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Does anyone here seriously follow a football team


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You obviously don't go to football matches, do you motion. The people that sit near just represent a cross section of the people in todays society. Yes there are some chavs but they are by no means in a majority. By the way I hate chavs and I do not like it insinuated that I am one motion. Dude just chill. There are greater things happening in the world to get angry over.

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Don't anymore. Got fed up with it all and couldn't stop nodding off.


Not getting angry at all, getting a bit peeved at the amount of abuse I've gotten in this thread simply for stating my opinions but hey.


Did I call you a chav? No. Did I say chavs make up a majority of football? No.

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I have nothing against football. It's proffesional football that's a disgrace I feel.


- Corruption/Racism/Homophobism

- Hooliganism everywhere

- Disrespect/Swearing to refs

- Segregation of fans (what a joke lol)

- Hostile atmosphere

- Overpaid footballers, who's gfs are usually page 3 models or the like

- Prissy pre-madonnas on the pitch

- Diving and faking injury even after the slightest touch (if that)

- Boring 0-0 scorelines

- Many players are complete thugs off the pitch

- Some supporters chanting to the opposition manager calling him tumor-boy (he suffered from one years ago) and singing 'Why couldn't you have died 3 years ago'.

- No real rules, simple, dull game. Hardly any strategy


I could go on...


Your first point is to some degree true but you have to remember Football one of very few things that transends the divisions of wealth, race, sexuality etc...


Hooligansim everywhere...Get out, this is simply not the case.


Disrespect to refs...Another valid point, they really should give microphones as in Rugby.


Segregation of fans...Just simply NO. Ticket allocation deems that the home crowd get a vastly larger number of tickets. If you then separated the remaining away fans you probably wouldn't notice them or their chanting.


Hostile Atmosphere...I think what u are referring to is a competetive atmosphere. People do actually want to win the game...


Overpaid footballers, who's gfs are usually page 3 models or the like...why the hell does that matter? Envy is a terrible thing...


- Prissy pre-madonnas on the pitch

- Diving and faking injury even after the slightest touch (if that)...another good point...deal with it...


Boring 0-0 scorelines...Just NO again....ok fine sometimes it happens...it can't be helped!


Many players are complete thugs off the pitch...Another stupid sweeping generalisation just like "All French people are cheese sniffing surrender monkeys!" Generalisations are stupid...don't use them...unless you have at least some evidence to back it up!


Some supporters chanting to the opposition manager calling him tumor-boy (he suffered from one years ago) and singing 'Why couldn't you have died 3 years ago'...God this happens at every match I go to...NOT. This is obviously a VERY specific incident and it is an aweful thing to say but it doesn't happen at every football match.


No real rules, simple, dull game. Hardly any strategy...wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG. "Dull game" obviously your opinion, "simple" just like your mind (think carefully about that one...) No real rules...get out! Are you sure you wern't watching WWE or something of similarly pointless ilk?


The amount of people that watch proffesional football is a strong enought indication that most these points are wrong, minor or irrelevant Football is a great sport and calling it "chavball" is implying another, now probably trademark, stupid sweeping generalisation.


I respect your opinions but you obviously trying to cause a stir buy posting these comments on a thread aimed at football fans...

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"The Premiership has a salary cap which prevents players being horribly overpaid" problematique


does the Premiership have a salary cap? I never knew. How much is it?


It doesn't have a salary cap. If it did the rest of the footballing world would have to have it and major clubs would probably find a way around it...maybe through bonuses!:heh:

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Your first point is to some degree true but you have to remember Football one of very few things that transends the divisions of wealth, race, sexuality etc...


Very true but surely that doesn't excuse the first point?



Hooligansim everywhere...Get out, this is simply not the case.


Ok, perhaps 'everywhere' was wrong. An ever present degree of hooliganism every so often is more accurate.


Disrespect to refs...Another valid point, they really should give microphones as in Rugby.


Microphones? In rugby the player's call the ref 'sir' and don't talk back to them. If they do (and it's never swearing a la Rooney + others) the offending team loses 10 yards.


Segregation of fans...Just simply NO. Ticket allocation deems that the home crowd get a vastly larger number of tickets. If you then separated the remaining away fans you probably wouldn't notice them or their chanting.


You do in rugby. Segregation is done for the sole purpose of safety otherwise mass brawls, fights and general violence would break out.


Hostile Atmosphere...I think what u are referring to is a competetive atmosphere. People do actually want to win the game...


I wouldn't feel comfortable taking a child to a football match.


Overpaid footballers, who's gfs are usually page 3 models or the like...why the hell does that matter? Envy is a terrible thing...


Envy? I don't think so.


- Prissy pre-madonnas on the pitch

- Diving and faking injury even after the slightest touch (if that)...another good point...deal with it...


I have. By not watching.


Boring 0-0 scorelines...Just NO again.


Why no? 0-0 happens all the time, 90 minutes of watching players kick a ball between each other for me is boring. Obviously not for you lot.


Many players are complete thugs off the pitch...Another stupid sweeping generalisation just like "All French people are cheese sniffing surrender monkeys!" Generalisations are stupid...don't use them...unless you have at least some evidence to back it up!


How many player scandals/violent cases have we heard about it the news?


Some supporters chanting to the opposition manager calling him tumor-boy (he suffered from one years ago) and singing 'Why couldn't you have died 3 years ago'...God this happens at every match I go to...NOT. This is obviously a VERY specific incident and it is an aweful thing to say but it doesn't happen at every football match.


Of course it doesn't. The fact that it happened at all is sickening. This sort of thing just doesn't happen in other sports.


No real rules, simple, dull game. Hardly any strategy...wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG. "Dull game" obviously your opinion, "simple" just like your mind (think carefully about that one...) No real rules...get out! Are you sure you wern't watching WWE or something of similarly pointless ilk?


Ok I respect your opinion. There's a fair amount of strategy fair enough. Not enough for me.


The amount of people that watch proffesional football is a strong enought indication that most these points are wrong, minor or irrelevant Football is a great sport and calling it "chavball" is implying another, now probably trademark, stupid sweeping generalisation.


Just because people watch it doesn't mean everything is rosy. I applaud football's popularity but again, that doesn't mean everyone is 100% happy with the state the sport is in.


I respect your opinions but you obviously trying to cause a stir buy posting these comments on a thread aimed at football fans...


And I respect your opinions very much, you're the second intelligent poster who's replied to me on this whole topic so thanks very much. It's obvious I'm not going to convince any of you. I just enjoy a good discussion.


"The Premiership has a salary cap which prevents players being horribly overpaid" problematique


does the Premiership have a salary cap? I never knew. How much is it?


He means the rugby premiership.

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I just see Premiership and do a word association in my head! They should introduce a salary cap (but never will because the major english teams have to much power). Everything is geared towards the big teams ala transfer window. I've totally become disinterested with the Priership this season (maybe to do with losing Sky Sports) and have just concentrated on league 1.


Does anyone, who supports a team outside of the Premiership, get turned off by watching England because of the difference in how certain things in the game are done ie stop start play due to much diving?

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What is classed as football hooliganism? How can you say the hooliganism is football motivated if its outside of the stadium? You know that there are thousands of crimes committed every single day and anyone of them could be done by a rugby fan. Just because a football fan does something it doesn't mean he's a football hooligan.

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Are you 12 King Boo? Oh wait, after a quick check, you're 14. That explains it then.


I stand by my comments.


What is classed as football hooliganism? How can you say the hooliganism is football motivated if its outside of the stadium? You know that there are thousands of crimes committed every single day and anyone of them could be done by a rugby fan. Just because a football fan does something it doesn't mean he's a football hooligan.


Oh for god sake, if you really believe that paragraph mate there really is no hope.

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Oh for god sake, if you really believe that paragraph mate there really is no hope.


What's in there that can't be believed. Everything I said there is fact.


Lots of crimes committed everyday and either a rugby or football fan could have commited any of them.


Define exactly what you would say is a football hooligan for me please.

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Motion, most of your points about all the racism, hooliganism, etc are only highlighted in the media because of the sports popularity! The hooligans, etc (who aren't real fans anyway) attack the sport because they know that thats where they'll get the most 'action.'


If it was your beloved rugby union that was in its place (and had been for the length that football has) then you can guarantee that that is where the hooliganism would lie.


All the reports about players behaviour off the pitch are, again, down to the fact that its so popular! People are interested in stories about sportsmen/women they know. As such anything slightly negative regarding a footballer is going to be reported, whereas something of similar nature (or even worse) by a rugby/cricket/etc player isn't going to be as widely reported, simply because demand for the story isn't as great!

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What's in there that can't be believed. Everything I said there is fact.


Lots of crimes committed everyday and either a rugby or football fan could have commited any of them.


Sigh. What's the point in trying to explain I wonder. You're really clutching at straws here.


Football hooliganism = http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/find_out/guides/sport/international_football/newsid_3089000/3089728.stm


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Sigh. What's the point in trying to explain I wonder. You're really clutching at straws here.


Football hooliganism = http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/find_out/guides/sport/international_football/newsid_3089000/3089728.stm



I'm really clutching at straws? Bloody hell, you're one ignorant person. You're the one has to refer to a children's news channel to describe what you're trying to argue.

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If it was your beloved rugby union that was in its place (and had been for the length that football has) then you can guarantee that that is where the hooliganism would lie.


That is completely wrong, the entire mentality of rugby union and its fans is different to football. Having lived with rugby all my life and being a journo on the matter I can assure you of that.


I'm really clutching at straws? Bloody hell, you're one ignorant person.


And you don't know what ignorance means.


The fact that you're trying to call hooliganism 'illegal acts by a sports fan' says it all really. You've got no clue what you're talking about.


You're the one has to refer to a children's news channel to describe what you're trying to argue.



First two links that popped up on google, there are plenty more where that came from.

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*Cough* From your own citation:




Football hooliganism has changed significantly since the Taylor Report of 1990. All-seater stadiums, 'Football Intelligence' and Closed Circuit Television in particular have meant that incidents of violence inside football grounds (particularly in the Premiership) are rare. In addition, arrests for football-related crimes have reduced dramatically since the late 1980's whilst attendances have risen.


Plus hooliganism isn't confined to football. My mate was beaten up by some drunk England rugby fans 'celebrating' the Rugby World Cup, so I could equally say it is rife in rugby.

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That is completely wrong, the entire mentality of rugby union and its fans is different to football. Having lived with rugby all my life and being a journo on the matter I can assure you of that.


You can't say that though!


The hooligans aren't football fans at all, they are simply people who go out on a Saturday afternoon looking for a fight. They target football becuase thats where the majority of fans lie. If it was Rugby that had the larger numbers of followers then they would target them, becuase thats where they'll get the most 'action' (can't really think of a better word)!

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Very true but surely that doesn't excuse the first point?


True, its not an excuse but I do feel football is moving in the right direction...still not an excuse.



Ok, perhaps 'everywhere' was wrong. An ever present degree of hooliganism every so often is more accurate.


I'm kinda ashamed to say it but that potential does add to the excitment...its just a shame when things like this happen http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/6326513.stm

But then again things like these are still rare and England is certainly better than the continent...


Microphones? In rugby the player's call the ref 'sir' and don't talk back to them. If they do (and it's never swearing a la Rooney + others) the offending team loses 10 yards.


I agree, something like this really should be implemented into football. I think part of the problem, and correct me if I am wrong, is that Rugby has a video ref and so decisions are solid where as at the mo in football linesmen get quite a few decisions wrong...and so there is room for debate...which turns into swearing. I'm not quite sure why refs put up with it as much as they do.



You do in rugby. Segregation is done for the sole purpose of safety otherwise mass brawls, fights and general violence would break out.


Well at most football stadiums there is a clear police presence between home and away fans but I actually don't feel its that big a problem in England. It is probably a lot more of a pressing issue somewhere like Italy.



I wouldn't feel comfortable taking a child to a football match.


I know at least Stamford Bridge, yea I am a Chelsea fan:heh: , that there are places for family seating so maybe this should be expanded on in other stadiums.



Envy? I don't think so.


Just joking!:laughing: Who would want to look like Peter Crouch and have some slapper as your girlfriend!



I have. By not watching.

Diving is a problem but I find hope in someone like Drogba who used to dive like he was going for going for an Olympic Gold but has now decided to stay on his feet...I know its not an excuse but it is a MUCH bigger problem on the continent, where it is actually more appart of the game!



Why no? 0-0 happens all the time, 90 minutes of watching players kick a ball between each other for me is boring. Obviously not for you lot.


I can't stop watching football because the score might end 0 - 0! Plus, it could still be a good match!



How many player scandals/violent cases have we heard about it the news?


Relative to the number of professional footballers its probably not that much, especially when factoring in the free reign they have in terms of money...and self importance!



Of course it doesn't. The fact that it happened at all is sickening. This sort of thing just doesn't happen in other sports.


True. But I like to think something that cruel doesn't happen often!



Ok I respect your opinion. There's a fair amount of strategy fair enough. Not enough for me.


It does depend on what team you watch...no one wants to watch a team that completely depends on defending...unless that is really their only chance! (Euro 2004, Greece!: peace: )




Just because people watch it doesn't mean everything is rosy. I applaud football's popularity but again, that doesn't mean everyone is 100% happy with the state the sport is in.


Its true, but we can't just abandon watching if there is a chance of improving things!: peace:



And I respect your opinions very much, you're the second intelligent poster who's replied to me on this whole topic so thanks very much. It's obvious I'm not going to convince any of you. I just enjoy a good discussion.


Fair enough! I wouldn't have responded if I didn't think you had genuin points that, I feel, I needed to address! Anything that does this, http://www.eurosport.com/football/africa-2006/2004/sport_sto775940.shtml http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/4633688.stm, is an amasing thing and something we need to build on. Its true that comments like 'tumorboy' take place in football, and probably football alone. But I can't think of any other sport that can unite a country in civil was. I believe that is why it is called the Beautiful Game!





He means the rugby premiership.


Opps! My bad!:red::hehe:

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You can't say that though!


The hooligans aren't football fans at all, they are simply people who go out on a Saturday afternoon looking for a fight. They target football becuase thats where the majority of fans lie. If it was Rugby that had the larger numbers of followers then they would target them, becuase thats where they'll get the most 'action' (can't really think of a better word)!



England football internationals get 70/80,000 people.


England rugby internationals get 70/80,000 people.


Of course football hooligans are football fans, their hatred for opposing fans is what gets them riled up.





Daft: great post, very good points and I agree with most of them. Nice one.

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Motion I have up given all hope....


Get a ticket and go the game, your opinions are stereotyping the men, women, children who pay good money to see their team play...


You don't know football, your opinions are flawed in EVERY sense...


For instance this Tumour boy thing only 1 or 2 people shouted it at him, and by your rational sense of thinking thats what we all do....


You are using social issues against football fans, when it is present everywere, as an EXAMPLE look at what happend in Big Brother? Is everyone who watched BB or Participates in BB a racist? No!


Your notions on the game are stupid and un-founded and are stereotypical...


I'm off to bed you wreck my head! :shock:


Btw did you see them videos?

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England football internationals get 70/80,000 people.


England rugby internationals get 70/80,000 people.


Of course football hooligans are football fans, their hatred for opposing fans is what gets them riled up.


Yeah, there are roughly the same amount of people in the stadiums (becuase they have roughly the same capacity :indeed:), the hooligans (or at least 99.9% of them) don't buy tickets to the game, they hang around in pubs by the ground, getting pissed and then starting fights!


They use football as an excuse, just like they'd use Rugby as an excuse if the sports popularity was switched!

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England football internationals get 70/80,000 people.


England rugby internationals get 70/80,000 people.


Of course football hooligans are football fans, their hatred for opposing fans is what gets them riled up.




Daft: great post, very good points and I agree with most of them. Nice one.



Oh Shut up you are talking rubbish


England football internationals get 70/80,000 people.


England rugby internationals get 70/80,000 people.


Of course football hooligans are football fans, their hatred for opposing fans is what gets them riled up.





Daft: great post, very good points and I agree with most of them. Nice one.


Yeah, there are roughly the same amount of people in the stadiums (becuase they have roughly the same capacity :indeed:), the hooligans (or at least 99.9% of them) don't buy tickets to the game, they hang around in pubs by the ground, getting pissed and then starting fights!


They use football as an excuse, just like they'd use Rugby as an excuse if the sports popularity was switched!




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