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Top Nintendo mistakes

mcj metroid

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it was a piece of crap. Why do you think the gamecube controller looks more like the ps2 controller? I mean why would they change it if it's comfortable? the dual anologue controllers of the ps1 were much better. Ape escape controlled beautifully. Even the anologue stick of the n64 controller is dated compared to the excellent gamecube controllers. It was stupid and it looked like the enterprise. Making a controller for one game( cough super mario 64 cough)doesn't work


I can never follow your posts. You can never see if you're arguing for something or against something.

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Let's put things into perspective. You are active Internet user. You are using Internet for 1-3 hours per day, by looking how often you post there. This is statistically speaking way more than Joe Average ever uses Internet. Geek wasn't proper word, but the point is that those who are active Internet users tend to be more interested about online gaming. For Joe Average it means less.


I use the Internet a lot. Your point is? You'll find as the broadband and wireless internet adoption rate goes up, more people will want online gaming. I still don't understand why using the Internet a lot makes me an Internet geek. My family pays for the privelege of using the Internet, why shouldn't I use it, or use it without being called a geek?


Geeks are pretty cool! :D


I thought it was written on the European website, so my mistake.


High five! :hehe:

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Fairly valid points in that link.

I can think of tons of screwups with the wii though.

1. Not enough 3rd party support, in terms of Miis for 3rd parties, Online for 3rd parties, ok, maybe this is a slightly crap point(also a slight lack of more adult titles).

2. General lack of online, possibility of friend codes.

3. General lack of wiis despite the immense profits they're pulling per console, pretty convince it's within £10-£30 average worldwide.

4. Differences in VC titles worldwide, not good conversions with 60hz etc.

5. Being f*ckin greedy with the goddamn VC and classic controller, stop it you filthy money grabbing ***** and make it so you can remap the fucking GC controls, whats the point of updateable firmware if you're just gonna use it to fix your buggy little fucking money losers, SORT IT OUT NINTENDO.

6. Holding back on the VC titles, though I can understand this anticipation as a good marketing strategy.

7. Forget lack of 3rd party, how about some goddamn first party?! I'm talking first party wii too, not goddamn gamecube to wii conversions. Morons.


That's my seven, for now. I would also add the lack of a way to reset GC titles into Wii mode is fucking ridiculous too, but it isn't enough to qualify as a point. Man, what a sucky suck suck, I hate having to turn my wii off and on to get out of a GC game. Also, give us some more channels and quirky type stuff, and some bloody codec support. GRRRR. This thread has made me angry.

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They missed out 'never listening to the consumer'. That's partly why I bought a 360, because Microsoft actually try and develop thing according to what the fans want.


Henry Ford quote “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”


If Nintendo says we want waggle, then indeed waggle we must want.


Apparently we dont wnat online. T

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I'm an Internet geek for wanting online play?




It's written by Americans is it not? Americans don't actually care about Europe, they probably don't know we exist.


true and even if it was written by europeans. These are fatal mistakes nintendo has made. Europe will never be fatal

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I can never follow your posts. You can never see if you're arguing for something or against something.


I am horrible at languages sorry and yes that includes my first plus i can't type for shit. I personally don't see anything wrong with it. but i was arguing against the n64 controllers

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The best part is the strict limit Nintendo placed upon its software rivals. No matter how many games you'd like to sell, you could only produce five games per year on the system. The thought was, if you can only make five per year, they're bound to be good, right? Not a bad idea... unless you're trying to make back the costs of buying all those blasted NES carts. Oh, and you couldn't release the game on any other platform for two effing years. That kinda stung too.


This is why I know Nintendo is fundamentally evil.

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Interestingly enough, even though broadband connections are majority by huge margin in Europe, this hasn't caused real surge in online gaming.


What a load of rubbish.


Clearly never been involved in a CSS or WoW Community. Online gaming is huge, and it will only get bigger.

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i think releasing next to no hardcore games on the wii will haunt them in the future


I really wonder why people are still spewing garbage like this. Nintendo has continued pretty much its normal way to release games, even though first two games happened to be Wii Sports and Wii Play. I mean, how anyone can say that these are games that are aimed primarly for casuals:


Battalion Wars II

Excite Truck

Disaster: Day of Crisis

DK: Bongo Blast

Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess


Mario Strikers Charged

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Project H.A.M.M.E.R.

Super Mario Galaxy

Super Paper Mario

Super Smash Bros. Brawl


All these are slated for 2007 or have been already released.

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A lot of this opened my eyes, i never realsied Nintendo had been such fags in the past.

Here i was, sucked into the "Sony are fags" thing, all because of them "ditching Nintendo and stealing CD ideas", when it was Nintendo's fault.





People saying online isn't important or big are missing it. Like Ramar said, online these days is huge.

Even if we may be getting online, it's still the shitty Friend-codes system, it was fine for a Handheld, the DS's was good. But come on, a guy at the skatepark today told me his gamertag, and i remembered it to add when i got home. How am i going to remember "Oh yeah, Jake's code for Pokemon is 1736527645632458731625087236 and his code for mario is 57325742723476"

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Oh boy nintendo were the worst. They deserved to be defeated by sony and let's be glad that they did. If nintendo were still on top gaming would certainly still be a kids hobby and nothing more.


What a load of rubbish.


Clearly never been involved in a CSS or WoW Community. Online gaming is huge, and it will only get bigger.


It's not huge yet cmon! I personally don't know very much on-line console gamers. it's still a hardcore gamer hobby and needs to become casual comehow. that's when it will be bigger but i think it will get to that stage soon

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Clearly never been involved in a CSS or WoW Community. Online gaming is huge, and it will only get bigger.


Though it seems to be fucking hard to some people to grasp, WoW isn't the rule, it is exception to rule. It is only MMORPG outside Korea that has over 3 million subscribers.


Here i was, sucked into the "Sony are fags" thing, all because of them "ditching Nintendo and stealing CD ideas", when it was Nintendo's fault.


But in the other hand I could list quite many nasty things that Sony has done during last ten years. No one in this business is innocent, and if anyone believed so, it is time wake up. I could easily tell lots of horror stories from all four publishers if I wanted.


Oh boy nintendo were the worst. They deserved to be defeated by sony and let's be glad that they did. If nintendo were still on top gaming would certainly still be a kids hobby and nothing more.


Here is interesting fact... Sony always claims that it has expanded market tremendously. That isn't actually true, as at the end of SNES / Genesis era, worldwide market was estimated to be 120 million units. Currently, estimated userbase is estimated to be around 150 million units. We are looking at 28 percent growth, which isn't really that much when you remember that its over 13 years since PSOne was released.

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For those that don't like the N64 controller, have you tried playing a FPS with the cube controller? It fucking sucks! That goes with the Ps2 and the Xbox.


Thats why all the games come with a degree of auto-aim because the previous generation of pads arn't exactly designed for accuracy.

Yes you could spend months and months and eventually be able to always get a head shot on timesplitters 2 but compare that to Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Turok where you felt like a damn pro after a week.


For first person shooters the N64 pad was the next best thing to a mouse which is the next best thing to actually wielding the blasted weapon yourself.

And if you think that going back to the N64 pad is difficult, try going back to the oldest PS pad proir to the analogue. I'm pretty sure that thing was designed to irritate.

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And if you think that going back to the N64 pad is difficult, try going back to the oldest PS pad proir to the analogue. I'm pretty sure that thing was designed to irritate.


It is nice controller. Good button layout, comfortable to hold. Unfortunately, analog sticks were very poorly placed, as pad wasn't designed for them on the first place. This wouldn't be actually that big problem if Sony hadn't decided to skimp on the costs, and had continued to use their first dual-analog mold. It had longer handles, making it more way more comfortable than dualshock.









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For those that don't like the N64 controller, have you tried playing a FPS with the cube controller? It fucking sucks! That goes with the Ps2 and the Xbox.


Thats why all the games come with a degree of auto-aim because the previous generation of pads arn't exactly designed for accuracy.

Yes you could spend months and months and eventually be able to always get a head shot on timesplitters 2 but compare that to Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Turok where you felt like a damn pro after a week.


For first person shooters the N64 pad was the next best thing to a mouse which is the next best thing to actually wielding the blasted weapon yourself.

And if you think that going back to the N64 pad is difficult, try going back to the oldest PS pad proir to the analogue. I'm pretty sure that thing was designed to irritate.


even if this is true the n64 only had 2 worthwhile fps games.

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