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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


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Its probably the hosts connection.

Infinity Ward made amazing netcode when it comes to PC games, and i know the beta was flawless... so i'm guessing its the host connection.



Most people have fine connections, yet mine sucks. There was even a laggy guy on a couple of matches me n my mate played , n he had a 3 bar connections :wtf:


Some people have like 11 seconds or something on the Training thing :wtf: My best is just over 19s.

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(Jordan posting)


Isn't that some naughty rule breakage there?! :heh:


What are the other multiplayer maps like? The ones that weren't in the beta??


I think I'm going to pick this up when it hits around the £25 mark cos there are way too many games I want to get.

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Finished CoD4 single player. I must say it's probably the best game i've played on the 360 so far! There really are some incredible moments and the contrast between playing the USMC and SAS is incredible!


Some people have like 11 seconds or something on the Training thing :wtf: My best is just over 19s.


Im struggling to get under 19 seconds, i can see where im going wrong though. Theres small sections i could sprint on, i could be more accurate or just stop bumping in to the odd doorway here and there


Im guessing the ones at the top of the leaderboard just quite simly nail the timing

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Guest Stefkov

I managed to get around 18 seconds I think. I kept Flash banging the second room which I didn't have to do. Once I didn't do that, first time did it. I was getting times of 20.65 because of the flashing.


Started this on Veteran. The part where just before you get the Stinger, where the helicopter is above and such. Stuck on that for hours. So irritating. Finally did it though.

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Jesus Christ the end of the sniping mission set in the past is fucking impossible.


Should've started on Normal.


I was trying that on Vetran from half 8 last night till quater to 1 none stop.


The way i done it was go behind the bumper cars stand with a AK and M5. and just pick them off till there about 1000m left. Then nade and run.

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I was trying that on Vetran from half 8 last night till quater to 1 none stop.


The way i done it was go behind the bumper cars stand with a AK and M5. and just pick them off till there about 1000m left. Then nade and run.


Been trying that for an hour now and still its a nightmare. Its pretty easy if you run to their spawn point as you can stand there until the chopper arrives, its getting you guy and running to the chopper that is giving the trouble. Called it quits as I need a break.

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Ahh finally finished now, the ending was a bit of a bummer but the bit after the credits is awesome.


Is anyone getting the playlist error when trying to connect to other people's games?


It's really starting to bug me, is there any solution to it?

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Guest Stefkov

When you say lay in wait did you just lay there, not doing anything?

What about Macmillan? (I remembered his name, I'm just about to kill that guy)

Where did you put him down? When I did it on normal he was shooting them all.

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yes.. have also smashed a lot of televisions.. but no cigar yet.. Im currently crawling through Veteran.. have just finished the one where you have to protect that tank.. boy there are some "fun" battles.. getting through that tv studio took me MANY tries and about 2 hours of gaming time

Also the level with that stupid chopper.. crossing that field GRRRRR.. How come it only sees me?

Tried one game on live and got my ass handed to me on a plate.. ha ha ha

sometimes I suck sometimes I do Ok and very seldom I win

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Guest Stefkov

Technically you havn't done it on Veteran until you got the Mile High one..:P

Grats though, I'm still stuck on the Ferris Wheel part.

Reading guides is so clear that they completed it on easy. No help at all.

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Technically you havn't done it on Veteran until you got the Mile High one..:P

Grats though, I'm still stuck on the Ferris Wheel part.

Reading guides is so clear that they completed it on easy. No help at all.

I really don't get why people write guides for FPSs games if there's need for little strategy or skill.

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Technically you havn't done it on Veteran until you got the Mile High one..:P

Grats though, I'm still stuck on the Ferris Wheel part.

Reading guides is so clear that they completed it on easy. No help at all.



I'll take cash thanks.

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Guest Stefkov

Actully did it earlier.

Hid behind the ferris wheel with an AK. Just shot the enemies that came up onto the ferris wheel. Survived and got Macmillan back only getting shot once or twice.

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