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Official Bitch about Twilight Princess Thread!


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But anyway I don't give two shits about Gamerankings anymore when things like this happen:




The highlighted games should be a lot higher than some other games in that list, you can't give Gamerrankings credit when games like RE: Code Veronica (35), NHL 2K1 (13) and Grand Theft Auto 'Double Pack' (22) are higher than Advance Wars and Grim Fandango.

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I'm not sure if anyones noticed this so i'll post it, this reviewer gave the game 7.8/10 and thanks to this guy, the average ratio has now dropped below 95% and is now most certainly beyond any repair, unless another 30+ reviews of scores about 9.6 or so are posted. The game is now officially in ULTRA FAILURE territory with the likes of Gears Of War and Guitar Hero 2.


SOURCE: http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/launchreview.asp?reviewid=752523


Why are you still here again?



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I'm not sure if anyones noticed this so i'll post it, this reviewer gave the game 7.8/10 and thanks to this guy, the average ratio has now dropped below 95% and is now most certainly beyond any repair, unless another 30+ reviews of scores about 9.6 or so are posted. The game is now officially in ULTRA FAILURE territory with the likes of Gears Of War and Guitar Hero 2.


SOURCE: http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/launchreview.asp?reviewid=752523


i want to punch you so muc right now. That is the dumbest thing i've EVER heard. How old are you, 12? Seriously grow up. The fact that you said gears of war is in 'Ultra failure' territory is just the icing on cake.

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yes! sons of liberty and halo 2.... 2 games i spend about 5 minutes with before getting bored..


That you think they aren't as good as twilight princess is acceptable, but that you can't even enjoy those classics... there must be something wrong with you.

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How many people here have not played Ocerina of Time? Put your hands up if you haven't... I see...

See, my sister hasn't played Ocerina of Time ever, or any other 3D Zelda game, and she loves Twilight Princess. It's having the same effect on her as OoT did with most of us. We're all comparing TP with OoT based on our memories.

OoT was great, amazing, but I rate it so highly because I played it quite some time ago, and have played it maybe 30 or 40 more times after that. I have very nostalgic memories of it as I'm sure most of you do. So how can we compare TP to it? I think TP is the new OoT, and people who haven't experienced OoT before are enjoying this game JUST as much.

I know that if this was the first Zelda game I played it'd probably be my favourite even after playing the others.

But it's not the first Zelda game I played, so I'm still in favour of OoT. But we're all here with rather bias views don't you agree?


On the other hand, a few niggles with the game: Link puts rupees back in the chest! That's so annoying when you're trying to clear the game or find heart pieces later on! The bosses were really really easy, I didn't die once in the whole game, I even found the cave of ordeals really easy. Other Zelda games have had much better endings than this one. That's all I can think of really. All those 'problems' weren't really problems at all, they wouldn't really affect my score if I was reviewing it (which I'm not). It was still long (took me 50 hours and I'm still looking for heart pieces) and the time between temples was great, despite what I had been told. The introduction of loads of new weapons was excellent, better than regurgitating the same fire/ice arrows and magicy crap etc again. I really did love this game it was great fun and pretty new-feeling. It upsets me to see so many people disliking this game just becuase of their rose-tinted view of older games. Ah well.

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Ah well, got the reaction i wanted.


Jesus christ you have no credibility at all. You moan like some bitch about Nintendo fanboys. But the truth of the matter is you need them to amuse yourself. You act with some sort of twisted superiority complex to try and provoke them into saying stupid stuff just so it can confirm the steryotype you have already decided and show your higehr intelegence and status as a true gamer. Apart from your positive responses in a few threads your turing into a shell of your former status as a good member. Which obviously you don't care about as you are slowly pressing self destruct to go out in a blaze of glory into the Eurogamer and Japense tinted sun. Either way you win.


But the thing is you won a internet battle of nothing. Sierously do yourself a favour and either just straight up leave or dont be such a whiney nelly.

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If Solitanze mentions Gamerankings, Zelda, FAILURE and average ratio in the same post again I am going to murder someone. Honest. I will go to the house of the oldest/weakest/blindest person in my street and whip them around the chops with a claw hammer until it all goes blurry.


I think it's time to take a step back and shut the fuck up already. Please.

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I can understand why this thread was created. In fact, I'm all for it. I'm sick of all the moaning, all the "it doesn't have this" and "it should have that."


I just want to play the game, chat about it, not bitch about every possible flaw. Jeeeeesus, I'd hate to play a game or watch a movie with some of you guys.


"Well that was visually stunning."

"Hmm, the textures could be a bit better, the language and dialogue used was dull and only contributed to the mediocre soundtrack."




This is just turning into a slanging match now. So, I think for my own sanity, and everyone else's, this should be brought to an end.

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