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Rugby vs Football


Rugby or Footy  

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  1. 1. Rugby or Footy

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You cant talk up rugby because nobody cares, and so you wouldn't get all this attention you like so much.



And what's this?! IT CANT BE!!! VIOLENCE IN RUGBY!!


Incident in Rugby will never be reported because with it being less popular no one will read it, wether it be online or in the papers. Like alot of the media does in seprate issues nowadays

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Rugby has always been considered "higher" than Football, since it's the sport played in private schools and stuff, and nowadays, the only coverage of Football seems to be chavs killing each other over whose team is better.


of course this all superficial, but I don't think the image of Rugby as "classier" than football is ever going to go away.

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And just when I thought we were making progress Ant. You talk like rugby is as popular as tiddlywinks.



It's true though, it's all about shock value and shock tactics...


People would much rather hear about Racism in Football then in Rugby because the fact of the matter is Football is the more popular sport.


The Media know this and they will use this to sell papers and what Not...

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I hate stereotypes, so don;t take any offence from this anyone.


Football appeals more to what my dear old grandma used to call "common" people. i hate that term, but it certainly is more prevalent in areas of less affluence, or chavvy places. Theres a lot moe chavs than like rich bitches in Britain.


And motion2000, of course theres violence in Rugby, just an amzing amount less.

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Don't let that rugby gentlemens approach get all hostile and offensive on me, unless you want to ruin your false arguments.


God damn he is telling the truth using facts(I know some are opinion).It isn't false unless you can prove his facts are incorrect.You're making a whole argument only saying it happens in rubgy too.a bit.

Incident in Rugby will never be reported because with it being less popular no one will read it, wether it be online or in the papers. Like alot of the media does in seprate issues nowadays



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Or it doesn't happen in rugby so there's nothing to report.


It does, I refuse to believe that no one out of mass amount of people, haven't reported Racist or Homophobic beheaviour or just bad beheaviour in general


It's pointless arguing with people who don't understand the rugby mentality.


Same with Football, you don't understand Football



Football appeals more to what my dear old grandma used to call "common" people. i hate that term, but it certainly is more prevalent in areas of less affluence, or chavvy places. Theres a lot moe chavs than like rich bitches in Britain.


And motion2000, of course theres violence in Rugby, just an amzing amount less.


I resent that, I resent that big time, Football is an influence anywhere you go, Newcastle, Liverpool, Glasgow for Example, It is followed by people from different backgrounds, beliefs and races.






No one will read it or know it because It won't be put in the paper.


I refuse to believe such instances do not happen because it would defy all logic and common sense

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In countries like Australia, New Zeland, South Africa, Wales etc... were rugby is the national sport, it still doesn't get reported there.


And rugby is number 2 in the UK, you really think the media would just ignore all negative behaviour? No. In fact given rugby's positive image, they would love to tar it with stories of racism/violence. This is the media we're talking about.


Ever been to a pro rugby game? Honestly.

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In countries like Australia, New Zeland, South Africa, Wales etc... were rugby is the national sport, it still doesn't get reported there.


And rugby is number 2 in the UK, you really think they would just ignore all negative behaviour?


Ever been to a pro rugby game? Honestly.


Just because thing's aren't reported doesn't mean they don't happen.


And knowing our media like we do, The Media ignore alot of things for Paper Sales and What Not...


and I have been to a Rugby Game St Helens, and their was no racist abuse and their was a pleasant atmosphere, similar to a Liverpool game I went to the weekend before.



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What why wouln't it be in the paper? You think the papers would want to only give soccer a bad name? Why would they do that... it's basically the only thing keeping the newspapers alive. Most people i know only buy them for the sports news which mostly is soccer.


Soccer came before rubgy and is the less complicated game so a 4 year old could understand it without a problem. If rugby had come first maybe we would be in a different position? I don't share Motion's views about the violence.

It is the more popular sport no naturally there will be more violence it's the attitude of the players and the boringness of it in my opinion in general that get's me I also find it more fluky. I have nothing against Soccer fans though.


It's something you have to get into early in your life.


I thought rugby was exciting no matter who was playing it.


well.......am they are 2 different sports really.:)

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