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  • 6 months later...

US Boxart:




Hydravision’s horror-themed sequel will be available for the Wii, PC and PS2 during the first quarter of 2008.


Obscure: The Aftermath (known as Obscure II in Europe) is Hydravision’s long-awaited sequel to the original Obscure title, which launched across PAL territories in 2004 and across North America the following year.


The game takes place two years after the events of the original outing. Each of the main characters have now returned to college in the hopes of living a normal life, but things soon take a turn for the worse once again.

Source: http://www.gwn.com/news/story.php/id/14638/Obscure_The_Aftermath_US_Box_Art.html
  • 3 months later...

Can they all die again and then you can't use em (the playable characters), because that was a great idea which turned out quite irritating when you actually played the game....


Looks better then the first one judging by the screenshots though and April 4th ain't that long away!


Anyone seen the trailer? Huge boobed girl who's over 6 foot features if anyone is interested in that type of thing........


Game looks average but if it uses the wiimote in interesting ways I could be interested?


Oh i hope it is out on 4th april in time for my birthday on the 15th:) but im not sure what to get , maybe this? lego star wars? resident evil uc, house of the dead 2 + 3 :wtf: hmmmmm

Oh i hope it is out on 4th april in time for my birthday on the 15th:) but im not sure what to get , maybe this? lego star wars? resident evil uc, house of the dead 2 + 3 :wtf: hmmmmm


Maybe you should steer clear of this game, judging from the basis of the new EGM magazine.


Obscure: The Aftermath - D+ D D+ (Shame of the Month)

  • 3 months later...

Forgot all about this, but I've seen it in the store today (popped out of nowhere), forgot to check the price though. Does anyone have experience with this game? IGN found it decent, it may be a nice title for my horror fix.. Fatal Frame won't be out for quite some time, and RE 5.. Well, yes. But people say it's a nice co-op title.. Any people who enjoyed this on their own?

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