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Where would you live.....


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I was talking about the stuff in england... and hospitals being full of disease meant that the standard of care and cleanliness is rather below what it should be.


And everyone is miserable. I stand by that


Meh it's free, when you sprain your wrist you don't have to worry about it being serious enough to actually go.. You just go and waste there time without a care in the world (other then the pain)...... In most other countries this is not the case.


But yeah, Darkcloud, you posted earlier about there not being much in the UK. But, you have to admit, before you posted those pictures, how many of us knew that stuff existed in Japan? My point is, you won't know what is there unless you find it yourself or unless someone tells you so. There's still so many places I haven't been to in the UK, (including the whole of Scotland, which I would love to see) and I think that many people just take these places for granted.

There may not be many skyscrapers or neon signs, but if you like going out, there's plenty of places to go shopping or for a nightout. (only refering to Brighton now, as I can only really vouch for that) I've been here for like 18 months, and there's still many clubs or places I haven't been to yet. There's a nice little place called "the lanes" down here which is sorta like the backstreets, and there's many small shops down here. They sell basically anything and everything. Old music, antiques, snazzy clothing, retro stuff, everything. I definitely recommend you check it out if you love that sorta thing. I walked through the lanes at home, during Christmas when I got my Wii, and it was really quite something. There were lights up, and the place itself is quite beautiful.


London ain't the be all and end all of the UK.


Yup, before I posted the pictures a lot of people probably didn't know... It's them things that most people don't know that REALLY attracted me to the country. I mean i wanted to go there before, but, after being there I litterally fell in love with the country. So depressing not to be there. :(


I have been around England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales... I've been to nightclubs, country fields, restaurants, football stadiums, cricket grounds, parks, Ice Skating arena's etc..... It's not like I haven't done stuff in this country. lol As for those quaint little areas where they have lots of things to do like the one you showed in your picture, I've had my fare share of them. lol I'm not really interested.. I do think that if what you want to do is go out to a club every night, then England is a good place to do it, but, if like me you're into something a little different to the majority of young people in England you're a bit stuck. ;)


Oh and as I pointed out, whilst I referenced London a lot, I only did this as I live here...... I have ventured the 4 corners of the UK and I prefered Japan. lol


The standards are improving, as is the NHS. This is what pisses me tonnes about people, the good things that happen in hospitals are totally over-looked. You never hear how radical treatment saved a child's life, or how people with heart attacks are more likly to live due to new treatments, do you?


I wouldn't say they are improving really, atleast in recent memory, but, as I said, I do like the service..... As for hearing about the bad, well it's a way to put pressure on people... Give people complements and they slack. ;)



It's not just an occasional preference, its the entire internet!


You haven't gotten around much have you?


"Fuck off you Japanofile!" "Stop living in a world of cartoons and fairytails!" "blahblahblah get out of your house blahblahbalh!" "Go out and actually experience your countries culture before talking shit about it" "Get out from behind your PC and experience real life before you blahbalhblah"


Seriously, I've taken more shit over wanting to live in Japan then anything in my life. rofl Luckilly this was on the internet so I don't really give a crap what the dudes saying, but, still.... It's not exactly a big a portion as you think. ;)


It's funny when it's people outside in the "real life" telling me how cool and fun it will be to live in Japan and the apparent "geeks" telling me how stupid I am for thinking such things. lol How the tides have turned...... Internet is great. :)

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Meh it's free, when you sprain your wrist you don't have to worry about it being serious enough to actually go.. You just go and waste there time without a care in the world (other then the pain)...... In most other countries this is not the case.


Not really, since you pay for it through tax. It makes it easier on everybody, but the tax here is really high compaired to most places.


Lets face it, they both fucking rock.

Where as i love Ajikans music, L'arc i love their music, their fashion, their style, everything.


My things to do before i die, is to go to both of their concerts at some point.


Nano-Mugen fest. ftw. I hope they're still doing it by the time I get to Japan.


I know like 10 kanji XD


I know about 30... most of the top line of this

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Nano-Mugen fest. ftw. I hope they're still doing it by the time I get to Japan.


Well im definatly going in June now. Ordered tickets and booked hotels, so wins all around. There is a L'arc en ciel concert, but i'll be friggin lucky to end up going to that one. I'll let Darkcloud tell his story on how he went to the SMAP concert. But i would imagine it would be similar. So far the only Ajikan concerts i know of are in January, not sure about june.


I know about 30... most of the top line of this


That got favourited, most excellent.

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You haven't gotten around much have you?


"Fuck off you Japanofile!" "Stop living in a world of cartoons and fairytails!" "blahblahblah get out of your house blahblahbalh!" "Go out and actually experience your countries culture before talking shit about it" "Get out from behind your PC and experience real life before you blahbalhblah"


Seriously, I've taken more shit over wanting to live in Japan then anything in my life. rofl Luckilly this was on the internet so I don't really give a crap what the dudes saying, but, still.... It's not exactly a big a portion as you think. ;)


It's funny when it's people outside in the "real life" telling me how cool and fun it will be to live in Japan and the apparent "geeks" telling me how stupid I am for thinking such things. lol How the tides have turned...... Internet is great. :)


Man, I can identify with that. Whenever I mention my similar desire to live in Japan, it is often met with "your such an idiot, just cuz you like videogames you want to live in a country". Argh, it irks me quite a lot.


Anyways, I dislike England quite a bit, or rather, what England is turning into. My local town is now infested with chavs, be they 9 years old, 15, or 30. The whole society just depressing, and I constantly feel that am I outside of the society in which I live in, and that I don't really fit in. It's weird way to be.


Anywho, I too harbour a desire to do away with my current lifestyle, and go live in Japan, which I will be in 1 and 1/2 years time. I actually can't wait.

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Man, I can identify with that. Whenever I mention my similar desire to live in Japan, it is often met with "your such an idiot, just cuz you like videogames you want to live in a country". Argh, it irks me quite a lot.


Anyways, I dislike England quite a bit, or rather, what England is turning into. My local town is now infested with chavs, be they 9 years old, 15, or 30. The whole society just depressing, and I constantly feel that am I outside of the society in which I live in, and that I don't really fit in. It's weird way to be.


Anywho, I too harbour a desire to do away with my current lifestyle, and go live in Japan, which I will be in 1 and 1/2 years time. I actually can't wait.


The best thing to do, is go there, for a few weeks or so, see how its like. From there you make your decision.


I'm going there in June for 2 weeks. Darkcloud went in september/october, he is no depressed back here. I got a feeling the same might happen with me. But thankfully i have the end of uni to look forward to. I think people like to label others with different opinions to them. Although most anime fans are delusional about what Japan is like, some of us know what to expect, and wont get a massive culture shock like some.

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The best thing to do, is go there, for a few weeks or so, see how its like. From there you make your decision.


It's all about the Gap Year. :awesome:


I would be teaching aid for little kids learning English, which is what I would like to do, regardless of country. So win win.

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It's all about the Gap Year. :awesome:


I would be teaching aid for little kids learning English, which is what I would like to do, regardless of country. So win win.

I'm thinking about doing that for a few years after I graduate. You know, see the world and stuff. Pay and conditions are supposedly rubbish though.


As for where my dream home would be, I honestly don't know. I quite like it here if I'm being honest. Weather isn't up to much, mind.

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It's all about the Gap Year. :awesome:


I would be teaching aid for little kids learning English, which is what I would like to do, regardless of country. So win win.


go the gap year. would love to spend a year in a totaly different country, would love to go over to china or south-east aisa in the not to distent future for a whole year.


Japan would be nice to visit as a holiday, but doesn't interset me all that much, dont know why as im into anime.



and to the person who said the pay is crap when doing a gap year, the pay is only meant to keep you going for the week, its the experience that you gain

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