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What Happened To...

Zechs Merquise

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Solitanze...oh god how i hated him. Though i doubt he liked me much either...probably give me a maximum of 70% from 20 media outlets....Or something stupid like that.


I didn;t even notice dabookerman was gone. Seems like just yesterday...*wipes eyes*


I wonder what would happen if i didn't post on this site for a while; would people notice? hmm.

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I think he had multiple accounts.


A real shame that, I didn't want him to be a fake...


from what i saw he really didnt deserve it.i will always agree with nintendork.


Solitanze was a unique member.Whether you like them or not they are the most fun.Nothing more fun than writing a comment like solitanze you're an idiot.(never said that anyway)

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yes ye two really argued constantly about metal gear:)



i didnt know Solitanze was banned though?What he do?


I know, I actually liked Dabookerman though, he had character. Same with Solitanze, I loved his addiction to GameRankings.


I'm sad that they've gone, people like that add a lot of colour to the boards.

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I know, I actually liked Dabookerman though, he had character. Same with Solitanze, I loved his addiction to GameRankings.


I'm sad that they've gone, people like that add a lot of colour to the boards.


Aye, they may have had character, but things need to be consistant. If we let them get away with what they did, what stops others from doing exactly the same thing?


Solitanze was annoying, but he didn't bother me anywhere near as much as he bothered others. His obsession was quite funny. But, alas, rules were broken, so byebye to him.


Now, be on the lookout. If anyone spots Flamingfejerry online, point me in the right direction. This forum needs more holly valance love.

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