casual.


A game who only uses the wiimote is not necessarily targeted at casuals, and in a lot of cases it's a diservice for it, since by casual you imply it won't be fun or rewarding for actual players. In short, concluding that from the control scheme they use... is stupid.


Otherwise why would Factor 5 be trying to hype us? (best visuals OMG, you will say WOW) and I'll go on record to say Lair controls for the good and bad were also simple, since they relied in motion sensing rather than button presses.


I'd also say, Mario Galaxy, and others, were "as casual as possible" but not casual (otherwise they'd be just that, catered for casuals instead of hardcores therefore simply casual), if I'm understood, and there's a big difference in that; but being as casual as possible doesn't mean "Not the attempt to suddenly capture the attention and heart of the hardcore market" hence why they fail at their own, erm... game?

Well, surely no more ridiculous than the way you forgot it when you were posting here. :wink:


We're all human, and maybe (maybe!) Matt didn't post it in that article (lol, I didn't even read the article til now due to having both listened to the podcast and skimming the summary) cos he didn't wanna spotlight the fact that another casual orientated game is in the works. Who knows.

They didn't post it because it was speculation; news are supposed to be hard facts, so... If eggbreath had downright said "it's a game for casuals" it would be there, trust me, but instead they quote him on:


"Whatever we're working on will at least blow you away in a lot of the technical aspects. We're really trying to do everything to squeeze the maximum out of the machine," he said. "I'm also hoping we're going to pay respect to what the console is all about, which is the innovation in terms of controls, in terms of accessibility, new experiences, things like that. We're really, really trying hard. I hope it's going to pay off. In terms of what we're working on; is it for third-party publishers, is it for a Nintendo first-party, what title is it? I won't give you a clue."


In short... accessibility, reads as, "they're trying to keep controls simple"; other than that? probably pure bogus at this time. (possibly not the nunchuck idea, but the game's target public, since... Factor 5 isn't even saying what it is)

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Well, surely no more ridiculous than the way you forgot it when you were posting here. :wink:


We're all human, and maybe (maybe!) Matt didn't post it in that article (lol, I didn't even read the article til now due to having both listened to the podcast and skimming the summary) cos he didn't wanna spotlight the fact that another casual orientated game is in the works. Who knows.


Um... no? I didnt know they said that because they weren't professional and failed to write a crucial part of the interview showing it only in the podcast. A professional would transcribe every important detail. It's not their job to spotlight things, it's their job to show us the whole information.

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Pedro, in the Wii-k in Review podcast they have the interview with Eggebrecht (recorded) and you blatantly hear him stating that its aimed at casuals and that they will not use the nunchuk. Give it a listen.
I don't have a ign account, still, I'd ask for a exact transcript rather than neogaf's one.


As I said though, "as casual as possible" doesn't mean it's targeted mostly at casuals like it obviously came out outlined, just that they're also part of the target public.

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