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Heroes hath returned! *SPOILERS!*


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I just got into the first season last weekend. It's absolutely awesome.

The first season has 18 episodes, right?


Good thing the next season starts so I won't have to suffer from any kind of withdrawal syndrome :p


It still on the first season because it had a seven weeks break and now will show the last five episodes in the next five weeks.

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Just watched it, rapidshare for the win!


Absolutely fantastic episode, one of the best!


So glad Heroes is back, but there'll be an even longer wait once the series ends :shakehead


Hopefully I'll get pokemon diamond by wednesday to keep me busy until the next episode... wow I guess that's it now, my life officially revolves around Heroes.

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Guest Jordan
Annoying loads of files ones? Like... rar files? Once you extract it with WinRar it becomes one file, then you can delete the rar parts. Its also the fastest way to share it :heh:


Indeedy, although most sites just put up avi files now.

Anyway, mine just finished! So time to watch it :D


Lol, 890kb/s.

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Guest Jordan


will probably take me 4+ hours on this shitty internet connection. Damn I cannot wait until cable next year :weep:


I guess thats karma for you, i'll be losing my precious cable later this year when i move.


Fucking 2mbit ADSL ¬_¬

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2Mbit can't be that bad I have 3 and it usually takes around 15-20mins for an episode to download :) Well doesn't matter much since the episodes are pretty much released while I'm asleep, and when I wake up it's time to watch them.


I agree with The Peeps, this was one of the best episodes.

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I like how they changed Peter's look after he came back from the dead, he looks a lot better now and I suppose it kind of marks the end of his slighty darkish whiny stage. I want to find out more about their Mum, how did she know about Nathan and Peter's powers before they even did?

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Awesome ep. I'm amazed at how often Heroes hit the mark. Even the couple of duff episodes we've had this season have been 'okay' rather than 'poor'. The rest have just been awesome.


From the trailer, the next ep looks pretty damn interesting by the looks of things.

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