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rofl i knew triforce keepers wierdly red lips were the work of lipstick - god im good...


and i have no problem with homosexuality, as long as it is not flaunted in public and what not... cos then after 2 homosexual men get the crap beaten out of them, they have the nerve to wonder why??? well britain is sadly a country based on old fashioned values and most of its people will follow them, it aint a good idea to do that type of shit period...


and yeah dont start with the homophobic nonsense, im just talking some sense... im straight and i respect gay people, just not the ones who flaunt what they do + then moan and play on the image that they are like a women...




I agree with you to a point actually. Britian is really old fashioned in its views and suchlike, its a shite country really for anybody.


And the whole girly gay thing, It doesn't really bother me as long as its not over the top camp trying to get attention kind of thing. That does annoy me, why do some people do that?

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That does annoy me, why do some people do that?


Because they think being gay gives them a default personality to hide their own insecurities behind? So they cling to these screaming queen cliches and get the attention they want from it. Just a tiny bit of my opinion on them. They need to grow up and stop hiding behind their sexuality.


Most of them do, i'm glad to say! ^_^ I just thank the lord i've never been one of them

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I agree with you to a point actually. Britian is really old fashioned in its views and suchlike, its a shite country really for anybody.


And the whole girly gay thing, It doesn't really bother me as long as its not over the top camp trying to get attention kind of thing. That does annoy me, why do some people do that?


Some people naturally have very "look at me!" personalities.


For an example see any overly camp man or Charley off Big Brother.


Britain is a shite country is some respects, in others its great. I just thank god it isn't like Poland.

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grown men who prance about cross dressing, moving in female-like movements and referring to people as hunnie - really deserve to be smacked...


i know some1 will try to flip what i just said and say im insecure, that shit is obviously whilst i type this lol... but any male pretending to be a paris hilton like member of another gender, is a retard...


Paris Hilton IS a retard. End of.


Please try not to say inflammatory things just because, cross-dressing is a totally different thing to a persons sexuality in some cases.

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yup all schools seem to be populated by homophobic chavs..there like a new breed of human or something. Its ridiculous why people have a problem with peoples preference. Most chavs take the mick out of one of my mates by sayinh things like "quick lads arses against the wall" and stuff like that when they see him. Its fucking unfair to people. I stood up for him last week and now i've been labelled "likes queers boy" lmao. The insults they come up with are shite.


grown men who prance about cross dressing, moving in female-like movements and referring to people as hunnie - really deserve to be smacked...


i know some1 will try to flip what i just said and say im insecure, that shit is obviously whilst i type this lol... but any male pretending to be a paris hilton like member of another gender, is a retard...




your lips are more red then rudolfs nose man


In pictures yes, for some reason, but not in real life.....man....

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I am 100% straight, but I got no beef with gay people, just as long as they don't come on to me or cry out "LOOK AT ME, I'M GAY! I DO STUFF LIKE A WOMAN!". Unless they're trannies of course, then it would be weird if they acted like men. I think it's interesting to see quite a few gay people coming out in this forum, is this a phenomena in england or what?

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Some people naturally have very "look at me!" personalities.


For an example see any overly camp man or Charley off Big Brother.


Britain is a shite country is some respects, in others its great. I just thank god it isn't like Poland.


I feel Britain is generalyy accepting thanks to its small size. It's like only chavs left who are crazies.


America would be worse. Each state has its own brand of justice and stuff. Not to mention the *shudders* Bible belt.

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Not of my own, but a story that happened to a friend of mine who's a lesbian.


She made a new male friend at work and went out (making clear that it's as friends) to have lunch together. When one trivial conversation ended, she started another by saying: "By the way, I'm a lesbian". The bloke replied "Oh, No Problem. No Problem."


She wasn't offended or anything, but we found the bloke's reaction hilarious.

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I am 100% straight, but I got no beef with gay people, just as long as they don't come on to me or cry out "LOOK AT ME, I'M GAY! I DO STUFF LIKE A WOMAN!". Unless they're trannies of course, then it would be weird if they acted like men. I think it's interesting to see quite a few gay people coming out in this forum, is this a phenomena in england or what?


Maybe just a general attitude change. Hopefully that gay thread last year allowed a lot of the homophobes and non liberals a chance to vent, and now we can finally have a decent talk about things.


Just one thing to clarify, being gay and acting like a girl are totally separate, lord knows how many beefed up gays there are who don't take any shit!

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I am 100% straight, but I got no beef with gay people, just as long as they don't come on to me or cry out "LOOK AT ME, I'M GAY! I DO STUFF LIKE A WOMAN!". Unless they're trannies of course, then it would be weird if they acted like men. I think it's interesting to see quite a few gay people coming out in this forum, is this a phenomena in england or what?


they aren't coming out on this forum, they are just saying their sexuality, so as for the Gay/bi/lesiban etc people when did you come out and how did you feel about it at first? (as to keep the conversations going :/)

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When we were in year 8 a good friend of mine at the time told me he was gay (i was the first to know). I kinda let it out (being the immature asshole that i was back then) and seeing as back in year being gay involved recieving comments like 'omg he's gay LOL!'...well, they kinda ruined the next few years for him. He was bullied in and out of school, ridiculed during lessons. God it was so bad. telling people about his homosexuality is easily my biggest regret in life. he only had 3-4 friends for the next few years...*sigh*


Some of the people that did it just did it because they were immature, and it's nice to see that now they have no problem with it.


I see him around MK every few weeks, and i manage to give him a 'hey' or a simple nod of the head, and he'll do it back. One day when i'll see him i'll apologize for being a dick; it's not a nice feeling when you know you really hurt someone :(


Just so you know, i've never had any problems with gays.

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however homosexual people have to accept that when a majority of a generation sees what you are doing as fundamentally wrong - u should not flaunt it, as you are asking for trouble...


homosexuality may be scientifically wrong, but its not emotionally wrong - the majority need to realise that...


Gay people 'Flaunting' being gay is what has got us this far. There's a conversation within gay press discussing how we managed to get gay sex legalised, equal rights and civil partnerships. And it was by Pride events and marches and being resistant and standing up for who we are.


Most people aren't 'flaunting' who they are by say, holding hands with their partner if they want to, hugs and kisses etc. What's wrong with this in an equal society. Surely the best way to change peoples attitudes is for seeing the odd gay or lesbian couple the norm. In manchester city center i've saw quite a few gay couples being open and doing whatever they wanted. Which i applaud!


The jury is out on what's the best way of fighting homophobia in the future but for now, we have to keep on just being ourselves, even if some people would prefer us to be locked up.

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When we were in year 8 a good friend of mine at the time told me he was gay (i was the first to know). I kinda let it out (being the immature asshole that i was back then) and seeing as back in year being gay involved recieving comments like 'omg he's gay LOL!'...well, they kinda ruined the next few years for him. He was bullied in and out of school, ridiculed during lessons. God it was so bad. telling people about his homosexuality is easily my biggest regret in life. he only had 3-4 friends for the next few years...*sigh*


Some of the people that did it just did it because they were immature, and it's nice to see that now they have no problem with it.


I see him around MK every few weeks, and i manage to give him a 'hey' or a simple nod of the head, and he'll do it back. One day when i'll see him i'll apologize for being a dick; it's not a nice feeling when you know you really hurt someone :(


Just so you know, i've never had any problems with gays.


WOW, Thats must have been harsh for both of you, more so for him obviously.


There were a view people in year 7 and 8 when i left who were openly gay, and they were getting a bit of bullying but not so much, most of the 'popular' girls ended up protecting them.


Year 8 may be too early to come out to people at school since it's such a vicious childish and immature environment, i think i did it right for me by waiting till year 10/11 before telling anyone.

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Britain isn't as old fashioned as a lot of people think. I very rarely get any problems these days, then again, maybe it's just because I know which places to avoid?


I don't think this thread will segregate anyone. It's not like us gays will just post here.


I remember talkin' to takeo on msn last year about making this thread. It lasted about 2 days didn't it? lol. Then someone made a straight thread, haha.


The way I look at it is, I would much rather straight people ask me questions they really want to know, than not understand. For example; in the past I've had chavy girls and boys come up and ask the most absurd questions like, "Why do gays take it up the bum?" "Why'd you wanna go with a bloke and not a nice pair of tits."


As long as the questions asked in a geuine way then it's fine by me. :D

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just annoys me when gay people go to russia and do gay parade valleys & then complain and whine when they get bricks thrown at there heads + nearly die...


stupid tossheads... i know your say but they have to be out there, as its the only way to bring about change - but the changing of social norms would be much more wise to take a suttle approach on this issue... slowly develop itself and the results would be better


to be fair who wouldn't whien after having a brick thrown at their head lol

But I think that parade ws needed to highlight just how homophobic that country is. Now everyone knows and things can start to be done about it.

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I'd suppose i would be a "true" bi-sexual; an extremely casual one. I don't flaunt it in public, nor do i see it as such a big deal as to blatantly tell even my friends and family and what-not. I don't go through "cycles" of confusion or fancy, I'm attracted to the opposite and the same sex in equal measure. Passion and lust are funny things but they're what I live for :love:


And no: I don't consider myself to be gender confused and I don't act overly-feminine. Being bi-sexual hasn't adversely changed me, in fact it has done the complete opposite. Coming to terms with my sexuality has left me much more open-minded and much more confident in relationships but I'm still the same old guy.


But yes: I'm certainly taking the easy-route out of choosing a sexuality :p

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I'd suppose i would be a "true" bi-sexual; an extremely casual one. I don't flaunt it in public, nor do i see it as such a big deal as to blatantly tell even my friends and family and what-not. I don't go through "cycles" of confusion or fancy, I'm attracted to the opposite and the same sex in equal measure. Passion and lust is a funny thing but it's what I live for :love:


And no, I don't consider myself to be gender confused and I don't act overly-feminine. Being bi-sexual hasn't adversely changed me, in fact it has done the complete opposite. Coming to terms with my sexuality has left me much more open-minded and much more confident but I'm still the same old guy.


I wonder if realising and accepting that your Bi-sexual to yourself is harder than admitting your gay etc.


Would you say you kinda determine whether you fancy someone based on that individual then?

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