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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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At last, the Halloween sale is over! It's now a Royal sale. Keep an eye out for the Pallium Regale - I bought one today and it's actually better (higher defence) than the Tropotoga (which is a 2% drop I don't yet have), albeit not the alchemised version.
Slime Crowns are also up for grabs, which is particularly handy for me at the moment.


I also bought a moustache accessory which is pretty damn funny. :grin: I hope they bring out a full-on beard item at some point, then my custom character will be complete!

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Slime Crowns are also up for grabs, which is particularly handy for me at the moment.


This highlights how differently we've been playing the game. I just checked my Defeated Monster List, and I've received 20 Slime Crowns (and 14 Orichalcum) just from Metal King Slimes. Now, I just need more Metal Slime equipment so I can do something with it...!


By the way, has anyone here personally ever had more than one orange Slime on the loading screen? I'm wondering if it's a bit of a myth.


PS - Great Roger Moore sig!

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Edit: Nice, you can buy gold bars from the VC!


It's funny how, eventually, you wonder why you ever needed Gold Bars, Slime Crowns or Orichalcum, and certainly not Royal Soil (which is one that particularly used to elude me)! Hopefully I'll get to the point where I don't need Metal Slime gear anymore.


By the way, Metal King equipment is truly awesome in its physical defence and spell-resistance. When an enemy casts something like "Snooze", Dave (who wears it) never falls asleep.


I was playing earlier - Saturday night is "Saturday Night Grottoes" for me - and Fowleye dropped the Hallowed Helm whilst I was watching Strictly Come Dancing! Such a sense of euphoria!

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I've got a new theory about the orange Slimes. Judging by my recent sessions, I believe an orange Slime may guarantee you a rare drop on your 1st, 2nd or 3rd defeat of a boss, depending on whether the Slime is on the left, in the middle or on the right.


Next time I get one, I'll certainly defeat a boss three times to see if I can verify this.


EDIT - No, it was incorrect!

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The loading screen slime thing is pretty mysterious, cool feature all the same though.

I wish I could get another Metal slime on it, have seen quite a few orange but only ever 1 Metal. :hmm:


I managed to steal a Purple Orb yesterday, so I've upgraded my Invincible Trousers to Immortal Trousers! :grin:


Have been fighting Greygnarl at least once every time I play this, in the hope of getting that rare drop from him... still no luck, but I do have an abundance of Yggdrasil leaf now though. :laughing:

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I managed to steal a Purple Orb yesterday, so I've upgraded my Invincible Trousers to Immortal Trousers! :grin:


You can actually steal them?


Have been fighting Greygnarl at least once every time I play this, in the hope of getting that rare drop from him... still no luck, but I do have an abundance of Yggdrasil leaf now though. :laughing:


I deleted my Level 92 Grotto with Greygnarl in. That was pretty silly, wasn't it? :heh:

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You can actually steal them?
Looks like it yeah. It was a Thief's Theory steal though, not Half-Inch.


I deleted my Level 92 Grotto with Greygnarl in. That was pretty silly, wasn't it? :heh:
Well, you're bound to come across another Greygnarl grotto eventually. :hehe:

I'm also at the point where I need to delete treasure maps in order to pick up a new one, it's annoying because it's not always easy to remember which maps contain the good monsters/treasure.

They should have included a feature that let you mark maps, or better yet add notes to them.

Really I should go through all my maps to delete the crap ones, but... :zzz:

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Final thoughts on this game:



-it feels lazy in parts. It's REALLY lacking in the story department.

-The music is HIghly repetitive( I mean SERIOUSLY)

-and there is still no " HEAL EVERYONE EVEN IF THEY ARE DEAD" place in the game. You have to resurrect them one by one and sometimes then go to an INN.


I find this about a lot of rpgs including pokemon. I'm quite new to the genre but there are always little things in the games that are designed simply to increase your hours playing the game.

- This might seem like a petty point but why is there 3 characters running behind you in the overworld?... It actually causes slow-down in parts. Why not one character representing all like in you know " every other japanese rpg ever"



The multiplayer is quite awesome and something I REALLY wish pokemon would do. In fact this game and pokemon would perfectly compliment each other.

-The battles are a lot of fun in this. I feel like i'm actually making a strategy for the bosses in this. That's good.

- Like the fact that the characters actually change appearance with the stuff you give them

-Cutscenes are nice to look at.

- Been able to SEE the monsters instead of random battles is defo the way forward for the genre. I'm not sure it'll ever work for something like pokemon though.


It's a good game but doesn't deserve all the 9's it's getting. it's certainly not as good as pokemon, or dragon IV or V, Or final fantasy IV, or Suikoden Tierkreis.


The best thing this game brings is the multiplayer but it seems like the single REALLY suffers because of it.

Edited by mcj metroid
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Looks like it yeah. It was a Thief's Theory steal though, not Half-Inch.


Worth knowing, thanks for that. I won't bother with Half Inch on the Legacy Bosses because I certainly don't want any more Mini Medals!


I'm also at the point where I need to delete treasure maps in order to pick up a new one, it's annoying because it's not always easy to remember which maps contain the good monsters/treasure.

They should have included a feature that let you mark maps, or better yet add notes to them.

Really I should go through all my maps to delete the crap ones, but... :zzz:


Agree. If you get a rare drop, it gets marked on the map, so it tells you which boss it has. I'd have liked all maps to detail these features though:


* Grotto boss

* Chests rank

* How many chests of each rank


I have actually run through all my Grottoes and made a note of which boss they have. My advice is to keep the shortest Grotto of each boss, in case you want to keep repeating it over and over again. There are three things that make me keep a map:


* Having one of each boss

* Rank 9 or 10 chests

* Metal King Slimes (just my best one)


Finally got a level 80 map yesterday but it starts with rank F monsters :(


The thing that'll really increase the quality is how many times you've Revocated, which I've done 7 times as a Paladin, of all the classes! :hmm:


I've worked out my favourite levelling-up strategy. It is to use my favourite Grotto with Metal King Slimes (the first one I got, actually - a water Grotto). Water is important because the monsters that accompany them only dash in a straight line (thus are easily avoided). What I then do is go to a certain horizontal corridor, which has enough width so I can dodge the non-MKS enemies. I then switch the camera to diagonal and run from left to right, only fighting the Metal King Slimes.

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The thing that'll really increase the quality is how many times you've Revocated, which I've done 7 times as a Paladin, of all the classes! :hmm:


Funnily enough I got a lower level map which starts at rank E from the level 80 grotto, so I ended up with a better one despite it being lower leveled. Plus it's a volcano map which i don't have many of, so at least I'll end up with the rank B/A monsters. Got a couple of rare drops from the bosses as well. Although I think I might have already got some of them x_x.


Feels great using Wave of Disruption against the grotto bosses.

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Is that what I think it is and what i'm trying to avoid?


Anyways, not posted here in a while. Changed my Warrior to Paladin and Priest to Sage yesterday and got them in their mid 30s now, gonna get to 45+ I think before I continue.


Thinking about turning my Paladin back to Warrior and making my main guy who's still a Minstrel to Paladin instead. The choices!

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Anyways, not posted here in a while. Changed my Warrior to Paladin and Priest to Sage yesterday and got them in their mid 30s now, gonna get to 45+ I think before I continue.


Thinking about turning my Paladin back to Warrior and making my main guy who's still a Minstrel to Paladin instead. The choices!


The jobs class system is fascinating. If you don't mind, I'll use this as an excuse to have a little explore of them. There seem to be, to put it crudely, basic classes and the superior versions of them:


The "Charming" class: Minstrel, Luminary

The "Deft" class: Thief, Ranger

The "Resilient" class: Warrior, Paladin

The "Agile/Attack" class: Martial Artist, Gladiator

The "Magical Might" class: Mage, Armamentalist

The "Magical Mending" class: Priest, Sage


I don't really like putting them together as neatly as that, because Martial Artist is in a class of its own regarding Agility, and Sage can actually be considered "Magical Might" as well. You could also consider the Warrior a general fighter, with the Paladin the defensive version and the Gladiator the offensive version. However, the Warrior is a great class. I've got a Paladin and Gladiator instead, but I'm still not sure that's the best thing. I suppose it all comes down to me not being able to resist the "superior" classes!


There are three important things to consider when choosing classes:


1. Spells

These can not be transferred in any way. I find the Paladin, Sage and Priest all have unique ones that are very useful.


2. Equippable clothing

There are certain "Hero's" items that can only be equipped by the "armour" class, such as "Erdrick's" and, if you're very lucky, the 2% Grotto boss drops! Generally you'd want your fighters to be wearing the armour-type items and your magic users to be wearing the clothing-type items, such as robes, sandals and togas. The best armour can be equipped by Warrior, Paladin, Gladiator, Armamentalist and Minstrel, who seems to be able to equip anything. He's a great all-rounder!


3. Coup de Grace

Some of them are a lot more useful on the others. It's wise to consider which would be helpful in a boss fight.


One thing to keep in mind if you want to Revocate, is that the Martial Artist is the fastest to level, whereas ol' muggins here seems to have picked the slowest, the Paladin!

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It seems like the Nintendo president Iwata ain't the only one obsessed with the Dragon Quest series...but another certain Nintendo president in the US







The ads are REALLY focuses on how your character looks isn't it? It's such a small part of the game. Dragon quest just isn't a casual gamers style of game, Maybe they should have focused this on the hardcore.


Yes ignore the fact that thanks to the appeal to the casual market it has been the best selling Dragon Quest game in English by a huge long margin compared to the rest, heck it's still in the top 5 DS games sold in Australia and it's been out for some time now.


The Dragon Quest series and the mario RPG's are the best casual friendly RPG games out there IMO. Dragon Quest is a series where casuals and hardcore gamers can go and dive into the game and both enjoy.

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Two Sages? :heh:


I do quite like the Jedward advert, because it conveys the appeal of the game - castles, monsters, fantasy worlds etc, and it conveys the idea that you can go through it 2-player (or more), which is, again, very appealing. If it works and some of my friends buy it, great.


Last night I got a Metal King Sword and found a floor (Floor 15) with no enemies whatsoever!

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And the best Dragon Quest game according to the Japanese public...


The full top 30:


1. Dragon Quest IX (DS)

2. Dragon Quest VIII (PS2)

3. Dragon Quest III (NES)

4. Dragon Quest V (SNES)

5. Dragon Quest V (DS)

6. Dragon Quest VI (DS)

7. Dragon Quest VII (PSX)

8. Dragon Quest IV (DS)

9. Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 (DS)

10. Dragon Quest VI (SNES)

11. Dragon Quest V (PS2)

12. Dragon Quest IV (NES)

13. Super Famicom Dragon Quest III (SNES)

14. Dragon Quest Monsters Joker (DS)

15. Dragon Quest II (NES)

16. Dragon Quest Monsters Battle Road Victory (Wii)

17. Dragon Quest (NES)

18. Dragon Quest IV (PSX)

19. Dragon Quest I&II (SNES)

20. Dragon Quest Monsters (Gameboy)

21. Dragon Quest Monsters Battle Road II/Legend (Arcade)

22. Dragon Quest Monsters Battle Road (Arcade)

23. Slime Mori Mori Dragon Quest 2 (DS)

24. Slime Mori Mori Dragon Quest (DS)

25. Torneko's Great Adventure: Mysterious Dungeon (SNES)

26. Gameboy Dragon Quest III (Gameboy)

27. Dragon Quest Monsters 2 (Gameboy)

28. Dragon Quest Sword (Wii)

29. "Dragon Quest: Young Yangus and the Mysterious Dungeon (PS2)

30. Gameboy Dragon Quest I&II (Gameboy)


The greatest monsters in the Dragon Quest series according to Japan.


1. Slime

2. Hagure Metal

3. Slime Knight

4. Zoma

5. Dark Dream

6. Metal King

7. Killer Machine

8. Ryuou

9. Hoimi Slime

10. Metal Slime


and last but not least Japanese favorite characters in the Dragon Quest series...



1. "Hero" (Dragon Quest III)

2. Bianca (Dragon Quest V)

3. Alena (Dragon Quest IV)

3. Terry (Dragon Quest VI)

5. "Main Character" (Dragon Quest VIII)

6. "Main Character" (Dragon Quest V)

7. Yangus (Dragon Quest VIII)

8. Torneko (Dragon Quest IV)

8. Papas (Dragon Quest V)

10. Barbara/Ashlynn (Dragon Quest VI)



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