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Game Developers Conference Thread


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Well it's just around the corner all kicks off on Monday, March 5 with:


Continental Breakfast

8:30 - 10AM


Miyamoto is doing a keynote speech, as is Phil Harrison of Sony and he confirmed on the 1up Show, that he will be making more than 1 announcement. So we can expect the same from Miyamoto whose speech is entitled "A Creative Vision", to perhaps make some announcements to, his speech is on Thursday, March 8, 2007 10:30 - 11:30 AM


maybe a bit premature to start this thread now, but what do people think will be / want to be announced? Put your predictions in here. guess stuff can go in on here as it gets announced.


I'd like to see Mario and Metroid dated, plus some news of the online service for the Wii (please something even if it is just a simple update for the address book). thats all really keeping my desires low key so if theres anything more I'll be pleasantly surprised.

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GDC don't really give much information to consumers, it's aimed at developers., we didn't really get anything at last years one from Iwata.


I know I wasn't expecting much either, but with E3 gone (know theres other shows ready to step up) so thought this could have taken more emphasis and just the fact that Sony plan to make some announcements.....

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I'm not really expecting much now, but I'm sure that as the date draws nearer, I'll get more excited about it (and then I'll be disappointed when it's just Miyamoto going on about how succesful the DS and Wii have been).

Now that you mention that, I think Miyamoto might reveal things about a plan to let indie developers release stuff on the Virtual Console. That would be quite interesting for us as well.

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Now that you mention that, I think Miyamoto might reveal things about a plan to let indie developers release stuff on the Virtual Console. That would be quite interesting for us as well.


That's the type of thing that they'll announce at GDC, which is very good news for us, but its really for developers.

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I'm putting money on a trailer of some sort for a new game or a highly anticipated one.


GDC 2005: Twilight Princess Trailer 2

GDC 2006: Phantom Hourglass

GDC 2007: ? (My money's on Galaxy)



a) Super Mario 64 DS part 2 (originally canned for N64)

b) Advance Wars Online

c) Pikmin Thwii

d) Kid Icarus Wii

e) Battlefield Star Fox


Come on people, where's the hype in this thread?

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My money (000000000.2p + £4 gamestation voucher) is on something innovative. Its a conference for game developers and so will be something to impress and inspire them.


Wii health pack or Wii music or something uniquely wii. FAB new ideas for controller.


Better be something.. X360 is might cheap now and PS3 launching here too.

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