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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Question, please guys,


How do I cross the Bridge of Eldin? Do I just have to keep giving the guy money to fix the bridge? And if so, where's an easy place to get rupees?




You do that later in Gerudo desert. Not sure where you are, but you have to go another way around it.

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Question, please guys,


How do I cross the Bridge of Eldin? Do I just have to keep giving the guy money to fix the bridge? And if so, where's an easy place to get rupees?




The money you're giving to the guy is to fix the bridge into Hyrule Castle Town.


To fix the Bridge of Eldin warp to Gerudo Desert and go to that big stone tower sticking out of the ground; Midna will then let you warp it back to the Bridge of Eldin and you can now cross it. :grin:

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The money you're giving to the guy is to fix the bridge into Hyrule Castle Town.


To fix the Bridge of Eldin warp to Gerudo Desert and go to that big stone tower sticking out of the ground; Midna will then let you warp it back to the Bridge of Eldin and you can now cross it. :grin:


I've been past the desert. I've just finished Temple of Time and am nearing the end.


Then do that.

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The money you're giving to the guy is to fix the bridge into Hyrule Castle Town.


To fix the Bridge of Eldin warp to Gerudo Desert and go to that big stone tower sticking out of the ground; Midna will then let you warp it back to the Bridge of Eldin and you can now cross it. :grin:


So what's the guy at Kakariko asking for money for to fix the bridge? I'm sure he says Bridge of Eldin. Maybe i've got it wrong, lol. Thanks.

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What everyone seems to be forgetting is that people are different to one another. They like different things, its called an opinion, something that can't be wrong!


Personally I loved this game and at the moment rate it higher than OOT (oh my god kill me know, I'm clearly a fucking fanboy caught up in the hype, etc), however this is fresh in the mind, I played it more recently and so I can't really say for sure until it's settled in for a lot longer. Although the last three times I've tried to play Ocarina I lost interest after the Water Temple (twice) and the last time I lost interest after beating Gohma!


So people have stated their personal opinion about this game, sadly most have stated said opinions as fact, which, lets face it is a complete load of bollocks (not your opinion, just the way you have spouted them as gospel)!


So now I shall state some of my opinions.....


- For the most part, rubbish soundtrack.


Personally I never had a problem with the music, I loved the overworld theme and the music in Ordon at the start of the game, but too be honest I'm not the kind of person who gets too hooked up about the music, sure it's good to have fantastic music, but it doesn't destroy the game if the music isn't great!


- Very dodgy looking graphics in places.


This one I find rather strange, especially when comparing it to Ocarina! I loved the graphics all the way through the game, sure some of the textures were a bit dodgy, but the overall graphical/artistic feel was brilliant!


- Still far too easy.


It's on par with other Zelda games. You played Ocarina, what, 10 years ago? Of course your gonna find it harder - you were 10 years younger and a 3D Zelda game had never been done before. Today I find Ocarina a lot easier than Twilight Princess.


- Hyrule Field may be bigger but there's pretty much nothing to do in it.


As opposed to Ocarina's Lon Lon Ranch and The Great (read boring and endless) Sea from Wind Waker? I didn't have a problem with a lack of things to do in the field, the size allowed for new elements, such as the first Boar guy fight and the escort scenario (both of which I enjoyed).


- Kakariko Village is a joke. Empty, devoid of anything to do, population count of about 2.


This has been mentioned before, how can the dead come back!?


- Castle Town deceptively big. Again, not much to do.


Fair enough there isn't as much to do in Castle Town as some may have hoped, but for me this isn't an too big an issue, I would rather have a load of people that you can't talk to rather than a hundred who just spout meaningless crap! I get annoyed after a while going round talking to everyone if they're not gonna tell me anything worthwhile.


- Hardly any sidequests.


I don't play games to do sidequests, I play games to be told a story in an engaging and entertaining way. Besides I found the golden bug hunt enjoyable, mainly because it's something you can do as you go along.


- Dungeons 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are tiny.


I didn't find dungeons 6 or 7 to be small, I thoroughly enjoyed them. Dungeon 5 may have been a bit smaller than others (although by no means tiny), but it was full of so much character that I instantly fell in love with it (something that never happened in Ocarina).


- Travel time between dungeons 4 and 5, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 8 and 9 is practically non existant.


Again I'm not too bothered by this, the way I see it is that as Link is getting further and further into the adventure he begins to realise how important it is to get a move on with his quest, he needs to stop Zant and after speaking with the Sages after dungeon 4 he realises that there is an even more powerful presence behind it, hardly just gonna decide to take a few days off doing some crappy sidequest!


- Coolest items hardly get used apart from in their temple.


This is the same in all Zelda games, so just to criticise this rendition because of it is rather unfair!


- Very few note-worthy characters


Again I didn't find this. I loved the children (not so much Colin) and the bomb shop owner dude was cool. Telma was great, as was Illia, loved the scene when she finally gets her memory back, never felt as attached to any Ocarina or Wind Waker character.


- Buggy Z-Targeting/camera


I didn't have a problem with the camera, sure a free moving one, like in Wind Waker, would have been nice but as far as I'm concerned it didn't detract from the gameplay.


- NO SENSE OF URGENCY, DANGER, FOREBODING. Link could have sat in the field for 10 years and nothing would have happened. No sense of time scale like Majora's Mask.


I didn't really feel any sense of urgency in Ocarina, sure the land had been desolated over the seven years, but then all of a sudden it didn't get any worse once he was re-awakened! To me Twilight Princess is a different kind of danger, the kind that not everyone knows about, it isn't obvious (e.g. Majora's Mask), but Link knows it's there and as such you do as well.


- We have no clue what the final boss WANTED to do and no evidence that he was actually doing anything.


This adds to the sense of not knowing what to expect


- Link and final boss don't meet until the last second, big mistake.


I quite liked this fact, it's a bit different from other games, kinda means you're not entirely sure what your up against and so, in my opinion, adds to that sense of danger that you feel is lacking. Also I believe this is similar to A Link To The Past (probably my favourite Zelda game), were right near the end you find out that Aganhim is being controlled by Gannon (might be wrong about this)!


- Ending feels rushed.

- Second half of game feels rushed.


Basically the same point twice there! Like I mentioned earlier, to me it doesn't feel rushed.


- No spells, medallion type weapons or magic.


I'll admit a Dins Fire type spell would have been cool, but like you said the game was too easy, having massive magic attacks would have made easier still!


- Link picking up and marvelling at rupees every 5 seconds (and randomly)


It isn't random, it happens the first time you pick up a rupee of a certain colour (except green) when you reload a save game, admittedly it was a little annoying but not a major issue


- Castle town is no where near as cool as Clock Town or Windfall Island.


Again opinion being stated as fact!


- Story seems to have been made up as the developers went along.


The story seems fine to me, better than Ocarina's which in itself was a complete copy of A Link To The Past!


- Boss fights, while cool, are WAY too easy still.


True, the boss fights were easy, but they were still a lot better than previous Zelda bosses, besides I can (and as such I would imagine a few others can as well) defeat the likes of Morpha, Volvagia, King Dodongo dude without losing a single heart so its not as if they've gotten easier!


- Not the 70 hour adventure we were promised, more like 30-35.


This was never promised, just hype built up by idiots and retards! It still lasted longer than any other Zelda game I've played before (It took me about 50 hours and I still haven't done everything).


- No character, magic, soul in the entire game bar a couple of moments.


I found there to be just as much character, magic and soul in this game than any other Zelda title.


- Zora's domain and Goron mountain were a joke. A waterfall and a room where they fight? Give me a break.


Fair enough, I was a bit disappointed with the lack of a proper Goran City and Zora's domain, but I feel that the overall world makes up for this.


- Graveyard was no where near as cool as the one from OoT


Whilst there was more stuff to do in the Ocarina Graveyard, I much prefer the Twilight Princess one. It feels more eerie, has more atmosphere, is more.... well.... graveyard like! I loved the Zora graveyard hidden away as well, kinda makes all the races seem connected.


- Puzzles are very simple.


The puzzles were no simpler than Ocarina/Wind Waker, again this is probably more to do with the fact that you're used to the kind of things that you have to do.


- Nothing to do in Desert bar 1 thing, compared to Gerudo fortress + training ground, Desert Collusus and Wasteland from OoT


Thats because this Gerudo Desert was turned into a prison a long, long time ago, hardly gonna have a bustling city based around a fucking prison, talk about making it easy if someone escapes!


- Cutscenes showed promise but got crap after dungeon 4.


I loved the cutscenes all the way through the game, but again thats just personal opinion!


There, thats how I feel about the game, at this moment in time it is better than Ocarina and on par with A Link To The Past, but as I said this may just be because it's fresh in my mind so we shall have to see if I still feel this way after a while (maybe I'll try Ocarina again), but it is miles ahead of Wind Waker, I never actually finished that game becuase I lost interest!


It's late, I'm tired, I've been writing this reply for too long, but before I go just let me say one last thing.....


They're fucking opinions, everyone is different and so they're gonna feel differently about the game, just like all other fucking games, get over it!

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This whole thread could be summed up in one sentence: People need to stop comparing this game with Ocarina -


and I don't know why people don't like the music in TP. I LOVE the music - I can't get the Temple of Time dungeon music out of my head.

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Apparantly motion2000 has bein ranting a lot. You're right, Twilight Link, i think all of your (perhaps personal) arguments are catchy and true. And yes, they're opinions. Some people never understand that fact and personal opinion is not the same. it's like the objective taste. it doesn't exist. objective and personal? Impossible. We all experience game our own way. I know we have aged since Ocarina of Time - and maybe we should try to move on to different games. Since Ocarina of Time the games have become simpeler, yes, but maybe we have become used to the things within it and we should move on to something new.


Maybe it's time we al moved on to something else than Zelda. The Zelda-experience isn't new to us anymore - and I think that's why Ocainra of Time will be the best game of them all. Because, back then, we didn't know what was going to happen.

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Apparantly motion2000 has bein ranting a lot. You're right, Twilight Link, i think all of your (perhaps personal) arguments are catchy and true. And yes, they're opinions. Some people never understand that fact and personal opinion is not the same. it's like the objective taste. it doesn't exist. objective and personal? Impossible. We all experience game our own way. I know we have aged since Ocarina of Time - and maybe we should try to move on to different games. Since Ocarina of Time the games have become simpeler, yes, but maybe we have become used to the things within it and we should move on to something new.


Maybe it's time we al moved on to something else than Zelda. The Zelda-experience isn't new to us anymore - and I think that's why Ocainra of Time will be the best game of them all. Because, back then, we didn't know what was going to happen.


Nice to see someone else with a bit of sense!


I salute your sir

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But it does make for improvement. And looking at TP is better than looking at OoT.


I'd be very surprised if after 10 years the graphics remained the same. Of course looking at TP is better than looking at OoT. Having said that I think Wind Waker looks better.




I actually meant better quality sound, as in sound effect and clarity.


Sound effect fair enough. Sound in general, not a patch on OOT.



I was refering to the analogue stick of the n64. It was horrible to control. The camera was a hell of a lot worse than in TP, and movement was often hampered by the two.


Again 10 years you'd expect control to be better.




Yeah, if you completed it when it came out.


Take your head out of the sand: If you got someone new to Zelda to play the two of them today, I doubt they'd prefer OoT.


That's hilarious, a complete Zelda fanboy who thinks that the game can do no wrong telling ME to get my head out of the sand. I would still choose to play OOT/MM and WW and if the graphics and control mechanism on OOT were of TP standards, even more so!

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That's hilarious, a complete Zelda fanboy who thinks that the game can do no wrong telling ME to get my head out of the sand. I would still choose to play OOT/MM and WW and if the graphics and control mechanism on OOT were of TP standards, even more so!


Seriously, I agree with Fanman. Sure, we all have this nostalgic feeling about OoT, but I do think that new gamers will prefer TP. It just looks and plays better. Playing ocarina of time now, some of the spark is going to be lost, as this is an oooold game, and the first zelda to be 3D.


Obviously, most of us will prefer Ocarina, as we were there during its release and grew up with it, etc. However, new gamers are in for a treat with TP.

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I respect your opinion completely, but can you not at least see my point on some of these??



Personally I never had a problem with the music, I loved the overworld theme and the music in Ordon at the start of the game, but too be honest I'm not the kind of person who gets too hooked up about the music, sure it's good to have fantastic music, but it doesn't destroy the game if the music isn't great!


The overworld, Ordon, and Kakariko were good. The rest were forgetful and the rehashes of OOT tunes saved the soundtrack from being a complete failure. Oddly enough the point at which the Serenade of Water plays was one of the most memorable scenes for me.




This one I find rather strange, especially when comparing it to Ocarina! I loved the graphics all the way through the game, sure some of the textures were a bit dodgy, but the overall graphical/artistic feel was brilliant!


I'm not comparing it graphically to Ocarina (a 10 year old game). I'm saying in general the graphics are very dodgy in places.




It's on par with other Zelda games. You played Ocarina, what, 10 years ago? Of course your gonna find it harder - you were 10 years younger and a 3D Zelda game had never been done before. Today I find Ocarina a lot easier than Twilight Princess.


True but even playing OOT now I'd still find them equally as easy. When will Nintendo learn to put SOME challenge into Zelda games.




As opposed to Ocarina's Lon Lon Ranch and The Great (read boring and endless) Sea from Wind Waker? I didn't have a problem with a lack of things to do in the field, the size allowed for new elements, such as the first Boar guy fight and the escort scenario (both of which I enjoyed).


The Great Sea had a huge number of islands where you could do cool stuff in, so that point is mute. The Ocarina of Time hyrule field is indeed relatively empty but at least it's got more than 3 hidden caves. And being the first 3D Zelda game ever, as well as 10 years old, it's not exactly the yard stick to be measured against. Without comparing it to any other Zelda game, the field is devoid of anything which makes its size pretty pointless.


This has been mentioned before, how can the dead come back!?


Hmmm, can't remember this happening but even if it did it was a cop out by Nintendo which saved them actually having to have more than 1 town. I can't believe that after the past 2 Zelda games we're STILL looking for a second town.


Fair enough there isn't as much to do in Castle Town as some may have hoped, but for me this isn't an too big an issue, I would rather have a load of people that you can't talk to rather than a hundred who just spout meaningless crap! I get annoyed after a while going round talking to everyone if they're not gonna tell me anything worthwhile.


I'm not asking for us to be able to talk to people on the street, that I'm happy with. What I'm not happy with is there's what, 6 places we can go in Castle Town? Where are all the games? The Star game is good once and that's it. Where are the rupee winning games or excitement?




I don't play games to do sidequests, I play games to be told a story in an engaging and entertaining way. Besides I found the golden bug hunt enjoyable, mainly because it's something you can do as you go along.


The golden bug hunt was fine, but a lot of people like sidequests in their Zelda games and this is yet another area of the game that was lacking.




I didn't find dungeons 6 or 7 to be small, I thoroughly enjoyed them. Dungeon 5 may have been a bit smaller than others (although by no means tiny), but it was full of so much character that I instantly fell in love with it (something that never happened in Ocarina).


7 wasn't small fine but 5 and especially 6 were microscopic. But 5 was cool I agree. Still the fact that the first 4 dungeons were double the size of the last 5 was disappointing to say the least.




Again I'm not too bothered by this, the way I see it is that as Link is getting further and further into the adventure he begins to realise how important it is to get a move on with his quest, he needs to stop Zant and after speaking with the Sages after dungeon 4 he realises that there is an even more powerful presence behind it, hardly just gonna decide to take a few days off doing some crappy sidequest!


I'm not asking for Link to take time off doing side quests, I'm asking for more stuff to do to be able to GET into the remaining temples like in OOT/MM/WW. There was none of this in TP with the exception of dungeon 7. And Link feels he needs to get a move on? I doubt it, he hasn't really felt threatened by anything after dungeon 3 so he probably felt he had all the time in the world.



This is the same in all Zelda games, so just to criticise this rendition because of it is rather unfair!


I don't care if it's the same in all Zeldas (though not WW), the fact is, it shouldn't be like this in THIS Zelda. Again you'd think the developers would have learned by now.


Again I didn't find this. I loved the children (not so much Colin) and the bomb shop owner dude was cool. Telma was great, as was Illia, loved the scene when she finally gets her memory back, never felt as attached to any Ocarina or Wind Waker character.


Those characters were cool but there weren't any others.


I didn't have a problem with the camera, sure a free moving one, like in Wind Waker, would have been nice but as far as I'm concerned it didn't detract from the gameplay.


It's a bit of a step back though isn't it? Being able to move the camera around would have been brilliant. Even something as simple as holding C and moving the anologue stick would have been fine. Also when you're fighting bad guys in a corner the camera goes mega close up and you can't see anything. The analog stick makes Link go in odd directions I've noticed at times as well.


I didn't really feel any sense of urgency in Ocarina, sure the land had been desolated over the seven years, but then all of a sudden it didn't get any worse once he was re-awakened! To me Twilight Princess is a different kind of danger, the kind that not everyone knows about, it isn't obvious (e.g. Majora's Mask), but Link knows it's there and as such you do as well.


Well with OOT, that devastation took years to manifest themselves, how much worse were you expecting them to get after a few days? "a different kind of danger"? Please. It makes the game completely anonymous, no one knows what Link is doing and as such doesn't get any recognition for his deeds. As such there's no feeling of epic-ness. I'm surprised you don't agree with me on this because this is probably the biggest thing wrong with TP.




This adds to the sense of not knowing what to expect


Oh come on.



I quite liked this fact, it's a bit different from other games, kinda means you're not entirely sure what your up against and so, in my opinion, adds to that sense of danger that you feel is lacking. Also I believe this is similar to A Link To The Past (probably my favourite Zelda game), were right near the end you find out that Aganhim is being controlled by Gannon (might be wrong about this)!


I disagree very strongly about this. Imagine if you hadn't met Zant the first time, how much worse it would be when you fight him because there'd be no history, he wouldn't have done anything to YOU/Link to anger him etc...


Basically the same point twice there! Like I mentioned earlier, to me it doesn't feel rushed.


If you play through the game a second time, as I am, you'll realise that dungeons 1 to 4 are great, but after that the game feels very rushed, as many others on this topic have agreed.


I'll admit a Dins Fire type spell would have been cool, but like you said the game was too easy, having massive magic attacks would have made easier still!


Well an extra magic spell wouldn't have lowered the difficulty by huge amounts but anyway.


It isn't random, it happens the first time you pick up a rupee of a certain colour (except green) when you reload a save game, admittedly it was a little annoying but not a major issue


Ok well I meant after you re-open a save file which people will be doing many times throughout their game.


Again opinion being stated as fact!


True. But others on here agree.


The story seems fine to me, better than Ocarina's which in itself was a complete copy of A Link To The Past!


There is no story! Certainly not after dungeon 4!! It's a big mess of collect these things then fight the bad guy who hasn't really been doing that much since we last saw him.



This was never promised, just hype built up by idiots and retards! It still lasted longer than any other Zelda game I've played before (It took me about 50 hours and I still haven't done everything).


50 hours seems a fair bit considering most seem to have finished it in 40 on here. Still the 70 was said in an interview by a Nintendo exec.


I found there to be just as much character, magic and soul in this game than any other Zelda title.


Again, a huge number of people on this thread disagree.


Fair enough, I was a bit disappointed with the lack of a proper Goran City and Zora's domain, but I feel that the overall world makes up for this.


How can it? There's not much to do in the field. Gorons and Zoras were cool in OOT and MM. They had character, recurring characters, their own city. Here they're mindless things with no spirit, no cool locations and of very little consequence to the story.


Thats because this Gerudo Desert was turned into a prison a long, long time ago, hardly gonna have a bustling city based around a fucking prison, talk about making it easy if someone escapes!


Still, more empty space on the supposedly HUGE overworld.


I loved the cutscenes all the way through the game, but again thats just personal opinion!


Ok well I found them to be good at the start but as with much in the game, went downhill half way through.


There, thats how I feel about the game, at this moment in time it is better than Ocarina and on par with A Link To The Past, but as I said this may just be because it's fresh in my mind so we shall have to see if I still feel this way after a while (maybe I'll try Ocarina again), but it is miles ahead of Wind Waker, I never actually finished that game becuase I lost interest!


Big shame that you gave up on Wind Waker, it's an awesome game.


Seriously, I agree with Fanman. Sure, we all have this nostalgic feeling about OoT, but I do think that new gamers will prefer TP. It just looks and plays better. Playing ocarina of time now, some of the spark is going to be lost, as this is an oooold game, and the first zelda to be 3D.


Obviously, most of us will prefer Ocarina, as we were there during its release and grew up with it, etc. However, new gamers are in for a treat with TP.


You're probably right.

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I respect your opinion completely, but can you not at least see my point on some of these??[/Quote]


Yeah, we see your point. But, for every point, there's always a counterpoint. That's the whole fun of discussing. :)




The overworld, Ordon, and Kakariko were good. The rest were forgetful and the rehashes of OOT tunes saved the soundtrack from being a complete failure. Oddly enough the point at which the Serenade of Water plays was one of the most memorable scenes for me.[/Quote]



I think its all down to taste. I loved the overworld theme, and I think the music is pretty awesome overall. I wouldn't even say it was near a complete failure. A bit extreme, Imo.





I'm not comparing it graphically to Ocarina (a 10 year old game). I'm saying in general the graphics are very dodgy in places.[/Quote]


Where would you say the graphics looked quite dodgy?

I think this game is pretty nice graphically. Lake Hylia looks bluddy awesome graphically, as does Hyrule field.





True but even playing OOT now I'd still find them equally as easy. When will Nintendo learn to put SOME challenge into Zelda games.[/Quote]


I don't think we're ever going to see a really, rock hard Zelda game. Nintendo wants everyone to get to the end of this game. I gave up on Metroid Prime at a few points, simply because I got frustrated. Plus, this has to appeal to a new generation of fans, some of whom have never played past Zelda games. I think they have to strike a fine balance between getting it right for older fans and new gamers.

I think TP is better than the Wind Waker in that respect.





The Great Sea had a huge number of islands where you could do cool stuff in, so that point is mute. The Ocarina of Time hyrule field is indeed relatively empty but at least it's got more than 3 hidden caves. And being the first 3D Zelda game ever, as well as 10 years old, it's not exactly the yard stick to be measured against. Without comparing it to any other Zelda game, the field is devoid of anything which makes its size pretty pointless.[/Quote]


The downside is, the world in the Wind Waker had relatively few big islands. So, it sorta did the opposite.

With Hyrule field, I've noticed quite a few caves or just other things, like heart pieces/chests. There is actually quite a fair bit if you ride around. In the next game, I hope they expand on this, but I'm pretty happy with the way it is at the moment.




I'm not asking for us to be able to talk to people on the street, that I'm happy with. What I'm not happy with is there's what, 6 places we can go in Castle Town? Where are all the games? The Star game is good once and that's it. Where are the rupee winning games or excitement?[/Quote]


Castle Town is good, but I think there is always room for expansion. I quite liked the fortune teller in one of the backstreets.

The one thing I would prefer is more nightlife. A city that comes alive at night. Maybe some things you can only do at night, for example.





The golden bug hunt was fine, but a lot of people like sidequests in their Zelda games and this is yet another area of the game that was lacking.



As with castle town, there is always room for improvement. I think Nintendo have to get that balance right. So far, I don't think it's been spot on in any of the 3D zelda games, as the game tends to lean to one side:


OoT = main quest

MM = Sidequest

WW= Sidequest

TP = main quest






7 wasn't small fine but 5 and especially 6 were microscopic. But 5 was cool I agree. Still the fact that the first 4 dungeons were double the size of the last 5 was disappointing to say the least.[/Quote]


Hmm, I didn't think the 5th and 6th were THAT small to be honest. Any larger, and I think that they would've got a bit repetitive. I would have to say that they were about the right size, in my opinion.





I'm not asking for Link to take time off doing side quests, I'm asking for more stuff to do to be able to GET into the remaining temples like in OOT/MM/WW. There was none of this in TP with the exception of dungeon 7. And Link feels he needs to get a move on? I doubt it, he hasn't really felt threatened by anything after dungeon 3 so he probably felt he had all the time in the world.



Ok, there's room for improvement there as well. However, I've never really thought that there was a great deal of urgency in OoT either. I think the one which had me running around like a madman was MM.




It's a bit of a step back though isn't it? Being able to move the camera around would have been brilliant. Even something as simple as holding C and moving the anologue stick would have been fine. Also when you're fighting bad guys in a corner the camera goes mega close up and you can't see anything. The analog stick makes Link go in odd directions I've noticed at times as well.[/Quote]


I wasn't too bothered by the lack of camera movement by the player, but it would be good to see it implemented for others.



I'm gonna call it a day there. Tooooo many points to quote. :(

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Maybe it's time we al moved on to something else than Zelda. The Zelda-experience isn't new to us anymore - and I think that's why Ocainra of Time will be the best game of them all. Because, back then, we didn't know what was going to happen.


Unless you played a Link to the Past beforehand, because OoT is very derivative of it, hell it even had an ocarina.


As far as TP's game length, i thought it was perfect. The Ordon village piece at the beginning dragged on too long but the rest of the game pushed you from one awesome dungeon to the next, without too many insulting fetch quests and useless Rupee/Heart Piece caves. Perfect for people that have surpassed puberty but still love the occasional Zelda game

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I can't get to the boss's lair. I've got the boss key, and I'm right back in the main big room, right back at the start of the temple. I go through the door in the middle (as thats the way to the boss) and it takes me outside. There's a big fan thats turned off. There appears to be no way to turn it back on. And, there's these big things that you can grapple onto. However, you get halfway and there appears to be nothing else to grab onto. Grrr. This is so fucking annoying.

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Look up in main room (but bear in mind to reach 'it' you'll have to go through the whole dungeon again to the point where it leads you back into the main room)


I see that thing, but I still have no idea to reach it. I've gone back to the rooms above it (the one with the floor fan and the room you get the boss key, and I have no club what to do. There's already one of those things that I have de/activitated to turn off the floor fan.


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