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Miyamato GDC Keynote 18:30 GMT - Something on the cards tonight from Shigsy?

Guest Jordan

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Guest Jordan

After winning an award last night at the IGF & GDCA awards (several infact). Miyamoto said:


"I'd like to say thank on behalf of our staff members. Thank you voting for our Wii Sports. you'll hear about a lot tomorrow ... I'll spare you tonight," Miyamoto said, smiling the whole time.


Maybe we're in for more than we expected?

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Guest Jordan

Well, the awards were last night... this morning for us. Meaning it'll be sometime today, but tomorrow for the US which was yesterday.


Couldn't be more confusing could it? As for the speech? 6:30pm GMT i do believe.

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*Crosses fingers, toes, arms and legs....





....What the hell...*Crosses cock for good measure*


I once saw a TV programme about cock cosmetic surgery. This one chap decided to have his vertically split from under the galns to the base. The result was a cock that looked like ring donut standin up. I'm not sure why he did this, but it's be so much easier to cross you cock with a ring donut one.


Back on subject. Hope Miyamoto spills some beans, but then nintendo has said that its not goint to realease anything new....

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I once saw a TV programme about cock cosmetic surgery. This one chap decided to have his vertically split from under the galns to the base. The result was a cock that looked like ring donut standin up. I'm not sure why he did this, but it's be so much easier to cross you cock with a ring donut one.


Youd be suprised how little I got paid from C5 for doing that though....

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Sorry I don't understand what people are reading into what he said? All I read is he was going to talk about Wii Sports tomorrow/today.


And he's always smiling.

hmmm, he didn't say he was gonna talk about that, he thanked people for voting for wii sports for the award.


I think, the rest of the things he said are separate from that.


Anyway, I dunno what he's going to talk about but now I'm looking forward to it, while not expecting that much.

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He'll just state that you as developers can ceate meaningful relationships between player and content - if you make games like wii sports.
Dunno, the conference hasn't taken place yet, and I don't like go predicting stuff, besides I'm not expecting anything.


If it comes from Miyamoto it's worth hearing, even if it brings nothing new. Then again it might bring something new, or tidbits, this is GDC after all, details like online and possible new channels and their interaction with games and stuff do interest developers. And are not "big revelations"

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A conference?? Keynote my friend.
Don't really care what we call it, he's gonna give a speech, it's what matters.
And wouldn't it be funny if Nintendo wanted to release something like sony's Home - who would be copying who.
Won't happen, besides I don't see why Nintendo would be interested in something like that, to be honest I wasn't impressed. Little Big Planet was good, PS3 Home... not for me.


Seemed copy/paste of a lot of concepts, some things were looking interesting but others just felt tackled on and forced, some felt like they were there just for the "look we're so cool" effect, like if it was aimed mostly at teenagers; it lacked some coherency when linking some of those concepts together IMO; that could of course change for the better in the final version, but I doubt they'll change some annoying points I saw.


Not that I care anyway.

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Don't really care what we call it, he's gonna give a speech, it's what matters.Won't happen, besides I don't see why Nintendo would be interested in something like that, to be honest I wasn't impressed. Little Big Planet was good, PS3 Home... not for me.


Seemed copy/paste of a lot of concepts, some things were looking interesting but others just felt tackled on and forced, some felt like they were there just for the "look we're so cool" effect, like if it was aimed mostly at teenagers; it lacked some coherency when linking some of those concepts together IMO; that could of course change for the better in the final version, but I doubt they'll change some annoying points I saw.


Not that I care anyway.


Your never impressed until Nintendo says anything and you get on your hands and knees and bow down to them.

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PlayStation Home reminds me of countless TV Shows, where they have an episode based in the future, where there's a "virtual world" which is the cause for the total demise in society.


If Nintendo did similar I still wouldn't be impressed - I don't give a damn about stuff like Animal Crossing.

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Playstation home is a cross between animal crossing, Mii's and Xbox 360 achievements. But does sound really good. I would not be surprised is Nintendo unveiled something similer.


As for shigs keynote, remember the news a few days back that nintendo might not be able to announce anything new due to a stock issue. I hope thats wrong.

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