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Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock


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Jordan you getting it on Wii?


No, 360. It makes sense since I already have a GH2 Xplorer... and the fact that that Halo theme is now coming out (tomorrow infact for FREE) only makes this sweeter.


Yea with parcel force. Been trying every so often since it got sent but had no luck.


Mine now recognises the order, but it says "below are the details" there are no details! :D


It'll be here tomorrow or Friday though, probably.

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No, 360. It makes sense since I already have a GH2 Xplorer... and the fact that that Halo theme is now coming out (tomorrow infact for FREE) only makes this sweeter.




Mine now recognises the order, but it says "below are the details" there are no details! :D


It'll be here tomorrow or Friday though, probably.


Yeah thats what mine is like!


I've accepted all the new applications to the tour group!

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Guest Stefkov
No, 360. It makes sense since I already have a GH2 Xplorer... and the fact that that Halo theme is now coming out (tomorrow infact for FREE) only makes this sweeter.

Good good. I thought you were getting it on wii for a moment then.

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Good good. I thought you were getting it on wii for a moment then.


Are you getting it? And if so, you joining our awesome tour group?


Also this question might be stupid but where the frak is this tracking number, might still be the site but I want to make sure i'm even entering the right one so I can see if it's delivered when i'm out or not tomorrow.

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Gonna trade in Paper Mario to help knock the price down a little i think.


Super Paper Mario?


Why does Mono sound actually matter? You're playing a guitar, a monophonic instrument...


But, you're not just playing a guitar, you are playing it to a track, so it does matter, unless you like to play guitar hero with the sound off, in which case it doesn't matter either way!

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My current order status:


Date Time Location Tracking Event


22-11-2007 06:34 Aberdeen Depot Handed to delivery agent

22-11-2007 06:33 Aberdeen Depot Arrived at delivery depot

21-11-2007 21:09 National Hub Scanned at Hub


I suppose its possible that it gets here today, it'd have to fly this morning though. I don't see why it couldn't.


Delivery agent in Shetland is Royal Mail, so even if i miss the actual delivery the sorting office is 2 mins down the road. Hurrah.

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If you ordered with Game, it'll be on the original email you were sent when it was shipped. Mines VM0608119. My Game one is: 01513897/P.


Use the first number (second in the email)

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€99? Is your store made out of solid gold? :o


Anyways, I'll start with the good, then go over to the bad.


The game is great fun! The graphics are top-notch, an excellent selection of songs, and the guitar is of an undeniable quality. It looked rather small at first, but it works like a charm.


Now onto the (only) bad part: the mono-issue. Yes, it's still there in the songs. Switching to stereo on the Wii-menu won't fix the problem, but it does sound better. That's the odd part: when playing in stereo, you get a better sound-quality then with Dolby. When playing in Dolby, it sound much more 'faded'. Hell, it even sounds better in mono itself!

Quite how no tester or reviewer noticed this is out of my understanding. It's pretty noticable. Then again, I was already aware of the problem, so a bias is unavoidable. Maybe some won't even notice the mono-sound, but for people who are musicians (like myself) of do a great deal in sound, it's a hard thing to swollow. My advice for people with dolby's: turn it to stereo everytime ypu play. It's still no stereo, but the sound is definitely better!


This reminds me of R6: Vegas on PS3, where playing the game on 1080 would give the worst visual quality, worse than 460. :heh:


But don't let my rant fool you: it's a great game! Rock on!

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I was gonna pre-order, but could not be arsed.....Took the day off so I could pick it up tomorrow for the 360. (No DLC and mono output does not cut it for me)...


I really do hope that fret button problem has been fixed for the UK though, along with the online battle mode lag problems I saw when I played my mates version a few weeks ago.

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Well I've played the game for about an hour now...I am not very good at it. Playing on easy and sometimes would feel I am very much in the groove and then it just all goes to pot and it feels like I've got hooves and trying to play the guitar... still loving it though...


Love being able to link your account to the website, what a great hub and community for the game it is. All peoples stats can be followed.


Here are my awful stats so far;


Easy: 76,565 84,314 9 %


If you havn't joined the N-E tour group please do by searching for NEurope and join.

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Can't wait to pick this up tomorrow (although I actually fell asleep on the sofa for about an hour when I got home from work and had a bad dream that I went to get the game tomorrow and even though I pre-ordered it that had none left for me when I got there, hope it doesn't come true, I have to borrow me dads car tomorrow so I can get it home, which means I gotta pay an extra 5.50 euro for parking for the day)


BTW, correct me if i'm wrong, but would you only be able to select which songs you want to play after you've beaten them in story/career mode?


If so, how many songs am I gonna have to go through to get to Dragonforce, I'm determined to practice that as much as possible and see how finger bleeding awesomely hard it is on expert mode.

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If so, how many songs am I gonna have to go through to get to Dragonforce, I'm determined to practice that as much as possible and see how finger bleeding awesomely hard it is on expert mode.


You know the right questions to ask. This is, by far, the song I want to play the most. I really want to try it on extreme mood to make my fingers dislocated.


I hope it isn't to far in.

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