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I'm looking for some new songs now. But they need to epic. Like they get played at a climatic part or fight of a movie and the instruments play fast in the background kinda similiar to Dragon Force.


Anyone got any ideas? So for vague-ness. Don't mind if it's heavy metal or classical, jsut something that can get you to imagine an epic fight like scene.

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Anyone got any ideas? So for vague-ness. Don't mind if it's heavy metal or classical, jsut something that can get you to imagine an epic fight like scene.


Awesome, I do that to a lot of the music I listen to as well but you probably wouldn't like my stuff.

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I'm looking for some new songs now. But they need to epic. Like they get played at a climatic part or fight of a movie and the instruments play fast in the background kinda similiar to Dragon Force.


Anyone got any ideas? So for vague-ness. Don't mind if it's heavy metal or classical, jsut something that can get you to imagine an epic fight like scene.


Girls Aloud?


Oh well I'm off to go download some Late Of The Pier.

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I'm not quite sure how much I like Radiohead's new album yet. Too much of the album at the moment seems mellow and laid back, with no hooks to any of the songs apart from Bodysnatchers. That said I do like it quite alot still, just think it will need more listens. Hated Kid A at first but that is now by far my favourite so time will tell. On the subject of favourite Radiohead song I'm not too sure on that either but if I had to pick then maybe How To Dissapear Completely.

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I'm not sure what I make of "In Rainbows" so far neither. In regards to it being laid back I must admit I was expecting a "myxomatosis-alike" thrashed out track...But it never came.


I love 'Nude' for it's pop-like sensibilities and accessibility in comparison to the other tracks on the album. But as a long-time listener of Radiohead, I know that's not where their true genius lies. I'm loving wierd little fishes/Apreggi too as it contains some of Thoms more surreal and likeable lyrics. And the way it builds paints more pictures in my minds eye than any track I've heard since Hail to the Thief.

(Although The Eraser was pretty surreal).


I'm confident that the album will only get better with more listens. I can't wait for it to "click" after the 50th listen. As per all Radiohead albums- (Apart from maybe, The Bends)!


Anyhow, pretty good so far. :) Soooo exciting it's actually available. And the whole download instance makes it seem surreal that I've got it. Makes it feel like I'm privy to a special club.


Oh and my favourite Radiohead song is The Trickster from the My Iron Lung EP. But I also adore Motion Picture Soundtrack...There are so many favourites I could make a list. Best band ever in my eyes. :heart: (Gushing):heart:

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whatever that song is that had that guy on the floor with everyone about to die, i liked that one




a blow by blow account of my view of sorry your not a winner by enter shikari (love them)

right, personally i would compare it to that of an oncoming bus, you see it coming (the introduction leading to the heavy climax of the opening) and you know any second now its gonna hit, and when it does, i feel sort of blown back alittle as in wow didn't think it was gonna do that and almost immediatly the blow is softened, the pace changes and hits a far more softer managable tone. Then the lyrics kick in, "sorry your not a winner in the end, the airs so cold and your mind so little" (or words that resemble that) i simply love. But as soon as thats done and dusted the best picks up again and its back to the bus


love it

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whatever that song is that had that guy on the floor with everyone about to die, i liked that one




a blow by blow account of my view of sorry your not a winner by enter shikari (love them)

right, personally i would compare it to that of an oncoming bus, you see it coming (the introduction leading to the heavy climax of the opening) and you know any second now its gonna hit, and when it does, i feel sort of blown back alittle as in wow didn't think it was gonna do that and almost immediatly the blow is softened, the pace changes and hits a far more softer managable tone. Then the lyrics kick in, "sorry your not a winner in the end, the airs so cold and your mind so little" (or words that resemble that) i simply love. But as soon as thats done and dusted the best picks up again and its back to the bus


love it


Nice description.


Although you didn't mention the hand claps. Everytime it comes on in The Room(emo bar in Barnsley) everyone joins in the hand claps.

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Nice description.


Although you didn't mention the hand claps. Everytime it comes on in The Room(emo bar in Barnsley) everyone joins in the hand claps.


oh no


i can't believe i forgot them, they are like the most important part to it =(

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Ignore the fact you won't like the song, but how old do you think they are? My first thought was way out. I'm a bit thick.


I'm really into OkGo at the moment, no idea why.


One of the best pop songs in ages.


The one with straight hair is 16 I think, and the singer is 18.


I saw these girls yonks ago when I was in the US, but they were typical Disneychannel acts back then.

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One of the best pop songs in ages.


The one with straight hair is 16 I think, and the singer is 18.


I saw these girls yonks ago when I was in the US, but they were typical Disneychannel acts back then.


Damn, you're right. I thought they were about 20 or something, but the straight haired one's only 16!


It's a great track, for sure.

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