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its my view, that if you have a problem about two consenting adults getting married you should mind your own buissiness. even if you think god will send em to hell, well, not alot you can do so live and let live, you crazy homophobic fuckers!

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I was out last night on a bit of a pub crawl due to it being 60's night in town. I was with a couple of mates, and I was literally just saying how it's amazingly obvious this guy from college is into guys. I mean, he's said when drunk twice now, and he ran over to me, grabbed hold and gave me a kiss before telling me to go and sit on him because there were no seats.


Then I get told "Oh, you're still wrong". Why on earth are some people like "Yeah, liking other guys is fine...as long as it's not anyone I know who does". Such an annoying attitude.

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Yeah that's a bullshit line.


Still, sounds like you could totally tap dat with this guy (if you're so inclined) so all's well that ends well :heh:

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Obama has clearly said in the past that he thinks marriage should be between a man and a woman. So what if he is making jokes about it? He doesn't have to be serious all the time. Can't everyone just chill? Prop 8 thing is BS though. On a lighter note, I'm sure another state recently allowed gay marriages to become legal.

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I know.


Hannah Barrows, you are good. You are big. And I love you more now than I have ever before done.

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I know.


Hannah Barrows, you are good. You are big. And I love you more now than I have ever before done.


Yes. Has anything ever been more appropriate than what you just said?


*plays "A Man" on the harmonium as he departs the thread*

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This shocked me so much, actually disgusted. How the police see what's happening, look at the camera, and then wonder off smiling. Hats off to the guy handling himself so well whilst being insulted/threatened/having stones thrown at him at one point.


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YouTube comments: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

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YouTube comments: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

YouTube comments: The place people go when they've been banned from every single forum on the Internet.

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Maine is briliant. Where everyone I love comes from.


On the subject of Maine, beautiful part of the world. New England in general is a pretty stunning piece of scenery, but Maine is something else. Especially the national park it has (can't remember its name right now).


YouTube comments: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious


I comment rather frequently on YouTube videos, but isn't it so annoying when you're completely winning an argument, and the opponent blocks you or deletes your posts?

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On the subject of Maine, beautiful part of the world. New England in general is a pretty stunning piece of scenery, but Maine is something else. Especially the national park it has (can't remember its name right now).




I comment rather frequently on YouTube videos, but isn't it so annoying when you're completely winning an argument, and the opponent blocks you or deletes your posts?

I comment on YouTube, too. I never bother to argue on there, though. One of my favourite sayings go: "You can't argue with idiots. They bring you down to their level and beat you in experience."

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This shocked me so much, actually disgusted. How the police see what's happening, look at the camera, and then wonder off smiling. Hats off to the guy handling himself so well whilst being insulted/threatened/having stones thrown at him at one point


They weren't policemen they were security guards for an apartment building.

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They weren't policemen they were security guards for an apartment building.


Was literally just about to edit my post saying that, after seeing that message on the video, but thanks for the heads up. :) Still just as shocking tbh, cannot believe behaviour like that still exists in 2009. It's fucking disgusting.

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People are fucking stupid. I have to agree with some of the YouTube comments. As a group of African Americans, you might think that tolerance might be slightly more relevant to them with respect to contemporary history.


Whatever the case, I stand by my point, people are stupid.

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I have to say, this is a very interesting thread and I have only been reading it for a few minutes. As a closeted gay man myself I am happy to see that there are some gay men and woman.


Also, Just watched the video a few comments above and it was horrific. I don't like to judge people but those people in the video were sick. I am proud however at how the victim handled the situation.


Sorry to add even more but my new thing in '09 is to not label people. I wanted to share this because so many people look at gay men and women and that is all they see. Stop the labeling and just see the person. :)

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I am happy to see that there are some gay men and woman.


I literally lol'ed-out-loud at this. I don't know exactly why, just the way I read it in my head?

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Sorry to add even more but my new thing in '09 is to not label people.


Good man. Foucault would be proud.

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This thread really has gone such a long way from its humble beginnings. I remember being on MSN talking to Takeo encouraging him to start it, He thought it could turn into a bit of a flaming ground. What a breath of fresh air it has been an how now it is still so active.


I wonder if i will ever get round to going another of these (second).

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I wonder if i will ever get round to going another of these (second).


I loved the "Previously..."s.


Also at nintendo-master, I find it interesting how you describe yourself as closeted. You've obviously acknowledged and accepted the fact that you are gay, or you wouldn't have posted that, but to what extent?

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i dont often tell you guys this, but i think your a bloody good forum. the main fault with comunicating with strangers online is a total lack of respect and the whole "annonimity breeds dickheads" rule. some how, we have a forum that actualy acts like civilised people, which is frankly amazine for so many people. most outher forums would just have "queerz LOL!" and outher bullshit, but i can't actualy think of any one on the forum who dosent treat outhers decently. its like a secret club for the non racist, sexist or homophobic members of the online world.



as for the video, its pretty typical ingroup/outgroup behaviour. see a percived difference and attack it. id put it down to the young guys in the video either being uncomfortable with them self so attacks some one different to make them self look better, or for alot of them, not wanting to stand out from the rest of the pack.

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I have to agree actually, alot of male dominated forums are incredibly unforgiving when it comes to sexuality, as if they dare not tell each other what they really like in the bedroom.


I had an interesting conversation with a friend yesterday, she went to an lgbt conference and they were discussing what should be put into the name and what might be taken out. Originally people wanted undecided added, which lead me to think that really if anything asexuals should be put in! If the person is undecided then why can't they say I'm not sure.


The person I was talking to also put up a valid point about the t in lgbt, technically that is a lifestyle choice that effects (affects? I dunno, bad english school you see balantly! :P) their whole lives, whereas lgb and even a only really effects (wait I'm positive its affects but I'm too lazy to change that when I'm off on a rant) their sex lives, so really it should be lgba, rather than lgbt. It was interesting to learn anyway.


Plus (and said person agreed) why can't hetrosexual be added? Ok so this group is alot bigger (facts anybody?!) than lgbt but its still a type of sexual attraction. I should be exlcuded from people who are attracted to different people?


I know its more than that, like sticking the majors with the minors, but it still grates my teeth, there isn't a group for hetrosexuals like there is for lgbt, why not people?!!?!?!?


So really lgbt is actually lgbtuah



pronouce that if you will.

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Just call it 'HATGLUB'. Catchy, no? :heh:


I suspect the reason heterosexuals aren't included is because that is the social norm. Saying that, I doubt they'd be unwelcome.

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There's been many a hetrosexual discussion in this thread, so i'm sure its not a problem :smile:

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