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This is the other version I did (posted it in the Drawing 2012 thread)




I liked Super 8 but it also frustrates me a lot. It's an amazingly well made film about childhood, coming of age, and getting over death. It's superb. And then there's this alien cos hey, kids don't wanna see a film set in the real world do they? It's really annoying because if you take out the alien, it could be one of the best films about childhood ever made.


Son of Rambow is the better film anyway. ;)

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To cut a long story short, I need to do a design for Little White Lies about the film Super 8.






What the hell? You're doing front covers for Little White Lies now? That's immense. It looks great btw.


Someone bought me a pack of postcards with all the LWL front cover art on them. It's awesome.


Edit: Think I might prefer the colours on the other version actually. Both good though.

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I made this desktop background for my partner's birthday, featuring Aslan from The Chronicles of Narnia and Iorek Byrnison from His Dark Materials, two of his favourite book series.


I wanted to make Aslan and Iorek be a bit more confrontational with each other after I read Philip Pullman's opinion on the Narnia books.


"Pullman has characterised C. S. Lewis's series as "blatantly racist", "monumentally disparaging of women", "immoral", and "evil"."


But I didn't get that across. Oh well.

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I really really like this style!


Started using Pinterest, which I heartily recomend as a method of collecting. Kind of like tumblr reblogging I suppose, though I don't use tumblr so I wouldn't know.




Beats screenshotting everything and cluttering your desktop, as I've been doing for years.

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Can you not tie some sort of string/ribbon in the middle then attach that to the wall with blu tack/drawing pins etc.?


It's cool, I made two more and tied them to the end of the curtain pole :D Don't want to hammer any nails or pins into the wall, just in case!



Edited by EddieColeslaw
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VICTORIOUS a the lead character in a supernatural, science fiction, World-War-2-based super hero comic I’ve always wanted to do called Victory Girls, about a team of female secret agents trying to stop a Nazi plot to retrieve a mysterious comet… which just so happens to be imbedded in Victoria Beek’s brain!


This allows her to become Victorious, leader of the Victory Girls and with all the powers of a fastest, brightest comet, and the knowledge of a dark, alien species.


If you like the sound of it, tell me! I’m undecided on whether or not to continue it.

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No, it's very real-world to begin with. It starts out as genuine female secret agents during the war but ONE of them gets super powers so the other two girls in the team sort of become Batman-esq, gadget-based supers. And there is no needless sexualisation of them.

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I'm entering my last animation into a festival so I can't put it online, so I've decided to quickly do another one this week in order to get stuff for my show reel up. :)




It's called An Adventure About Dinosaurs By Hamish Aged 21 1/2


Will be online on Monday.

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Backdrop in my new animation.




Love it. Probably you've done it already / this is too late but I reckon in the animation if you rotate through a few flames where the light flickers and maybe the texture changes slightly on repeat it could look real good.


Top stuff!


Couple of bits I done for events lately.



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