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Serious Thread: Scottish (and hey, why not Welsh!) Independence.


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I never say British, I say English instead, as British has all that crap that Americans seem to think that English and British are one and the same. For example, I once saw an American refer to "British soccer fans rioting".

The correct terminology is "English football fans rioting".

And people who call an posh English accent "a British accent" need a damn good slapping.


Lol don't get started on americans. Most think that Scotland, Ireland and Wales are in England and don't have the foggiest on what the accents are like other than English. i.e. South Park refers to a Scottish accent as Irish when Ned gets a new voice box and supposably Scottish Mrs. Doubtfire claims she hails from England. Happens all the time in American film and television.


Americans have no clue about Britian. They don't know if Scotland is a seperate country, if it's in England or even if there's a fucking sea between them.

By god they even think Haggis are real animals and we all wear kilts as normal attire, idiocy at its highest...but profitable idiocy :)

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What about the advantages? you seem to miss those out. We dont want the Euro simple as that what is the bloody problem?


So, what will happens when Pound Stirling fails? It will, eventually. It's already dropping, though admittedly not as fast as the dollar. When it fails, we will want the Euro, as it is currently the world's strongest currency.



As we have not adopted the Euro hence our economy is not linked with the rest of europe.


Wow, you obviously know nothing about the workings of EU economics.

If you did, then you would realise that you where talking out of your arse.


Firstly, we, like all other EU members, have a trade agreement with all other members, allowing us to export and import to and from them at will.

Secondly, the EU controls farming within it, and as such each country concentrates on what it can grow best in it's climate.

For example: we don't grow crops that are best grown on the Mediterranean, while Spain, Italy, Greece, and southern France grow them, but not things that we can grow just as well. They import the crops we grow to us, in the same way we import the crops they grow.

Due to this arrangement, the farms across the EU have maximum productivity.

In fact, it works too well. The EU now subsidizes farmers to not produce.

This means the EU can use up the produce it has stashed away, and keep the market a float: releasing all the produce at once would result in a nose-dive in prices.

Basically, we help to make the other EU members agriculturally wealthy, and the other members help us wealthy in the same way.

It's a win-win situation.

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I don't know if it is true or not - it is much disputed right now - but some people claim that Scotland actually gives money to the UK overall. The money from North Sea oil apparently goes straight to Westminster.


Anyway the reason Scotland gets more money per head is because

1) scotland is poorer (poorer people in England get more money too)

2) scotland is more spread out (build a bridge in london and 5 million people use it. Build a bridge in the Highlands and 5k people use it, but they still need it and so it still must be built)

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I don't know if it is true or not - it is much disputed right now - but some people claim that Scotland actually gives money to the UK overall. The money from North Sea oil apparently goes straight to Westminster.


Anyway the reason Scotland gets more money per head is because

1) scotland is poorer (poorer people in England get more money too)

2) scotland is more spread out (build a bridge in london and 5 million people use it. Build a bridge in the Highlands and 5k people use it, but they still need it and so it still must be built)


You can't really compare London to the Highlands.

You're purposely choosing the most desolute place in Scotland and comparing it to the most populate area in England.

If you compared Glasgow or Edinburgh you'd get better results, obviously London would have more people 'crossing the birdge' but London could be a nation on its own.

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Nope...I don't think so. We have good relations with a lot of countries, especially Commonwealth ones.


Good relations don't give you money. European countries are very dependent on their trade inside the EU, it would be disastrous for any of them to leave the free trade agreement.


You have a fair trade inside Europe, and a large, wealthier market. Were most common wealth countries, are less numerous. Yes, India is very populous, but still a poor country and its more likely that they end up exporting more to UK than otherwise due to lower wages.



Good...At least we've got something right.


I don't see the EU members rushing to Britain either. Don't worry, you will still have a steady inflow of starving immigrants.

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I don't see the EU members rushing to Britain either. Don't worry, you will still have a steady inflow of starving immigrants.


Ever heard of a country called Poland? They are part of the EU, if i am not mistaken. Yes we have had a massive influx of polish people here since the day they joined the EU. Get your facts straight.


And going back to someone who said i was talking out my arse about the economies being linked. tell me this if one of the major countries had a major catastrophy and were unable fulfill their obligations what would happen to the euro?


Ever heard the saying dont put all your eggs in the same basket?


You say that i talk out my arse about the economy being linked yet you do not prove that they are not infact you actually prove this to be correct.

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I liken the Euro to a living in a hotel, you're well looked after but if you want to paint the walls you're a bit stuffed


So far the current "being part of the EU but not part of the Euro" strategy seems to be working quite well, we reap more of the benefits without as many drawbacks


So, what will happens when Pound Stirling fails? It will, eventually. It's already dropping, though admittedly not as fast as the dollar. When it fails, we will want the Euro, as it is currently the world's strongest currency.


When that happens we move to the Euro, at which point the benefits will be greater and it will be easier to implement politically

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Ever heard of a country called Poland? They are part of the EU, if i am not mistaken. Yes we have had a massive influx of polish people here since the day they joined the EU. Get your facts straight.


I'm not going to discuss any xenophobic or racist intentions. I don't know what you have againts other cultures neither do I wan't to know, being from the EU or not. We'll see if the Polish say the same of you in 50 years.


And going back to someone who said i was talking out my arse about the economies being linked. tell me this if one of the major countries had a major catastrophy and were unable fulfill their obligations what would happen to the euro?


Ever heard the saying dont put all your eggs in the same basket?


You say that i talk out my arse about the economy being linked yet you do not prove that they are not infact you actually prove this to be correct.


Have you heard of globalization? If something goes wrong with the Euro, the entire world would feel it, and that still includes the UK.

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I'm not going to discuss any xenophobic or racist intentions. I don't know what you have againts other cultures neither do I wan't to know, being from the EU or not. We'll see if the Polish say the same of you in 50 years.


He didn't say anything xenophobic or racist. He merely said that there had been a lot of polish people come into our country, which there has. He never stated whether he thought that was a good or a bad thing. I'm sick of people jumping to brand somebody "racist" without actually listening to what they have said.

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Ever heard of a country called Poland? They are part of the EU, if i am not mistaken. Yes we have had a massive influx of polish people here since the day they joined the EU. Get your facts straight.


Is there a problem with these people? They want to go to a country where they will get paid more.

The UK is ideal - they have a good reason to increase their English-speaking capabilities, they, like a lot of Europe, see the UK as being very stylish and trendy, and, most importantly of all, they get much better pay here than there would in Poland, or most of Europe.

We come out well of this deal as well: we get workers (most noticeably builders and plumbers) who are motivated, friendly, willing to work, and not as thick as too short planks and slow working, like most builders who come from within the UK.


Have you heard of globalization? If something goes wrong with the Euro, the entire world would feel it, and that still includes the UK.


As it stands, the pound will fail (as will the dollar/as the dollar is doing), and we (the UK) will adopt the Euro, as it is stupidly strong and is growing in value.

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He didn't say anything xenophobic or racist. He merely said that there had been a lot of polish people come into our country, which there has. He never stated whether he thought that was a good or a bad thing. I'm sick of people jumping to brand somebody "racist" without actually listening to what they have said.


Granted, but theres no real good reason against immigration.


As it stands, the pound will fail (as will the dollar/as the dollar is doing), and we (the UK) will adopt the Euro, as it is stupidly strong and is growing in value.


The problem is, I would prefer a more balanced opinion by the British than having them forced into it. Maybe they'll join, but it would be better if they did it with a little bit more faith in European cooperation.

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We come out well of this deal as well: we get workers (most noticeably builders and plumbers) who are motivated, friendly, willing to work, and not as thick as too short planks and slow working, like most builders who come from within the UK.


I presume you're in the construction business then? Even if you are, take a moment to remove your foot from your mouth and think about what you just said.

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Scottish independance!? :blank:


are you serious?!?! :hmm:


atleast we irish have bothered to keep the resistance going :heh:

Scotland's a great country and all, but it certainly doesn't deserve independance :nono:


edit; and no way in fook am i reading all three pages of this thread

my view may be stupid, but .......erm...... =/

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Overcrowding? Crime? Poor for the economy?


I'm not saying that the Poles are causing any of these but they are all possible problems from immigration.


You can't directly relate any of those with immigration. Neither of those would go away with the prohibition of immigration.

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I will say the EU has been good to Britain, and yes we put in more than we get out money-wise, but is it really wrong to help out the poorer countries when we are living in a very rich one?

YES...3 Letters: NHS!!!


Good relations don't give you money.

Well neither does the EU if you're well off


I don't see the EU members rushing to Britain either. Don't worry, you will still have a steady inflow of starving immigrants.

Yeah, but at least it's better than having nothing. Plus, we only get them because it's better that other places ;)

And cos our Govt. sucks and gives into 'human rights' and...wait a sec...is part of the EU.

I don't see Canada & Australia having these problems :indeed:

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Interesting that Shino and The Fish automatically assumed Mike-Zim was being racist, I really am ashamed :nono:


Im not going to try and justify our governments decisions on europe, it would be pointless. A lot better informed people have debated it and most of them have decided the Euro was a bad idea, that is good enough for me


Scottish independance!? :blank:


are you serious?!?! :hmm:


atleast we irish have bothered to keep the resistance going :heh:

Scotland's a great country and all, but it certainly doesn't deserve independance :nono:


edit; and no way in fook am i reading all three pages of this thread

my view may be stupid, but .......erm...... =/


Resistance? Great Britain was a Scottish idea in the first place! :p


Scotland will do what its always done, play the clever political game. Seems to have worked better than rebelling every 50 years or so, then being re-conquered :wink:


Oh, btw did anyone else notice that its the 300th anniversary of our great nation 3 weeks tomorrow?

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YES...3 Letters: NHS!!!



Well neither does the EU if you're well off



Yeah, but at least it's better than having nothing. Plus, we only get them because it's better that other places ;)

And cos our Govt. sucks and gives into 'human rights' and...wait a sec...is part of the EU.

I don't see Canada & Australia having these problems :indeed:


I'm sorry, but that makes no sense, Canada has the highest immigration rate in the world, and it's still a prosperous country. The same goes for Australia.


Interesting that Shino and The Fish automatically assumed Mike-Zim was being racist, I really am ashamed :nono:


I admit, racist wasn't the right word.

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I'm not going to discuss any xenophobic or racist intentions. I don't know what you have againts other cultures neither do I wan't to know, being from the EU or not. We'll see if the Polish say the same of you in 50 years.




Have you heard of globalization? If something goes wrong with the Euro, the entire world would feel it, and that still includes the UK.


I see because i corrected your assumption that the majority of our immigrants were from outside the EU, and that no one from the EU would want to come here i am a racist? Makes sense. I am a reborn racist, i guess i will have to kick the West indian friends out. Cant have black friends now.


Is there a problem with these people? They want to go to a country where they will get paid more.

The UK is ideal - they have a good reason to increase their English-speaking capabilities, they, like a lot of Europe, see the UK as being very stylish and trendy, and, most importantly of all, they get much better pay here than there would in Poland, or most of Europe.

We come out well of this deal as well: we get workers (most noticeably builders and plumbers) who are motivated, friendly, willing to work, and not as thick as too short planks and slow working, like most builders who come from within the UK.


Oh and here is another miracle of nature, someone with there reproductive organs growing from their forehead.


Where did i say there was a problem with these people? Shino said that no one from the EU would come here (not in so many words but that is the way i read it) so i pointed out the fact that they do as in the case of the Polish. I have a polish dentist and i am all for it, people come here to fill gaps in the employment market. What i am against are people that come here and take jobs that native people are able to fill. as a result i would like tighter immigration laws for anyone no matter if they are in the EU or not. Autralia have extremely strict immigration laws as a result they are prospering.

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I'm sorry, but that makes no sense, Canada has the highest immigration rate in the world, and it's still a prosperous country. The same goes for Australia.

:nono: I said they don't have problems with immigration....Plus, exactly what you said, Australia & Canada don't have problems, BECAUSE THEY DON'T LET LOSERS IN!!!


Anyway, you're bound to argue for the UK to stay within the EU, your contry's probably one on the money grabbers, like Spain.

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:nono: I said they don't have problems with immigration....Plus, exactly what you said, Australia & Canada don't have problems, BECAUSE THEY DON'T LET LOSERS IN!!!


Anyway, you're bound to argue for the UK to stay within the EU, your contry's probably one on the money grabbers, like Spain.


We are quite the money grabbers. Seriously, I couldn't care less if the UK are in and I won't educate you anymore. Its the Germans and French we're gratefull.

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Scotland will do what its always done, play the clever political game. Seems to have worked better than rebelling every 50 years or so, then being re-conquered :wink:


BIATCH :heh:


Oh!! :yay: But how we do love a good oul' rebellion.

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Anyway, you're bound to argue for the UK to stay within the EU, your country's probably one on the money grabbers, like Spain.


Bad example, Spain export loads of fruit to the rest of Europe, especially the UK.


One thing most people forget about other EU citizens being able to come into the UK is that UK citizens can get into their country's just as easily, if not easier.


This thread is getting derailed and turning into a nationalistic bitch fight. Some of you need to seriously grow up.


Yes, and it's becoming very anti-European Union, even though the evidence suggest that a lot of the people here who are anti-EU know almost bugger all about it...

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