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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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Any suggestions for another spell/magic heavy class that would fair better than Mage?


Armamentalist is the one that springs to mind, as they are a cross between Mage and Warrior. They are best if you wanted them for support spells like Oomph or Accelerate. If you really want to keep using offensive spells, Sage may be the best choice, as they are a cross between Mage and Priest.

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Here's a tip...


Set Sterling's Whistle as the top item on your main character, then all you need to do is repeatedly hit the X button and you'll be on the Starflight Express before you know it! :smile:


I didn't want to give up an item slot but you know what, I can't even remember the last time I used an item thats not in the bag. Six quick taps of the X button is all it takes now. :hehe:

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Baramos bashed, Murdaw mauled! You get 40171 EXP each when you defeat the latter at level 99 (I took a note just for RedShell!)


Did you get all of their drops? You can only get certain items for like 5 levels.


It's the Hat Fayre this week on the DQVC! You can get some of the legacy guests, and heroes hats as well as a Winter Breeze Hat.

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Did you get all of their drops? You can only get certain items for like 5 levels.


Not sure to be honest. I only noticed last night, actually, that you stop getting the clothes, only maps and orbs. At least with some it's easy to get their level 1 maps again (so you can get the clothes), but I'll be more careful with the ones where it isn't.

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At the risk of being shot down in flames by saying this, after playing a bit more of DQ9 it's seeming a bit bland for me after a promising start.

Go to a village, ask for fruit, won't let you have item, something happens, dungeon, boss, get item. This would be fine, but this game doesn't really have any character development or a deep story to keep me glued to the screen for hours on end. The combat and levelling also seems a little unsatisfying and longwinded and the music is really disappointing and overly repetitive.


Don't get me wrong, i'll still finish it but i'm a little disappointed as i know the Dragon Quest series is very popular and I really would like to get into the series more. This is my first DQ game though and I hear very good things about 4,5 and 8, the latter of which sits on my shelf with a backlog of other rpgs.


I do hear that this game can be a lot better with other people, but frankly I do like playing RPGs solo.


This is purely my opinion, i'm not bashing the game i'm just a little let down by it.

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At the risk of being shot down in flames by saying this, after playing a bit more of DQ9 it's seeming a bit bland for me after a promising start.


LOL, we're not flamers in this thread. You're very welcome whatever you think of it. :)


Go to a village, ask for fruit, won't let you have item, something happens, dungeon, boss, get item. This would be fine, but this game doesn't really have any character development or a deep story to keep me glued to the screen for hours on end.


You're right. Because you create your entire party, this game is missing the essential element of RPGs where you pick up well-designed characters along the way.


The combat and levelling also seems a little unsatisfying and longwinded and the music is really disappointing and overly repetitive.


I've no problem with the combat or levelling in the main game (post-game, it gets crazy). The music, on the other hand, is unbelievably misrepresentative of Dragon Quest. DQVIII's soundtrack is such a bona fide masterpiece, I expected much more from this. I wouldn't mind how repetitive it is if it was just "better", but the Grotto music (which you hear a lot of post-game) is on a 45 second loop!


Don't get me wrong, i'll still finish it but i'm a little disappointed as i know the Dragon Quest series is very popular and I really would like to get into the series more. This is my first DQ game though and I hear very good things about 4,5 and 8, the latter of which sits on my shelf with a backlog of other rpgs.


Take my advice and play DQVIII after you've finished the main game of DQIX (the post-game of the latter could take 600 hours...) DQVIII has everything that I think you want from an RPG - superb graphics, unbelievably good music, decent story and memorable characters. Whatever anyone says, it is the one outstanding Dragon Quest game.


DQV is good as well, as long as you realise it's on a lower level to VIII and IX. Great music and epic story.


I do hear that this game can be a lot better with other people, but frankly I do like playing RPGs solo.


I can imagine it's amazing fun in multi-player.


Above all, enjoy Dragon Quest IX, because the gameplay is unmatched. :)

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Cheers for the response :)


I know this isn't a flaming forum but I didn't want to come across as bashing the game, just have my gripes with it.


I'll have to have a serious look at 8 after I finish this, heard great things about it and if the music and plot is what I hear then i'm sure i'll really enjoy it.

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DQ8 is one of my all time fave games - definitely the best DQ imo. I've enjoyed DQ9 so far (just got to Greygnarl), but I can see why you might not have warmed to it yet. In place of the game delivering character development I've made my own back stories in my head anyway (my priest is in exile after some money went missing from his church funds, although he insists they were just 'resting' in his account)!


You should definitely follow Grazza's sage advice and go for DQ8, you won't be disappointed! I can't wait to see DQ10, hope it's still on Wii - there's nothing like playing a DQ on the big screen! :)

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According to the latest Nintendo earnings report, DQ9 has managed to hit 1.02 million between the US and Europe. Very, very impressive.


As another member on another forum stated...


Let's all lavish Nintendo with praise and point and laugh at Square Enix.


Indeed...too right... Well done Nintendo!!! Now keep up the momentum with Dragon Quest X :D



You're right. Because you create your entire party, this game is missing the essential element of RPGs where you pick up well-designed characters along the way.

Man you need to play Dragon Quest III most of Dragon Quest IX is like a tribute to that masterpiece. Seriously. There is a reason why Dragon Quest fans in english territory and Japanese fans of the series love that game more then any other, even though it was made on the NES.



DQVIII's soundtrack is such a bona fide masterpiece, I expected much more from this. I wouldn't mind how repetitive it is if it was just "better", but the Grotto music (which you hear a lot of post-game) is on a 45 second loop!

Besides the 4 new songs on that game I found most of the others very meh. The battle music in IX is way better then VIII no offence, just seems more upbeat then VIII. Plus the Heavenly Flight is a remake of Dragon Quest III song :D


And DON'T DISS THE DRAGON QUEST III CAVE MUSIC!!! So much love I have for hearing it again in the grottoes ^_^




Take my advice and play DQVIII after you've finished the main game of DQIX (the post-game of the latter could take 600 hours...) DQVIII has everything that I think you want from an RPG - superb graphics, unbelievably good music, decent story and memorable characters. Whatever anyone says, it is the one outstanding Dragon Quest game.

Indeed Grazza is right about that, it's very user friendly too anyone who has never played the series before hand. For someone like me though, I can't help but see it was one of the lowest of the Dragon Quest series, especially after the superbly done Dragon Quest VII



DQV is good as well, as long as you realise it's on a lower level to VIII and IX. Great music and epic story.

In what way do you mean lower level?




I can imagine it's amazing fun in multi-player.


Above all, enjoy Dragon Quest IX, because the gameplay is unmatched. :)


Oh it is, seriously, half the fun is multiplayer

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DQ8 is one of my all time fave games - definitely the best DQ imo. I've enjoyed DQ9 so far (just got to Greygnarl), but I can see why you might not have warmed to it yet. In place of the game delivering character development I've made my own back stories in my head anyway (my priest is in exile after some money went missing from his church funds, although he insists they were just 'resting' in his account)!


Brilliant, love it!


In what way do you mean lower level?


Well, the basic gameplay is simpler. There are no skill trees and no really useful special moves. You can basically complete the game with "buff, attack, heal". The overworld is not to scale, and thus generally you can tell they're remakes of NES and SNES games. On the other hand, the music in V is sublime, the story is epic, I loved the monster-collecting gameplay and I'd even say the enemy sprite animation (especially ones like the elephant) represents better graphics than IX. Overall, though, VIII and IX enhanced the gameplay of this series a lot.

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Progressed the story up to the final boss now. Barbarus was a walk over so I thought I was in with a good shout when it came to tackling the last boss on my first go. :shakehead How wrong I was.


My characters are all adequately levelled for the fight (Minstrel main = 47, Priest = 46, Mage = 45 and Thief = 47) and I had given everyone healing and MP potions. Were doing well for a few minutes before he scored a crit hit on my Mage, killing her. Priest then becomes paralysed and I didn't bring any herbs for that so she stood there useless. And then one by one, we went down :(


Still, back at the Observatory, which was my last save place and it'll be a straight forward walk to the boss when I trek again but I think I'll be changing tactics on all support characters (priest and mage) to follow orders rather than their fight wisely stance, or whatever I picked, as the mage wasn't using multiheal when needed and the mage was wasting attacks by not using spells. I know my team can finish it easily but I was a bit stupid going into that fight with the tactics set up as they were.


Don't see the need for any more levelling up before fighting him again, just a simple change of tactics for characters and items should suffice. I hope at least. Lost half of my 120k gold so I'm majorly annoyed at myself.

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Progressed the story up to the final boss now. Barbarus was a walk over so I thought I was in with a good shout when it came to tackling the last boss on my first go. :shakehead How wrong I was.


I did the same.


Don't forget you can "Egg On" your team mates, which is not a bad tactic. If your Warrior uses spears, a psyched Multi-Thrust is always effective. Mages' spells can also be psyched, and they are very useful for casting Acceleratle, so you have a good chance to act before the enemy.

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And I nailed him :D Went back a little after posting that, changed my priest's stance to 'Follow Orders' and left my mage as 'fight wisely' and my thief as 'show no mercy' and got him down on the first attempt after my initial fail. Rather easy when I think about it, which was disappointing after the first attempt and how easy the bosses were in general leading up to that point.


There was a little scare of my main character getting crit hit for a one hit kill and I was like :wtf: and then forgot I gave my priest Yggdrasil Leaves so wasted a turn trying to Zing him back to life.


So now I'm left to enjoy to the spoils of the end game; to explore the many grottos that I've yet to discover and to complete the many quests I didn't do. And perhaps even revocate to other class types and explore what they're like, as it sounds like I should get each character high levelled on at least 2 classes if I want to do Legacy bosses.

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So now I'm left to enjoy to the spoils of the end game; to explore the many grottos that I've yet to discover and to complete the many quests I didn't do. And perhaps even revocate to other class types and explore what they're like, as it sounds like I should get each character high levelled on at least 2 classes if I want to do Legacy bosses.


Consider revocating your main character ten times (ie. get them to level 99, then reset them at Alltrades Abbey), because then you'll get the better Grottoes with better items. Martial Artist is the fastest to do this, although I wouldn't recommend it until you find Metal King Slimes. You can fight the Legacy Bosses without the Rank 10 items, but you'd probably want them if you planned to level them up to 99 (lv16 gives them the possibility to drop the next map).


That said, you can max-out every skill set by revocating less times than that, if you build up the skills from being other classes too. An easy way to get more skill points is to level-up a character from lv1 to about lv38-42 in a class they haven't been before. You can save up the skill points and use them in a completely different class.


Some people advocate avoiding the agility bonuses, as they make some of your party faster than lv99 Legacy Bosses, but not all of them, so you can't chain attacks together. So, for example, your Priest and Sage might attack, then the Legacy Boss gets its turn, then your fighters get to attack. That way you never get an "x2". Personally, I maxed them all out, because you need agility to give you a chance to act before the Metal Slimes.


I got the Winter hat today! :yay:

Have been buying loads of bizarre multicoloured wigs on DQVC too. :grin:


Same. It's good I can alchemise that into Spring, and alchemise my Spring into Summer and Autumn.

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I got the Winter hat today! :yay:

Have been buying loads of bizarre multicoloured wigs on DQVC too. :grin:


The legacy characters stuff are pretty expensive, going to how to go Gem Slime hunting soon. Haven't got any Breeze Hats yet, though I haven't check today yet. Almost have the whole set for some legacy characters, think I only need 1 more item which is the item they gove on tehir birthday. I know I have nearly all of Bianca's equipment.


Only 1 more normal quest left to do which requires a high level water grotto which I still don't have, grrr. I have a lot of DLC quests I can't actually play yet for some reason.

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Hmm...I might have to go back into it...but...I done everything >_< Nothing to do bar the get one or 2 things that are online exclusive(Oh and alchemize a couple of more things and the quests I can't do yet). Perhaps I should buy another copy of the game and start from scratch again. Might be fun. Or perhaps just wait until I go through Pokemon Black, then go on a whole marathon of DQ games all the way up to IX.


aaaanyway, I have yet to really give an insight on what a big nut of a Dragon Quest fan like I thought of this game when compared to the rest ^_^



Gameplay truly felt new yet simmalar to the franchise. I was one of the fans that moaned about there being no random encounters. But for some reason it really worked well in this game. The pacing is a lot faster thank God and the menu is pop up not a whole menu screen that takes time to load up which is a great sigh of relief for me. The battle system was a lot faster, but not super fast like the older games bar VIII. Now the main thing I wanted to talk about is the class system.


During the time I first played the series I always loved the Dragon Quest job class system more then anything, I always loved it when I heard that Dharma Temple would be in a Dragon Quest game. It was a very addictive system they had going for it. But when I heard an in-depth overview of the job system in Dragon Quest IX I was worried. Not being able to keep your spells just didn't sound good at all. But going along through it. It worked out well. It made me think more on where I wanted to place my skills, plus having the class system with the lvl system just made the game HUUUUUGE compared to the older Dragon Quest games with classes since they focused more on the amount of battles you had with that class.



Music is a hit or miss for me. It's been like that since VIII came out. Some of the music is really well done. Yet the others...just so meh. Plus I hope in the next Dragon Quest game will feature all original music rather then re-using older ones. Stuff like the overworld music, the observatory, the normal battle music and the last battle music were truly a blessing for my ears hearing them on the DS.



I cried out for it after I finished Dragon Quest VIII, and that was 'to give me more of a story presentation like Dragon Quest VI and VII.' And by the slime God I was heard. Everything about this game felt more like I was playing a game full of awesome short stories. That you sometimes forgot about the main story. And most of them were really quite a sad story as well. It's the style I love of Yuji Horii's and he brought it back into this game. Although as good as they were, I think he used all his creativeness in Dragon Quest VI and VII, seriously guys the moment you read some of the stories that revolve around those 2 games you will be stunned (But saddened since some are very very sad)

Plus the main bad guy gave me thoughts of Psaro the manslayer, most of the Dragon Quest villains are just pure evil, but those 2 are ones that show more of a human emotion. And I couldn't help but smile when finally beating the main boss, it was Dragon Quest ending at it's finest, that mixed emotion of knowing the story finally had ended, yet you didn't want to say goodbye to the world. There is a reason as too why I love the Dragon Quest series, and this is one main reason ^_^



Dragon Quest IX once again pushed boundaries of what is possible in an RPG, every Dragon Quest game has done it. And Dragon Quest IX just brought portable RPG to a whole new level. The tagging system brought more people out (Well in Japan anyway) with their DS's and getting more map content and more in-game content. So popular the game has done with it that even now Pokemon and the 3DS is using it as a main selling point (Was in Japan anyway) tagging was being done before IX came out but, seriously IX just made it that bloody popular. The amount of content in this game is HUUUUUUUGE and I don't really need to go into detail, all you people know it. The graphics are done well with plenty to customize, I think it's a sin now to bring out an RPG that doesn't change what the characters wear now. I can only drool at thinking what Horii wants to accomplish on the Wii that has yet been done before. Plus the caves have been restored! I never liked the caves and towers in VIII, it felt way too open compared to the rest, I always loved the dungeon/cave designs in all the Dragon Quest games, was worried about IX not being as good as I hoped for. But it was all very well done so no big trouble there. And the cutscenes GAAAAAAWWWWWD! they were AWESOME, it's Akira Toriyama's animation at it's best, after the shitty animation Dragon Ball GT and Chrono Trigger anime cutscene, I never wanted to his his work in animation, but IX revived it. I want more of his work shown in the style it was shown on this game



Dragon Quest IX just oozed out greatness from the first cutscene to the post-content of the game. Dragon Quest has still yet to lose that charm I had started to feel was going away, this game just came and told me that I should not have to worry again. and thanks to Nintendo and it's efforts in bringing this game to us and even to new users I can see more people now being excited for what Dragon Quest has still yet to offer. But of course, I think to myself 'Is this the best Dragon Quest game out of the lot?' I sadly have to say no, it's my 4th favorite out of the series, it knocked Dragon Quest V down to 5th. Dragon Quest VII, VI and III are still in my top 3




Dragon Quest is still the only main series to keep getting 9/10, there is a reason I love this series more then anything else. I never give games a 9/10 jesus even a 8/10.But each Dragon Quest game is refreashing, is charming, it's like ordering your favorite desert. one that's so rich you take the piece and see gooey chocolate come out of the inside and it's just the right amount of everything, those times you just know it was the dish you would remember for months and even years to come.


So...bring on Dragon Quest VI, My body is ready : peace:

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Or perhaps just wait until I go through Pokemon Black, then go on a whole marathon of DQ games all the way up to IX.


I was thinking of doing that, but only upto VI. Started playing through DWIII out of order though but that's the GBC version, I was planning on playing the NES/SNES(except for DQV which I mght play the PS2 version) in order. Got Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 in the post as well.

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The graphics are done well with plenty to customize, I think it's a sin now to bring out an RPG that doesn't change what the characters wear now.


Yep, it would feel prehistoric not to have that now. I can't believe this feature wasn't implemented in last-gen RPGs like Final Fantasy XII and Dragon Quest VIII (which has a few visible outfits, but not many).


I regret not doing a review of IX after I'd finished the main game. Hopefully I'll get round to it after I've fought the Legacy Bosses as much as I want to... by which point I'll be ready for Dragon Quest VI.

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So... I've just noticed something. Front and back rows. :blush::nono::idea:


What the...? (Looks at time spent playing - 563 hours. Moves Kate and Nigel to back row.)


Get to it!


I just need to assess how difficult the hardest Legacy Bosses are. Speaking of which, I've now beaten the three "beginner" Legacy Bosses at level 99.



Ha! Ha! That'll teach him!



For RedShell...


This is the general strategy I use for when they're level 80+...


Gra is focused on getting the Paladin's Coup de Grace - Knight Watch. It's invaluable. Need to upgrade that fan.



Dave is attack, attack, attack!



Doesn't Kate look cute in the fur hood? One of the most fun things about the Legacy Bosses is tailoring your equipment to suit them, and going back to clothes you didn't think you would. I don't think I could beat the Legacy Bosses with any line-up other than this - Paladin, Gladiator, Sage, Priest. I need her as a Sage, to cast Kazing.



Nigel is unarmed, for extra evasion. I'd like a Knockout Rod for him, but that's one of two Rank 10 weapons I haven't got yet (the other is the Deft Dagger).



So, great fun, but I realise those were the "easy" ones. I've started to play about with special moves I haven't used before - "Back Atcha" is very useful, as it returns physical damage and can even critical.


Dragon Quest IX - the game that keeps on giving!

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I find this funny about legacy bosses:


Baramos goes off in a sulk


Pretty funny considering they tried to destroy the world and such, and they go in a sulk because you don't give them EXP. :laughing:


Edit: We're getting Borya tomorrow as a special guest.

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Right so... I've completed 1% of the Alchenomicon. What should I make? Recommend me great claws, sword or spear recipe. I probably don't have any items that are too rare. Pointers appreciated as alchemy isn't really a selling point for me. :heh: (sometimes I even wish there was an optimise button so I could get the game to equip everyone with the best gear I currently have)

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