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Wario Ware review

mcj metroid

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You really don't get Wario Ware at all do you? It's not about finishing it or not, it's about picking up, playing, laughing and making a fool of yourself.


And trying to get some crazy high scores too. I often find I'm at my best after days/weeks/months away from it!


That said, I aint unlocked the multiplayer yet after a fairly brief session last night, will be rpetty dissapointed if as people say the multiplayer isn't as good as the GC version. That turtle game, skipping and paperplane have taken over far too many drunken nights ;)

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Wow, what a suprise to find Wario Ware on the kitchen table this morning. Was disapointed to see, that Play had only posted it yesterday, so thought it would not arrive till Monday! So kudos to Play.com with 24hour delivery!

I love this game so much. Played around 2 hrs on it so far. The majority of the games are great fun, but the odd "pose" seem kinda pointless to me. I hope there a Darts minigame to unlock!

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I picked up my copy for £18 from Woolworths (thanks to some leftover vouchers from Xmas) On the way back to my car I passed GAME and noticed this deal:



Get Wario Smooth moves for £14.99 when you trade in any other Wii game (exludes Wiisports, Wiiplay, Superfruitfall, and some pinaball Wii game)

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You really don't get Wario Ware at all do you? It's not about finishing it or not, it's about picking up, playing, laughing and making a fool of yourself.


Of course I 'get' Wario Ware. I own and love every instalment to date. If you weren't so quick to jump to a conclusion and make a fool of yourself you'd know that.

The difference is that this one lacks the pick up and play fun of the portable versions and the great multiplayer of the Cube version. In essence it's the worst of both worlds.

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Just beat WWSM so here are my pros and cons, hopefully this will give you some idea if you really want it.



+original minigames, devs haven't run out steam and ideas

+lots of fun

+decent multiplayer options and good number of levels

+should be very replayable, in weeks or months time

+makes you look like an idiot

+best secondary game on offer at the moment (not saying much)



-very short (roughly 2hrs)

-little value for money (should be budget)

-not as many minigames as there should be

-makes you look like an idiot

-need to stand up and act out minigames how devs intended to fullly appreciate game, basically, not suitable for fatties


Overall, fun, short game. Only buy if you want a game now, otherwise pick it up after a price drop.

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I was about to post the same thing :laughing:


jeez I dunno...






seriously, all I did was trade was Phoenix Wright! that I had completed and will never go back to, as its so linear and once you know what to present when and where it's simple to play....


anyway back on wario ware, played quite a way into it, just done 9 volts level and gave jimmy p (or t which ever one is the second one) but didn't finish it. loving the game so far, love how so many different things can be done with each pose.


one slight niggle I have though is annoying that have to complete the single player 1st before multiplayer...but its only a minor niggle as I'm like an hour or so in and sure there won't be that many more levels.


one ofter problem I have is the boss levels, they are way too short, I was really looking forward to the starfox one but it was so short and so easy, on wario ware on the cube at least they were a lot longer. I mean what was with that one with the burger one where stuff stacks up and you simply have to pick up the remote off the table when the burger bun is complete and thats it?! piece of piss....


can see the likes of tower tennis keeping me coming back for higher score tho...


can see myself going back to it again and again though and always will be one along with wii sports to reel out with mates around...


definitly recommend it, and glad I traded games in and only payed £6 for it!

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Am I the only one who's spent ages conducting in the sound test area? I'm really glad Nintendo included this feature - another example of how fully orchestrated music isn't always better than midi. Shame most of the songs are so short though. I hope this feature returns in other games, particularly Smash Bros.

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Am I the only one who's spent ages conducting in the sound test area? I'm really glad Nintendo included this feature - another example of how fully orchestrated music isn't always better than midi. Shame most of the songs are so short though. I hope this feature returns in other games, particularly Smash Bros.
I also spent ages playing that yesterday, I especially love conducting to the Starfox tracks (was proper getting into it! :heh: ) but like you said it's a shame most of the songs are so short.


I don't see it being used in Smash Bros. but it has made me want Wii Music more than ever.


But the un-lockable I'm loving the most in Smooth Moves is...


...Pyoro S. This new version is absolutely legendary! It's like a more mental version of Pop'n'Twin Bee wrapped up in a retro package.



And like with the previous Pyoro games...

...I reckon this is going to keep me playing Smooth Moves for a long time.

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Am I the only one who's spent ages conducting in the sound test area? I'm really glad Nintendo included this feature - another example of how fully orchestrated music isn't always better than midi. Shame most of the songs are so short though. I hope this feature returns in other games, particularly Smash Bros.


didn't even know it was there!


*scampers over to the wii...




well finished it, clocking in around two hours, according to my message board,although some of that time has also been taken up with my girlfriend playing through the first few levels on her own profile...


also watch the staff credits, grrr why can't our miis have all those awesome looking clothes?

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I've just realized that you can choose to conduct to all of the songs in the sound test in one go, (rather than individually) by clicking at the top of the list.


It kind of makes up for most of the songs being quite short, as they flow from one to another seamlessly and you can go through the whole list in one arm destroying session! :laughing:

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