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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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You don't like what I say? Don't read it.


I say that motion2000 is right on that there isn't really that much variation in TP's sidequests and there is lots of shops. However, let's put thing back into perspective once again, as ALLTP and OoT weren't honestly any better on that department. Majora's Mask was only Zelda where designers really tried to break tried and tested sidequest formula. That's probably why is also my own personal favorite.

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There's a company with a slogan here in Belgium. I think it was 'BASE' with 'Freedom of Speech'. Then again, it's not only a company that needs a slogan. it's also the slogan of the discussions in the world. Motion2000 can say what he wants (and being shot down like Kennedy every time he tries to) and there's nothing to do about it. Except shoot every of his things down. Okay, some of his points are valid and others are not. if you don't like Motion2000, maybe you should just not wank about him and say what you think?


But first we need to sort out the thinking section, since I think many men here have lost some of that during the last war.


Console war, that is.

I'm not shooting him, but it's a fact that he's being repeating himself since Zelda TP shipped, I gave my opinion back then and then settled, I could jump on everyone who doesn't agree with me but to tell the truth... I don't care, the people who read the thread already know my opinion, and this said, I doubt anyone in N-E doesn't know motion2000 opinion already.


I'm also exercising my freedom when I say that I don't come to this thread that often anymore because of things like these. It's like, I skip a few pages and it's still on the same tone, with the same people doing caps lock saying how the game sucked et all.


It's like someone comes and says "Ohh, what a great game it was" or "great story" and motion2000 jumps in and says "but you can't! the game is crap, I guess it's because you didn't finish the game like me, I guess it's because you don't like zelda like I do, the story is crap, the stores don't sell drugs and the boars and horses are the only vehicle available!" (yeah I know I'm exaggerating), but I've felt this on more than one thread already.


This is not about freedom of speech, I don't mind one time, but after two months seeing the same person still on the same page adds little to the discussion; it's more like motion2000 against the world for the 200th time in a row.


And for the record I don't particularly dislike motion2000 (that said I can say I like the generalization I saw on Shino's sig and this thread about portuguese people), but it's what I've said above, out of the Zelda thread and when not repeating itself about Zelda TP I have no queries, but I still think he should just calm down till the next zelda comes out. (and then bitch some more :p)

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I say that motion2000 is right on that there isn't really that much variation in TP's sidequests and there is lots of shops. However, let's put thing back into perspective once again, as ALLTP and OoT weren't honestly any better on that department. Majora's Mask was only Zelda where designers really tried to break tried and tested sidequest formula. That's probably why is also my own personal favorite.


The problem with that reasoning mate is that ALLTP is 15 years old and OOT is 8 years old. Games should get better, they've had 3 3D Zelda games to get the mix right and they came up short with TP.


Who cares about sidequests when you have the biggest adventure of all time staring you in th face? I've gone with the loving, Fierce, so don't you worry my love.


Why can't we have both? MM and WW were big adventures and they had a huge amount of sidequests.


Compare Windfall Island or Clock Town to Kakariko Village TP or Castle Town TP.


But we've heard your same criticisms a hell of a lot more - thats what people are getting at!


I asked what the place was before Malo Mart. I was told a shop. It made me angry so I ranted.


I've talked about many of the games good points, read back the last few pages and you'll see. Unfortunately I was completely ignored so that topic of conversation didn't continue.


I disagree. Motion2000 is the new Solitanze. Remember how much we loved Solitanze? Hail motion!


I'd like to think I have a bit more intelligence than Solitanze ever did.


At least solitanze wasn't a racist and a hypocrit. And I found that each of his 3 (4?) personalities to be more entertaining than Motion2000's only one.


I'm glad you find my posts so entertaining :) It's an honour to decorate your signature bar.


I'm not shooting him, but it's a fact that he's being repeating himself since Zelda TP shipped, I gave my opinion back then and then settled, I could jump on everyone who doesn't agree with me but to tell the truth... I don't care, the people who read the thread already know my opinion, and this said, I doubt anyone in N-E doesn't know motion2000 opinion already.


I'm also exercising my freedom when I say that I don't come to this thread that often anymore because of things like these. It's like, I skip a few pages and it's still on the same tone, with the same people doing caps lock saying how the game sucked et all.


It's like someone comes and says "Ohh, what a great game it was" or "great story" and motion2000 jumps in and says "but you can't! the game is crap, I guess it's because you didn't finish the game like me, I guess it's because you don't like zelda like I do, the story is crap, the stores don't sell drugs and the boars and horses are the only vehicle available!" (yeah I know I'm exaggerating), but I've felt this on more than one thread already.


This is not about freedom of speech, I don't mind one time, but after two months seeing the same person still on the same page adds little to the discussion; it's more like motion2000 against the world for the 200th time in a row.


And for the record I don't particularly dislike motion2000 (that said I can say I like the generalization I saw on Shino's sig and this thread about portuguese people), but it's what I've said above, out of the Zelda thread and when not repeating itself about Zelda TP I have no queries, but I still think he should just calm down till the next zelda comes out. (and then bitch some more :p)


You're picking up the negative aspects, lately I've been talking just as much about the positive stuff. Look here's another one...


I think the 'sense' functionality is great.


Try building a discussion around that though.

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I'm not shooting him, but it's a fact that he's being repeating himself since Zelda TP shipped, I gave my opinion back then and then settled, I could jump on everyone who doesn't agree with me but to tell the truth... I don't care, the people who read the thread already know my opinion, and this said, I doubt anyone in N-E doesn't know motion2000 opinion already.


I'm also exercising my freedom when I say that I don't come to this thread that often anymore because of things like these. It's like, I skip a few pages and it's still on the same tone, with the same people doing caps lock saying how the game sucked et all.


It's like someone comes and says "Ohh, what a great game it was" or "great story" and motion2000 jumps in and says "but you can't! the game is crap, I guess it's because you didn't finish the game like me, I guess it's because you don't like zelda like I do, the story is crap, the stores don't sell drugs and the boars and horses are the only vehicle available!" (yeah I know I'm exaggerating), but I've felt this on more than one thread already.


This is not about freedom of speech, I don't mind one time, but after two months seeing the same person still on the same page adds little to the discussion; it's more like motion2000 against the world for the 200th time in a row.


And for the record I don't particularly dislike motion2000 (that said I can say I like the generalization I saw on Shino's sig and this thread about portuguese people), but it's what I've said above, out of the Zelda thread and when not repeating itself about Zelda TP I have no queries, but I still think he should just calm down till the next zelda comes out. (and then bitch some more :p)


This is not a reply to you directly, but aren't we taking this thread to a whole new level? I think we're ending up with a bitch fight to be honest. Or a Zelda sumo-fight. In any ways, the racist remarks and the racism remarks are getting pretty hefty out ehre and I think more people will get hurt if the Zelda thread evolves into something fairly similair to what happens in the parlement. A fight, a rouse, lots of talking and repeating what has being sad, lots of insulting and in the end: there's no-one that got the right end of the stick.


It's getting risky to pop your head up out here. I hope none of you felt personally attacked by me. Why aren't we discussing Zelda? No, instead we're bitch-fighting trying to find out who hates the Portugese and kick-butt-stomp everyone in the flat front face every single reply. it's getting kind of boring. So time the change the mood:


I loved Ilia in the game and the growing romance. Anyone want it ending up somewhere in the next Zelda? thoughts please.


Did the change-the-subject of mine work? Ah well, we tried.

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I didn't really see any romance between Ilia and Link personally.


(and for the record, as I've said I have nothing against portugese people. Experience has taught me that the ones I've run into are fairly racist and homophobic. Simple as that. Of course no one seems to care about Shino calling someone a little queer. Course not, that would be stupid.)


Back to Zelda:


Favourite dungeon?


Snowpeak Mansion for me.

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The change of subject better work. :heh:


I don't really want to have to lock this. But, I will if need be.


You could at least have tried to help the change of subject, Fierce. You're not helping! I feel that Nintendo, though a Japanese company, should show more love and affection between the characters and give Link a proper girlfriend. Come on, Epona just doesn't make it when compared to Ilia (who, to be honest, looked quite pretty for being a polygon model - even if she's blurry on your 'nice little expensive' HD-tv's, You lucky bastards).


Favourite dungeon is quite a though choice. Okay, this might be a linear one, but I seriously loved the Temple of Time dungeon. It had such a great premise, though a little standard it had ncie puzzles and my brother can keep his orientation aimed right in this nut-cracker of a dungeon. I loved it. Though SnowPeak Ruins is a good guess to and I certainly loved the Arbiter's Grounds. it's just a way-to-though choice...

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Love Ilia and Link's relationship, it was one of the things that made the game still feel like Zelda.


Does Ilia like Link? no doubt, and the other way around? probably, at least a little. (link is a playboy)


I really enjoy the way they do these, it's not expressed directly through physical contact and lust, more like... platonic, about eye contact and all; keeps it very pure.


Not spoiling it for those who didn't reach the end yet, I loved how that ended between link and Ilia, very zelda'ish.


Not getting on a discussion wether the ending is good or not compared to other Zeldas (it was, for me), it felt zelda to me, and that's great.




Favorite dungeon... hard to pick, but death mountain, temple of time (for nostalgy alone) and snowpeak were awesome.


I think the dungeons in this Zelda is one of the points where the game shines the most though, I think they're all great.

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Ignoring motion, as I'm tired of him, my fave dungeon was probably Snowpeak Mansion, because it has a very original structure and doesn't feel like a dungeon at all.


LOL ignoring me yet mentioning my name, answering my question and giving the same answer as me.


Good ignoring :geek:

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LOL ignoring me yet mentioning my name, answering my question and giving the same answer as me.


Good ignoring :geek:


Look man, just let it go, jeez, you're such an attention whore. Isn't it obvious that what I'm ignoring is this stupid arguing and bickering your childish behaviour creates? OK then, so I can't change the subject, because you suggested that change and I can't give an answer because I think the same as you. Oh, woe is me, I'm trapped into a corner. Grow up will you? This thread was fine if it wasn't for your constant intent to shove your opinions into other people's faces. We get it, you were hoping for something so great, there was no choice but to get disapointed, I get it, you don't like me, I don't like you either, so enough. I already said too much and I'm sorry to continue the flaming in this thread.

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So can we go back to TP now?


I quite like way you can use the Hawkeye and arrows at the same time for some sniper-like shooting.


I loved that! I hope we get something similar in future games.


I'm just amazed that I actually liked the wolf sections and Midna. They were 2 things which I was worried about, thinking that they may ruin the game. But, they actually made it unique.

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