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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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I did Zere Rocks last night before bed. When the boss appeared I wished I had zoomed off somewhere to save and heal because climbing up to there really took it out of my party. Luckily the boss was easy! I used some magic water to replenish my minstrels MP and from there on out it was plain sailing. He has learned Midheal now so I was able to keep everyones health up without a Priest. :wink:


I don't mind bosses getting two attacks per turn seeing as I get four. :indeed:

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I managed to beat another boss which was situated in Zere Rocks and once again the thing had 2 attacks per round. Its such a cheap thing to do, especially at this stage of the game when no one knows any multi buffing spells apart from accelerate. Still, I managed to take him down without anyone dying.


Good thing you have yet to play DQVII, didn't take long for the bosses to go 2 attack. And then post game on that game, special boss does 3 attacks a turn. Man he is a bitch to beat >_<

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Speaking of seeds, I've been hoarding mine so far. Dunno who to give them to but I'll probably just dump them all on the hero.


I'm reluctant to use any apart from Seeds of Skill, because I don't know if I lose the benefits when I change vocations. Also, it may make sense to give Seeds of Wisdom to the Mage, Seeds of Magic to the Priest etc, but it depends what the post-game content is like. If it's anything like DQVIII, I'd probably end up giving them all to the Hero.


I managed to find my first treasure map yesterday. got for doing a sidequest off some fella lying down. I found the grotto but I haven't ventured in yet as I want to find a decent grinding area to level up some of my characters and get some more skills.


It has a very difficult boss. I'm not going to attempt it again until both my spear users know Thunder Thrust.

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I'm reluctant to use any apart from Seeds of Skill, because I don't know if I lose the benefits when I change vocations.


You generally don't, don't worry. The only benefits I lost were the shield skills when I changed my minstrel to a thief, but that's because the thief can't equip a shield anyway.


Anyway, god bless alchemy: uber miracle sword get. I also made a meteorite bracelet. Would strive to make more, but I don't know where to find/how to make gold bars. Does anyone know a location they spawn or a recipe for how to make them?

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Anyway, god bless alchemy: uber miracle sword get. I also made a meteorite bracelet. Would strive to make more, but I don't know where to find/how to make gold bars. Does anyone know a location they spawn or a recipe for how to make them?


I wrote down all the ingredients required to make some alchemy. It's like making science but harder


On the left sheet is just a list of ingredients and the required amount. In the box are the components to make a Meteorite Bracelet. Everything is is what would be needed (for me) to make a single Gold Bar to make the Meteorite Bracelet. On the right are just the alchemical formulas for each component.




I don't know where they spawn yet, but to make Gold Bars is a helluva undertaking.


Since it's hard to read those pictures of my writing.

The exact recipe is:

Sainted Soma x3

Ethereal Stone x2

Birdsong nectar x5



Good luck.

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OK, I was enjoying this game, and all, but then two things happened to make me love it:


1) I met and defeated my first two Metal Medleys, the first with an incredibly lucky critical hit from my Mage (who generally misses everything).


2) I am now free to explore the world map as I please. Now it's really become Dragon Quest and it's sending my endorphins crazy!

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Anyway, god bless alchemy: uber miracle sword get. I also made a meteorite bracelet. Would strive to make more, but I don't know where to find/how to make gold bars. Does anyone know a location they spawn or a recipe for how to make them?


Adendum. Drakularge's in The Bowhole drop Drake Scales and Gold Bars....but not bloody often enough.


In my experience the Thief is a terrible failure of a Thief.

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No way, I've got a ton more items thanks to my thief. She even stole items off all 3 enemies in a single battle!


Well, my Thief can try and fail to steal from a sleeping enemy 3 times in a row...at which point he wakes up and she continues to fail at stealing. This is with a super high Agility and Deftness...

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My Thief has deftness of 300+, yet the failure rate of Half Inch is bloody annoying.


I got a 'Thief's Theory' item thing from the Dourbridge pub guy's quest that you can complete when you're level 40+, but I've absolutely no idea what it does. Says if you 'put it in your pocket', you "won't have to lift a finger" to steal from enemies. It seems to have no effect at all.


EDIT: Gamefaqs tells me it increases the chances of picking up items after battles. I hadn't noticed.

Edited by D_prOdigy
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I'm up to Gleeba now. Looking for the lizard.


Here's my party:




In the blue corner its the leader of the pack, Celestrian Stevo. Still a Minstrel but hopes to do battle with his dark side when the time comes and emerge victorious as a Paladin. His longterm hopes and dreams are to find better headgear than this feather and to become the greatest guardian angel the protectorate has ever had. He doubts he will ever fully understand Stella but is glad she is more talkative than the other girls he is travelling with (and himself).




In the pink corner its Judith. Since her last outing as leader and protector in Etrian Odyssey, she has laid down her sword for the time being to leave physical combat and leadership to her comrades. Underneath the smiles, she's not completely content with her role as mage and is looking forward to switching vocation further down the line.




In the purple corner its Abigail. Fresh from her toils as a ranger in Etrian Odyssey, she's decided she's had enough time in the back line and has thrown away her bow and taken up the challenge of becoming a sword wielding warrior. She likes the feeling of being one of the main attackers and wants to become more versatile as the quest goes on.


(Normally Abigail is equipped with the Mercury's bandana but I took it off for the pic, to better show what she looks like.)




And finally, in the red corner its Susannah. Newcomer to proceedings, she's doing her best to prove herself alongside the seasoned dungeon crawlers Judith and Abigail. She's always at the back of the pack and feels slightly left out but tries to not let it get her down. Her determination shines through in battle where she dishes out the highest damage. One day she would like to switch vocations and move into the back row because with being a martial artist, she continually finds she's breaking her nails.


(Normally Susannah is equipped with Alena's hat but I took it off for the pic.)

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Excellent stuff, darksnowman! Your members are much better dressed than mine - I wish I'd made a female with pink hair now. But yes, you will soon find a better helmet than that bloomin' feather!


Got a slight nitpick about the Alchemy - I actually think it makes it less fun having to use ingedients that you have to farm, such as Royal Soil. The appeal of Alchemy in VIII was that I could combine armour and weapons that I probably already had. In this game, though, I want to make certain items, and yet I know Royal Soil won't appear again for a few days.

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Well after 22:13 hours and 501 monsters defeated I finally see my first coffin.


And I just got the boat (Yes, you may laugh at how slow I am going but these quests are too damn fucking fun to not ignore, I must make sure I can do all I can :D)


Will post my characters up soon ;)

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Excellent stuff, darksnowman! Your members are much better dressed than mine - I wish I'd made a female with pink hair now. But yes, you will soon find a better helmet than that bloomin' feather!


Thanks! Its only been recently in the game that I've started to acquire some slightly co-ordinated looking gear for my party. They were a mishmash of helmets, turbans and turtle shells for ages.


Well after 22:13 hours and 501 monsters defeated I finally see my first coffin.


And I just got the boat (Yes, you may laugh at how slow I am going but these quests are too damn fucking fun to not ignore, I must make sure I can do all I can :D)


Will post my characters up soon ;)


I've seen two coffins so far. Have you revived yet? Go to Dourbridge! :laughing:

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I've read that if you take your character up to Level 99 (a daunting task if DQ VIII is anything to go by), you will have accumulated 200 skill points, enough to max-out two skills. My question is: if you switch your Mage, for example, to a Thief, and then back to a Mage, will you be able to get 200 more skill points to max out some other skills?


I'm thinking of doing this:


Stage 1 - I'm happy with the classes I chose, so I intend to complete the main story with them and max-out two skills each.


Stage 2 - I'm thinking of changing them into Thieves, Martial Artists and other starting classes in order to pick up Omnivocational skills and traits that I missed out on.


Stage 3 - I would then change them back to their native classes and max out two more skills.


Stage 4 - Eventually, I would upgrade to the Prestige classes.


Of course, this all depends on whether I find good places to level-up, and it's probably too much bother, but would that be possible? It's mainly that I choose one weapon to focus on, plus their speciality (eg. Litheness, Courage), but Shields are very tempting as well.


And finally, a little story:


I'm strong enough at the moment, but I'm very short of money (like in any other Dragon Quest), so I was defeating Gold Golems because of the amount of gold they drop. However, then I completed the Golem quest and feel too guilty to fight any more!


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Three women and one bloke, Stevo? You truely are an RPG pimp, ain't ya? :D


Thanks! Its only been recently in the game that I've started to acquire some slightly co-ordinated looking gear for my party. They were a mishmash of helmets, turbans and turtle shells for ages.


I was the same for a while but once I got to Bloomingdale I managed to buy every upgrade and everyone started to get their own unique look. My martial artist looks camp as Butlins at the moment. He has little kitten ears and a jungle/tarzan type vest on! :)

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I've just been reading up on what I asked about earlier, and you can't level up your Mage again, because they regain their level and skill points if you turn them back into what they were before. Hmm, I'll have to plan it carefully if I want them to pick up certain skills.

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Three women and one bloke, Stevo? You truely are an RPG pimp, ain't ya? :D


I ain't pimpin these chicks out. :awesome: I also find it hilarious to go out and save the world with a bunch of girls. High time I bought FF X-2 then, isn't it?


I've just been reading up on what I asked about earlier, and you can't level up your Mage again, because they regain their level and skill points if you turn them back into what they were before. Hmm, I'll have to plan it carefully if I want them to pick up certain skills.


I had a feeling it would be like that. I don't think it'll be too restricting, will it?

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I had a feeling it would be like that. I don't think it'll be too restricting, will it?


No. Say I want my mage to pick up Shield skills, I might just turn her into a Warrior (or whatever) for a bit and put every skill point into that. I also believe I wouldn't have to max it out either, but that's only because the Mage has Shield skills anyway, if you see what I mean?

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I'm strong enough at the moment, but I'm very short of money (like in any other Dragon Quest), so I was defeating Gold Golems because of the amount of gold they drop. However, then I completed the Golem quest and feel too guilty to fight any more!


I've been doing this just so I can afford everything in Gleeba. I also did the sidequest and felt nothing for the gold giants, as I continued to massacre the lot of them. H-o-T wants a new pair of shoes....and hat, shield, sword, trousers. :D


I've found that once I get my new goods I tend to only use them for 1 dungeon before I run into the next town and then I have to start saving up again. :(

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