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Mob Wars (Forum Game sign up now!)


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Mob Wars




Hey guys thought we could start a new game over this fine holiday period. I made it up myself but well I think it could be fun. Read the rules and see what you think if you like sign up in this thread if you have any questions ask away.


All the best Haden.




Each player is given a single property and points at the start of the game. The aim of the game is to either be the one surviving player left at the end of the game or the one with the most points either invested in property or as cash.


Every player begins the game with a property this property will generate one point for you each turn. As the game progresses more properties will be available to purchase for different amount of points.


Every player at the end of each turn will have a number of options. They can do as many public or private acts as their “salary” of points allows them to.


Public Acts: Post these yourself in the board at the end of each turn


Make a public declaration or interaction with members of other gangs: Basically post a message to each other (cost 0 points)


Buy a property legally through either a set price or bidding war: When properties come on the Market you can buy them here (cost various)


Form Gang: Any player can advertise to form a gang and players must publically post if they want to join one. (cost 0 points)


Show evidence of crime and arrest player: If a crime has been committed players can attempt to have the player who committed the crime put in jail. This can end in three ways. The player can be let off completely. The player can get a light sentence (3 turns) or the player can get life (game over) this is only applicable for Assassination

Attempts. This will be decided by the amount of points each player or gang invests in the trial as well as some random chance.


Private Acts: PM me to initiate a private act.


Assassination: The ultimate act in the game, a very risky option but one that will eliminate a player completely. PM me the players name and the amount of points you want to put towards the hit. The more points the player who is being targeted has the harder a target he will be. So if a player is worth 10 points and you only put forward 2 points towards the hit attempt the chances of success will be very slim.


An Assassination attempt can end either as a success with no trace. A success with traces back to the killer, a failure with no trace or a failure with traces back to the killer.


If there is any trace left the player who attempted the Assassination will be named. This played and his gang are now for one turn vulnerable to arrest attempts and Assassination attempts at half the price.


If a member of a gang tries to kill a member of his own gang he will be ejected from the gang automatically and the former gang can try and hit him for half of the usual price for one turn. Cost (Anything)


Hostile Takeover: Players can try and take over other players property by attempting an illegal hostile takeover. This will cost double the property amount and has a 50/50 chance of success. If successful the property becomes the players. If unsuccessful the player can be for one turn brought before the law. Cost (Double property price)


Private Converse: PMing each other basically. Cost (0 points)


Gangs: Gangs can be formed as shown above by advertising. Once you are in one you can pool your money and property together to make collective acts together. This will allow an individual player a larger amount of purchasing power. However you may not collectively pool your money together as I need to keep track of individuals in the game. So in any collective deal you have to declare how much each individual is paying.


Gangs will allow you to work together to eliminate other players as members of a gang are affected by what happens to each other. It may be a good idea to split your wealth slightly to make sure your members aren’t vulnerable to Assassination attempts. Once a gang is formed they can pool their money when one member is attacked in a hostile takeover attempt or arrest attempt.


However be careful there is nothing to stop any individual from leaving a gang at any moment or attempt to kill any of the members of his own gang secretly. If a member is exposed as trying to kill someone in his gang he is expelled automatically and the other members of the gang can all try and have him killed for half of the price. He is free to join any gang the next turn even his old one if they want him back!


If you want to make yourselves custom positions etc that’s fine with me.




Jail is not a good place to be. When you are in jail people can attempt to takeover your property at its face value unless you give it to a member in your gang which will take a lot of trust. You also have (2 points drained a turn) for lawyer costs. You can still be Assassinated in jail but it will cost three times the normal amount for the killer to make the odds the same highlighting the security of jail.



Random Chance


You can influence certain acts by putting points forward. I will then roll a die or dice to work out the rest of the odds. Each roll will be fair and there is no way you can influence this unless you hire real life hitmen!


End of each turn


I will put forward a report of everyone’s public acts their worth as individuals and gangs points wise and any private acts that went wrong naming the gang or individuals implicated in said act.




Thanks for your time hope you like and sign up now!

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a pimp cane?


No a House cane.


And while we're at it i'm publicaly announcing the formation of a gang.




Or "F.A.G.S."


We're a gang that loves marmite, and we oppose anyone who hates marmite.


In order to join you have to publicaly announce your love for marmite.

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