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I assume that our good friends at Camelot have started work on Mario Golf and/or Tennis...well, they better have, I waited long enough for Mario Power Tennis.


Anyways, what would you like to see in these games? Because after all...they need to be complete games and much more than just Wii Sports extensions.


Personally...I want Mario Tennis to return closer to the N64 version which I found much more fun (and challenging) than MPT. I think the power shot was too much of an intrinsic gameplay element in MPT and thus the natural gameplay suffered a bit (if power shots were turned off there was something missing and the gameplay seemed a bit flat).


I'm also wondering how they'll work the main golf swing as well...it may be a little tricky to get it precise...

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These guys are just developing for Nintendo platforms. they weren't second party, but they seem to like publishing through Nintendo. However, the game I'm hoping for is Golden Sun. The Game Boy Advance games were great and pushed to hardware. They got me hooked for a long time. I'm hoping to see the new Golden Sun for Wii. As for Mario Tennis and Golf, I'm not quite sure Nintendo wants that anymore. The last sales were very poor. Perhaps they should start a real series called 'Mario Sports' (like a label) or 'Nintendo sports'. Or continue the 'Wii Sports' games. i don't know, I just don't see thee future that bright for Mario in other games than platformers...

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I await what Camelot will make for Wii. I expect they will make new installments of Mario Golf and Tennis. I didn't really like the addition of "power shots" in Mario Power Tennis, ruined the game for me, wherever I could, I turned them off when playing against people in this game.

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I loved mario tennis on gbc and n64, but I never got any after that. I wish I had though. If it were to come out on wii though, they could try put in an rpg mode, like from the gb games, in 3D. It would certainly separate it from wiisports, not sure by how much though.

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Most cant afford to make games for just one system these days unless they get money for making exclusive games for that system from Nintendo/Microsoft/Sony, this is why most are 3rd party.


You know, that's not quite right. First off, making games for one system doesn't necessarily mean you're a second party. A second party is a subsidaity of the first party. Second of, you need a publisher. Most of the times, developers don't really get that much choice of systems and are ordered to do specific ones.


Third, developing for one platform still happens - if you want to make a game for a huge audience, PS2 was the right choice last generation, wich is why they had so many games and exclusives. So, it's possible. Really. And Camelot published through Nintendo. it depends on your publisher.

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You know, that's not quite right. First off, making games for one system doesn't necessarily mean you're a second party. A second party is a subsidaity of the first party. Second of, you need a publisher. Most of the times, developers don't really get that much choice of systems and are ordered to do specific ones.


Third, developing for one platform still happens - if you want to make a game for a huge audience, PS2 was the right choice last generation, wich is why they had so many games and exclusives. So, it's possible. Really. And Camelot published through Nintendo. it depends on your publisher.


Being second party means you develop for one company though, and being second party means you already have a publisher, and being second party usually means that you develop for one system, and since that was what he was talking about, I think your post was quite unescessary.

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Anyway... i hope Camelot keep up the good work when it comes to mario tennis games as i loved Mario Power Tennis alot.. i spent many hours playing it in multiplayer. If they are gonna be making a new Mario tennis game then i hope they can get online play going so i can whoop peoples asses online.

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Being second party means you develop for one company though, and being second party means you already have a publisher, and being second party usually means that you develop for one system, and since that was what he was talking about, I think your post was quite unescessary.


Nope, because Sonic team is a second party to Sega, who doesn't publish for one single platform. That was what i'm trying to say. Developers can be second or first party, publishers can be first or third party.

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Nope, because Sonic team is a second party to Sega, who doesn't publish for one single platform. That was what i'm trying to say. Developers can be second or first party, publishers can be first or third party.


They were talking about second party developers and how it's hard to survive developing for one platform. How stupid would it be on sega's part if they didn't let their second party developers develop for other consoles? They don't have one of their own! If nintendo have a second party developer, they aren't gonna let them develop for playstation or x-box, meaning they automatically have a smaller audience, making it harder for them to survive.

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In the video game industry, a second-party developer is a developer who, while being a separate entity from any console manufacturer, is tied to a specific one usually through contract or partial ownership and makes games specifically for that console manufacturer.


So there you have it.


Camelot ARE a second party developer, as they are contracted to make games for Nintendo. They used to be an internal development studio of SEGA and made the Shining games, hence why their RPGs are good; they have a lot of experience in it!


Nintendo still have a lot of second party developers kicking around though so I wouldn't worry about them.


Sonic Team are a FIRST PARTY developer btw. They are an internal development studio of SEGA, just like how HAL Labs are to Nintendo.


I would love so much for SEGA to become a second party developer to Nintendo. That would be very much awesome. I want Sonic to be in Smash Bros!

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I would love so much for SEGA to become a second party developer to Nintendo. That would be very much awesome. I want Sonic to be in Smash Bros!


How much we'de love to see that happen, it sadly enough won't. Sega doesn't sell all-to-well on Nintendo systems. But if they give us some real love (and not like you, Capcom: promising five exclusives and bringing, erm, none), then maybe we'de buy their games. If it's jsut ports of old games or rehashes of a franchise - for the worst - then i'll pass, please.

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