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Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock


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I tried! It's fun though :D


I get lost on that bit in the intro, where it alternates between the orange and another fret button. I always have to star power it for some reason, I keep trying it but I can't hammer them on properly. And I'm not trying to just tap it out btw, I know the orange can't be held :D


Fucking <3 Cliffs of Dover. I'll 5* it eventually, trust me!

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I love Cliffs of Dover too, always enjoy playing it, still trying to 4 star is on Hard myself. The jump between medium and hard is pretty big.


I went and finished up some songs on the bonus tracks on Hard. I've now got my "fatal four" as I call them as the only ones I can't (yet) finish. F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X, Take This Life, TTFATF and of course the evil that is Raining Blood.... the "Mosh 1" section I just can't get past, even tried it in practice and suck on it still, even with things slowed down :mad:


But from my ashes I will rise, after getting pissed off trying to do Raining Blood on Hard that I was gonna try better my scores on previous songs on Hard, but for some reason changed my mind and thought, i'll try a bit of expert for a laugh, shouldn't last long.


Previously I could only finish Slow Ride on Expert, barely with like 65000 points, tried it now and got well over 100,000 (4 stared)... tried the next 3 songs and beat them all FIRST TIME, couldn't believe it and even 4 stared Hit Me With Your Best Shot.


Couldn't believe it. Couldn't beat Rock n Roll All Night though, bout 75% into it... think i'll try my hand a bit more on Expert see how it goes then go back and tackle Raining Blood on Hard after a while.

Can't believe I did those 4 songs on expert, i've totally surpased my own expectations (well actually i did that with how far i got on Hard all ready i guess, but still, WOW)


Just tried to do Raining Blood on medium...fucking hell. I got booed off. That is the first time it's happened to me on medium so far.


That song will become the bane of your life :mad:

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This game really enters a league of it's own once you reach hard mode. I was having trouble with it first, but then it just clicked and I'm flying through it. I think after finishing Through the Fire and the Flames on medium with four attempts under my belt everything just started coming together. It feels really good to do all the hammer ons and pull offs as well, even if it is totally unnecessary.

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I think after finishing Through the Fire and the Flames on medium with four attempts under my belt everything just started coming together. It feels really good to do all the hammer ons and pull offs as well, even if it is totally unnecessary.


Sweet, I started really practicing Through the Fire and Flames on Expert today. I AM going to beat that song on expert eventually.. I'm just really having trouble getting the intro just right. And of course... 5 min. into the song, your strumming arm is pretty damn tired.

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Well, I havent been here for a while, nor played GH3 for a while, I'm still going through medium, just finished Live in Japan, but mainly on 3*s because the h/o's and p/o's just mess me up totally, can't handle it at all.

I've also just played my first 2 online things ever, first a 3 song co-op with me doing medium bass, and him hard guitar, mucho fun. Then right after cookyman challenged me, and I played the same deal with him 3 songs but medium on both. I loved it, but I hadn't realised there was extra songs in co-op, and I got foolishly excited at the sight of bloc party and chose it. Jesus, my hand is still panging now from trying to strum like 200 notes in a row, so sorry Cooky, I hadn't realise it was that bad :P I missed quite a few notes in all the songs too, I don't think I've played any of them before, plus I was half looking at your side too :p Thanks for the game, there's something strangely happymaking about co-op...*goes and bounces around*

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Then right after cookyman challenged me, and I played the same deal with him 3 songs but medium on both. I loved it, but I hadn't realised there was extra songs in co-op, and I got foolishly excited at the sight of bloc party and chose it. Jesus, my hand is still panging now from trying to strum like 200 notes in a row, so sorry Cooky, I hadn't realise it was that bad :P I missed quite a few notes in all the songs too, I don't think I've played any of them before, plus I was half looking at your side too :p Thanks for the game, there's something strangely happymaking about co-op...*goes and bounces around*


I added the code from here which unlocks all songs in quick play - a great wee code this as you can now play those extra tracks you could only get in co-op e.g sabotage, helicopter, suck my kiss etc.


Good games rummy use this code above that should help you out mate.

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hahaha, starting to get my grove back now.


Last night I beat Tom Morrello on Expert on like my 7th try, weird thing was I thought the game glitched and i hadn't beaten him.


What happened was, i beat him, the sign flashed up "You Rock", then like 5 seconds later changed to "Tom Morello Rocks", i was like WTF? What the hell happened?

So i tried to beat him again and just couldn't do it, came back this morning turned it on went to try again and on the song select screen it said next to the battle "Battle Won", wohoo guess that win still counted even though it some how changed afterward.


SO got through a few more songs on Expert now, still in complete shock that i'm finishing songs. Struggled with a few of course. My Name Is Jonas was awesome, though not as good on the HO/PO sections on it as I am on Hard. That and a few other songs I finished while flashing red. Up as far as the prision gig now, haven't tried any songs there yet.


What I did do was I figured it would be a good time to drop back to Hard and tackle Raining Blood.



And just like I thought once I got past the first HO/PO section on it (mosh 1) I was fine, I had to use star power to help get me past it though. There's a few songs where I need star power as a life saver rather than improve my score.


Anyway I even did a little jig on beating Raining Blood, at last, now I don't ever have to see the song again...unless I magically make it that far on Expert....ok so i won't have to see it for at least a month or two :heh:



Haven't beaten Lou on Hard yet though, I can get as far as the first two power ups but he keeps kicking my ass, taken a break now as my hand is killing me

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Good games rummy use this code above that should help you out mate.


Cheers, I used it earlier, took me ages to manage to do it right, dunno what I was doing wrong, but I tried it about 12 times, when it finally worked, I had to go do something else! >_<

Does it just unlock the co-op tracks, or all tracks including bonus? I went a bit crazy eariler and just bought every track in the shop, so I've got alot to keep me entertained while I carry on being stuck.

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Just played my first proper online battles, and won quite a fair few :) (Takes ages to find a game doesn't it)


Anyone fancy battling tonight on Easy or Medium setting? Send me a PM if you do, I'm in a mood for rocking with someone!


I'm up for that! :grin:


I'm half way through Medium at the moment and have only really got the hang of it, and want to show off my lack of skills. :)


I find it hard to find an online battle as well the one time i was successful i ended up with a

expert pro face off, hadn't a clue what was going on turned my Wii off! :heh:


I'll definately be sticking to Easy and Medium!

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I added the code from here which unlocks all songs in quick play - a great wee code this as you can now play those extra tracks you could only get in co-op e.g sabotage, helicopter, suck my kiss etc.


Used those cheats, played the co-op songs. Owned them all.


Reptilia is bloody brilliant to play! :grin:

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OK i've hit a wall and can't get through it or over it.


Can't beat Lou for love nor money on Hard mode, can't beat FCPREMIX, Take This Life or TTFATF on Hard, stuck on the Prison gig on Expert and just can't finish 2 songs left on it (Scorpions and Aerosmith), think i'll give the game a rest for a few days, my hand is starting to feel messed up, i spent like an hour last night trying to finish FCPREMIX on Hard can't get further than 36% and i only get there if i'm lucky.

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Whoa whoa whoa... Reptilia is on the game?! How come I've not seen it in the shop?


Does no-one read this?


Here you go dude I've reposted this code for the third time now! lol


I added the code from here which unlocks all songs in quick play - a great wee code this as you can now play those extra tracks you could only get in co-op e.g sabotage, helicopter, suck my kiss etc.
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Does no-one read this?


Here you go dude I've reposted this code for the third time now! lol


Yeah I saw your code, but I wasn't asking for the code. I wanted to know how to unlock it the legit way.


It's a co-op song, you need to play it and beat it in co-op mode to unlock it in single player, or use the unlock all cheat.


I played them in co-op with my sister.


Cheers dyson.

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Ack, after taking a two day break from this I came back and was worse then before :heh:


After a good 30mins on some warm up songs my fingers started working again... spent the next hour trying to beat Lou on Hard mode.... can get as far as the 3rd power-up but by that time i'm flashing...i'll get the 3rd power-up and fail straight after. Plus my progress depends on which power ups he gets...if he gets an amp overload, whammy or broken string, i'm usually ok....any of the others and i go from green to red faster than a light bulb turns off :mad:

I can stay at full green all the way until the damned HO/PO sections start... i'm actually ok with a line of hammer-ons (orange, blue, yellow, red, green) but a line of pull-offs always messes me up so much.


After gettin sick of Lou tried to do FCPREMIX on Hard, set a new best by lasting 45% through the song :heh:


Went back to Expert and tried Rock You Like A Hurricane and managed to make a crack in that wall that's stopping me. SO one good point, YAY.

First try failed at 97% through the song, was gutted...2nd try failed at 99%, WTF couldn't believe it, i could see the end and all, damnit. Tried one more time and I guess 3rd time lucky cuz I beat it :yay:


Couldn't finish the Aerosmith song though...only make it bout 50% through :heh:

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