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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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I would say that's brilliant T3C, but there's just one thing. If the sages sealed Ganondorf in child Link's time, then he wouldn't have layed his hands on the Triforce of Power, right? Likewise Link doesn't posess the Triforce of Courage in Majora's Mask.


No, he wouldn't. I'm a bit foggy on the Ocarina stuff, but did Ganondorf literally walk into the Sacred Realm and grab himself a big slice of Triforce cake? I guess he was destined to receive it regardless and in essence was blessed with it at the very moment he needed it the most... as he was dying.


I mean, Link was blessed with the Triforce of Courage without actually taking it from anywhere, so I suppose it's possible Ganondorf was simply blessed with it too. Especially if destiny is as prevailent as it seems to be throughout the Zelda stories.


My guess about Link in Majora is that he was sent back to the time prior to when the Triforce awakened inside him/he was blessed with it so he wouldn't have had ever obtained it with there being no real evil in Hyrule to defeat etc. He was probably dead long before Twilight Princess and the Link in that is probably his ancestor.


Didn't recognise you with your new avatar. Interesting theory but you're forgetting about A Link to the Past/LOZ/AOL etc... Why can't TP take place in the WW timeline?


Those games are difficult to find a timeline for. I'm too dumb to place it all together, nor have I actually played those games, so I just focus on the Ocarina one. Afterall, Ocarina is basically a clean slate beginning... so Nintendo probably just started to tie the games post-Ocarina together more obviously from there. Not in any coherent way though, as messageboard debates will show.


In fact, it's even possble to place the game between Ocarina's ending and Wind Waker. Perhaps Ganondorf is there in the Mirror Chamber having been released from being sealed away to be executed. But why would they bring him out, and why don't the Sages have a clue he holds the Triforce of Power as evident by their "WTF, DIVINE PRANK!" surprise? As such divine beings, you'd think someone would have had the decency to tell them "Watch out for that Ganonorf. Triforce of Power and all - dangerous fellow."

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I think we can obviously lay down the 100 year thing, Hyrule couldn't have changed or forget so much, after the events of OOT, in so little time.


Didn't recognise you with your new avatar. Interesting theory but you're forgetting about A Link to the Past/LOZ/AOL etc... Why can't TP take place in the WW timeline?


I found that apart from that scene with Midna and Zelda, there was nothing else in the ending apart from panning shots of Hyrule and Link returning home. The latter was very nice combined with the music though.


And if we dismiss the entire game, its like it never happened!

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What part are you stuck on?

Ganon's Tower. Um, basically the part where you go through the middle door in the beginning, beat that mini boss where you're having fire spat at you at the same time, and onwards from there. I usually get to the bit where you have to light all the torches and with the eyes shooting you but keep failing because of lack of health/magic. None of it is THAT hard technically, it's just I keep making mistakes along the way and such and it's so frustrating.


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Yeah i'll definately keep at it, I always try to complete my games :smile: The satisfaction from completing ALTTP is going to be fantastic, i've been on and off with it for AGES, since way back when it was first released on the GBA. I need to get back to Oracle of Ages and complete it at some point too.

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Like I said in a previous post, the Triforce transcends time and space, so, since the future Ganondorf has the triforce, so does the past one in TP. Also, asides from Ganondorf grabbing the Triforce in TP, everyone else hs it, because the goddesses chose them, so they could have chosen ganondorf.

It«s like the goddesses are bored and want to play with the world, or they want to keep the balance between good and evil. We can speculate a lot :P

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Ok this will be my two cents on the timeline disscussion.


"Original Timeline"

Ocarina of Time - 1st Link, 1st Zelda

Majoras Mask - 1st Link, 1st Zelda


A Link to the Past - 2nd Link, 2nd Zelda


Legend of Zelda - 3rd Link, 3rd Zelda

Adventures of Link - 3rd Link, 4th Zelda (either 1st Zelda or a Zelda that pre-dates first Zelda)


"Alternate Timeline"

Ocarina of Time - 1st Link, 1st Zelda


Wind Waker - 2nd Link, 2nd Zelda



(note: There is only ONE Ganondorf, from having gained the Power of the Triforce of Power he's gained imortality, this is why when Link beats him, he's not really "Killed" but "sealed" away again. And you can say that the sacred realm that he keeps getting sealed in is conected to both timelines so when he gets out he can go to one or the other depending on circumstances in each timeline)




Now Twilight Princess can go almost anywhere in the "orginal timeline", but NOT in the alternate, some people seemed to think before it came out it would tell the story of how Hyrule was flooded before WW, obviously after playing TP, it doesn't, though if you look at the intro backstory to WW it clearly states that in the events leading to the great flood the people waited for a "hero in green" but he never came (although there were some early points in TP when i thought Nintendo might have found a way around that), therfore there can never be a Zelda game telling that story (especially since it would be destined to end in Links failure).


Anyway seeing as TP references Ocarina of Time a bit it can be placed between Majoras Mask and ALttP and features a 4th Link and 5th Zelda.


Though this leads to the problem of ALttP having Ocarina of Time as it's main backstory, kinda hard to put TP there as you would then think ALttP would reference TP also in it's backstory (i know it was made before TP, but same is true of OOT).


So it's probably best it goes between ALttP and LoZ, since the "past hero" references are very vague in TP, it can be either 1st or 2nd Link or even both.




As for Ganondorf, (this might get complicated)


When at the end of OOT when Ganondorf was sealed in the "future" the goddess made this seal transcend time, and also the chamber of time where the Triforce was sealed, where Ganondorf found it after Link "let him in", exsists outside of time. So one can argue that when "Future" Ganon was being sealed, "Past" Ganon was just entering Chamber of Time and Touching the Triforce, therfore both get sealed.


.... actually now that i think about that, it is possible that this created two Ganondorfs, which is contradictory to what i said previously, but i only just noticed, and he doesn't have access to both timelines but "future" Ganon and "past" Ganon are traped in sacred realms in their respective timelines, but either way their still the "same" Ganondorf technically, and therefore only one Ganondorf.


So Ganondorf always had the Triforce of Power, even before the "sages" in TP stabed him. Why they didn't know however is another question, one could say that even though they were "choosen" by the Goddesses, that doesn't mean they speak to them, afterall Link was "choosen" by them too but i've never seen the Goddesses come down and talk to him.


So since Ganondorf still has the Triforce of Power, that obviously means the "Complete Triforce" is "broken" so the other two pieces need to be somewhere. Each consecutive Zelda always has the Triforce of Wisdom since 1st Zelda had it, it's best to imagine it gets passed along the "bloodline".

Same can be said for the Triforce of Courage, if one can accept that each Link in the "orginal timeline" is a blood decendent of 1st Link, while this isn't clearly hinted at in TP, it is most clearly hinted at in ALttP.


Now as for WW, obviously WW Link didn't have the Triforce of Courage from the start, my thinking in this, is when in OOT "Adult" Link returned to the "past" and "closed the door between times" this would have left the "alternate" timeline without both a bloodline for Link and Triforce of Courage. So in the same way both "future" and "past" Ganon got sealed this process also created a Triforce of Courage for the "alternate" timeline and since there was no Link for it to pass to it got broken into pieces and hidden across Hyrule. While OOT Link took the one he had back to the past


WW Link, i like to think is a "reincarnation" of the OOT Link, like say he came to his natural passing away (lets say old age), and after the events that lead to the "great flood" where there was no "hero" to come to the aid of Hyrule, the goddesses saw fit to "reincarnate" OOT Link into the "alternate" timeline, thereby giving it a hero and future hero's bloodline for the Triforce of Courage to pass onto.




OK did I miss anything.... or cause anyone a massive headache?

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Concerning the end sequence:


Link is actually riding AWAY from Ordon in the game's closing minutes - look carefully. This is reinforced by the melancholic shot of Ilia waiting expectantly, Link being called from his house but not answering, and the wistful tone of the final section of music.



Oh yes, hasn't Aouma stated quite clearly that TP takes place between OOT and WW??


It's all very confusing..

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My timeline guess: there's only one timeline. That would make more sense and wouldn't be as stupid as having two, jsut because the stories don't fit. First there was OoT, then came Majora's Mask (duh), Twilight princess and then The Wind Waker. Okay, this one is obvious. But somewhere in between OoT and Twilight Princess the stories of Agaghnim take place and after that, Ganondorf is banned to the twilight. The original Zelda took place after OoT and before ALttP, and was followed by zelda II. I think that after ALttP Ganondorf gets the twilight Treatment.


But what i'de like to see in a future game: the great war. Or the great war to end all wars. I want to see the defenite beginning of The series and the definite ending (they can still make stories in between). And I want to know the story of Fierce Deity and Majora (and his Mask). Perhaps Link could be Fierce Deity who gathers powers in roder to defeat Majora (the great, ancient beast) and store him in a mask. I want more about Majora...

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Concerning the end sequence:


Link is actually riding AWAY from Ordon in the game's closing minutes - look carefully. This is reinforced by the melancholic shot of Ilia waiting expectantly, Link being called from his house but not answering, and the wistful tone of the final section of music.



Oh yes, hasn't Aouma stated quite clearly that TP takes place between OOT and WW??


It's all very confusing..



Aouma said WW takes place hundred years after the adult Oot timeline and TP takes hundred years after OoT.

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Concerning the end sequence:


Link is actually riding AWAY from Ordon in the game's closing minutes - look carefully. This is reinforced by the melancholic shot of Ilia waiting expectantly, Link being called from his house but not answering, and the wistful tone of the final section of music.




Ok then that's just destroyed what little credibility the ending had!


Why is he riding AWAY???? It was supposed to be about him coming home!

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Got this timeline theory from a person on another board.


I am partially playing devil's advocate and partially playing apologetics, meaning that I don't necessarily believe this, but after examining the evidence, I think it remains a distinct possibility. What I am trying to do is analyze from an objective point of view. This is not an argument. I am not trying to argue a case. I am simply presenting it for discussion. Now, there are three quotes in particular from the game that I want to examine.


1.Among those living in the light, interlopers who excelled at magic appeared.

Wielding powerful sorcery, they tried to establish dominion over the Sacred Realm.


2. He was the leader of a band of thieves who invaded Hyrule in the hopes of establishing dominion over the Sacred Realm.


3. Traitors, ha! You want to know why none would call you king? It was your eyes,


All saw it...a lust for power burning in your pupils... Did you think we'd

forget our ancestors lost their king to such greed?


Firstly let's assume there is a split timeline and that TP takes place in the child timeline. To the casual observer it would appear that Ganon was subdued and sealed in the Twilight Realm in lieu of the failed execution. Behind the scenes, however, we know that Link went back in time and barred Ganon entry to the Sacred Realm so he could not steal the Triforce. There is this quote:


He was known as a demon thief, an evil-magic wielder renowned for his


But he was blind...

In all of his fury and might, he was blind to any danger, and thus was exposed,

subdued, and brought to justice.


The part about him being blind struck me from the moment I read it. It struck me because it was clearly refering to a certain incident. Notice how it makes reference to his lust after the Sacred Realm but never says he enters. No, it amends it to simply say that he was blind. It was his blindness that led to his exposure, and thusly he was subdued. This makes sense with what I previously said. The danger was Link going back in time and preventing Ganon from entering the Sacred Realm. He was exposed when he searched for the Sacred Realm but Link knew how to work against him to prevent that and thus was an easy target for capture. The language is important here because I think they're trying to convey the imagery of a mousetrap. With Link's foreknowledge he was able to set the bait and capture Ganon.


That's only important insomuch for laying the foundation of the rest of this theory. The key that Ganon tried for the Sacred Realm but failed is absolutely integral. More on that in a minute. For now let's examine the three quotes. From these we know three things. Interlopers tried to establish dominion over the Sacred Realm. Ganon tried to establish dominion over the Sacred Realm. (The use of "establishing dominion over the Sacred Realm" for both might be of importance) The interlopers had a king that was lost to greed, potentially represented by the Dark Link figure we saw in the metophorical montage in Lanayru's cave.


From there it's a simple matter of connecting the dots based on assumptions. It's important to note that TP paints much more of a LTTP picture with Ganon being the leader of a gang of thieves. OOT makes many allusions to a great battle taking place (from the soldier we know that Ganon had a group of people with him when he attacked), yet we never see them. So we know that the interlopers had a king and tried to flex their power over the Sacred Realm. We know that Ganon was a king and tried to establish his power over the Sacred Realm. So let's synthesize the two events. Ganon was that king, and the Gerudo people are the interlopers. They were then banished to the Twilight Realm when they failed. Thus why there are no Gerudo in Gerudo Desert.


It was previously thought that this refered to a pre OOT event. However, what if what Lanayru said was OOT? If you believe in the child timeline theory I presented and strip away all the mumbo jumbo of the symbology and look at the two events at their core, they are remarkably similar.


Now there are many objections, so let's examine those now.


Midna never specificies who this king is or when he lived.


There are many notations within the story that seem to allude to Midna using the word "ancestor" or "descendant" to mean the interlopers in particular. For instance...


I'm a descendant of the tribe that was banished to the Twilight Realm!


I did THAT using only a fraction of my ancestor's magic?!


Zant also says that their passion dwindled in the twilight, so it's doubtful that any twilight king in particular would lust for greed and power. You also have to remember that just about everything in Zelda has purpose. When in the game does it refer to a random event in Hylian history? So it's talking about somebody in particular. Now what would he be lost to? What would there be to covet in the twilight? The throne? No, Zant speaks of a royal heritage defining the new ruler. It is doubtful that anyone before Zant tried to take control of the throne, especially since he said they knew not the faintest bloom of desire. It's more likely that this king was the leader of the interlopers.


Now here's where it gets interesting. What could it possibly mean by them losing their king? The Twili were "lost" themselves, having been banished to the Twilight Realm. It speaks to the fact that this king endured a different fate. Ganon could have been cut off without a single Gerudo/Twili realizing his fate. To their eye he was executed. And when he was banished to the Twilight Realm he toiled in his metaphorical chains, practically caged like an animal away from the Twili. Thus to them he was lost.


How could TP take place in the child timeline if they reference the legendary Hero?


There are two separate divisions of references here. I want to address the item references first. They reference the hero when you get the bow. However, there's a slight of hand here. In OOT the bow was called the Fairy Bow. In MM it was called the Hero's Bow. It is again called the Hero's Bow in TP. Take that worth a grain of salt, but if you're using these little things as proof, chalk one up for child timeline. The more muddled one is the Zora Armor. We have two quotes.


During his lifetime, my husband created garments specifically for the chosen

hero, garments that house the abilities of the Zora.


Sir, you wear the garb of the hero in my people's legends...


These seem to be two contradictory things. Unless the Zora live an unnaturally long life, there's no way that particular King Zora could have lived long enough where he could have been around for the original hero and have his wife survive to see the next hero. OOT and TP do take place a ways apart. Even if they do live that long, we see no queen in OOT. Unless you want to make the assumption that he remarried it's probably best not to go there. There's the possibility that the king created a garment with the expectation of a hero, but that's unfounded. So that quote is ambiguous at best. If you get the armor, it says it was passed down through the royal family. For now let's simply assume that.


Now Link can be considered the Zora hero no matter what timeline we're talking about. In the child timeline he saved Jabu Jabu. In the adult timeline he cleared the water temple of evil and helped to unfreeze Zora's Domain, although Ruto and King Zora were the only ones around to witness it. The former he did not have a special tunic. In the latter he did. Besides speculation it would seem to be a direct inference to the latter. I mean sure you could make up a theory that Link went back to Hyrule after Termina and the Zoras bestowed on him a blue tunic, but why bother? People make up theories all the time to suit what they're trying to prove when the answer is probably the easiest explanation. The disappearance of Jabu Jabu in the adult timeline and his continual exclusion in TP might say something but probably not.


You could make the argument that Nintendo has no idea what they're doing half the time. However, if they can engineer all the above, you would think they'd at least get this detail right. You could also make the argument that the connections the Zora armor has with the ancient hero is simply an easter egg that has no place in canon. For instance I would not think of bringing the Song of Healing up in this argument simply because it's a cool reference they put in the game and that has no canoninical value. However, making such strong inferences to the legendary hero is hard to ignore. In the end you'll have to decide for yourself on this one. Besides, what happens to Ganon should be considered far more important to canon than a piece of armor.


The other references are merely cosmetic, for instance the hero is renowned, his legends are told everywhere, but they have few substance as reference to any singular event. Link would've been a hero simply for helping to subdue Ganon.


The light spirits say that the interlopers used the power of the Fused Shadows in their quest for the Triforce. This never happened in OOT.


Good point, but this is Nintendo. They like to make things up. I mean there wasn't even any light spirits in OOT. We don't even know what the Fused Shadows do. We simply know that they gave the Interlopers power. It wouldn't be unlike Nintendo to simply make this part up. They've done it before.


Ganon specifically refers to Midna as "your people" at the end of the game. How is that possible if they are both descended from the same tribe?


He could mean your people as in strictly the Twili forms, or he disavow himself from his Gerudo heritage since he has shown the proclivity for that kind of selfishness and hatred.


The problem of course is his next line. He calls their magic petty and insults them for trying to defy the gods. This is the biggest skewer in this theory since if he led them, why would he insult them? If their petty magic had tried to defy the gods, wouldn't his petty magic have been trying to defy the gods? There is one explanation. The interlopers were chased across Hyrule and banished into the twilight. Midna said their king was lost. Now the game makes no mention of why they failed or how they even went about trying to acquire the Triforce. However, you could infer that there might have been a fissure between the Gerudo and Ganon. Maybe they had their own plans and desires for the acquisition of the Triforce. Maybe they turned against Ganon. Maybe they left him out to dry. Maybe he simply saw them as weak since they could not help him reach his goal. Remember in LTTP it says that Ganon slaughtered his followers to get the Triforce, so he's not above turning on them to satiate his lust. All of those would go toward the theory that Ganon was isolated from the Gerudo, perhaps even as far as methodology goes, and he no longer sees himself as part of them.


There is a final explanation contained within the same paragraph. Ganon clearly sees himself as a chosen one, a wielder of absolute power destined for the throne of Hyrule. He sees anybody else as weak and pathetic. Therefore it could be reasoned that Ganon now sees him as above the Gerudo/Twili. He is no longer a part of them. He is a being with absolute power. He speaks with conviction and certainty about the Twili. Granted he's a very black and white guy, but he barely regards Link and Zelda despite being fellow chosen ones. He seems to have particular contempt for Midna. Therefore you can say that he sees the Gerudo/Twili as cast aside beings while he was destined to wield the ultimate power. This would work just the same if the interlopers were separate beings, but it would be delivered with more potency if they were the Gerudo. That is why he would see himself so much above them.


Regardless, you'll have to decide that one for yourself. It could make sense, but it's odd that Ganon would not even bother to recognize them.


TP continuously says that the interlopers were magic wielders. There is nothing in any of the games that says the Gerudo were anything more than a band of thieves.


In fact the LTTP manual says that they had magical properties, but this was a mistranslation. They actually don't. TP even calls Ganon a magic-wielder while relegating the Gerudo to a simple band of thieves. This one is particularly problematic. However, Twinrova wielded powerful magic, so it's not beyond thought that some within the Gerudo, particularly Ganon's closest followers, had magic while the common Gerudo did not.


So that's basically the case for and against the Gerudo as Twili. I think it can lean either way. There seems to be some clues, and the problems aren't completely insurmountable, but like most things in Zelda it's left as a mystery that we'll probably never know.

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My timeline guess: there's only one timeline. That would make more sense and wouldn't be as stupid as having two, jsut because the stories don't fit.


The double timeline isn't because "the stories don't fit", and in fact two timelines make more sense.


Exhibit A: Ending sequence of OOT, this shows that the timeline of "the future" continues on after Link returns to the past. The main scene showing this being the party at the ranch, this shows the "future" people celebrating the defeat of Ganondorf and return of peace. While mean while in the past Young Link goes to see Zelda once more. There's no celebration as such in the "past" since Ganondorf never took it over due to his being sealed and the dividing of the timelines. Although since he did get into the Chamber of Time, this means his minions did lay seige to Hyrule castle (more on that in a minute)


Exhibits B: The intro backstories to both ALttP and WW.


Both these games use OOT as their backstory, so if they both took place in one timeline, one would have to take place after the other meaning that game should have the other in it's backstory aswell as OOT. But both only reference OOT (heavily).


If you look at both the intros they obviously tell the same story but with some tiny (but major differences).


In the Wind Waker backstory it mentions "the hero clad in green" where as in the ALttP intro is says "Hyrule Knights".


This makes sense for the double timeline theory as the Hyrule that OOT Link actually saved and became a Hero in was in the "future" so when that timeline continued, it was the story of the Hero in Green that was passed down among the people who witnessed him.


Meanwhile, in the past all that happened was, Ganondorf attacked Hyrule Castle, entered the Chamber of Time and then vanished, Zelda needed a way to explain what happened to the people but they would never believe that little Young Link traveled through time and saved them from the future. The answer to this, say the Knights of the Castle defeated Ganondorf in his attack.


Thinking like this gives plausable reasoning for that major difference in the intro backstories to ALttP and WW

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Ok then that's just destroyed what little credibility the ending had!


Why is he riding AWAY???? It was supposed to be about him coming home!


Maybe to give a gift to Zelda at the Hyrule Castle?


Read the timeline theory that I just post Mokong X-C.

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Well, you're exhibits are acceptable but I still think it's just lame to make it split in two storylines. Don't forget: in the past storyline, Ganondorf never got hold of the Triforce! So there are no Ganon+Triforce stories in the 'past' timeline. Okay, elt's stop these timeline things. it's driving me nuts. two timelines? Make it possible and you've got Nintendo magic. Indeed.

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Read the timeline theory that I just post Mokong X-C.


I just read it (you posted it while i was still typing my last reply), was a good read, but i found it to be more a theory on why there is no Gerudo in TP than a "timeline theory", but that is cool, cause i was wondering about the lack of Gerudo, and never thought of the possiblity that the Twili might be them.


Don't forget: in the past storyline, Ganondorf never got hold of the Triforce! So there are no Ganon+Triforce stories in the 'past' timeline.


I don't know if you meant to use that as a way of saying there is only one timeline or something to help my theory... but thanks.


According to the way i see it, "past" Ganon did get his hands on the Triforce but at the same time sealed in the sacred realm when "future" Ganon was sealed thanks to a manipulation of Time by the Goddesses. But since in the "original timeline" he didn't get out with the Triforce no body knew he had it, including the future "sages" which is why the sages in TP were caught unaware.: peace:



Oh and before WW came out, Nintendo did make a point to say that WW takes place after the "adult" ending to Ocarina of Time, which pretty shows their intention to divid the timeline. Which in turn gives them more freedom in future games. EG: If they come up with a story that interfers with the mythology of the "orginal" timeline, it's ok because they have this new "empty" alternate timeline to use.


And actually just remembered another thing, any game to take place after WW, technically can not take place in a land called "Hyrule". At the end of WW when Link and Zelda/Tetra go to search for "new land" people expect them to call it "Hyrule" again.

But the King had pretty much told them not to call it "Hyrule", he said at the end "this land will not be Hyrule, it will be your land", pretty much saying, give it a different name.


(yes i know, i think about games WAY too much)

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Aouma said WW takes place hundred years after the adult Oot timeline and TP takes hundred years after OoT.


Thanks for clearing that up Dante.


I'd have thought it was fairly obvious that the Gerudo can't be the Twili though.


I know the discussion you quote says it's best to ignore the symbology, but I have to say I think it's one of the most interesting aspects.. the Fused Shadows and the transformations they bring about in Midna are strikingly reminiscent of Majora's Mask.. perhaps a clue to the identity of this mysterious ‘tribe’..

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the Fused Shadows and the transformations they bring about in Midna are strikingly reminiscent of Majora's Mask.. perhaps a clue to the identity of this mysterious ‘tribe’..



oh, now that is another interesting train of thought indeed

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