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Creationism vs. Evolution


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I don't really know. I believe in evolution and disapprove of creationism as a theory but it doesn't mean it's wrong or right. Maybe both are, they can co exist, maybe neither is, and there's something beyond us(aliens!). Though I suppose if it was aliens it'd fall into creationism, now I'm in a dilemma!

My main belief lies in evolution though, it makes sense and my mind can accept it due to this.

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The thing that really annoys me and pretty much terrifies me is the fact that there are so many people in the world who take everything written in the Old Testament as absolute fact. Things like The Museum of Creation make me so angry as it is willingly misleading people and dismissing so much scientific evidence. It's like a self imposed ignorance.

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So why does it bother you, if the ignorance isn't imposed upon you directly? Aren't people entitled to their opinions? Can you actually disprove creationism?


EDIT:For all creationists, evolutionists, whateverists, for everyone out there, here's Kirk Cameron a former child actor from america who has become very very religious and has some ideas which would class no less than CRAZY. Please watch all of this, it may take half hour of your life, and make you feel very angry if you are inclined to similar opinions of WeeYellowBloke, but I think it's amazing that someone thinks like this.


Let it load, then watch the 'intro'(or skip it) then go through the numbers in order, 1, 2, then 3. Be warned though, this is going to take away about an hour of your life, and you will probably want the time back because you'll be so outraged, so don't come complaining to me about that.


(actually you can skip number 1 if you like, but click 2 then watch the videos for Evolution and Atheism that come up, no real need to bother with 3 from what I remember. I have also just discovered that each of these two videos are roughly half an hour each)

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So why does it bother you, if the ignorance isn't imposed upon you directly? Aren't people entitled to their opinions? Can you actually disprove creationism?

Yes, these things are a problem. People are presenting their unscientific views as science, and may end up convincing people that creationism is science. If you disregard theories through personal preference and instead promote something that isn't even a theory, then you only serve to damage science and other people.

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So why does it bother you, if the ignorance isn't imposed upon you directly? Aren't people entitled to their opinions? Can you actually disprove creationism?


EDIT:For all creationists, evolutionists, whateverists, for everyone out there, here's Kirk Cameron a former child actor from america who has become very very religious and has some ideas which would class no less than CRAZY. Please watch all of this, it may take half hour of your life, and make you feel very angry if you are inclined to similar opinions of WeeYellowBloke, but I think it's amazing that someone thinks like this.


Let it load, then watch the 'intro'(or skip it) then go through the numbers in order, 1, 2, then 3. Be warned though, this is going to take away about an hour of your life, and you will probably want the time back because you'll be so outraged, so don't come complaining to me about that.


(actually you can skip number 1 if you like, but click 2 then watch the videos for Evolution and Atheism that come up, no real need to bother with 3 from what I remember. I have also just discovered that each of these two videos are roughly half an hour each)


Hmmm well, I like to think that if it came to it I would be able to disprove much of creationism through inferred evidence, however this often isn't enough as many creationists seem to think, if you didn't see it, it didn't happen. However I do think they impose on people directly. Often in America Creationists have achieved precidents to allow Creationism to be allowed to be taught alongside evolution in schools as scientific fact. This along with things such as the Museum of Creation is just conning people into believing this stuff as fact, when actually there is no scientific stable base for it. Basically it seems to be eroding science and seems to be actively setting it back over a hundred years in progress. Who knows, maybe I've been conned into evolution, but as far as I can see the observable evidence is there for it.


I've only just started listening to that link you provided, most of it so far seems to be modern parables as to reasons to believe in religion whole heartedly. I'll listen to the rest when I'm less tired and inebriated, seems alright so far, if bit zealous in its religionism.

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As far as I remember being taught by my crazy irish RE teacher way back when, the Bible's Genesis is a metaphor, i.e. God didn't literally create the Earth and everything on it in a week.


As someone firmly rooted in the world of science, I'm most definitely a follower of the theory of evolution. But it's just the very start of the chain, the very first organisms, that I find it difficult to understand. The chances of something like that coming to be, and then to evolve are just mind blowing.

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What I hate about Christianity is that it always changes what it believes. It's the dumbest religion of them all in my opinion.

"God Created the Earth in 7 days".....'next year': "Na...he didn't really, but he started the Earth off and I now believe in evolution because it doesn't mean God doesn't exist, it just goes against everything else the religion states that others don't":indeed:


It's also amazingly hypocritical: God sends you to hell for being a ****....He's also very forgiving...:wtf: etc etc


*falls to floor in amusement*


'what i hate about Christianity is that its always changing'


He created the Earth in 7 periods of time, but there was no word for that in the language in the Stuart period. it never changes, you just are now making things up and calling all Christians dumb for what they believe in. So really, you are the dumb one. and just when i was beginning to like you...

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That was just an example THE ganondorf; due to disliking all branches of the religion I do not learn every single lil nook n cranny of the Bible.

It still doesn't change the fact that the words of the Bible are flawed and that there's NO proof of God at all, appart from high people hearing voices from a burning bush, a 'Virgin' mother (that's what they all say), and her son, the magician.


And we're all apparently decentants of a family from inbreds...

(P.S. I never made anything up so don't accuse me of that, ****)



Your view of God is too shaped by the limitations of your understanding, which is limited to earthly realities. The concept of time for instance. You seem to suggest that in "governing all life and existence from the beginning of time to the infinite future" God simply would not have time to care about us. It also suggests that God thinks in relative terms of importance, and could not both govern all life and existence and care about the actions of that very life he governs.



What she did was something to admire, not insult.

1. Well you know what? Your view of the Universe is too shaped by the limitations of your understanding, which is limited to brainwashed realities in which everything has a reason.

2. Well I'm sorry I don't believe in Invisible Pink Unicorns*, but as I said before, you seem to forget that there's the biggest chance ever that life & the Universe can exist without a creator, and that God lacks proof.

3. In what way is that something to admire at all???

I know, let's all forgive Hitler, Saddam Hussein & Slobodan Milosevic, the Taliban :indeed:



Evolution, for sure.

I've always seen as religion in a way that just control people, just tell them what they want to hear.


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His first "days" of creation were before there was even any light to make a "day". Now if you're not a biblical literalist then you can get around that the same way anything that doesn't fit in the bible can be worked around, by claiming it's metaphorical. But there ARE many people who believe in complete biblical literalism, adam and eve, talking snakes, the works. Even to the point where they will create intricate psuedo-scientific systems for proving that the earth stands still and the whole universe moves around it.




People can believe what they want, but when it comes down to trying to teach religion as science in schools or trying to edit lines out of films (Look on IMDB for campaigns to remove lines from Night At The Museum because they reference evolution or refer to timeframes which go against the belief of fundamentalist Christians that the world is only 6000 years old), or using scripture to back up restrictions of things like stem cell research or create laws for the whole population of the country then I think people have a right to stand up against it.


"Everyone is equal. Except homosexuals". According to the Bible.


The bible says practically bollocks all about homosexuality and Jesus never mentioned it once. It does however say that eating shellfish is evil and an "abomination". You don't see fundy Christians picketing seafood restaurants though.

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Hello. My name is gaggle64 I am religous person. I don't have a thought in my head. I don't go to church in order to be part of a varied community of like minded people, nor do I use my faith and belief system as a springboard to assist others irregardless of their faith or creed. No sir, I am indeed a violent facist with no life beyond what some beard in a robe tells me to do. Now if you'll excuse me, I really must go commit a violent attack on a bus full of kids because they're not the same faith as me. Back in a bit.

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Hello. My name is gaggle64 I am religous person. I don't have a thought in my head. I don't go to church in order to be part of a varied community of like minded people, nor do I use my faith and belief system as a springboard to assist others irregardless of their faith or creed. No sir, I am indeed a violent facist with no life beyond what some beard in a robe tells me to do. Now if you'll excuse me, I really must go commit a violent attack on a bus full of kids because they're not the same faith as me. Back in a bit.


Sounds like an extremist Muslim to me.....or maybe a chav.


BTW Dude I don't think it's funny to say thigns like that, esp with the war on the Taliban on atm, and with 7/7 not even 2 years ago.

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As someone firmly rooted in the world of science, I'm most definitely a follower of the theory of evolution. But it's just the very start of the chain, the very first organisms, that I find it difficult to understand. The chances of something like that coming to be, and then to evolve are just mind blowing.

Lot's of people have trouble with this. Can you see that if a self replicating molecule capable of mutations comes about the rest of evolution will follow?


If so, we have to consider how likely such a self-replicating molecule came about. I think that given a complex chemical system (such as a primordial soup) and millions of years, then the chances are that such a molecule will construct itself. Many people think this first molecule was RNA, but it could also be clay or crystals, which replicate imperfections in their growth pattern.

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Hello. My name is gaggle64 I am religous person. I don't have a thought in my head. I don't go to church in order to be part of a varied community of like minded people, nor do I use my faith and belief system as a springboard to assist others irregardless of their faith or creed. No sir, I am indeed a violent facist with no life beyond what some beard in a robe tells me to do. Now if you'll excuse me, I really must go commit a violent attack on a bus full of kids because they're not the same faith as me. Back in a bit.


Islam FTW!

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Okay to clear a couple of things up...


Satan wasn't a snake. He was sent down as a being. The latin word was translated to mean 'serpant' which we then took to mean a snake, but the original 'serpent' meant other things rather than just a snake. It's more than likely Satan came down in the form of a beautiful angel (since he was one to begin with). And his beauty was a factor in Eve trusting his words.


Secondly, the idea of the universe being made in 7 days or 7 periods of time can also be cleaned up with translations. The original translation meant 7 literal days, as they had another similar word that meant 'period of time'. But it is pretty much certain that the world according to Genisis was 7 literal days.


I'd rather not sit here and argue creation and evolution, it's pretty obvious what I believe and I know why I believe it. I don't think we're gonna sway eachother's opinions, and I don't think people who believe heavily in scientific theories are willing to 'understand' creationism in general.

However I will point out the whole basis of religion is faith. Faith means there isn't an absolute conclusive fact or 100% certainty. Much in the way as science is often merely theorums. So realisticly we're both following a faith here.


I'm gonna just sit and watch for a while.

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You know what one of the worst things about these types of threads are? People here who otherwise seem cool and have some good gaming views turn out to be annoyances and a bit... strange. :hmm:


Creation and God and faith all the way. Here come the quotes! :kiss:


Genesis 1: 1 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.


Genesis 2: 2 - By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.

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I think these guys have probably got just as much of an idea of who or what God is as any other organised religion which professes to know:




I found this bit especially ironic:

Other islanders can barely disguise their contempt for it.


A Christian youth worker told me how he thought the cult was childish. "It's like a baby playing games," he insisted. "Those people are holding on to a dream that will never come true," he said.


Hmm, indeed.

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