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Zelda Wii Underway!!


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I personally want something different. Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, The Wind Waker and now Twilight Princess (though I don't have it yet) seem to provide more than enough regular 3D Zelda. Roll on innovation. I'm really looking forward to this, as am I to Phantom Hourglass. The innovation will definetely be an improvement.

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This news isn't really surprised. Even before the game is finished the concept for the next is started. Because the people that are needed during the first stages of the game would be out of work towards the end when modellers and coders are needed.


I don't think Zelda will change dramatically. They won't mess with the hit formula. Ok they messed with it in WW and saw how everyone reacted.

I must say I'd like them to take a very different approach though as long as it's 3rd person. There's so much FP(S) around...

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Perhaps the next zelda will use a similar formula to the current games but combines real time strategy, first person elements with projectiles and sword play and the first half of the game plays out where Link is virtually stripped naked due to being abducted or being in a freak plane accident or a major bomb hitting the town killing everyone but Link or something, and needs to find the bare essentials in a remote forest in order to survive. He later makes alliances and you form armies and fight other armies in the area, take over land and ultimately in the end restore the land of Hyrule to peace.

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As much as I love This Zelda game I do feel that the music is lacking in emotional oomph. Also when ever I'm in the middle of an intense battle and I have to wave my control around, my palm pushes against other buttons which pause the game and brings up sub screens. It's quite annoying. Is anyone else having this problem also? I'm trying to battle the enemis in a calm fashion but when you are in the thick of it you tend to get carried away. In any case I'll always look forward to future Zelda instalments.

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I quite like the waggle.


Me too. Also, using the nunchuk for spin attacks is excellent.


Trying to guess where Nintendo are going to go with one idea is pointless. Just when I thought Nintendo had pulled out everything they had with the DS, they showed the Wii. When I thought that they had nothing else to show, they had things like the wiimote speaker, connect24, etc.


That's why I'm excited already about where the next Zelda, or wave of games will go. Nintendo definitely know how to surprise us. Be it good or bad. :heh:

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I hope it's like TP with the flaws fixed and much better graphics. To me, looking down on TP and seeing poorly texture grass (compared to xbox games like Halo several years ago) was a bit disappointing. Has anyone gone into 1st person perspective and looked closely at Epona's head? I think her eyes are made of about twelve pixels.


Yeah, well, the game looks beautiful. No doubt, they have the artistic skill to make it look amazing. But I feel technically the game could've looked and sounded better. Time for real next gen Zelda :)

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It will be interesting to see what the next zelda brings, but as stated earlier in the thread, guessing what N's intentions are would be futile at this stage....I trust the company far enough to know it wont be shabby though.


The music could have been programmed better, I agree, but im a picky sound engineer......Orchestration would not necessarily improve the feel though and would just push the budget higher and those resources would be better used in the graphics, innovation or gameplay department (Proof of the pudding with soundtracks is in cinema productions, a minute amount of films use orchestration because music tech with a good programmer/engineer/musician can be indistinguishable from the real thing).

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There's still much that's possible with the Zelda gameplay. I don't think the sound will change much as the sound processor in the Wii is awesome with MIDIs and can do tricks with it that are by no means possible with digital sound. The Wii isn't Dolby Digital probably because of sound processor alone.

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A whole big war over Hyrule would be very cool. Instead of Link saving the day all by him self, big battles can be fought and alliences made. How you play the game could dictate how It turns out and what battles are made. it will still need the dungeon's and stuff though as well because thats what Zelda's are about. With a lot of time and effort they could make a truely great next generation Zelda.


Just though as well wouldnt it be cool if this could also incorporate somekind of internet play.

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What's up with everyone wanting the next revolution? Since Ocarina of Time the games have being great, one after another, and still everybody wants a new formula. Zelda is great. But, I've bein playing halfway through Twilight Princess now, and it didn't catch me as much as Ocarina of Time did. And to me, it doesn't come half as close as the epicness of Majora's Mask. I wasn't hoping for a hyper-realistic aspect, but the best things, for me, are mostly gone. Where is the Goron City? Where's the sprawling Towns? Yes, Hyrule Castle Town might be full with characters, but none of them seem really interactive and let's admit it, it's plain boring to run through town.


I hope Nintendo can deliver next time. No gloomy twilight realm, but an epic ending of the world and a limited time untill Ganondorf strikes his last time. Why not build an spectacular Lord-of-the-rings-type of ending to the series and build some more stories within it? Why not expand on Majora's Mask?


I hope that sums up the ideas for a next Zelda. And epic instalment. And, honestly, what's with the give-us-voice-acting? I love reading the text, because the personality of the character is shown in the form that it appears, and you all know how it sounds in your head. Okay, the text of the light-spirits was quite unreadable, but I still love the complete silence when Zant appears and his text pops on screen. It's so mysterious...

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The War idea would be cool. Maybe you would only fight in a few battles, but it would be cool if that was just going on in the background. Maybe a plot involving you not knowing if the King of Hyrule truely is a good person, that kinda thing.


I'd also like Zelda to die and for there to be a proper story between Link and her. Although Zelda stories are good, they never have that ompth that other games have for some reason. It just always seems to be a bit ... go there, do that, go there, do that again. It doesn't flow.


And also, a good show of the graphics the Wii is capable of.

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