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Just about to order a wii

Atomic Boo

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well im not getting more controllers, but im not a great zelda fan either. so im not sure. excite truck looks cool, cod3 looks good, warioware is always fun

im just not sure what is a really worthy starting game... zelda would be, but i dunno


actually, it has to be on that argos list


bah, i reckon ill go for zelda


Damn, i went on amazon uk and they had stock at 19:30 we ordered and they ran out of stock! argh

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Dammit, and after we spent an entire thread telling you to get a 360.


If you're getting one game it should be Zelda or Excite Truck. Or maybe Red Steel..

yeah, but i wouldnt be able to go without the nintendo games i decided. I may still get a 360 some day though, so dont worry.

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yeah, but i wouldnt be able to go without the nintendo games i decided. I may still get a 360 some day though, so dont worry.


thats the major thing that did it for me, I just couldn't bear the feeling of not playing the latest mario, metroid and zelda games, altho at some point when I'm not a student I will buy either a 360 or PS3 (have to say 360 at the moment) but until that day happens I'll stick with my Wii for now.

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There's some good titles coming out now, so it was a good time to buy the Wii. I've had mine since launch day, and I've never regretted it. My only disappointment was Super Monkey Ball's multiplayer, but the singleplayer was decent, so I guess that's karma. Loved WiiSports, REALLY loved Zelda, and I've also got WiiPlay and ExciteTruck since.


Don't be put off by review scores, seriously. If you're put off by review scores and that ultimately leads to you not purchasing the game, you've got a screw loose, son. Red Steel, ExciteTruck and maybe to a lesser extent SSX Blur have suffered due to scores. You'll need to stick with these games, but beyond the hardship lies accomplishment, as Resident Evil says.


My next purchase will probably be Sonic, as I really want that. Either that, or whatever is the next big release when I get money.

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