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Should I sell my Wii for a 360?

Dark Wolf

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I've phrased my comments as I personally see fit, but if you think it's wrong i'm more than happy to try and phrase it differently :)

It's isn't about being 'wrong'; opinions can't be wrong. It's just that if you're going to put if forward in a rather unsympathetic way then people will tend to take it as an affront to their own views. That's all I'm saying.


Anyway, that 360, eh?

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It's isn't about being 'wrong'; opinions can't be wrong. It's just that if you're going to put if forward in a rather unsympathetic way then people will tend to take it as an affront to their own views. That's all I'm saying.


I see what you mean, although I never personally saw too much of a problem with it.

Let's talk about the Wii/360 before this turns into a group therapy session eh? :D

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One thing I like to say is that nobody, NOBODY, should be sitting at home right now with their Wii thinking to themselves "Man, there's nothing to play on this!" There are plenty of great games, on shelves, right now, which should keep even the most jaded gamer entertained until the next big Mario or Zelda game. Or the rapture.


It annoys me no end that there still seem to be people out their sitting with their solitary copies of Zelda and Wii Sports gathering dust, complaining that "there's nothing good to play", which is rather like trying to convince your doctor you're unwell because you aren't actually shitting diamonds.

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Well, I've looked at what money I have and I will be able to just afford a 360 + Gears of War (from Gamestation's bundle) in July after my exams :). I'm keeping my Wii.


It's good that you can afford a 360 and not have to sell your Wii. I know I'd end up regretting it after a few weeks if I look at the releases.

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I bought a 360 2 weeks ago, to support my Wii!


CRAP! I'm already selling it, (http://www.avforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=504313). It's got NOTHING on the Wii, the games are stuck in the last generation with prettier graphics, bigger worlds and silly ragdoll physics. It offers nothing new and Live is a pain to find equally matched opponants.


I would save your money if I was you, I had much more fun in the 1st 2 weeks playing my Wii than I did playing this, Pro Evo 6 and Smackdown are basically PS2 games. PGR3 is turd compared to PGR2. GoW is overrated tripe. Perfect Dark is a poor excuse for a shoot 'em up that pales in comparison to Red Steel and has poor cinematics and awful level design. Oblivion is the only decent game I've played which still feels really like Morrowind v.2. Project 8 is awesome, but available on the PS2.



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has and will have way more AAA titles


After Wii has passed X360 in sales (should happen before september with current pace), things will rapidly change. High profile games will levitate to platform that has sold most units, it is so simple as that (especially if developing game for leading platform is so much inexpensive). Developer loyalty is illusion that fades immediately when you must face reality of business world.

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Im considering it. I have a 360 but i havent bought a game for it since last summer, havent renewed my Xbox live since last autumn, its been a glorified DVD player. I could spend a hundred or so getting some amazing games and playing on Live.


But i'd miss lying in bed with myspace hahaha.

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After Wii has passed X360 in sales (should happen before september with current pace), things will rapidly change. High profile games will levitate to platform that has sold most units, it is so simple as that (especially if developing game for leading platform is so much inexpensive). Developer loyalty is illusion that fades immediately when you must face reality of business world.


Its also an illusion that devs look at hardware sales. They dont care how many units of a console have sold, they care how healthy the game sales are. A developer will look at competing games, the platforms they were released on and how many sales they got on each platform.

The DS is a good example of this, the dev support is good but it doesnt exactly steal AAA titles from other formats. It goes its own way and gets its own brand of AAA titles.


Wii isnt away to get AAA games like Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect, GTA4 is a possibility though. This is pretty much Nintendo's fault for putting a line in the sand and asking its gamers if they want gameplay or graphics, if they gave us both then you're statement would ring true.

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I bought a 360 2 weeks ago, to support my Wii!


CRAP! I'm already selling it, (http://www.avforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=504313). It's got NOTHING on the Wii, the games are stuck in the last generation with prettier graphics, bigger worlds and silly ragdoll physics. It offers nothing new and Live is a pain to find equally matched opponants.


I would save your money if I was you, I had much more fun in the 1st 2 weeks playing my Wii than I did playing this, Pro Evo 6 and Smackdown are basically PS2 games. PGR3 is turd compared to PGR2. GoW is overrated tripe. Perfect Dark is a poor excuse for a shoot 'em up that pales in comparison to Red Steel and has poor cinematics and awful level design. Oblivion is the only decent game I've played which still feels really like Morrowind v.2. Project 8 is awesome, but available on the PS2.




You need your head testing.

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Ironically, Nick's complaints about the 360 are the exact same that I have of the Wii. It seems to be stuck in last gen, the 360 is offering massive worlds, advanced AI, a great online system and things such as the friends list are fantastic. A lot of people will cry 'bias!' But, uh... They're wrong. I'm happy to admit the Wii has Excite Truck, Sonic and Zelda. That's three more excellent games than the 360 had at that point in it's life. But I personally can't really see it competing in the long term, when the 360 and PS3's sheer power is taken advantage of. I'd love to be proved wrong.

I'm not a Nintendo hater, I have no secret agenda. I want a console I own to be a success as much as anyone else. I just have a nasty habit of seeing things as they are.

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Ironically, Nick's complaints about the 360 are the exact same that I have of the Wii. It seems to be stuck in last gen, the 360 is offering massive worlds, advanced AI, a great online system and things such as the friends list are fantastic. A lot of people will cry 'bias!' But, uh... They're wrong. I'm happy to admit the Wii has Excite Truck, Sonic and Zelda. That's three more excellent games than the 360 had at that point in it's life. But I personally can't really see it competing in the long term, when the 360 and PS3's sheer power is taken advantage of. I'd love to be proved wrong.

I'm not a Nintendo hater, I have no secret agenda. I want a console I own to be a success as much as anyone else. I just have a nasty habit of seeing things as they are.

Great post. Me too.

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Well then, I guess were all back to this "depends what you like" paradox, with the 360 and Wii offering such different play experiences.


I think it's worth reminding ourselves howver that we've so far seen only a fraction of what the Wii can, it being still so young and yet is still able to compete viruently against the 360, a console now well into it's prime.

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Ironically, Nick's complaints about the 360 are the exact same that I have of the Wii. It seems to be stuck in last gen, the 360 is offering massive worlds, advanced AI, a great online system and things such as the friends list are fantastic. A lot of people will cry 'bias!' But, uh... They're wrong. I'm happy to admit the Wii has Excite Truck, Sonic and Zelda. That's three more excellent games than the 360 had at that point in it's life. But I personally can't really see it competing in the long term, when the 360 and PS3's sheer power is taken advantage of. I'd love to be proved wrong.

I'm not a Nintendo hater, I have no secret agenda. I want a console I own to be a success as much as anyone else. I just have a nasty habit of seeing things as they are.


I can see where you're coming from, and I have the same concerns, and I think it'll be up to Nintendo to make the console feel 'new'. When people played Wii Sports it felt cool, like 'next gen' because it was doing something different. I think if Nintendo can get enough Super Paper Mario's and Mario Galaxy's out there, then people will see the Wii differently.


As much as I like SSX and Sonic, they're not really that amazing control wise.

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Well then, I guess were all back to this "depends what you like" paradox, with the 360 and Wii offering such different play experiences.


I think it's worth reminding ourselves howver that we've so far seen only a fraction of what the Wii can, it being still so young and yet is still able to compete viruently against the 360, a console now well into it's prime.


Exactly. I think if the Wii can compete with 2 systems with more power using quirky and genuinley interesting games like the DS has combated the PSP, then Nintendo and gamers everywhere are laughing.

I suppose the DS had a lot of rubbish ports at launch (So did the 360 actually :D ) and it turned into a world enveloping phenomenon. If the DS can do it, it's silly to write the Wii off.

Although I am scared shitless than I might of spent £180 on a machine i'd only use for No More Heroes.

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