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So you've actually thought about the idea of getting a Bj off a guy? I've never heard a straight guy happily admit that, because most would just be like "...EW NO WAY OMFG" or something.


I'll admit many things. If I think it then I'm not ashamed to admit it.


A debate that I like to raise with my friends.


Would you have sex with the Queen?


I definitely would. Only one of my friends agreed with me. The others said no.

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The way I see it is, you have to consider being gay to know that you aren't (or are).


I'd completely agree. I thought about it, and it turned out I did like guys, and girls. It just happens.


But question, so do you think it is possible then to get a bj off a guy, enjoy it, and not have to ever think about the possiblity of said person liking the same sex. Quite a few people in european countries don't consider someone as gay/bi unless they actually have sex with someone of the same gender, or so I'm told.


To take it further, would you (I'm asking the general population on here, I'm not just singling you out Moogle) ever accept one?

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It's not gay if the balls don't touch.


Seriously though I don't think I would. I'd consider it but I would probably say no. Men gross me out. I can't stand to see two men kissing. (no offense to the gays, I've got nothing against you I just don't want to see it)


I had a random stiffy today. It was in maths when I was sat next to Strider. it didn't last long though.


Also found out that Strider had a wank in sixth form last year. He's trying to beat my record but it aint gonna happen.

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Anyone ever do it their work experience.


I can't imagine doing it at my current work though (not that I did at work experience lol)


I wouldn't put it passed some of my colleagues however. You've gotta ask what the limit is when you see bogeys wiped on the wall in the toilets cubicle. o______0

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I wouldn't put it passed some of my colleagues however. You've gotta ask what the limit is when you see bogeys wiped on the wall in the toilets cubicle. o______0


What is this limit that you speak of?



Also I went to a college for people with special needs. Call me crazy but it just seems wrong to do it there.

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He's trying to beat my record but it aint gonna happen.


Don't worry, you can keep your crown of as the biggest wanker in the school. :heh:


Mine wasn't as bad as it sounds. I was the first to the sixth form centre (8 o'clock) it was raining and dark and no one was in the whole building. All the lights were off and everything. It was a spur of the moment thing (A 5 minute moment) and i thought it would be good.

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Don't worry, you can keep your crown of as the biggest wanker in the school. :heh:


Mine wasn't as bad as it sounds. I was the first to the sixth form centre (8 o'clock) it was raining and dark and no one was in the whole building. All the lights were off and everything. It was a spur of the moment thing (A 5 minute moment) and i thought it would be good.


Raining and Dark? I didn't know they were there.

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I swear this is the last news story I'll post here in a while, but this was too good not to post.

"Complaints pour into BBC after EastEnders screens gay kiss before the watershed"


One viewer wrote on the BBC’s Points Of View internet messageboard: 'I am appalled by the display of homosexual kissing before the watershed shown on EastEnders.


'This is disgraceful whilst young children are watching and sets the wrong example.'


Another, Pat, wrote: 'I had to explain to my seven-year-old son what was happening.


'He now thinks he is gay because he kisses his dad.'



Caught in the act: Dot catches the couple canoodling


And another angry fan added: 'I think pre-watershed standards have been irresponsibly lowered in recent years.'


Tuesday night's scenes saw Christian and Lee caught in the act by busybody Dot Cotton as they kisses on Arthur Fowler's memorial bench.


She tells them that she is as liberal as the next person, but does not approve of canoodling in public places.


The latest outrage comes 21 years after EastEnders screened the first gay kiss in a British soap.


Back then, Colin Russell – played by Michael Cashman, 57, who is now a Labour MEP – gave Barry Clark (Gary Hailes, 42) a kiss on the forehead.


The move resulted in a record number of complaints and there were even questions asked in Parliament about whether the scene was appropriate.


In a statement the BBC confirmed it had received complaints - but refused to say how many.


The statement read: 'We approach our portrayal of homosexual relationships in the same way as we do heterosexual relationships.


'We believe that the general tone and content of EastEnders is now widely recognised.


'Parents can make an informed decision as to whether they want their children to watch.'





So if I have a Boyfriend, I'm not allowed to kiss him in public until 9pm, incase I mentally damage children. I love this country to bits. *sarcasm*

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Fair enough about the complains if you ask me, i wouldn't want to watch it.


I understand that, I do. But why should it matter that it happens to be two men kissing? I mean, like the BBC say "The statement read: 'We approach our portrayal of homosexual relationships in the same way as we do heterosexual relationships." and damn right. There should be no difference. I'd rather not see two people I find utterly unnatractive kissing on a tv show, but it's not a big deal. Just because it's a homosexual kiss, doesn't mean it can't be shown before the watershed. It's not like it's explicit sex, it's a kiss. For millions of people, it's totally normal.


Some of the comments on the daily mail website are shocking. I just don't think Homophobic attacks, comments and tuants etc will ever begin to decrease until things like this are common place in the media. I can't believe a gay kiss had to be spoken about in parliament, that's beyond belief.

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Well duh.


I'd rather not see a homosexual kiss. But I understand why their outbursts annoy you. What I don't get is, there have been loads of gay kisses, why are they complaining about this one?


Yeah, I do understand that it's not something you really want to see. But yeah, thanks for understand where I'm coming from.


I know, I'm clueless about that one. It's been all over hollyoaks for the past few months, and there's been nothing. I suppose most of the people that watch Hollyoaks though are teenagers, and they couldn't really give a toss about complaining. Plus, Eastenders gets 10 million viewers, whilst Hollyoaks gets a tenth of that.

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There is a difference between heterosexual and homosexual relationships really. I know that we now all accept homosexuality, mainly because we've been made to, but people still don't see that it's appropriate for it to be thrown in our faces. In many peoples minds being gay still has the 'It's wrong' tag attatched to it.

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There is a difference between heterosexual and homosexual relationships really. I know that we now all accept homosexuality, mainly because we've been made to, but people still don't see that it's appropriate for it to be thrown in our faces. In many peoples minds being gay still has the 'It's wrong' tag attatched to it.


To be fair, it's not really thrown in your face by having a kiss on television. Also, the reason it still has that "tag" is because things like this are still complained about. Some people just refuse to accept that it is "Normal". Like the new campaign says "Some people are gay. Deal with it".


You don't have to like it (I'm not asking people to love the idea of people being gay), it just needs to be accepted.

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I'm appalled by a homosexual kiss before the watershed.


I'm appalled by an interracial kiss before the watershed.


I'm appalled by how these foreginers are taking over OUR jobs!


I'm appalled...




What's the difference? They're all counter-progressive, or whatever the term is.

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