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Zelda Wii Underway!!


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Nintendo have said that the reason they put so much effort into Twilight Princess is because it's the last traditional Zelda game of its kind. With the Wii version they plan on transforming the franchise completely. There's a good chance it could end up even going first person (and before you say "I hate that idea!!" you don't know how well they'd impliment it. Think of Metroid Prime.)


From what I've heard of Twilight Princess it seems they've done virtually everything they can with the traditional concept in this game anyway. Do people really want to keep playing the same game over and over? It's not always going to feel fresh again.




You pretty much nailed my main comment right there! After all Metroid is basically Zelda from a different perspective (same basic gameplay mechanics). It wouldn't surprise me to see the series go the same way, especially as there were comments from Miyamoto-San a few years back stating he was toying with the idea of swinging your sword from a first-person perspective (or thereabouts).


I don't think the gameplay itself needs a major change but a little more thought should be put into how you get items, and possibly more organic puzzles. One thought I had while playing TP was instead of receiving the hookshot in a chest as per normal, why not find it in a more organic way like having to pull it out of a Boss' mouth (imagine a large fish boss terrorising a section of the river, Link has to swim after said fish and pull a fishing hook out of its mouth thus calming the fish down and returning the area to normality AND getting a hookshot style item in the process).


My main 'want' is for the sound department. I've always hoped for full orchestrated music, Imean Kondo-San has worked wonders with MIDI for years but there are only so many times he can rework songs like Kakariko and the Zelda theme. Zelda needs an orchestra to accompany the beautiful scenery on view.


I never thought i'd want Voice acting for a Zelda game until I played TP. The cutscenes are so great they are just begging for quality voices. I'd still prefer Link to be mute tho, and I think they should take a leaf out of Square Enix's book and use mainly English voice actors for the main parts like in Dragon Quest 8.


And i'd like some new dungeon themes! The forest/fire/water/spirit/shadow ones have been done to death

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What I want to see the most is a hint of continuity... a callback to Ocarina, some logic to tie it into A Link to the Past... anything to make the series make a bit of sense. There's only so many times we can have Link wander around Hyrule meeting Gorons and Hylians and Zoras for the first time in places with the same name but a completely different look, have to save the Princess from Ganondorf etc. etc.. I'm happy with the mechanics staying the same but it's time they gave us a decent story. It's almost like the writers go out of their way to avoid continuity, even though they know we'd love it.


Every time they put the events of LTTP or OoT further back in time, it seems less and less significant....

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And i'd like some new dungeon themes! The forest/fire/water/spirit/shadow ones have been done to death


Let's show you what you're asking, exactly: can you think of any other idea? Can you? Nope, and that's why all those games stick the same formula: because there's no replacement. I've bein trying to think of one for years, but I can't. I don't think there is, either.


What I would love to see happening with the series is a story of grief, heartbreak and dying dreams. It should enchant people - like that one moment with Midna dying on your back - and put them to playing the story. Like Majora's Mask did. Tell a story of grief and heartbreak and make people involved themselves. It's so different from any other Zelda story. I think that would be the best way for thee series: become more serious and not disrupt these seriously beautifull moments with a sound like the one midna makes...

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Id love to see a present day, Neverending Story type entry into Zelda.


Imagine a high school kid daydreaming in class when suddenly a glowing gold triangle appears on the back of his hand, followed by hallucinations of some mystery blonde pleaing for help and some evil laughter in the background.


Having the Goddess/Triforce mythos extend all the way to present day would make it seem that much more epic (or it could completely ruin the franchise, who knows). Id buy it!

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New zelda to be set in the future. i.e. hyrule of the future with spaceships and hover boards. Hope it doesnt overlap with metroid too much.... but I hear thats going to be more a FPS than an adventure game on the wii.


I'd also like that. But not too Metroid style. Maybe still with some kinds of swords and such. I actually thought about the possibilities for quite some time.

It's clear that they shouldn't change too much of the formula but they could set it into the future.

Maybe some kind of wasteland where Ganon rules. Somehow Link gets to know of his destiny (tieing in with past Zeldas) and then makes a journey on earth and parts of the solar system to recieve the necessary items to fight Ganon.


Ganon should still be there. He is the personification of everything bad. And he also has part of the Triforce.

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Voice work

Orchestrated music

A new storyline

1:1 sword and shield controls


Voice work


- Only if done correctly, the option to turn it off and the option for "hyrulean talk". and no Link talking


- Orchestrated music


Around the same amount as TP would be fine - midi is fine for a lot of the tracks


- A new storyline


MM, WW, and TP have been sufficiently different than the "normal" Zelda story, TP doesn't even involve having to save Zelda.


In fact, Link does nothing at all to save her. Zelda becomes possessed, Link attacks her with seemingly no care of hurting her. It's Minda that saves Zelda.



- 1:1 sword and shield controls


Would be utterly horrible. More diversity in the combat would be great tho:


Like, Link doing a horizontal/vertical slash & thrust depending on how you use the Wii Remote, having to swing/stab when you do a helmsplitter-like thing, and having to hammer it down for finishing. But 1:1....wouldn't work at all. (would make it hard to hit enemies, plus theres the problem on what on earth happens when you "stab" yourself - does it damage Link, just go through him or does Link stop moving his sword....none of which would work very well).



Also, how do we know for certain that the big changes in the franchise is for the Wii? Couldn't it be referring to PH?

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Let's show you what you're asking, exactly: can you think of any other idea? Can you? Nope, and that's why all those games stick the same formula: because there's no replacement. I've bein trying to think of one for years, but I can't. I don't think there is, either.



I'm not knocking Nintendo! If any development team can break from the normal stereotypes then its them. :) There have already been some excellent deviations during the series: The Sky temple from Minish Cap and the Pirate Fortress from Wind Waker to name but two.


Dungeon elements needn't be mutually exclusive though; Majora's Mask combined a Volcanic and Ice based temple to great effect. If Nintendo could mix things up a bit in the next Zelda instead of sticking to a single element for each dungeon I'd be very happy.


I really wanted a dungeon set on a huge pirate ship after playing WW. And I always wanted Nintendo to have a dungeon set around the end of level boss but of course that has already been done on SotC. And I'd love a haunted house dungeon too.

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