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Italy suspends football as policeman killed


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I heard about this on football focus on Saturday.


Really shocked at some of the scenes. It's easy to say that "that was shocking" just because it's out of the ordinary, but I did find them to be very disturbing scenes.


Football clubs are now getting punished for the fans. Being withdrawn from competitions is one consequence. Maybe this way a lot more clubs will take notice that this is a problem that needs sorting.

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There were riots all over the weekend in Italy cos the football was called off.


Thing is violence has always been a big thing in Italian football for as long as I can remember, so to has racism. The Italians like to call it passion tho. pffft.

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There were riots all over the weekend in Italy cos the football was called off.


Thing is violence has always been a big thing in Italian football for as long as I can remember, so to has racism. The Italians like to call it passion tho. pffft.



I thought football racism was strongest in Spain?

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Italian football hasn't really got a lot to shout about at the moment.


Months ago, football was hit by scandals, which saw teams such as Juventus fined, docked points and even relegated to lower leagues. Italy went on to win the world cup, and this was supposed to signify that they were turning a corner. After these events, you realise just how bad things are over there.

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Italian football hasn't really got a lot to shout about at the moment.


Months ago, football was hit by scandals, which saw teams such as Juventus fined, docked points and even relegated to lower leagues. Italy went on to win the world cup, and this was supposed to signify that they were turning a corner. After these events, you realise just how bad things are over there.


I think its more, how better the things are over there. This and those scandals, shows that they're improving.

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Motion I know why you set this thread up and to be honest I can't be bothered doing another marathon...


However I feel sorry for you for having such a negative opinion on a sport which Is loved by so many and admired all around the globe, I feel sorry for you that you read sensationalised news items, read the words "Homophobia" and "Racism" in football and automatically asume that such things are rife in the sport...


Take for instance that article you clearly have not read anything about it...


Ground regulations currently warn that "racial and other discrimination" can lead to ejection, or even arrest if it is sufficiently serious.


This problem had been highlighted by the Mobile Phone incident of last season, so to prevent the players being targeted by the fans in the minority this rule has been set up...


The issues which you raise which are present in football are issues that are rife present in our society...because society attends football matches


Now Society attends football in it's drobes, in a cross section of society you will have "Racists" "Homophobes" General scum, however the one thing everyone in society attending a football matches has in common...


Because the football fan base is it's its majority you are more likely going to pick up the scum of the earth then any other sport, however this can not be held against the sport, and what it stands for, Racism, Homophobia is not exclusive to football, it happens on our streets, and to believe that such things stem through football fans is ludicrous...


I understand why you like rugby because you are less likely to pick up the scum of the earth because the sport is supported by the minority, however that does not mean, such people do not attend rugby matches because they do...


People do not change when they enter a football stadium, they come as themselves and leave as themselves, they are who they are and football does not change them....


All i can say is more fool you for not seeing the pleasure that is the number 1 followed sport in the world (Apart from America)

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I just got what?




Like you (or not) I'm not going to get into another long argument with you about this. You seem to only be arguing about the state of football in the UK. While I think that it's pretty piss poor compared to other sports, at least it's doing something about it. When you say things like the FA/the clubs are ejecting people who chant racist or homophobic abuse, I think that's great, a few years too late but great nontheless. But it doesn't change the fact that those mentalities are still embedded into the football scene.


Football in many places around the world (like Italy and Spain) is in shambles. Simple as that.


Your argument that "more people go to football so of course there will be more idiots" is paper thin. I've been to both football and rugby matches, and if you understood the mentality of rugby, you'd know that it's the most pleasant, family orientated, friendly of sports. Just like I'm sure cricket, f1, athletics, tennis is. Why don't we hear about gangs killing policemen, hooligans and riot coppers fighting, fans wishing and chanting about opposing managers dying years ago?

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Football in many places around the world (like Italy and Spain) is in shambles. Simple as that.


Your argument that "more people go to football so of course there will be more idiots" is paper thin. I've been to both football and rugby matches, and if you understood the mentality of rugby, you'd know that it's the most pleasant, family orientated, friendly of sports. Just like I'm sure cricket, f1, athletics, tennis is.


I don't understand the mentality of rugby, but I do not fall for the Rugby is followed by a bunch of angels either, are you saying that no bad person follows a rugby side?


I think football is a family oritentated sport, you just cannot go to certain games because the rivalry is so intense...Yet Look at Wigan Atheltic, the only reason they attract supporters because it has no rivalry, if non at all.


And if you have looked at my past arguments, I have ALWAYS talked about other countries and their attitude on football


Why don't we hear about gangs killing policemen, hooligans and riot coppers fighting, fans wishing and chanting about opposing managers dying years ago?


Yes this happens, but I'll be honest with you, it is passion, just some people show it in different/wrong ways.


I do not follow really any other sport apart from football , I like seeing the national sides do well in other sports,


you'd know that it's the most pleasant, family orientated, friendly of sports


I'm sorry but I've travelled to Cardiff many a time and seen Liverpool lose and win finals and any football fan of any team would disagree...


I have been with my father to many a game and travelled North East down South and down the East Lancs all over the place, and I tell you something now if Rugby is the most pleasant sport then It would be a hell of a sport.


If Rugby is a family orientated sport then why do people kick seven shades of shite out of eachother, Now Don't tell me it is part of the game, surely taking children of a young age to see such acts is wrong?



Don't tell me that isn't Pleasant or Family Orientated...


Nor This



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Of course I'm not saying that no bad people go watch rugby, I'm sure there are a few here and there but (and I know you only have my word on this), I promise you that rugby is followed by very passionate supporters. Hooliganism, violence, racism, ill feeling towards opposition fans is practically non existant. I'd be scared to take a young daughter to a football match, at rugby it's a non issue. The players DON'T knock seven shades of shite out of each other, that's the whole point. Of course it's a physical game, but you seem to think the players just walk around punching everyone to get the ball? You're not allowed to tackle any player above the shoulders, if you do, sin bin for 10 minutes or even red card. Handbags (hardly 'fights') happen every so often when the adrenaline gets going but so what, nothing comes of it and the players involved will all be laughing and joking about it in the bar afterwards.


But I'd really rather not get into a football v rugby argument to be honest. We like different things, fair play to us.


Yes this happens, but I'll be honest with you, it is passion, just some people show it in different/wrong ways.


Surely you're not making excuses for those acts, calling them 'passionate'?

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Surely you're not making excuses for those acts, calling them 'passionate'?


I'm not making excuses for them, but they do it for a reason, that is passion, I show my passion for my team by singing as loud as I can and willing them on through the 90 minutes. Not resort the vioolence which the miniorty do.


I agree to a certain extent with I'd be scared to take a young daughter to a football match, at rugby it's a non issue. because football is a passionate game, it's loud it's ferocious, but I fucking love it, thats what I live in football is a drug seriously...


Fair does to you, I do like rugby and Have nothing against it, I just believe more fool you for concentrating on the bad aspects of the sport rather then the good, when the good certainly overides the bad

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