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I'm playing through this atm, and have just saved at the 32+ hr mark, with the game showing absoluetly NO signs of slowing down. I've taken my time with it, but also there is just SO much to do! Enjoying it very much!


I've passed the halfway point in the game, and have just defeated the boss 'Blight'... great part of the story leads up to this battle!

Now it seems it's almost time for me to leave the city... though I already have plenty of reason to return later in the game!


The humour in this game is fantastic!... especially Issun's obsession with boobs :)... and when you see some of the characters, who can blame him!

Darksnowman, did you notice Sakuya (the tree spirit) is bare assed?!!... a pleasant shock! :D


It's a brilliant game, and I have to say how dissapointed I am with Zelda TP and even from a few things I seen in the Skyward Sword trailer, for blatently stealing things out of this great unique game!

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I tried playing this last year but I just couldnt get to grips with the combat controls or the painting with the wiimote. It's a shame as I really wanted to play this all the way through and see what all the fuss was about. I would probably be more suited to the PS2 version of the game. The Wii version is still sitting on my shelf so you never know, I may give it another try at some point.


Wow, same thing here, the game is sitting on my shelf...I did make it through the intro, but not further than that.


Still, should be worth playing...right?



I'm a mix of you both, I got over the first 2 introductory hours and am generally ok with painting but I can't waggle in the battles, it just doesn't seem to work right at all. Most of the times all I manage is a 2 hit combo.


It isn't really helping getting into it.

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I tried playing this last year but I just couldnt get to grips with the combat controls or the painting with the wiimote. It's a shame as I really wanted to play this all the way through and see what all the fuss was about. I would probably be more suited to the PS2 version of the game. The Wii version is still sitting on my shelf so you never know, I may give it another try at some point.


I watched this thing on 1UP where the guy kept saying the Wii version isn't the best version of Okami. Drawing with the stick can't be better than with the remote, can it? :wtf:


Its all good H-o-T, trust me.


Wow, same thing here, the game is sitting on my shelf...I did make it through the intro, but not further than that.


Still, should be worth playing...right?


Whats keeping you from playing more? Its a bit wordy but its still been good, imo.


The humour in this game is fantastic!... especially Issun's obsession with boobs :)... and when you see some of the characters, who can blame him!

Darksnowman, did you notice Sakuya (the tree spirit) is bare assed?!!... a pleasant shock! :D




Haha, when I saw Sakuya I couldn't believe I'd waited this long to play Okami! :wink:


I'm a mix of you both, I got over the first 2 introductory hours and am generally ok with painting but I can't waggle in the battles, it just doesn't seem to work right at all. Most of the times all I manage is a 2 hit combo.


It isn't really helping getting into it.


I've been avoiding using the waggle moves, like I said. They do seem pretty wonky (though I think its timing and rhythm based to do combos) so I've just stuck with slicing and dicing with the brush. And bombing.

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I can honestly say I haven't really had any problem with the painting what so ever!


If I do have the occasional trouble it's usually with circles, but that tends to be when I do them a bit rushed and don't complete a full circular movement... resulting in either a lily pad not appearing on the water, or sometimes in/out of battle, creating 'wind' instead of 'bloom'... but really I put it down to me and not the game. I really enjoying the brush... and have never once found it frustrating, or become frustrated at the game.


It's great later on when you can start using your strokes in conbination, like lily pad and wind for a boat! Instead of constantly drawing them!


You can learn how to do combo's with your 'whip' at the dojo... it's actually pretty easy.

The numbers rise really quickly and highly once you get better 'whips' anyway, and I never feel I have to concentrate to pull them off, I can just do them.

You have to use manual attacks on some enemies later on (combined with your brush)... to expose their weaknesses.


The thing I never really bother with (once learned at the dojo) is dodging... that using the motion control inside the nuchuck. I'll use the occasional evasive move, but I often forget it's there!


@ darksnowman... did you also find cutscene introducing Waka on the woodland lake, simply stunning!

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I got stuck with no idea where to go around 8 hours in, and I've had virtually no motivation for almost 2 years to get back into it. I'm pretty sure my opinion would be transformed if I made some solid progress, but at the moment, my fundamental problem with the game seems to be its pacing.

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See, for me it just doesn't feel like Zelda AT ALL, which on its own wouldn't normally count against an adventure game. But it's so clearly trying to be Zelda, yet I don't feel it threads together such an expanse world nearly as fluidly as Zelda does.


Part of my frustration is endemic in the fact that I struggle to explain where exactly I'm stuck without remembering the last story event that happened. I've access to so many places and so many dead ends, I've really no idea where I should be. There was something about a bear asleep on a ball, but I'm assuming I can't do anything about that right now.

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It doesn't feel like Zelda to me either, and I wouldn't really want it too, I've got pretty bored of the Zelda formula of late, and this offers some nice variety.


One of the best things I've realised about Okami, is the 'dungeons' don't feel at all like dungeons!! Which is just so refreshing!


And speaking of immitating, whilst Okami may immitate Zeldas formula, I couldn't believe how much Twilight Princess has blatently ripped off Okami's gameplay, it's shameful!

The Wolf, the bounded fighting arena's, Midna is fundamentally alot like Issun, and even the shadow beasts have an Okami type feel.

Also the latest Zelda trailer shows they've also stollen Okami's 'living padlocks'!


But anyways...

If you're at the sleeping bear, you'll be in the first mini-'dungeon'... you'll have already rolled a sphere of some kind onto a switch I think... and you then follow the tunnel to a room with the bear. Can't remember exactly what you do there, but it's where you need to be/you can do it now. I think you either swipe the bear, or the ball his standing on with your brush... basically you attack him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okami does feel like a Zelda title to me and thats the mentality I've been approaching it with.


I'm up to the city now, post Ghost Ship and post mist. The Moon Cave took me AGES to do yesterday- I had no idea it would go on for so long. Know how you draw yourself a mask? I saw my rubbish design crop up as graffiti on a wall in the city, lol. Priestess Rao was a pleasure to meet and team up with. :wink:


I only found out yesterday that you are meant to bloom those clovers that you dig up. :(

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^ haha, clover fail!

Princess Rao and her 'melons'... Issan is epic how far he takes it! :D


I've just reached the 'point of no return'... before tackling what I now assume is the final boss.

My god this game just keeps on going it's amazing... just when you think you're nearing the end a whole new chapter starts up... just brilliant!!

And the story keeps getting better and better!! This last chapter has been absolutely incredible... you've got some greatness to come darksnowman and some beautiful cutscenes!! :D


I'm just over 62hrs of playtime & before finishing thought I'd try and get the remaining 'stray beads' and 2 remaining mirror fragments I haven't found to reach 20 'hearts' of health... though I literally have no clue where those 2 are!

I thought getting the final slash upgrade to break the diamond rocks would reveal their location... but nope!


However if I get impatient then I'll just go and complete the game (at least I assume I'm at the very end now!)... and find all the beads & 'hearts' on a seperate save file.


'Snowman... have you tried the side quest with the bear in Agata Forest?... the bear near the entrance who like standing on round things? I thought I'd finished that one, until the other day I noticed a 3rd (or 4th) round object I hadn't rolled to him... a bee hive... seriously, rolling that thing to him is like the most difficult thing in the entire game!!! I gave up in frustration after about 10mins.

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'Snowman... have you tried the side quest with the bear in Agata Forest?... the bear near the entrance who like standing on round things? I thought I'd finished that one, until the other day I noticed a 3rd (or 4th) round object I hadn't rolled to him... a bee hive... seriously, rolling that thing to him is like the most difficult thing in the entire game!!! I gave up in frustration after about 10mins.


I tried rolling something up to him but failed miserably and gave up after a while. :blush: Then I noticed an object closer to him so I got him that but haven't gone back to give him anything more. The task of rolling the rock in the sandy area of the Moon Cave took me quite a few goes too, grr. I might return to the bear if I need a break from the other stuff if it gets too relentless, but at the minute the story is pretty slow and I'm not entirely sure what to do next... but thats ok as I'm gonna potter around the city now thats its brightened up. My mental checklist so far: [vague spoilers afoot]


- get the guy up above his mask back

- bloom the cherry blossoms and see the dude do his dance

- check round for more underwater chests

- transport that girl to the East side

- is there anything for me to do with the 1,000 sword guy now that he's embarked on a life of fishing? I might buy that other rod and see if it triggers off anything.

- Go check up on the prisoner chick who departed for the sanctuary

(- Start from Kamika and search for clovers to dig up and BLOOM. :( :()


Not too bad, considering I don't know what to do next for the story!


Also, I got an item off the thief but I dunno what to do with it. Any hints? It doesn't look like a stolen mask, which is what I expected to obtain.


When should I level up my wallet?

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- get the guy up above his mask back

- bloom the cherry blossoms and see the dude do his dance

- check round for more underwater chests

- transport that girl to the East side

- is there anything for me to do with the 1,000 sword guy now that he's embarked on a life of fishing? I might buy that other rod and see if it triggers off anything.

- Go check up on the prisoner chick who departed for the sanctuary

(- Start from Kamika and search for clovers to dig up and BLOOM. :( :()


Not too bad, considering I don't know what to do next for the story!


Also, I got an item off the thief but I dunno what to do with it. Any hints? It doesn't look like a stolen mask, which is what I expected to obtain.


When should I level up my wallet?

You won't be able to get the guy his mask back until you get the power of lighting, however you can get 3 other items from the thief before the mask... and these go to other towns people. One goes to the samurai looking guy who walks around near the entrance, one goes to a worried guy who'll tell you he'll be at the bar at night, and I think the other may go to one of the drawing girls... but I'm not sure.


1000 sword guy... If you've given him the 'living rod' or whatever it was then I think that's it... however he can be found fishing in the temple area... I can't remember if catching the biggest fish there leads to anything.


If it's the Marlin Rod that you still have to buy, then yeah buy it, you'll need it after the city.


If you've upgraded your wallet once, don't worry about doing so again until the end of the game (and even then you don't really need to).


There's LOADS to do in the city... it's great!


Finding the last cherry blosson in the city, might just do your head in... it did me!


Also the t-shirt guy and one of the three girls whos draws on the ground are part of a side quest (that's difficult to realise)... but I'll just leave it at that.



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And speaking of immitating, whilst Okami may immitate Zeldas formula, I couldn't believe how much Twilight Princess has blatently ripped off Okami's gameplay, it's shameful!

The Wolf, the bounded fighting arena's, Midna is fundamentally alot like Issun, and even the shadow beasts have an Okami type feel.

Also the latest Zelda trailer shows they've also stollen Okami's 'living padlocks'!


Didn't Okami come out after Twi-Pri?

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm now up to the bit where I've access to Orca and we are looking for a whirlpool. Can I get a hint as to where it is...? I searched for a good while yesterday but found nothing. ::shrug:
In this area of the coastline there are 2 cat statues... one near the large tree will lead to some treasure, the other one leads to where you need to go to find the whirlpool.
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Spinning the galaxy is awesome! :D

Did you talk to that guy just before the galaxy and draw him a star?... not that I can remember what it does!


Well after 73hrs of gameplay, I've found all 99 stray beads and all the heart pieces!! :D


Just bought the final Rosary (my weapon of choice)... and saved before the Grand Finale!!

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73hrs? :eek: I can't see myself searching out all the stray beads so I doubt I'll notch up that much time. I'm just about to breach the 30h mark and I feel like I've almost played enough as it is. :heh:


Dragon Orb retrieved and I've saved it for now. Next stop is saving Rao!

Yeah I've been taking my time a bit, but i'd still say the main quest is probably around 55hrs... and the rest is then completing side quests and getting the last few beads etc...


Believe me, you have BY FAR the best chapter of the story yet to come!!

If you're finding it a bit of a chore atm maybe take a bit of a break from it once you've done monster island, because there's some EPIC stuff ahead! :D

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I'm not finding it a chore at all, I'm just thinking that the game should maybe be starting to naturally wind down soonish. However, I have a feeling theres plenty more yet to go from impressions I've read since Okami originally came out. I'm not getting the chance to play it for prolonged periods of time, so thats keeping me from getting burnt out but its also keeping the finish line well in the distance at the same time.


As for sidequests, I'm doing most things as I encounter them, I think. The monster lists I'm not too obsessed with and I'm only killing them as I happen upon them. One thing I've made a mental note of is the guy in the city who needs a gear for his invention. Aside from that (...and now blooming all clovers...) I don't think I'm doing too badly.

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I'm not finding it a chore at all, I'm just thinking that the game should maybe be starting to naturally wind down soonish. However, I have a feeling theres plenty more yet to go from impressions I've read since Okami originally came out. I'm not getting the chance to play it for prolonged periods of time, so thats keeping me from getting burnt out but its also keeping the finish line well in the distance at the same time.


As for sidequests, I'm doing most things as I encounter them, I think. The monster lists I'm not too obsessed with and I'm only killing them as I happen upon them. One thing I've made a mental note of is the guy in the city who needs a gear for his invention. Aside from that (...and now blooming all clovers...) I don't think I'm doing too badly.

Yeah I also tended to do all the side quests as I found them, kind of completed an area as much as I could before moving on.


I've taken my time which I think helps with such a long quest.

Though I too reached a point where I couldn't believe how much there was to the game, it seemed never ending! But you really can't knock it for value for money!! :D

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Just completed the wonder that is Okami!!! :D


Such a Beautuful, Beautiful game!!!


I got all the bonuses/unlockables aswell it seems.

Don't know if they're all standard anyway, or dependant on your playthrough results... but either way, they all unlocked.

And the 100th bead to complete the set... wow the prize for that will to make any future playthroughs easier!! :D


No credits which was strange?... or did I somehow skip them.


Final boss was a bit strange... but the cutscene preceding the final stage was lovely!!!


Beautiful Ending!!! And so glad I finally played this masterpiece!!!

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