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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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I keep "cussing" TP because I was left disappointed by it. Of course I've played the game.


I was very impressed by the story. The WAY it was told however I found terrible. No I don't want a boss battle early to cut the game short, I wanted the developers to plan the game and tell the story better.


You run into Zant once before the final showdown, fair enough, it was a very good confrontation that. He's menacing, powerful and he inflicts serious damage on Midna, as well as putting a spell on you. Awesome stuff. Next time we see him, he's sitting on his arse in a chair in the Palace of Twilight, doing not very much, right before he turns into a meowing little wimp of a girl, having a hissy fit jumping up and down. Nice anti-climax there. If they'd have had him like that from the start it would have been better. The actual boss battle (as with all of them in this game) was shockingly easy (yet very cool I'll admit).


Now that on it's own I wouldn't mind, it's the Ganondorf part. You play through the whole game without seeing so much as a single bad thing happen to Hyrule (after you get rid of the twilight), you never meet Ganondorf, he has no idea who you are (even though he should, being the chosen hero and all that). His castle is a joke, empty, dead, rubbish, typical of the laziness present in the making of the game. So you turn up at his doorstep, having never even met the guy previously, having NO CLUE what he wants or what he's doing, the outside world certainly has no idea who he is or indeed if anything is wrong... and what do you find? Ganondorf sitting on his arse on some chair, calling you not the hero that we all know Link is, but a 'little friend' of Midna's. The Ganon boss battle is very cool but again, waaaaayyyy too easy.


Now I love Twilight Princess, I think it's a great game but very rushed in the second half and I think there's elements of laziness on the developers part throughout.


Obviously many people will bash me for having a negative opinion about aspects of the game, not sure why really. Some of you need to open your eyes and try to understand my reasons for being disappointed, rather than just bashing me for saying negative things. It's not an easy thing to do, I'm as big a Zelda fan as the rest of you and because of that, I'm extremely pissed off by what this game could have been.


Give me 20 lines and I can tell you all the stuff that I LOVED about this game, but we've all heard it before.

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Motion, most things you say are utterly rubbish. Zant was beautifull when he flipped. He never thought Link would make it that far. ganondorf's power drove him insane. The story about Ganondorf itself is nicely thought of, and you get some idea of him through the game, instead of putting you in contact straight away. I think it was nice to reach ganondorf in the end and not quite knowing what to expect. i'm sory, motion, sometimes I agree with you, but you are far to drastic about it.


EDIT: totally right, DCK. He's ruined it himself because he expected way to much.

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We've gone in a circle again here THE ganondorf and motion2000. Are we planning on having a second or third installement of the same argument before it all starts from the begining yet again?

Haha no I wanna argue till the cows come home too.


As for the whole locations thing mentioned earlier:

Hyrule is the name of the planet.

Hyrule is the name of a region or country on the planet too.

Termina is some other country, I don't think it was another universe at least. I think it was still in the world of hyrule. But I guess you can disagree there, what with the moon and all.

Link's awakening takes place in a dream (or does it??!?!?!?! etc). I personally believe it does so it doesn't count. But I reckon it takes place after Windwaker.

Windwaker itself I'm not entirely sure. It did seem like a huge place, but maybe that was just the speed of the boat... I think it's either the country of hyrule, or the world of hyrule. It's more likely the country. But that begs the quesiton as to whether the whole world of Hyrule was flooded?


As for Labryna and Holodrum, I have an odd theory for those. I believe those take place inside the triforce pieces themselves rather than in an actual place. I believe it was where each of the godesses resided after they left Hyrule; or at least it was a gateway to where they now reside. It would explain why it was similar to Hyrule, with characters such as Jabujabu and the same races, but completely different concepts and people (powerful people) named after the godesses. Keep in mind that the third game (with Farore or whoever it was who wasn't given their own game) was canned because it was too complex.

Maybe I should start a thread, I've put a lot of thaught into it lol.


Anyway, I just thought I'd give my opinion of what Hyrule is...

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Motion, most things you say are utterly rubbish. Zant was beautifull when he flipped. He never thought Link would make it that far. ganondorf's power drove him insane. The story about Ganondorf itself is nicely thought of, and you get some idea of him through the game, instead of putting you in contact straight away. I think it was nice to reach ganondorf in the end and not quite knowing what to expect. i'm sory, motion, sometimes I agree with you, but you are far to drastic about it.


EDIT: totally right, DCK. He's ruined it himself because he expected way to much.


You think he was beautiful, I think he was rubbish and anticlimatic. The story about Ganondorf was thrown in at the last minute because they thought he had to be in the game in some form. Hence no real backstory, Link having no idea who he is etc... The fact remains: Hyrule had no idea they were in any danger. We have no idea what Ganondorf wanted or was even DOING and there was zero sense of danger throughout the game (apart from the twilight sections at the beginning which were the best part of the game for me)


You killed your game because you expected it to be perfect, Motion.


No I disagree, I expected a game as good if not better than OOT/MM and WW, in my opinion it wasn't even as good as any of them. After a 4 year wait I expected a Zelda game with that Zelda magical feel to it, this game fell flat on it's head. And more than half the people on this board have been saying the same thing.


The game was hyped up so much, it did prove to be a letdown.

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Oh yes, last minute. i'de like to see you throw something in there last minute. Look, motion, you're blowing it up and I want to point that out. Just stop it now. We've bein over this a thousand times and nobody seems to get agreed on this. The story is a thing that you like, or you don't. But don't talk about last minute, because games are not made the last minute. Games need time to be devloped and this story couldn't have bein realised the last minute.


I, eprsonally, think you're just trying to stand out from the crowd saying 'It's a great game' by giving your very straightforward opinion. Stop that will you, and give us some new, nice arguments that aren't totally taste-related. The story overal is good, even though it's a tried-and-tested formula. If you see stories like 'Save the princess kidnapped by a giant turtle and grab some stars along the way', you're talking about a crap story. I think you should spend you're time a little more in the game, not expecting to great things of it, but expecting it to make you happy. And it will. Now let's get some different arguments and stop the recycling. it's boring the hell out of me.

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Jasper you swap positions on the game every 5 seconds. One day you say it's a perfect game, the next it seems like you agree with me on everything.


Yes I firmly believe Ganondorf was thrown in at the last minute (by the way, I don't literaly mean the last 60 seconds).


Sorry to bore you, let's discuss something else about the game.

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I'm not changing my opinion and yes, you're right every once in a while. But ti's getting bored. The more I think about it, the more I feel for speaking you wrong. Because you're making a to big point to it. Yes, perhaps the story could have bein better, maybe we should have walked into Ganondorf a little earlier in the game, but does it make the game bad? I don't think so. I do'nt think the game is bad per se because we see the villian only in the end. it makes for a nice plot-twist. I'm sure they had Ganon in mind a long time before they finished the game. Now let's discuss some other hot topics, like what's the affair between Link an Illia and how cool it would be if we could transform into wolves. That kind of thing that seems to fit into the Zelda thread.

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I'm not changing my opinion and yes, you're right every once in a while. But ti's getting bored. The more I think about it, the more I feel for speaking you wrong. Because you're making a to big point to it. Yes, perhaps the story could have bein better, maybe we should have walked into Ganondorf a little earlier in the game, but does it make the game bad? I don't think so. I do'nt think the game is bad per se because we see the villian only in the end. it makes for a nice plot-twist. I'm sure they had Ganon in mind a long time before they finished the game. Now let's discuss some other hot topics, like what's the affair between Link an Illia and how cool it would be if we could transform into wolves. That kind of thing that seems to fit into the Zelda thread.


Firstly the only reason I wrote that little speech up there is because the_ganondorf was asking why I was "cussing" TP, I wouldn't have bothered had he not.


Hmmm... Link and Illia... maybe... dunno, can't really see them together oddly enough.

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this thread has got so fucking repetitititititive, maybe we should make it a general zelda thread so we can all chat about any game and the timeline and stuff, rather than repeating the echo'd comments about twilight princess for the next 2-3 years?


(see what i did back there?)

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bottom line is.... what other game compares?, perfect or not.


Yes this thread gets repetive. Why? Because every time we change the subject, some bloody asshole just pops in and drops an old subject again. King Mushroom did that this time. We were trying to change a discussion, and you just have to start it again, don't you? Djeezus. That's why this gets so incredibly repetive. Stop refering to things when we're discussing something else! God.

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About the timeline and such, Hyrule is old. Look at the maps and only two locations are absolute, Death Mountain and Temple of time (Master Sword piedestal). Some time after TT when the Castle was destroyed a new one was built over the ruins of Temple of time, Which later became flooded.

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About the timeline and such, Hyrule is old. Look at the maps and only two locations are absolute, Death Mountain and Temple of time (Master Sword piedestal). Some time after TT when the Castle was destroyed a new one was built over the ruins of Temple of time, Which later became flooded.


Seriously, mate, I have no idea what you are talking about.


Absolute? Do you even know what it means? temple of time rules!

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You're an idiot.


froztyman: good theory.


A good theory has been put forward by gametrailers.com in their 6 part retrospective.


In chronological order:


Minish Cap

Ocarina of Time


(the the timeline splits in two. Timeline A: the one before the 7 year period where Link is sent back to by Zelda after beating Ganon and Timeline B: after the 7 year period/Link defeats Ganon/Link is sent back ie: no hero of time)


Timeline A:


Majora's Mask (since Link is a child in it)

Link's Awakening



A Link to the Past

Oracle of Ages


Timeline B:


Wind Waker

Oracle of Seasons



Since the retrospective was done before Twilight Princess was released they hadn't placed it anywhere but suggested it could be before Wind Waker, with Phantom Hourglass after Wind Waker.


Obviously there would be many different heroes: Hero of Time, Hero of Winds, Hero of Twilight etc...

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